Coll., collective noun
Imp., imperative
Neg., negative particle
Note for readers of Everran’s Bane who find word variants. This glossary uses eastern spelling, while Harran’s tale was written down in the west.
aedr (pl. aedryx), in common sense, wizard. In aedric usage, practitioner of Ruanbrarx, q.v.
ahltar, sun
Ahlthor, Phaxian deity. From ahltar, sun, nur-nor, white
Alkir, Assharran personal name. Lit. Sower, from kyre, to sow
alsyr, peace. From ax, neg., syre, to weep
Ammath, evil. From ax, neg., math, good
anor, song, tale
a’sparre, aedric art. From ax, neg., yn-ynx, hands, sparthe, to kill
Assharral, empire. From asshar, roof-tree.
asterne, watch-tower, outpost
Astyros, Assharran border fortification. Lit. Wide-wall, from ax, neg. tyr, narrow, os, wall
ax, negative particle
Axaira Assharran province. Lit. No-farewell, from ax, neg., xaira, parting
axos, aedric art. To blind, from ax, neg., os, sing. eye
axvyr, infinity. From ax, neg., vyrne, last, end
axynbrarve, aedric art. Telekinesis. Lit. to act without hands, from ax, yn-ynx, briarve, all q.v.
az, blue
Azmaere, Phaxian range. From az, blue, maer, shadow
belphan, bay
ber, sea
Berrian, aedric personal name. Lit. Sea-fire or flame
Bhassan, Assharran town. Lit. smoke-place, from bhassa, smoke
brenx, peak
breve, pass
briave, to act, with sense of having power/competency to do so
caissyn, sugar-cane. From cau, stick, ais, sweet
cennaphar, sandalwood
Cessala, Assharran district. Lit. Sugar-land, corruption of caissyn, sugar-cane, q.v.
chake, aedric art. To command by compulsion
cletho, mud
clethra, mangrove tree
Climbros, Assharran province. Lit. grain-walls, from climbar, grain, os, wall
clythkemmon, Lyretail menura. From clythx, heart, kemmon, tail
Colne Clethra, Assharran fort. Lit. Mangrove Four, from clethra, mangrove, colne, four
culphan, cape
darre, taipan
Darrhan, aedric personal name. Lit. taipan-tongue. Venomous
Darrior, Assharran province. From darrith, room, space
del, gold
Delostar, aedric personal name. Lit. Wall or Eye of the Golden Flower, from del, gold, os, eye or wall, tar, flower
delryr, poinciana. From del, gold, rien, crimson, nur-nor, white
deve, valley
Deve Gaz, Lit. Fallen Valley, from gase, to fall
Deve Saedryx Korven Battlefield. Aedric oath. From deve, valley, sal, sour, bitter, korb, korven, ghost
Eakring Ithyrx, archipelago. From eakring, island, ithyr, spice
earnn, “kikuyu” grass
el-ela, coll. tree
elond, ironbark tree
emvath, lantana. From ema, poison, vath, shrub
end, apple
ensal, “quinine” tree. Lit. bitter-apple
Eskan Helken, Lit. Red Castle
Etalveth, Assharran town. From etal, sunset, veth, first, i.e. westernmost
Ethryn, Alpha and Beta Centauri. From ethyre, to point, indicate
Everran, Confederate kingdom. Possible corruption of Berrian, q.v.
eygnor, magpie. Lit. black-white, from eygja, black, nor, white, with play on anor, song
fanx (pl. fann), dog
femaere, demon. Lit. cruel-shadow, from feng, moon, fell, cruel, with supernatural overtones
fendel (pl. fendellin), Assharran currency. From feng, moon, del, gold
feng, moon
Fengela, Lit. Moontree, from feng, moon, el-ela, tree. Matriarch of the Morheage, q.v. Also Assharran mythical being
Fengsaeva, Lit. Moon-wind. From saeva, wind
fengthir, aedric art. To command imperceptibly. Lit. to draw like the moon
Fengthira, aedric personal name. Lit. moonlight. From feng, moon, thira, light
ferrathil, bellbird. Corruption of pirra, bird, thellis, bell
ferroth, pawpaw
fing-fyng, green
finghend, emerald. Lit. green stone
Firkemmon, Scorpio. From fir, sting, kemmon, tail
Frimmor, Assharran province. From ferim, dairy-herd
Fylghjos, aedric personal name. Lit. Granite-eyes, from os, eye, fylg, granite
fyr-x, kelpie sheep-dog
gar, skin, hide
gas, spear
gastath, lancewood tree. From gas, spear, tath, wood
Gazzal, Lit. The Fall, from past. part. of gase, to fall
Gazzarien, Assharran district. From gazzal, the fall
Gazzath, Lit. The Fallers
geber, east
Gebria, Everran province. Lit. east-land
Gebros, Lit. East-wall, from geber, east, os, wall
Gerperra, whip-bird. From pirra, bird, ger, whip
Gesarre, Everran district. Lit. East-flower
Gevber, Lit. East-sea, from ber, sea, geber, east
ghend, stone
Gjerven, Assharran province. From gjer, grass, ven, way, road
gyar, foot (Gjerven dialect)
hasselian, swamp. From haz, earth, ilien, water
havos, spider. Aedric line
Haz, Sky-lord worshipped in Everran. Lit. earth
Hazghend. Lit. Earthstone, from haz, earth, ghend, stone. Aedric line. Confederate nation
hazian, ruby. Lit. earth-fire, from haz, earth, iahn, fire, flame
Hazyk, inhabitant of Hazghend, q.v.
heagar, banyan fig. From heage, branch, gyar, foot (Gjerven dialect)
heage, branch (tree) family (sentient beings)
Heagian, aedric line. Lit. fire-branch, often called Flametree
Helkents, Confederate range. Untranslatable term for red of earth or rock
hellien, eucalyptus. Coll. from ilien, water, el-ela, tree
helmyn, pandanus tree. From helym, barb, yb-ynx, hand
helve, V., imp., to go
Heshyr, Arcturus. From heshyr, shepherd, from huesh, coll., sheep
hethel, olive. Lit. desert-tree
Hethox, indigenous Hethrian inhabitant
Hethria, country. Lit. desert-land
hisgal, box tree. From his, gray, gar, skin
histh, gray
Histhira, Confederate range, aedric line. Lit. gray-light, from histh, gray, thira, light
hisyrx, heron. From his, gray, yrk-yrx, legs
Holym, Confederate country. Coll. cattle
hyrne, fang
Iahn, Sky-lord worshipped in Everran. Lit. fire, flame
idrigg, cold
Ilien, Sky-lord worshipped in Everran. Lit. water
Iliennor, Lit. water-song
imlann, prized type of wood. Poss. “dead finish” tree
imsar Math, invocation. In the name of Math, q.v. below
istarel, saltbush. Lit. salt-tree, from istar, salt, el-ela, tree
kanna, banana
keerphar, bauhinia tree
keld, mine
Kemrestan, Assharran province. From kemres, border, march
Kemreswash, Everran River. Lit. border-water. From kemres, border, wash, river
Kenath, Assharran town. Lit. sale-place, from kenar, auction
ker, house, in sense of dynastic dwelling place
Ker Morrya, Lit. Black Keep, from ker, house, morg, black
kerym, lake
Kerym Cletho, Gjerven lake. Lit. Mud-lake
kymman, tamarind tree
langu, python. Assharran semi-mythical being
lase-lash, suffix, meeting, crossroad, junction
lathare, aedric art. “Mindspeech,” verbal telepathic transmission
Latharyn, Lit. The speakers. V. Ystryn. Assharran form of Tarot
lethar, dream
letharthir, aedric art. To mesmerise. Lit. to make dream, from lethar, dream, thire, to be.
lisbyr, rainmaker. From lisva, rain, byr, Ulven corruption of briave, to act, q.v.
Lisdrinos, Assharran forest. From drinos, forest, lisva, rain
los, spring, or contraction of lios, face
Los Morryan, Lit. Blackwater Spring
Lossian, aedric personal name. Lit. The Well or Face of Flame
Los Therystar, legendary spring. Lit. Well of the Purple Flowers. From theryx, purple, tar, flower.
Los Velandryxe Thira, aedric artefact. From los, well, velandryxe, wisdom, thira, light
Losvure, Lit. Sky-faces. From lios, face, os, eye, vur, sky
lydel, possum. Lit. tree-hopper, from el-ela, tree, lyde, to hop
lydwyr, kangaroo. From lyde, to leap, hop, wyre, great
lydyr, hopper. Coll. Small marsupials, bandicoot, paddy melon, kangaroo rat, etc. From lyde, to hop
ly’ffanx, kangaroo dog. From lydwyr, kangaroo, fanx, fann, dog
lyng, morning
Lynghyrne, Confederate mountain. Lit. fang of the morning
Lyngthira, country. Lit. morning light, from lyng, morning, thira, light
lythian, poinsettia. From lythe, leaf, iahn, fire, flame
maer, shadow
Maerdrigg, aedric personal name. Lit. cold shadow, from maer, shadow, idrigg, cold
Maerheage, aedric line. From maer, shadow, heage, family
maerian, opal. From maer, shadow, iahn, fire, flame
Mallerstang, Assharran town. Lit. orchid-cross, from mallar, orchid, tang, cross
math, good
Math, abstraction. Aedric equivalent of god
meldene, west. Region of Everran
morg, black
morgar, black-butt tree. From morg, black, gar, hide, skin
Morglis, Lit. black-nose. Confederate cape. In Assharral, black kite. From morg, black, perraglis, hawk
Morheage, aedric line. From morg, black, heage, family
Morhyrne, Assharran mountain. Lit. Black-fang
Moriana, aedric personal name. Lit. Black Fire
Morrya, Assharran province. Lit. Black-land, ref. to volcanic soil
morsyr, black widow spider. From morg, black, syr, widow, from syre, to weep
morval, crow. From morg, black, val, wing
nerran, swamp tree
nerrys, ocean
Nerrysyr, ocean. Lit. peaceful ocean, from alsyr, peace, from ax, not, syre, to weep
Nervia, Assharran province. From nerev, banker, money-lender
norgal, ti-tree, paperbark. Coll., from nor, white, gar, skin, el, tree
os, eye or wall
Othan, Phaxian river. Lit. strong
pellathir, aedric art. To cause illusion. From pelere, to bear, carry, lethar, dream
perra, eagle. Corruption of pirra, bird
perraglis, hawk. From perra, eagle, aglis, small
perridel, coll. wattle-tree. From per, silver, del, gold, el-ela, tree
perrilys, fish-eagle. From perra, eagle, ilys, fish
Phamazan, Phaxian capital. Lit. The Gathering
pharaon, Lit. maker, creator. Loose aedric usage for “god”
pharaone, aedric art. Telepathic vision. From phare, to see
Pharaon Lethar, Lit. maker’s dream. Aedric term for (1.) The physical universe, (2.) The Other World of ghosts and shamans. Cf. Hindu concept of Brahm who creates by “dreaming” the world
phare, V. to see. Aedric art, to “read” an entire psyche
pharraz, farmer. Lit. earth-seer, from phare, to see, haz, earth
pharyn, Lit. seers. Assharran Tarot. V. Ystryn and Latharyn
phathire, aedric art. Lit. see-being, from, phare, to see, thire, to be. Mental re-creation of the past
Phathos, soothsayer. Lit. seeing eye, from phare, to see, os, eye
Phatrexe, aedric art. From phare, to see, trexe, to write. To imprint telepathic messages on matter, keyed to correct receiver
Phaxia, country. Lit. The People
Quarred, Confederate country
quennis, lawyer cane. From quienn, hook
ras, source
Rastyr, Lit. Port-head, from tyr, narrow or port
rhodel (pl. rhodellin), gold coinage of Everran. From rho, round, del, gold
rhonur, cotton. From rho, round, nur, white
riendel, cocky-apple tree. From rien, crimson, el, tree
riengjer, kangaroo grass. From rien, crimson, gjer, grass
rienglis, red kite. From rien, crimson, perraglis, hawk
Rienvur, Mars. Lit. crimson-brow
rivannon, scented tree, possible kind of cassia
rovperra, kookaburra. From pirra, bird, rove, to laugh at, mock
ruan, mind
Ruanbrarx, aedric arts. Lit. mind-acts, from ruan, mind, briarx, past. part. of briave, to act, q.v.
Ruanbraxe, aedric art. From ruan, mind, braxe, shield. To block from other aedryx’ awareness
ruand, numeral one. Also leader, head capital, etc.
saeva, wind
saeveryr, wagtail. Also Cape, “where the wind turns,” from saeva, wind, ryde, rythe, to turn
Saevetir, south wind
Salasterne, Assharran fort. Lit. sour-watch, from sal, sour, asterne, lookout
salgar, Lit. bitter-bark, from sal, bitter, sour, gar, skin, bark. Assharran version of cinchona bark
Saphar, capital of Everran. Lit. delight
Sathel (pl. Sathellin), wanderer, nomad
scarthe, aedric art. Telepathic perception. Lit. to read verbal thought
Selionur, Sirius. From selloth, stars, lios, face, nor-nur, white
Sellithar, personal name. Lit. Star-flower
sellothahr, frangipani tree. Lit. Sun-star, from selloth, stars, ahltar, sun
skos, broad
slief, plateau, tableland
slithil, ibis. Lit. water-knife, from ilien, water, slith, knife
stiriand, north. Region of Everran. Aedric line
Stirian Ven, highway. Lit. North Road
Stirsselian, Lit. North-swamp, from hasselian, swamp, from haz, earth, ilien, water
syvel, wilga tree. From syve, thick, el-ela, tree
tar, flower
tarsal, gidgee tree. Lit. sour-flower
taskgjer, Mitchell grass. From task, tussock, gjer, grass
Tasmar, Assharran province. From tassa, cloth
tathrien, red cedar. From tath, wood, rien, crimson
Taven, Lit. wood-road, from tath, wood, ven, road
Tengorial, Assharran town. Lit. cleared-land, from tengre, to clear, cut down
terrephaz, brolga. From az, blue, terre, to dance
terrepher, lyretail menura. From per, silver, terre, to dance
terrian, jacaranda. Corruption of theryx, purple, iahn, flame
Thangar, Assharran province. From thangos, hilly
Th’Iahn, aedric personal name. Lit. The Flame
thillian, diamond. Lit. light-water-fire, from thira, light, ilien, water, iahn, flame
thira, light
Thiryx, Sky-lord, worshipped in Everran. Lit. air. See Haz, Ilien and Iahn
thorgan, king
Thor’stang, aedric chess. Lit. king’s-war, from thorgan, king, gastang, war
thrithan, bamboo
tingan, lyretail menura. From tingrith, all, han, tongue
tingrith, numeral. Eight, all. Quarred government, loose confederation of aedric lines
Tirien, aedric line. Lit. south water, from tirs, south, ilien, water
tirs, south. Everran region
Tirstang, Crux Australis. From tirs, south, tang, cross
tyr, narrow. Port, in Hazyk dialect
Tyr Cletho, From tyr, port, cletho, mud
Tyr Coryan, Lit. Maze-port, from tyr, port, coryan, maze, labyrinth
Tyrwash, Lit. narrow-river. Aedric line
ulfann, dingoes. From ulce, wild, fanx, fann, pl. dog
Ulven, Neolithic Gjerven tribe. From ulce, wild, Gjerven, province, q.v.
Valinhynga, Venus. Lit. horns of the morning, corruption of valin, horn, lyng, morning
Vallin Taskar, Assharran landmark. From vallin, horns, taskar, gate
Velandryxe, wisdom. Lit. high-vision, from vel, high, andeir, second or non-physical sight
velandyr, sage. Lit. high-seer
Veldisk, Phaxian plateau. From vel, high, disyk, brown
ven, highway, main road
Vendring, Assharran town. Lit. road-works, from ven, road
Ven Selloth, Milky Way. From ven, road, selloth, stars
veth, first
Vorn, aedric personal name. Lit. the tooth
Vyrenia, country. Lit. last-land, from vyrne, last
Vyrlase, Lit. Last-meeting, from vyrne, last, lase, meeting, crossing-place
vyrne, Lit. the last. Nickname of Vorn, q.v.
Vyrne Taskar, Phaxian province. Lit. last-gate, from vyrne, last, taskar, gate
wash, river
wreve, V. to master, control
wreve-lan’x, aedric art. Beast mastery, from wreve, control, lanyx, coll., beast
wreve-lethar, aedric art. Lit. to control the dream, i.e. to control or change the world. From lethar, the dream, aedric term for universe
wreviane, aedric art. Pyrokinesis
wrevurx, aedric art. To control the weather. From wreve, control, vur, sky
wrock, ridge, esp. watershed
wyre, great
wyresparyx, goanna. From wyre, great, emsparyx, lizard, from yrk, yrx, legs, and emspar, snake, from ema, poison, sparthe, to kill
Xaira, farewell, separation, aedric myth of same
xhen, aloe vera. From xhen, burnt, past. part. of xhiane, to burn
yazyk-yx, thief
yeld, blood
yeldtar, poppy. Lit. blood-flower. Juice used as soporific
yeltath, bloodwood tree. From yeld, blood, tath, wood
yst, truth
Ystanyrx, Lit. true songs. Cosmogony as preserved by Everran harpers
Ystir, Invocation. Truth it is
Ystryn, Assharran Tarot cards. Lit. truth-tellers. See also Latharyn.
yx, sing., before, pl., eyes
yxphare, aedric art. Lit. to see before. Clairvoyance
Zem-and-Zam, Assharran personal names. Lit. This-and-That
Zyphryr Coryan, Assharran capital. From zyph, city, wyre, great, coryan, maze, labyrinth