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Kitty Sue
Three Years Later...
“Your time is running out Kitty-Cat.” A voice sounds before my phone hangs up.
“I’m telling you guys... I don’t know why she’s suddenly showing up now. It’s been years! Why now?” I ask, pacing my living room for what has to be the hundredth time since getting off the phone with the crazy, demon bitch who apparently has some kind of vendetta against me. My fiancé, Sebastian Hunter, and my close friend, Salem Luck, stare at me, both sporting identical frowns.
“Well, how many demons did you piss off before the séance three years ago?” Sebastian asks, his black hair in desperate need of a cut, and his blue eyes flickering with his new magic. Up until a few months ago, he was just a normal, non-magic human. That was, until he killed an evil warlock to save our best friend, Trinity Silvers, and gained the douche-bag’s powers. I still worry if it’s going to either dissipate or turn him evil. I shake my head, demons, right.
“I don’t know. It’s not like many demons come up to me in the street and say, hey! I’m an evil spawn of Satan!” I glare at him. Salem rolls her pretty, jade eyes.
“You know, we should probably get Sophie and Dom over here. At least have the four of us until Trin returns from London in a few weeks.” I sigh, missing my friend. She had fallen in love with a witch who was originally going to destroy her. Love is a funny thing. He fell for her, and now she’s staying with him in his English Manor. Go figure... I watch Salem play with one of her red curls, one of her nervous habits. If it was up to her I would be contacting Trinity and demanding her to return to the states. I’m not the kind of person to ruin my friend’s happiness. Especially since this is the first time she has been truly happy in years.
“They’re both working.” I respond knowing the two witches, Sophie King and Dominic Thompson, she is speaking of can’t afford to miss more work. You see, a couple months ago, Trinity had been kidnapped, and we had all gone to Germany of all places to rescue her. I had used vacation time for the trip. Salem hadn’t been as lucky and ended up being fired from her job as a waitress. She is currently living off doing her one true passion photography. The three weddings and five newborn shoots she’s done have been keeping her afloat. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that Trinity’s boyfriend, Tobias Liam, was paying a lot of her bills without her knowledge. Sometimes it pays to be a Lord in England.
“What about that time in high school?” Sebastian pipes up suddenly. His little flame man snuffing out. I scowl at his use of magic. He had gained fire magic from the warlock, and enjoyed making little fire people. Salem’s head tilts in confusion.
“What time in high school?” She asks, and it takes me a minute to realize that he’s talking about a trip to Boston our senior year. We had gone on a marching band trip. We had been able to visit a plethora of old churches and a few graveyards. Salem wasn’t on that trip, choosing sports over music.
“You don’t think it would be the same demon?” I ask trying to remember that incident.
“What are you two talking about?” Salem asks, frustration apparent on her face. If there’s one thing Salem hates, it’s being left out of a conversation.
“Senior year of high school, when we went on that trip to Boston.” I say, feeling a headache coming on. “We went to a cemetery. Sophie had said there were a lot of angry spirits there. I had kind of gotten possessed by a demon at one point. She took a liking to Sebastian and tried to, I don’t know, take over my body or something.”
“I FREAKIN’ HATE CEMETERIES.” Sophie whines as we walk through the very old BostoCemetery. More than half the headstones are broken or so faded you can’t read them. “This place is not normal.” I look at her confused. I have felt the weird auras here, but nothing that would send off warning bells.
“How so?” I ask as we trail the rest of our group. We are with our high school marching band for a special performance. I have always wanted to visit Boston, and this trip is even better because Sebastian is here. Sebastian Hunter is one of the cutest guys I have ever met. Sure he’s not a witch like me, but he’s sweet. He also totally rocks the bad-boy, wanna-be goth thing. He asked me out last week, so being able to spend this time as his girlfriend has been a great boost to my ego.
“There are a lot of unhappy spirits here.” She says, her complexion paling. “And the smell of blood is making me sick.” I sniff the air, not really smelling anything except dirt. Then again, I’m not a medium like she is. I catch a glimpse of my boyfriend, and blush slightly. He’s hanging with a couple of his buddies, so I’m getting a nice view of his back side.
“Can’t you walk faster?” One of the dancer girls sneers as she pushes past me. I accidentally step on a grave and freeze. My whole body feels like it’s being frozen in place, starting at my feet all the way to the top of my head. Then it’s like I’m being thrown down a tunnel as my vision fades. The next second I can feel something, or someone in my body with me. It’s a sticky feeling, like getting your whole body stuck in honey.
“Kitty?” Sophie’s voice reaches my ears, but it’s like she’s muffled. I’m no longer running this show. I feel my head move, but I’m not the one controlling the motion. My eyes land on Sebastian again. Whoever is in here with me licks my lips. She ignores Sophie and bee lines it right to Sebastian. He’s still chatting with his buddies, but she hardly cares as she pulls him from the group and presses my lips to his. She closes my eyes, so I’m cut off from whatever else is happening.
“Hold on a minute Kitty.” Sebastian’s voice reaches mine like he’s talking to me while I’m under water. My eyes open, and I notice his pupils are dilated. We hadn’t actually ever shared a kiss before this moment and I feel cheated out of the experience.
“I know you want me.” Even to me the voice sounds wrong. The demon’s voice is deeper, a little more seductive than what I’m capable of pulling off. My tunnel hearing catches our teacher calling for us to load on the bus. I walk with him back to our seats, and the demon jumps him again. She kisses him, this time with my eyes open, and I watch, helpless, as she runs her hands under his shirt. “You are very cute.” The demon’s voice sounds from my lips again.
“Are you alright Kitty Sue?” Sebastian asks. Goddess... how do I get him to see that it is not only me in here. I feel a hand on my shoulder, but it’s more like a pressure since the demon is running the show. Her head whips around, and I swear I hear her hiss. I can see my devoted friend, Trinity, looking back at me. Her eyes are hard and determined.
“Non es amicus meus. Quis es?” She’s speaking Latin. I sigh inside my head. She knows it’s not me running the show.
“Recede a me maleficus.” The demon responds. That should give Trin a huge tip considering I don’t actually speak Latin. I watch through eyes that aren’t just mine as Trinity nods to someone behind me, then looks to the left and right. Sebastian removes himself, and I catch his concerned look. Then there’s a blade at my throat...
“Who the hell are you?” Sophie’s voice whispers harshly. I can feel the smile spread on my lips, but the demon doesn’t give up.
“I’d be careful if I were you. Your Kitty-Cat is still inside here. Wouldn’t want her to get hurt.” The demon voices. “They call me Cyrana.”
“Yea, still don’t really care.” Trinity says, glaring at me...well the demon in me anyways. “Get out of my friend.” My lips stay smiling.
“Make me.” Cyrana speaks.
“Oh I plan to.” Trinity says, an almost evil smirk gracing her beautiful face. Her crystal-blue eyes, glowing. All I can do is wonder how they are getting away with this on a bus, but I can’t control my eyes to look around.
MY SKIN STILL CRAWLS when I think of it. “Anyways, Sophie and Trinity had been able to kick her ass out, and we thought she was gone for good.”
“So you what? Think she was one of the demons that escaped three years ago, and is just now coming after you?” Salem asks, taking a seat on my couch. Even to me that sounds kind of stupid.
“You have to understand though. This was before we were serious. We had just started dating. I didn’t know anything about you guys being witches yet.” Sebastian adds in. He smiles. “When the demon took over her, I didn’t really know what was going on. I thought she had just decided to take our relationship to the next level.” I can feel my cheeks heat up. Salem’s eyebrow raises in her silent way of asking me to elaborate.
“She tried to have sex with him on the fucking school bus...” I say, and glare as Salem bursts out laughing. “I’m glad someone finds it amusing.”
“I’m sorry.” She giggles, not at all looking like she’s sorry for laughing at me. “Why Sebastian though? No offense, but there were tons of other guys in our school who were hot.” Sebastian scowls at her.
“How is that not offensive?” He grounds out, and that makes her giggle again.
“I don’t know what drew her to him, but she was infatuated.” I say, trying to keep on topic.
“How did you figure out it wasn’t Kitty Sue running the show?” Salem asks. I sigh, that headache coming on stronger.
“She called herself Cyrana. That was obviously the major clue that she wasn’t Kit.” Sebastian answers with a shrug. “That and her eyes had a weird, red tint to them.” That was normally the only way you could tell someone was possessed by a demon. No matter their natural eye color, the demon would change them to red. It would be cool though if they turned completely black like in the show “Supernatural”.
“So this evil demon, who calls herself Cyrana, is not necessarily after Kitty Sue, but more after Sebastian and wants Kitty out of the way?” Salem asks, trying to connect the dots that I had connected ages ago. I shrug.
“Pretty much. I don’t know what has taken her three years to decide now was the time to do it though.” That has been bugging me since the phone calls started right after we had rescued Trin.
“Again, this is something we need to discuss with the whole group. Everyone needs to be on the lookout. We promised no more secrets after that shit with Trinity and Tobias.” Salem states, standing to leave. It is getting late, and I have work in the morning. “I’ll call Sophie and Dom. We’ll meet here tomorrow night. Full moon is the night after, so maybe we can get a bead on her. Figure out where she’s holed up, and be a little proactive if you get my drift.” I groan. I am not a person who goes looking for trouble.
“OK, WHAT’S THE BIG emergency?” one of my trusted friends, Sophie King, asks as she slumps onto my couch. Her blond hair now sporting some lime green highlights that oddly match her green eyes. “I thought we were done with emergencies after the Trinity thing.” Yea... I had thought so too. Our luck just doesn’t work that way.
“Kitty Sue is being stalked...I guess that’s the best way to put it.” Salem says, taking off her hoodie and sitting on the carpet. Dominic, our only guy coven mate – not counting Sebastian of course – is sitting in my lazy boy, looking drained. He had to pull a second shift and obviously hasn’t gotten enough sleep. His grey eyes look a little duller than normal, and his brown hair is overly disheveled. I absently wonder if that has to do with work, or a certain German witch he has a huge crush on. Rebecca Blocksberg helped us save Trin, and apparently stole Dom’s heart in the process. She up and left the hotel without word, and still hasn’t answered any of Dom’s calls.
“Stalked by who? Doesn’t sound like that big of an emergency to call us all here.” Sophie interjects.
“A demon.” I respond, taking a little joy in seeing Sophie and Dom’s shocked expressions. This news has apparently shaken Dom out of his tired or depressed mood. I make a mental note to ask him about Becca later. “We think it’s one of the ones that got out three years ago.” I say before Sophie can even ask. Sometimes the mind reading thing happens on its own.
“We also think it might be the same one from the Boston trip.” Sebastian adds in. I just nod looking at Sophie’s scrunched face. It does that when she’s deep in thought.
“How do you know for sure? It could be a regular human.” Sophie states, her therapist side coming out. She can always see things from different angles.
“Well besides the fact that she’s the only one to ever call me Kitty-Cat, it’s just a feeling I have.” I shrug again. A witch’s intuition is always plausible to go on.
“Is it sad that I can barely remember three years ago?” Sophie asks in a giggle. Her way of trying to lighten the mood. I can’t help but smile. “So where is she then?” I look to my fiancé and Salem.
“She hasn’t said. I usually hang up the phone before anything goes further.” I respond, kicking myself for being such a chicken.
“How often does she call?” Dominic finally joins the conversation. Yup... his mind is definitely on other things.
“At least once a day, if not twice.” Sebastian answers. “Usually at night.”
“Well if she is a demon that would make sense. They’re more powerful at night. Unfortunately, without anything to really go on, I can’t scry for her.” Sophie says. Damn... I was hoping for her amazing ability to find people to help.
“If she calls again, I can probably trace the call.” Dominic says, pulling out his laptop. I swear, he is such a techy. I frown thinking about the impending call. I know it’s coming just like I know the sun will come up in the morning.
AFTER SITTING AROUND my house for a few hours, we have all given up on any kind of phone call. I stare at my phone, sitting on the coffee table. We all jump when it goes off, but I immediately calm when I recognize the number.
“It’s just Trin.” I say, trying to keep my hands from shaking as I pick it up, placing it on speaker. “Hey hun. You’re on speaker.” I say as a greeting.
“Fantastic. Who all is there?” Trinity’s weird British-American accent coming through the cell phone receiver . It makes me giggle.
“All the awesome people of course!” Sophie smiles. She hasn’t been able to talk to Trin much since Trin went to London.
“Oh Sophie! I miss you! What are you all up to? Is there something wrong?” I motion for my friends not to say anything. Sign language is awesome. Sophie looks concerned, but simply nods.
“Nothing wrong, just getting ready for the ritual tomorrow. What are you and Tobias up to?” Sophie asks, glaring at me. She can glare all she wants. There is no way I’m ruining my best friend’s happiness. She’ll find out when she gets back from London. Until then, I want her to be blissfully ignorant.
“Awe! I miss doing circle. Toby and I do a little thing, but it’s just not the same.” She whines. I can’t help but laugh.
“I’m sure you will have plenty of time when you get home next month.” Dominic interjects. “How are things with you?”
“Great! I love London. You guys will have to come with me some time.” Trinity gushes. I sigh. I would love to go to Europe, but we just don’t have those kinds of funds.
“Speaking of time, isn’t it ridiculously early there?” Salem asks, her face stern as if Trin could actually see it.
“Yes it is, but I wanted to call at a time I knew Kit would be home. It’s an extra treat that you all are there.” It warms my heart that she goes out of her way to call me.
“You could call me you know.” Sophie butts in. She looks sad. I have a feeling she’s starting to feel left out.
“I’ve tried calling you. Your phone goes right to voicemail.” Trin argues. I watch as Sophie’s face flushes red.
“Oops...I changed my number. I thought I had told you.” She says, sheepishly. Trinity just giggles.
“It’s fine. I still love you.” Of course she does. Trinity loves everyone. “Anyways, good news. Toby got the job at Syracuse University. So looks like we’ll be moving back!” I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. It will be nice to have her back.
“That’s awesome!” Salem yells, doing a little dance. She’s always been the closest to Trin.
“Anyways, I should let you guys go. I’ll see you soon!” She disconnects, and we all smile. Four weeks until our best friend is home. Goddess, I kind of wish the time would go faster. I could really use her help... I jump when the phone rings again.
“Trin probably forgot something.” Salem shrugs, going to answer my phone. “Forget something?” She asks, not even waiting for Trin to answer.
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten anything Water Wench.” It’s that creepy, sickening voice of my stalker. Salem’s eyes narrow into slits as she glares at my phone. “Where is my dear Kitty-Cat? Having her lackeys answering her calls now?” I can almost see the steam coming out of Salem’s ears.
“Who the fuck is this?” Salem seethes. I have to hold back a giggle. Salem is kind of scary when she’s mad.
“Put her on the phone, Water Wench.” Salem is apparently not a fan of the nickname. She holds the phone toward me, not taking it off speaker.
“Who’s this?” I ask, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice. I don’t think I succeeded.
“Now Kitty-Cat. Have you forgotten me already? I know it has been a while. Are you still with that hunk of a human?” My eyes drift to my fiancée.
“Cyrana...” I breathe, almost wishing that I’m wrong. She cackles over the line.
“So you do remember. I’ve got myself a nice new flesh suit, and I’m coming for what’s mine.” She breathes. A chill runs down my spine, and Sebastian shifts uncomfortably in his spot. I look over to see Dominic fiddling away on his computer, absently wondering what he’s doing. He motions for me to continue the conversation. He needs more time.
“What are you referring to? As far as I can tell, I have nothing of yours.” I respond, already knowing what she is going to say.
“The hot human may be yours in your eyes, but he’s mine. And I’m coming for him. It would be smart of you to stay out of my way.” She speaks with ease. As if I’m going to give up my fiancé that easily.
“Over my dead body.” I growl out. She cackles again. Now it’s my turn to glare at my phone.
“No need to be so dramatic Kitty-Cat. I’m not going to kill you. I have other ways to get what I want.” I raise a brow looking to my friends. They all shrug, and Dominic gives me a thumbs up. He turns his laptop toward me and I frown. Her signal is coming from my house. A sliver of fear rushes through my body as Sophie and Sebastian arm themselves with a fire ball. Sebastian takes our back door while Sophie goes toward the front. They open the doors simultaneously. There’s nothing in either spot. “Now now. You don’t think I would be stupid enough to be at your house when all those annoying witches are there did you? Tell the Earth Nerd to try harder next time.” She hangs up.
“Do a perimeter check just in case.” Salem says creating some ice daggers as her first line of defense. She heads out the back with Sebastian while Dom and Sophie head out the front. I stand guard in my house, for the first time feeling useless to my friends. An air witch doesn’t have a lot of cool weapons like a fire ball or ice daggers. I run a hand through my ponytail. Goddess, why me?
“She’s not out there, but I felt the residue of her evil presence.” Sophie admits as she enters from the opposite door she left through. The others follow, locking the doors once inside. “She was definitely here at some point. I’ll do some research on demonic powers. She might be able to teleport or something.”
“Maybe one of us should stay with you guys for a while.” Dominic interjects. He looks almost pissed that the demon had outsmarted him.
“That’s not necessary. With Sebastian’s magic, and mine, we’ll be able to defend ourselves. Plus I’ll be sure to put up some wards.” I respond. No need for my friends to baby me. “Besides, she’s not technically after me.” My eyes move back to my fiancé. The others join mine.
“What?” Sebastian asks, looking to each of us. “Don’t go thinking that I’m going to leave Kit for some stalker demon.”
“We know. That doesn’t mean we aren’t worried.” Salem smiles. Sebastian just rolls his eyes. “We’ll be here tomorrow for ritual.” I only nod feeling tired. I hope we can get this resolved before Trinity and Tobias get here.
I LOVE FULL MOON RITUALS. Our whole coven – minus Trinity for the moment – are a very powerful group of witches. Sophie, while not as experienced as Trin, is a great high priestess. Even Sebastian has more fun now that he has magic and can join in. We had closed down the circle only moments ago, and the rest of the members have decided to hang around given the warm weather. Upstate New York isn’t exactly Florida, but it’s warm.
“Hey guys! Come over to the bonfire. We need to talk.” Sophie speaks, gaining everyone’s attention. With myself and Sebastian, there are fifteen people in who form our coven. Some are closer friends than others, but I have no doubt that if there were ever a need, any one of them would help without hesitation.
“I swear I didn’t start that last tornado.” Skylar giggles. She’s talking of the mini tornado that had shown up in my yard last month during play time. We all look to Mia and Nicole, knowing full well that they had started it, being the only air users besides myself and Sky.
“Oh my Goddess...” Mia sighs. “It was me! Geez... are you guys going to pick on me forever about that?” Her nose scrunches in irritation, sending the rest of us in peals of laughter.
“Of course we are.” Josh winks. He and Sebastian have become even closer, mostly because they share the use of fire magic.
“It has nothing to do with anyone’s use of magic. We have a situation progressing, and want to make everyone aware of it. We don’t want another Trinity thing.” Salem says, rolling her eyes. I watch the smiling faces of our coven fall to small frowns. After the whole incident with Trinity and the evil warlock that was trying to kill her, we had told them the whole story. Some of them knew, but most of them were a little hurt that we didn’t trust them.
“Trinity’s okay right?” Tomicka asks, looking concerned.
“Trin is fine, and still in London.” Dominic says, smiling slightly. “This actually has to do with Kitty Sue.” I feel all eyes move to me. Damn... I hate being the center of attention. I clear my throat, knowing I need to tell everyone. They need to be warned.
“There’s someone after me.” I say, and I can hear gasps coming from most of the coven. “Now before you all start asking questions, this is not like what happened with Trinity.”
“Technically she’s not even after Kitty Sue. She’s after me.” Sebastian says, placing his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his body. I smile a little to myself. Ever since the stint in Germany, he has been going to the gym and working out. I can feel his newly defined six-pack through his t-shirt.
“She?” Skylar asks, raising a brow. “There’s another witch after you?” I shake my head, wishing it was that easy.
“Demon actually.” Dominic says for me. I watch the eyes of more than half the group widen.
“Demon’s exist?” Mia squeaks. It’s my turn to roll my eyes. It still shocks me how uneducated some of our coven members are. Of course demons exist, as well as ghosts. Have I seen an angel? No. Do I think some are out there? Sure. I have never seen pixies or fairies, but I think they exist. I’m still on the fence about dragons.
“Evil spirits that become so tainted are considered demons. So yes, they exist.” Dominic explains. “Kitty Sue is in danger, so everyone needs to be on guard.”
“What can we do to help?” Josh asks, and I smile a little. He’s like the big brother I never had.
“For starters, we aren’t telling Trinity about this until she’s back from her trip.” Sophie interjects, getting a lot of frowns. She holds up a hand, stopping any kind of dispute. “She deserves some time to enjoy herself and not worry about another threat. We will tell her once she’s back.”
“Basically, just watch your backs. Start carrying sage with you to ward off any evil spirits. It should work on the demon too. We don’t need her possessing any of you.” Salem says, and I’m pretty sure Mia is about to pass out. Everyone else just nods. “Ok, I think it’s time to head out.” Salem grabs her keys from her purse, and that’s the cue for everyone else to leave. We all frown seeing a sleek, black mustang pull up to my house. I tense in unknown fear.
“Expecting anyone?” Sebastian asks, holding me closer. My big hero. I shake my head. The rest of the coven steps in front of us, protecting us.
“Thank Goddess! We’re not late!” I hear Trinity’s voice. I hear a few people whoop and holler as everyone rushes from their defensive stances to run to her. I start shaking, not realizing how scared I was. Sebastian lets go of me so I can run to Trin myself, as tears cloud my vision.
“What in the world are you doing here?” I ask as I engulf her in a tight hug. Her giggle rushes through me, calming me more. I’ve missed her. I pull back, looking her over. Her eyes are glowing slightly, and her hair is longer. She looks happy. Tobias walks over, placing a protective arm around Trin’s waist.
“I knew something was wrong when I called last night. So we took the jet, and flew over straight away.” She responds, smiling at me.
“You canceled your vacation because of a feeling you had?” Sebastian asks before pulling Trin into a bear hug.
“Are you telling me there isn’t a problem?” She asks as Sebastian pulls away, then shakes Tobias’s hand. I look to the ground, my cheeks heating up. Salem nudges me, and I glare at her. I sigh. I really didn’t want her to worry. I really just wanted her to be happy and carefree for a while.
“Actually there is.” Sophie finally says. Trinity’s eyes don’t leave mine, as she waits for me. My bestie knows me too well sometimes.
“Come on. Out with it. Your aura is all over the place. No use hiding it from me.” Trinity’s hands move to her hips in that way my mother used to do when she knew I had stolen a cookie before dinner and was waiting for me to fess up.
“Cyrana is back.” Trinity’s eyes widen in shock. She apparently wasn’t expecting that. “It gets worse.”
“Who’s Cyrana?” Tobias asks, but Trin just holds a hand up to stop him. He looks at her confused for a moment before looking back to me shocked. Damn mental conversations.
“Worse how? And why am I just hearing about this?” Great. Now Trinity is upset.
“She wants Sebastian. And she wants me out of the way.” I respond. I hold back tears as I wait for Trinity to explode. “She’s coming for me.”