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Ever since everything went down with Trinity in Germany, I have felt the need to prove myself to Kitty Sue. I started working out more, and worked on harnessing my new magic. I know she doesn’t completely trust where the magic came from, but I think I have a pretty good handle on everything. That is until Trinity shows up at our house with her super powerful boyfriend, who is definitely more muscular than I am. I’m still not a huge fan of the witch, but he did save my good friend, and he is obviously in love with her.
“It’s good to have you back, Rini.” I wink at Trinity, using the nickname I had made for her years ago. I’m not sure if it irritates her as much as it does me when she calls me Seby. I frown seeing her shift her gaze to her boyfriend. Kit had told me of their weird mental connection where they can basically talk to each other in their heads. That, along with other magical abilities can make a man feel inferior. Kit can read minds, Salem can see the future, Sophie talks to the dead, Dominic can feel others’ emotions, and I can’t do shit.
“It’s nice to be back, although London is gorgeous. So much history.” Rini’s eyes go all dreamy, and I sigh. I wish I could afford to take Kitty Sue on a trip. She deserves the best, and got stuck with me. Being the only non-magical person in a group of witches was hard enough. Now I have magic, but I’m nothing special when it comes to my fiancée and her friends. I watch the rest of the coven members head to their cars, each saying how glad they are that Rini’s back. They’re cool people. Very helpful with whatever anyone needs.
“Let’s head inside and chat.” Kit says, leading the way into our small house. I frown, bringing up the rear. Our house is small. Nothing like the manor the Brit has. I glare daggers at the back of Tobias’s head. Granted, it’s not his fault he was born into wealth, but damn. He really does know how to make a man look like shit in comparison.
“I brought presents!” Rini exclaims, sitting on the couch. Tobias takes his place, standing behind her. He’s become very protective since I last saw him. Trinity rummages through her bag, pulling out wrapped parcels. She hands one to each of us. It warms my heart that she thought of me. She’s like a little sister to me, which is most likely why I wanted to kill Tobias a time or two in the past. I open mine, revealing a really nice baseball cap with Big Ben on it, and a key chain with the British flag. The girls all got a t-shirt that has an “I Love London” emblem and a keychain as well. Dominic received the same gift as me, except his hat has the British flag to match the key chain.
“Thanks!” Salem squeals, immediately pulling her shirt over her hair. I laugh as it gets stuck. That girl has a ton of hair. It makes me glad that Kitty’s hair is straight and not crazy curly like Salem’s. Trinity pulls out some book, holding it on her lap. I’ve never seen it before, and I don’t see any symbols or lettering for a title.
“Ok, so down to business.” Trinity says, crossing her arms and legs at the same time. I can’t help but chuckle at her serious expression. I know this is no time to laugh, but I just find the whole situation unreal. Kitty Sue shoots a glare at me, causing my small chuckle to turn into a full blown laugh. My little fiancée is so non-threatening.
“Well, about a week after you left for London I started getting phone calls. I even changed my number a couple times, but she would still call. I ended up changing it back because, honestly, what was the point if she could track me down anyways?” Kitty Sue starts, ending her sentence with a shrug. Trinity’s eyes glow bright blue. Her ridiculously powerful magic obviously being fueled by her anger.
“You’ve been dealing with this for months, and not once thought to tell me?” She growls. Tobias places his hands on her shoulders, and I watch as her eyes stop glowing almost instantly. They are so in tune with each other; feeding off each other’s energy. Trinity opens her weird book and starts writing vigorously. It must be some kind of journal.
“We didn’t want you to worry. You had finally found some happiness.” Salem interjects. Poor Rini has been dealing with threat after threat for years. Some she didn’t even know she was dealing with. I still can’t believe Aria was helping that asshole, Brian.
“Not an excuse. We have a special bond. We’re a team. You should have told me. Now apparently it’s gotten out of hand.” Trinity responds. I can’t help but agree with that. Maybe if we had told her when it first started we could have found the damn demon and stopped her. Now she’s apparently taken over someone’s body, and ready to attack.
“She was at the house last night.” I sigh. No need to keep shit from her anymore. Her scowl turns into a full- fledged pissed off look.
“Well, not inside per se, but I felt some evil presence outside the house.” Sophie amends for me. Semantics as far as I’m concerned.
“And how do you know it’s Cyrana?” Rini asks, looking back to Kitty Sue. I frown, looking at my fiancée. She hates when her closest friend is pissed at her.
“She told us. On the phone last night. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t called yet.” Kitty Sue says, looking to her discarded phone sitting on the coffee table.
“So she calls often?” Tobias asks, looking to the phone as well, his brows creasing in thought. We all nod.
“Once or twice a day. She called right after we talked to Trin last night.” Kitty says, and I can see her visibly flinch when she looks at Rini’s angry eyes.
“Let’s forget the fact that she’s a demon, and forget the fact you had reasons for keeping this from me. Someone has been stalking you for months, every day, and you didn’t think that was a reason to worry?” I’m pretty sure Rini’s a sentence away from blowing up. I look around for the nearest exit. She beats me to it as she stands abruptly and stalks to the front door. She slams the door on her way out, making us all jump.
“She just needs a moment.” Tobias says, not moving to follow her. Smart man. I watch Kitty Sue’s eyes dart to the door. She desperately wants to follow her.
“Just go check on her.” I nudge my fiancée. “Maybe you two can yell it out or something.” I grin. She flashes me one of her gorgeous smiles, and nods, heading out the door.
“Alright Bitch... time to calm down!” Kitty Sue yells as she goes out the door. It closes, leaving me wondering what’s going to happen.
“So, how is everyone else?” Tobias asks, taking Trinity’s seat on the couch. Maybe I should ask him for his gym schedule. Then, maybe, I can get as toned as him.
“Not too bad. You know, I’m still not averse to hanging you from a tree.” Dominic says as nonchalantly as possible. I can’t help but burst out laughing. Tobias apparently finds it funny too.
“I shall keep on guard then. However, I don’t believe you have any reason to resort to violence with me Dom.” Tobias says in his damn British accent. I wonder if Kitty Sue would like me to have an accent. Na... too much work.
“Oh, I could think of a few reasons.” Salem says, an ice dagger floating above her hand. I smile, creating a little flame man to go and melt it. Salem glares at me, but I simply shrug.
“I didn’t think you had magic.” Tobias says, clearly impressed with my display. I shrug again. If Rini hasn’t told him, I’m not going to.
“It’s a long story.” Sophie says. She apparently isn’t going to give up my secret either. I have cool friends. Tobias simply smiles, and I’m sorely tempted to send one of my fire men at him.
“ABOUT TIME YOU TWO made it back in.” I say with a wink as Trinity and Kitty Sue walk back into the house. They had been outside doing Gods knows what for the past hour. I hate playing host, so I was starting to get crazy uncomfortable having all these people in here. Trinity’s eyes are a little red, so she must have been crying.
“Oh shut up.” Kitty says to me, her and Trinity walking while hugging. It must be a woman thing. You wouldn’t see me hugging my guy friend while walking. “So, what’s the game plan?” She looks around the room, finally letting go of Rini who immediately sits on Tobias’s lap. I shrug.
“I’m doing a search for any missing persons or whatever. Maybe get a bead on who Cyrana is possessing.” Dominic says from his computer. I had been wondering what he was up to, but figured that it wasn’t really that odd to see Dom with his head in a computer. I usually only use a computer to play games. Kitty nods, going to sit with him.
“I can get you into the police database if you haven’t hacked it yet.” She says, looking at the screen. Dom gives her a look like she just completely disrespected him.
“I hacked that ten minutes after you went outside. Give me some credit!” I can’t help but laugh.
“Well excuse me!” Kitty says, raising her arms in the air. “I figured you would at least attempt to do it the legal way.”
“Legal ways take too long.” He growls. This causes Salem and Sophie to join me in laughing. Nothing like a good laugh to break up the tension in the room.
“We all should go to dinner tomorrow night or something. Now that we have Trin home, we need a girl’s night.” Salem says, sitting down finally. I love the woman like a sister, but she’s scary, and she makes me nervous. She’s like a hawk circling her prey when she stands. That’s what happens when a woman is 5’8”.
“It would have to be a girl’s night. I have work tomorrow.” I say, running a hand through my hair. I love my job, but owning your own car repair business is a lot of work, and not a lot of money. I almost wish I hadn’t decided to buy the place. I could have saved the money to get Kitty Sue a nicer place to live, or at least a nicer engagement ring. But no...I was being selfish.
“No worries Seby.” Trinity winks, and I suppress a growl. I really don’t like that nickname. “Kitty Sue can bring you some leftovers.”
“Well, not that this isn’t super entertaining, but I have a photoshoot tomorrow morning.” Salem says, stretching. “I’m heading out.” She says, grabbing her purse. Trinity and Tobias rise as well.
“We’ll follow you.” Trinity says, handing her keys to the Brit.
“I’ll keep looking for any missing persons. My computer at home has better software.” Dom adds, packing up his laptop. Not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with my friends, but I’m ready to pass out too.
“If you get a call tonight, make sure you let us know.” Sophie warns my fiancée as she heads toward the door as well.
“Alone at last!” I sigh, wrapping my arms around Kitty’s waist. She relaxes in my arms, and we just stand there.
“I’m glad she’s home. I’m mad that she has to deal with another crazy person.” Kitty whispers. I glance at her phone, wondering if it’s going to go off. I hope it doesn’t. We could use a night off.
“I think she’s more upset that you kept it from her. I don’t think she minds the crazy. I mean... she is friends with you.” I chuckle as she elbows me in the side. A couple months ago that probably would have hurt.
“You’re a jerk sometimes.” She glares as she heads toward our room. I chuckle all the way to the bedroom.
I GOT SHIT FOR SLEEP last night. I stayed awake wondering if Kitty’s phone would finally go off. It hadn’t, so I spent the night cuddling my beautiful fiancée while she slept like a rock. All the excitement and worry had finally caught up to her and she had crashed almost as soon as we had hit the sheets.
“You’re super distracted, Boss.” One of my mechanics says from the other side of the engine we are working on. It’s a nice 2003 BMW M5. The owner had taken good care of it, but like any other foreign vehicle, something eventually went wrong, so here I am, trying to fix this car. My shop, Midnight Mechanics, is one of the only vehicle repair shops that is open late. I had planned this when I first bought the place. I wanted a shop that was open late hours for those people that had jobs that didn’t allow them to take their car somewhere during the day. I have people that work from 9:00am – 5:00pm, but I prefer the 6:00pm – 2:00am schedule. I’ve always been a night owl, so this works for me. My last mechanic job fired me after the whole Trinity/Brian thing, so opening my own shop just seemed like the best plan and it’s been working out great for the entire month and a half I’ve been open.
“Lots going on at home.” I grumble. My workers are pretty good guys, but we don’t get into personal shit or feelings. “Hand me the socket wrench.” I say, holding out my hand for said tool.
“You want to talk about it?” My buddy asks. I raise a brow at him like he’s gone crazy.
“Why the hell would I want to do that, Rob?” He chuckles, his brown pony-tail swishing from side to side as he shakes his head.
“Things good with you and that hot fiancée of yours?” he asks, and I growl again.
“Keep your eyes off my woman.” I threaten, using the socket wrench to point at him with. He laughs, raising his hands in surrender.
“Na man, she’s hot, but not my type.” He grabs the new spark plugs, going to change them out with the old ones. “When we’re done with this, what else is on the agenda?” I look to the rows of cars in our lot. Most of them aren’t a priority.
“We can probably start on the ’69 Camaro. I’m sure the owner would like it back with the nice weather we’ve been having.” I say looking to the sleek, black vehicle. It’s been sitting here for about a week. The owner wanted us to rebuild the transmission. Finding parts had been a bitch, but we had gotten the last part in this morning.
“It’s a sweet ride.” Rob comments, looking at the Camaro. I can’t disagree. “I doubt we’ll get it done tonight though.” I shrug. It’s a job that will take at least a week, but the guy is paying us good money, and that’s what I need right now.
“I’ll get a couple of the guys on it in the morning. They should be able to knock out a few of the things that are wrong with it.” I say, going back to the BMW. I almost hit my head on the hood when my phone goes off in my pocket. “Hello.”
“She called.” Kit’s voice sounds in my ear. I rub my eyes. Of course it was too much to ask for more than one night of no creepy calls. “I think she’s planning something big. She was a little too overly sweet on the phone. Are you alright?” I smile, probably making Rob think I’m crazy.
“I’m fine and Rob is with me. I don’t think you have to worry about me.” I say, walking away from the BMW. If this demon is really going to do something besides threaten us, I don’t want to drag my friends into it. “I hope someone is over at the house with you.”
“The girls are here. Trinity thought about calling Tobias, but I told her not to worry.” She said, and I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Are you busy?” I look once again to the BMW. We could probably get it done in the next hour and have an early night.
“No. I’ll be home early. Love you.” I say.
“Love you too. Bye.” I put my phone back in my pocket. Rob will probably enjoy an early night.
“Is that more of the stuff going on at home?” Rob asks, not lifting his head from his task. I rub my face, cursing when I notice all the grease on my hands that is probably all over my face.
“Yea. Once we’re done with this, I’m going to call it an early night. You cool with that?” I ask, going back to work. He just shrugs.
“I’LL SEE YOU TOMORROW night.” I say as Rob and I head out of the shop after closing up.
“Sounds good, Boss.” He waves. That’s when I notice something.... Off. “What’s that?” Rob asks, going toward the Camaro like myself. There’s a flicker, and a ticking. Fuck!
“Get the hell back!” I scream, grabbing his arm. Too late. The beautiful car explodes, sending him and me flying back. Luckily one of the garage doors breaks our fall. I grunt in pain, trying to get up. Shit that hurt like a bitch. Rob rolls over to his stomach, trying to stand as well. There’s a few cuts on his face, probably from shrapnel. My hands are bloody, which means I got hit somewhere. I look around, not seeing anyone. Not even thinking, I create a fireball.
“Boss! Your hand is on fire.” Rob yells. I don’t spare him a look, instead, I fling the ball into the air, using it as a light until it goes out. No shadows. “What the fuck is going on!?” He yells, limping over to me.
“Not sure.” I say, still looking around. My car is around the other side of the shop. That’s a good distance away if someone is out there. I look at the rows of vehicles in front of us, wondering which one will blow next. I create another fireball, smiling when Rob flinches. “On three, we’re running to our cars.” He only nods.
“Having fun yet, sexy?” A voice sounds. It echoes through the lot, making it hard for me to tell where it’s coming from. I know that voice.
“Fucking demon...” I say under my breath. I look toward Rob. He looks terrified, but he’s holding it together. I hold up my fingers...one...two...three. We run like hell. And as we pass, cars start exploding. I throw a couple fireballs behind me as I run, not bothering to look where they’re going. Running to my car, I see Rob just make it to his before he’s thrown back once again by an explosion.
“What a fun game we’re playing.” That demon bitch’s voice sounds again as I run to Rob. Great... he’s unconscious... or dead. I feel for a pulse, something Sophie had taught me. Okay, just unconscious. I lift him like a sack of potatoes and run back to my car. I throw him in the back, then run to the front. I don’t even look back at my shop that is up in smoke. I swallow down the bile rising in my throat. How the hell am I going to fix this?
I SIGH SEEING TRINITY’S car. I’m going to need her. Parking partly in my yard, I get out quickly, grabbing Rob and running to the front door. I kick it with my foot, hoping someone will open it. Trinity does, holding an impressive energy ball. It vanishes as soon as she sees me.
“Oh my Goddess! What happened?” She moves quickly out of the way so I can carry my friend inside. Kitty Sue’s eyes widen. I probably don’t look much better than Rob. She doesn’t say anything as she runs to the bathroom for some towels, placing them on the sofa so I can lay Rob down.
“That demon bitch just blew up my shop.” I growl, the adrenalin making me really want to punch something. Kitty Sue gasps before throwing herself into my arms. I hug her tightly, then wince. I’m covered in Gods knows what. Sophie moves over to Rob, checking him out.
“He needs a doctor.” She says. Great. A trip to the hospital is not what I need. “You should probably get seen too.” She looks at me, frowning.
“I’ll go keep watch out front. We’ll have to take two cars.” Salem says before walking out the door. I grab Rob, lifting him back up. How the hell are we going to explain this at the hospital?
“I’ll ride with you.” Sophie says, following me out. Trinity and Salem get into one car, while the others cram into mine. When we pull up to the ER, there’s no one outside. Kitty Sue runs in to grab a doctor. They bring a stretcher for Rob.
“What happened?” The nurse asks, checking vitals as we walk quickly down the sterile hall.
“My shop caught on fire. We both got thrown from the building. I figured bringing him in myself would be faster than 9-1-1.” I say as they take him into a room. I’m not allowed in. Another nurse comes for me.
“You have a couple lacerations on your face.” The new nurse says to me, I only nod. “Anything else you can tell me?”
“I hit my back pretty hard.” I respond. She touches along my spine.
“You’re pretty lucky. I’m going to have to call the police. Stay here while I grab some scrubs. There’s a shower through there. I won’t be able to tell if you have any other cuts until you’re clean. Don’t use any soap, just the water.” She instructs. I only nod.
“MR. HUNTER?” A VOICE booms as soon as I make it out of the shower. I look at the officer standing in my room. The nurse comes in a second later. “I need to ask you a few questions.” I nod.
“You can ask while I finish checking him over.” The nurse says as she pokes and prods around my head.
“I need you to tell me what happened. Start at the beginning.” I look him over. He looks like a douche.
“Rob and I closed shop early. We were heading to our cars when I heard a ticking. Before we could do anything, one of the cars I was supposed to work on exploded.” I answer. He nods, scribbling in his little book. “We got knocked back pretty hard. Then the whole place kind of went up. I grabbed Rob and came straight here.” Officer Douche-Bag raises a brow at me.
“You fled the scene?” He asks, scribbling some more.
“My friend was on the ground bleeding and unconscious. I wasn’t going to just sit there and wait for you assholes to finally show up. I know how long it takes for you to respond to a call.” I probably shouldn’t speak to him like that.
“We’ll be in touch Mr. Hunter.” He exits. Not even bothering to tell me anything about my shop. Kitty Sue replaces him, running straight to me.
“How is he?” Kitty Sue asks my nurse. She places a band aid above my right eye.
“Lucky. He’s very lucky. If he starts slurring his words, or acting funny, bring him back in.” She answers. “You can head home.”
“How about my buddy?” I ask, wondering how Rob is doing.
“I’m technically not allowed to discuss another patient. But, from what I’ve heard, he’s fine. Mild concussion, so we’re keeping him overnight.” I sigh in relief. I take Kitty’s hand, heading out the door.
“I’m going to kill that demon...” I growl.
“I’M GOING TO TAKE KITTY Sue and put a barrier spell around the house. That should help warn us if anything or anyone shows up.” Trinity says as I make my way to the sofa. Salem sits next to me, looking concerned.
“You alright?” She asks. It’s a ludicrous thing to ask, and she knows it.
“I’m more pissed off than anything right now. It’s one thing to attack some witches, it’s another to attack where there are normal humans around.” I seethe. I’m surprised my whole body hasn’t burst into flames.
“Well, you and Rob were lucky. She was apparently playing around.” Sophie says from my recliner.
“Doesn’t change the fact that she destroyed my shop and a shit ton of cars. I am not looking forward to calling the owners.” I sigh. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to file for bankruptcy just to pay back half of those cars.
“We can fret about that later.” Tobias adds in. I glare at him. Yeah, money isn’t a problem for him. “What’s important is that you’re fine, and your friend is alive. It could have been much worse.” That’s true. Gods, thinking if Rob had been in his car when it exploded sends a shiver down my spine. Salem gets up, pacing the room.
“Too bad your gift couldn’t have warned us about this.” Dominic says, looking at Sal. She flinches.
“You know I can’t control that kind of stuff.” She says, still pacing. “What I don’t get is if she wants Sebastian, why try to blow him up?”
“Maybe she was just trying to scare me, or maybe that’s her weird way to impress me.” I say, wondering when my fiancée will be back.
“Should we check on them?” Salem asks, trying to look out one of our front windows.
“Na. I’m sure they’re fine. Nothing’s exploded yet.” I chuckle. As if on cue, my house shakes like a nuke has gone off in my yard. We all race to the door, watching Trinity and Kitty throwing energy spheres at something... or someone. I arm myself with a fireball, noticing Tobias and Sophie doing the same. Running out, I take a position next to my fiancée.
“What the fuck?” Salem screams, ice daggers at the ready. A figure walks out of the smoke left from Kitty and Rini’s attack. Not one of us backs down, but I shift so Kitty Sue is blocked from the newcomer. From the way they walk, I can tell it’s a girl. She starts clapping as she gets closer. I chance a glance at the others. Rini and Tobias are right next to each other to my left. Salem, Sophie and Dom to my right. A unified front against this person.
“How adorable. Protecting the Kitty-Cat.” A voice, that should not be real, reaches my ears. It’s a mix of deep woman and creepy nails on a chalkboard. I glare harder once she’s in the light. About 5’7”, maybe 120 pounds soaking wet, black hair to her shoulders, and glowing red eyes. Definitely a demon. If she was a few inches shorter I could almost mistake her for Kitty... except the eyes.
“Cyrana...” Kitty squeaks behind me. I hold my hand behind me, taking hers in a firm grip. Kitty clears her throat, trying to put on a brave face. That’s my strong woman. “Cyrana. Bold of you to show up here.” Good. I can barely hear the tremor in her voice. Hell, maybe I’ll get revenge early for my shop. Bold of her to attempt something twice in the same night.
“Well I just had to welcome Trinity home. So nice to see you again, Element Whore.” Cyrana stops a good couple yards away from us. I have to give her props for being so brazen. I’m pretty sure Trinity could turn her into dust without even trying.
“What do you want, Demon?” Trinity asks, not holding anything back. Even her body is glowing, something I had heard of, but never got a chance to experience.
“I wanted to show off my new flesh suit. Isn’t she gorgeous?” I wince watching Cyrana run her hands over some girls’ body. Makes one wonder how the human inside is feeling. “She even comes with special powers.” Cyrana flexes her hands, then points to Salem, who is suddenly being thrown backward. A scream ripping from her lips as she hits the side of my house. Dominic uses his power to bind Cyrana with some roots that spring from the ground. Kitty Sue runs to check on Salem, the rest of us watching Cyrana.
“You got yourself a witch. How very typical.” Tobias sighs, looking bored with everything going on. Cyrana smirks, and you can just see the evil coming off her. With a twitch of her head, the roots that Dom so easily controls retract and go after Dom and Tobias. Tobias easily deflects the attack, his eyes glowing like Rini’s body. Dom isn’t so lucky. Sophie rushes over to Dom, trying to pry the roots from his neck before they can strangle him. All the while, Cyrana is cackling. She looks to the ground at Tobias’s feet, and suddenly the earth is literally trying to eat him. Rini’s glow fades as she watches her boyfriend disappear under dirt and vines. She doesn’t leave my side though. We square off with Cyrana. We all know she’s actually after me, and I feel a shiver of panic that I’m going to get kidnapped or something. Well... not without one hell of a fight.
“We can’t hurt her without hurting the witch.” Trinity says in my head. Well, hell. How are we going to beat her...?
“How are we going to do this?” I whisper, knowing I can’t answer her mentally like she can communicate with me.
“Let’s see if my magic is as powerful as I hope it is.” She whispers back, raising her hands. Roots once again sprout from the ground, this time restraining Cyrana. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica” I don’t understand a word she just said. Cyrana just laughs.
“An exorcism? Really? That’s the best you can do?” Cyrana cocks her head to one side and Trinity’s roots regress again, trying to come at me. Trinity makes a movement with her hand, disintegrating the roots. Trinity throws a large energy ball at the demon, hitting her. Cyrana smirks, using some demon magic to hold the ball away from her borrowed body. Fucking demon magic is as strong as Rini’s? We are so fucked!
Cyrana throws the ball at Rini, startling her. Rini apparently didn’t think Cyrana could deflect that attack. She goes flying backwards into the other side of my house and drops like a bucket of bricks. Shit... Cyrana smiles at her handy work, then turns her red eyes on me. Double shit...
“Fuck safety.” I growl creating another fireball, now holding one in each of my hands. Kitty Sue is next to me in an instant, kicking up the wind. She raises her hand, shooting a gust of wind at the demon, and I add my fireballs creating a fire tornado of sorts. When we stop, Cyrana is gone. We walk, cautiously toward where she was. Nothing’s there. Damn it!
“Did we dust her?” Kitty Sue asks, looking for any kind of evidence of the demon. I shake my head.
“There would be something here if we had.” I say, keeping my guard up. “Maybe Sophie’s teleporting theory isn’t too far off.” I grab Kitty’s hand, dragging her to our friends. The roots holding Dom finally recede, and he falls to the ground unconscious. I watch Sophie place her fingers at his neck.
“Passed out.” She concludes, before heading to Rini. “Same. She hit her head hard.” Then I look to the area where Tobias had been before the earth opened up and ate him. The ground rumbles and shakes. I pull Kitty Sue behind me as Tobias is launched from the ground. He coughs a couple times, his whole body covered in dirt.
“If that is what being buried alive feels like, I do not wish to repeat the experience.” He grumbles, his proper British accent coming out strong. “Where’s Trin?” He looks around, and I can almost feel the devastation come off him when he sees her on the ground.
“She’s alright. That demon bitch knocked her into the house pretty good.” Salem assures when Tobias goes over to his girlfriend. She holds her head, wincing. “She must have hit the house harder than me.” I pull Kitty into my arms, and I can’t tell if it’s me shaking, or her.
“Come on Luv.” Tobias whispers, moving Rini’s hair off her face. “What happened to the demon?” He doesn’t take his eyes off Trinity when he asks, and I frown wondering the same.
“We’re not sure. Sebastian and I attacked her, but there’s no trace of her. We think she is teleporting.” Kitty responds. Tobias simply nods as he lifts Trinity’s unconscious body. We all look to Dom when he groans, rolling over. Tobias heads into the house as we all head over to check on Dom. Sophie and Kitty Sue squat down to his level, both putting a hand on each of his shoulders. Salem’s eyes scanning my yard. At least someone is looking out. My nerves are shot to shit.
“Slowly. No need to hurt yourself more.” Kitty Sue says, looking sad. I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault.
“Where is she?” Dom asks. “I’m going to kill her.”
“She’s gone. Come on. Let’s get in the house.” Sophie responds as she and Kitty help him up.
“Looks like she wants to play games.” I say, feeling more anger inside me than ever. “If she wants to play with fire...she’s going to get burned.”