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A freaking wormhole? Are you kidding me?! This crazy, hellion opened a wormhole in my front yard, and then dared me to follow? It kind of pisses me off that she knows me well enough to know I will follow her. Mostly because whatever she is doing can’t be good, and I have this weird feeling in my gut that if I don't follow her, that it will be the biggest mistake of my life.
“Kitty, don’t!” Sophie starts, apparently guessing what I’m about to do. I can feel Sebastian grab for me, but I’m too quick. I turn back to my coven, inches from the wormhole. I can feel it tugging at my body. I don’t know what is about to happen, but I want to memorize their faces.
“I’ll be back. I’m not going to let her fuck anything up. Find a spell to bring me back! I...I love you all!” I scream as I jump backwards into the tornado-like hole. I can see Sebastian and Trinity try to run in after me. Trinity throws something in with me, but I can’t catch it before the hole closes. Then it’s nothing but lights zooming past me faster than I can follow whatever pictures they are trying to show. I have no clue where this wormhole leads, or if I’ll even survive it. My body is pushed forward and backward, side to side, making me feel like I’m on a not-so-fun roller coaster. Just before I pass out from the unbearable vertigo, I’m thrown down hard.
“MISS RODRIGUES! ARE you sleeping in my class?!” I jump, so hard my knees hit...my desk? What the hell? I look to the room, feeling my eyes widen in shock as I gaze at my high school math teacher.
“Mrs. Zing?” I have to ask. She raises an eyebrow at me.
“Yes, Miss Rodrigues?” Her voice is getting more and more impatient.
“I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well.” I hold my head, looking around the classroom. Holy shit. I’m in my senior math class. Cyrana sent us back in time? Oh my Goddess... I need to find the gang. If I remember correctly, I have lunch after this class. I reach for my backpack, completely ignoring Mrs. Z. Thank Goddess my schedule is in here with my agenda. I look it over, having to re-familiarize myself with this routine. I mean... it has been over 5 years since I was in high school. Mrs. Z heads back to the front of the class, apparently not in the mood for my weirdness. I look to the clock on the wall. Fifteen minutes left of class. I can handle that. I force myself to look at the board, trying to think of everything I had ever learned about time travel, and what I could remember of high school. I open my agenda to the marked page. September. At least she sent us back to the same date. But why?
“Miss Rodrigues, please come up and answer the question on the board.” Mrs. Z’s voice flows back to me. I look at all the damn letters and numbers of the question. I was not very good at math in high school, but I had done much better in college thanks to my friends help. This one is actually pretty easy compared to what I remember having to bullshit my way through. I stand, and head to the chalkboard. Wow... schools haven’t used these in at least three years.
“If we are solving for ‘x’, you’re going to want to get it alone.” I say as I work, remembering how Mrs. Z would always make us explain our actions. “Then you use PEMDAS, and you get x=23.” I finish, circling the answer. I turn to the class, and see nothing but shocked faces. I look back to the board, trying to see if I messed up somewhere, but it looks fine to me. Maybe I forgot more math than I realize.
“Miss Rodrigues, please stay after class a moment.” Mrs. Z says as the bell rings for next period. I inwardly groan. Now what? “Where was this amount of knowledge earlier in class?” I look to her puzzled.
“Um...like I said. I’m not feeling too well.” I say again, looking at my backpack, trying to think of some way to get out of class. “Did I do something wrong?” Mrs. Z looks shocked again.
“No, no! You did that perfectly. That’s what I’m worried about. Thirty minutes ago I couldn’t even get you to remember PEMDAS, now you are solving an equation I just picked at random because you weren’t paying attention in my class.” Fuck me! We haven’t even gotten to this stuff yet? How the hell am I going to explain this?
“Um... my friends taught me some of this from their advanced class. I guess it just stuck.” ok Kit. Good lie! I hope she buys it. I smile, trying to read her mind. It’s a jumbled mess of wondering if half the class is actually learning, how she can’t wait to go to Cabo for Thanksgiving break, and a trickle of wondering if I’m somehow cheating. Fucking awesome... “Listen Mrs. Zing, I’ve got to get to lunch. Sorry for getting ahead of myself.” I smile again, grab my backpack and race out of the room. I dodge students as I head to the cafeteria. I stop in the bathroom fast, looking at my appearance. I don’t look much different than normal. Maybe a little younger. Not as skinny as I am now, but battling evil warlocks in other countries will help with building muscles I suppose.
GODDESS GIVE ME STRENGTH. I hated high school the first time, and so far, the second time isn’t much better. I try to remember what the hell happened in September. I sit at my normal lunch table, skipping the line my friends are all in as I try to figure out how to explain this to them. I pull out my agenda again. I flip through the dates, trying to piece anything together that will help me figure out Cyrana’s plan. “Boston Trip” was written for last week. I look around the room for Sebastian. That was the trip we got to be boyfriend and girlfriend for the first time. It was also the trip that apparently gave Cyrana a taste of freedom. I don’t see him in his usual group, and I’m half tempted to go in search for him. He would only be in two other places. The gym, or playing hacky-sack in the hall.
“You’re mood is super weird today.” Dominic says as he sits next to me. He looks boyish, and a little chunky compared to the new Dom I’ve become accustomed to. I suppose to him my aura would read different. 18 year old body, 23 year old magic... I wait for Trin, Sophie and Salem to join us. I giggle at Sal’s hair. It’s not nearly as tame now as it will be, and Trin’s hair is much shorter. If I remember correctly, that’s due to a break up a few weeks ago. At least Sophie hasn’t changed much.
“Yes, well, I have a lot I need to talk to you all about, and not a lot of time to do it.” I lean in, whispering. How do I not sound crazy when I tell them about the future? The other’s exchange glances before leaning in as well. Some things will never change. “I’m not 18 year old Kitty Sue.” I start. It takes a moment before they all burst out laughing. I groan. That is not helping. “I’m 23. I’m from the future.” I whisper, putting a little harshness in my voice. This only makes them laugh harder.
“Good one Kitty. Man, I needed a good laugh today.” Salem says, wiping tears from her eyes. I can feel my temper start to flare. Maybe my 23 year old mind still has the anger issues of an 18 year old.
“I’m not joking. I was thrown back in time by a demon.” I look to Trinity and Sophie. “The demon we met in Boston.” That at least shuts them up. “She’s here somewhere too, and I don’t know why. I need you guys to help me so she doesn’t change anything.” Trinity looks at me skeptically.
“If you are from the future, what am I going to do once I graduate?” my eyes narrow more. One of the rules I do remember is that you aren’t supposed to tell anyone about future events.
“If I tell you that, I’m breaking time travel rules.” I respond, crossing my arms. Man, I wonder if I can get 18 year old me to start working out now...
“Technically you broke the rule by doing it in the first place.” Dominic points out. I growl at him.
“I didn’t. The demon did. And I swear, I’m starting to think she did it because she knew you guys wouldn’t believe me.” I can’t waste any more time with them. I need to find Sebastian. I look around the room again, and see him walking in with someone holding his hand. I can feel my air magic unleash seeing the hell spawn. She came back in time to steal my fiancé? “That’s her.” I turn back to my friends, both hands gripping the table. They all look toward Sebastian, then back to me confused.
“You mean Amira? Sebastian’s girlfriend?” I swear as soon as Sophie finished that sentence my heart about stopped.
“How can she be his girlfriend? I’m his girlfriend!” I have to remind myself not to shout. What the hell is going on here?!
“Kitty Sue. I know you had a crush on him, but he’s been dating Amira for years. She was his old girlfriend before he switched schools. She switched schools a month ago. They’ve been inseparable ever since she got here.” Salem interjects, concern lacing her features. Is it possible to have a heart attack at my age? How the hell did she manage to use the same wormhole as me, but get here earlier than I did? I am never time traveling again once I get rid of this demon hell spawn.
“You don’t feel her evil aura? She’s that demon from Boston. Her name is Cyrana, and for some reason she’s trying to keep me and Sebastian apart.” I ground out, glaring daggers toward the seemingly happy couple.
“I’ve talked to her a few times. She’s on my soccer team. Nice girl. I didn’t get any weird vibes from her at all.” Salem continues. Goddess help me! Are my friends blind? Maybe she put some kind of spell on them?
“And as for Sebastian, he never once told me he was interested in you.” Dominic adds, sheepishly. “Not that he shouldn’t be because you’re awesome, but he’s only ever talked about Amira. I thought you liked her? You guys seemed real buddy- buddy in music this morning.” Goddess, now I’m going to be sick. She’s got them thinking we’re actually friends? The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, and my friends look a bit pissed that they missed out on eating because of me. I don’t give a rat’s ass. I grab my bag, and head right over to the “happy couple”, pulling Cyrana into the hall, and away from Sebastian. She looks shocked for all of two seconds.
“Kitty-Cat! I was wondering if you got lost in time.” The brown eyes of the girl in front of me flicker to red and back. I knew I was right. Fucking demon bitch! “I actually thought it would be a lot more difficult to alter a few minds and add myself into the mix, but it has been pretty easy. Who would have thought your friends were so easily persuaded?” I want to strangle the ever loving shit out of her.
“Leave now, and I won’t have to kill you. Sebastian is my fiancé. He may think you’re his stupid girlfriend now, but we’re destined to be together. You aren’t going to keep us apart for long. Especially now that I’m here to stop you.” Must not kill a demon in my high school... must not kill a demon in my high school. I have to keep chanting that. She cackles at me. Honest to Goddess cackles.
“Tell you what. I’ll give you say...a week to try to get him back. If you can’t, then I’m shipping your ass back to the present, and we’ll just see how well your future turns out then?” She giggles before vanishing in the blink of an eye. Fucking demon...
I THROW MY BACKPACK on my bed...at my parent’s house...how embarrassing. I hadn’t been able to track the stupid bitch the rest of the school day. I got in trouble for being late to social studies because I had cornered said bitch in the hall, and my friends still think I’m crazy. My little brother is at a friend’s house for the night, my older brother is at work, and my parents are at my grandparent’s house. I sigh, heading to the computer to look up, I don’t even know what. I start with a general search of demons. My parent’s slow ass computer takes way too long for my taste, but nothing I can do. Faster computers aren’t out yet like they are in my present.
“Nothing but stupid bull shit.” I murmur as I continue to look for anything. I even try Cyrana’s name, but get nothing. Then, just for shits and giggles, I look up time traveling spells, and repercussions. Mostly generalized stuff about not changing things, the butterfly effect and all that crap. A little late for that, thank you. Cyrana’s already had a monstrous change on the future just by dating my fiancé. I really need my friend’s help in this. Unfortunately until I have something to prove I’m from the future, I’m just going to look insane.
“I’ve got to have something...” I pull out my wallet, looking through it. I laugh. It’s my actual wallet. It has the date my ID was issued, which is 3 years from now. It has my work ID card. It even has a picture of me and Sebastian. I look at the picture, but something is wrong. His face is fading in and out. Just great! She’s changing my present, or future... I hate time travel. I grab my house phone, trying to remember Trinity’s home number. I used to call there all the damn time. Come on working memory!
“Kitty Sue, if you are going to start talking crazy, I’m hanging up right now.” I can hear the irritation in her voice. I might just cry. At least I remembered something good.
“I have proof! I can prove everything I said! Please, I need you guys to help me!” I know I sound like a loon, but I’m desperate. One week doesn’t sound like enough time to fix everything.
“Fine, I’ll be there in ten. I’ll grab Sal. No need to drag the others into your craziness.” I can hear her exasperation. I don’t care how pissed she is, this is important. I don’t know what the consequences will be for her dating Sebastian, but I feel like as long as I can get him back, we can put everything back on the right track. The knock on my door startles me, causing me to grab my altar dagger. I sigh in relief seeing my two best friends. I frown seeing the frowns on their faces. I lead them to my room in the basement of the house. They sit on my bed, not saying anything, but I can hear their frazzled thoughts. They both look to me before closing their mental pathways. The force of it makes me physically flinch and want to cry. This is going to be harder than I thought. I immediately hand them my ID cards, and the picture of me and Sebastian. They both sigh, grabbing the documents.
“These are really nice forgeries. I wish you would have told me you were getting fake ID’s. I would have asked for one.” Salem says handing it back to me. I just want to scream. “And this is a cute picture of you and all, but I don’t need to see it.” She hands me back the picture, and Sebastian is missing from the shot. What the actual fuck!?
“They aren’t fake! I’m from the future.” You know what... screw time travel rules. “We are all in a coven. We just defeated an evil warlock who was trying to kill Trin. She’s got a cute, British boyfriend. I’m engaged to Sebastian. We have been together for over five years. You both are bridesmaids in my wedding. You’re going to be a teacher.” I point to Trinity. “You’re on the road to being a photographer, and last night the demon bitch blew up Sebastian’s auto shop, attacked us at my house, and then opened a fucking wormhole and dropped my ass back in time!” They both look at me with that deer-in-the-headlights look.
“Ok, suppose for a second that we do believe you about being from the future.” Trinity starts, and I have to force myself to not yell at her. “Why would she be after you, and why would dating Sebastian be so important to her? I mean, Sebastian is a cool guy, but he has no magic. If she is a demon, why would she want some normal human?” I pinch the bridge of my nose. Obviously when she showed up a month ago it altered everything that happened in Boston.
“Ok, first, let’s go back. The Boston trip. Did anything happen on that trip? Anything to do with magic?” I ask, trying to figure out what Cyrana changed.
“You were possessed by a demon for a short time before I thought I vanquished it.” Trinity confirms. Good, at least that still happened. “But it couldn’t have been Amira because she was with Sebastian the whole trip. And as far as I could tell, the only person that saw what happened was me and Sophie. The rest of the group was already on the bus.” Shit... so we didn’t even make it to the bus where Cyrana tried to jump Sebastian. Of course not. She already had Sebastian. So does that mean there are two Cyrana’s or just the one? Man my head hurts.
“Listen sweetie. I don’t know where this obsession with Sebastian has come from, but I don’t think it’s healthy.” Salem says, looking concerned. Obsession? I’m not obsessed, I’m pissed! They have no idea what is happening.
“I am not obsessed with Sebastian. I am merely stating facts. In the near future, he and I are engaged. We started dating a little before the Boston trip. I don’t know why she is obsessed with me, but she is. And apparently she has altered something if you all won’t believe your best friend.” Ok, so it’s a little mean to play the friend card, but I’m running out of options and patience. Both girls flinch back as if I have slapped them.
“As your best friends, we’re telling you that your little fantasy world is not real.” Trinity says standing, her eyes starting to glow from her magic. That’s right... no Brian yet, so she still has all her magic. “Did you drink or eat something? Are you on drugs?” Really? Drugs? I can feel myself losing control.
“I am not on anything. I am not imagining a fantasy world. I am telling you that Amira, or whatever she is calling herself, is a demon who is after me. She is apparently trying to tear my world apart. I need you two to believe me. I need you to help me fix it before I get sent back.” I can hear the plea in my voice, but it is obviously having no effect on my friends. Man... Cyrana did a number on them.
“I’m going to go call the others. I think we need to get everyone in on this.” Trinity says, heading up the stairs. I can hear her start talking on the phone, but my focus is back on Salem.
“Sal, when have you ever known me to make up anything?” If I can at least get her on my side, it will be a start! She looks at me skeptically. “Sal, I know things about the future. I know I sound insane, but I’m not crazy. Amira’s name is Cyrana. She’s a demon. I don’t know from where or when. I don’t know why she’s latched onto destroying me, but I need you to believe me.”
“I think we should wait until Sophie and Dom get here. Maybe they can shed some more light on this. Maybe Dom can look something up on your parent’s computer. You know how much he likes trying to hack things.” I laugh a little. Always the hacker. Trinity walks back into the room, not looking at me, and I can almost see the distance starting to form between us.
“They’re upstairs. Sophie said she had a weird feeling and was worried about you. Dominic is on your computer.” Trinity says, grabbing her bag off my bed. It’s still weird seeing them with backpacks instead of purses. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to go back in time and do high school over. This isn’t how I imagined the experience. Dominic is silently cursing at my parent’s very old computer when we reach the living room. Man, I don’t miss living with my parents. Their house is a bit too small for three kids and the two of them. It’s also old, and probably has never had the carpets replaced since its original construction in the 70’s.
“I’m glad you guys are here.” I sigh, sitting on the couch by Sophie. I frown as she scoots a little further away. “What can I do to prove to you that I’m not crazy?” At this point I’ll do just about anything!
“You’ve been really stressed lately.” Sophie starts. “It’s totally normal for stress to induce hallucinations.” Man I forgot that she was all psychological even in high school. I glare at her.
“I am not making this stuff up. I am from the future.” Ok, even I think I’m starting to sound crazy. Dominic turns around in the office chair, and looks at me with sad eyes.
“Trinity told me about this Cyrana demon. I can’t find anything anywhere about any demon with that name.” He says in a gentle tone. It makes me want to punch him. “Come here.” He waves me over to look at the computer screen. On there is a picture of Sebastian and Cyrana/Amira and shows that it’s Sebastian’s MySpace account. Man I forgot that website even existed. There’s no way I’ll remember my information to login. It shows pictures of them from a month ago, as well as a couple from the Boston trip. That sly bitch. I look back to Dom, and an idea hits me.
“You’re really good at math right?” I ask, grabbing a notebook and pen from my backpack. “I want you to look up a college level math problem. Something that I haven’t been taught yet in this time period. I’m going to prove to you that I’m from the future.” Just like how I weirded out Mrs. Z in math class today. He looks to Trinity, who shrugs. He turns and looks up something on the computer, then writes it down. I make sure to stay away from the screen so they won’t think I’m cheating. He hands the notebook to Salem who hands it to me. Crap...calculus. My most hated math subject.
“How is this going to prove you’re from the future?” Sophie asks as I start writing out the answer, being sure to show all my work.
“Because it is a known fact that I completely suck at math. Therefore, when I get this college stuff right, you’ll know I’m not lying. I took college calculus my second semester of college.” I finish and hand the notebook back to Dominic, waiting for him to check it against the computer. Dominic turns back still frowning.
“You got it correct, but I don’t know Kitty Sue. Where did this weird obsession with Sebastian come from?” Back to this? Really?! It’s still not enough that I answered a college level math question that any normal 18 year old would have never been able to get? I’m so fed up, it’s not even funny.
“Get out of my house.” The shock on their faces is a nice change from their disapproving frowns, but I don’t care. “If none of you will at least trust me, and just listen, then I guess we aren’t really friends, and I guess I’m going to figure this out alone.” Goddess my heart hurts for having to say that, but I can’t keep arguing with them. Cyrana has obviously used a great deal of demon mind power to alter their memories. It’s like trying to talk to a 3 year old about physics. They are never going to understand. They all head to the door, none of them bothering to argue any further either. It’s obvious to everyone that this is a waste of time.
“Kitty, I hope that this Twilight Zone dream you’re stuck on gets fixed soon. I’d hate to see you throw away your life obsessing over Sebastian and Amira. It’s not healthy. Especially if you’re going to choose some guy who barely registers you exist over your friends.” Salem says as she walks out the door. Man I kind of wish I had fire magic so I could singe her hair or something.
“You’re the ones choosing to not believe me. You’re the ones not choosing your best friend.” I yell after them as they get into their cars and drive off. I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, but I don’t have time for crying. I need to fix this. I need to change everything back and figure out how to take down this damn demon bitch.
I FORGOT HOW MUCH MY parents screamed at each other when I was in high school. Listening to them yell back and forth most of the night wasn’t the only thing that kept me up though. I wish I had owned a laptop, but I remember my parents telling me not until college. I also remember them not actually following through with that promise either. I stayed up most of the night going through the few spell books I owned and gathering the very few herbs I owned to find something I could do to fight back against Cyrana. Only six days left to get Sebastian back, and get the timeline back on the correct path. After hours of finding diddly squat on demons, I decided to focus on how to get Sebastian's actual memories back. It’s going to take a lot, and would be easier if I had my friends help, but I’ll take what I can get at this point.
“Kitty Suzanne Rodrigues! You are going to miss the bus if you don’t get up here this instant!” My mother’s voice sounds from the top of the stairs. I forgot how much my mother screamed in general now that she’s yelling. I grab my backpack with homework I never cared to do, and run out of the house just in time to run up the bus stairs. I lived close enough to the school that the ride only takes about ten minutes, but far enough away I can’t walk. My parents never bought me a car, never let me borrow their cars, and in fact, I never even got my first car until me and Sebastian moved in together. I look through my notes the whole bus ride, ignoring the commotion of the other kids. As soon as the bus parks and the doors open I rush off, looking for Sebastian. I pray to the Goddess that he is alone.
“Hey Sebastian!” I wave him down as I see him walking toward the gym. No Cyrana in sight. Good. He turns and gives me a smile. I can’t help but smile back. I’ve always loved his smile. “You got a minute? I have a question about...um...the essay.” Shit, did we take the same English classes? I think we did. Shit...
“Sure thing Kitty Sue. I’ll meet you guys in a minute.” He waves to his buddies. Football jocks. Urg...I was always so proud that he wasn’t as stupid as his friends in high school. “Are you having trouble with the research?” My hand reaches into my bag, gripping the soft powder. Stall... too many people in the area. No need to cause a panic.
“”Yea, I can’t find anything on my...um...subject. I’m thinking of asking to change my topic.” Good, only a couple students left... and...gone! I throw the powder at him, using my air magic to whirl around him, making sure he inhales at least a bit of it.
“What the hell Kitty Sue?!” He wipes at his face, coughing slightly. “Did you just throw sand on me?” Sure... let’s go with sand.
“Sorry, I thought I was pulling out my notebook.” I say, not moving from looking at him. Please work! Did I mix the ingredients correctly? Was I supposed to say an incantation? Mother trucker! “It’s just sand from the beach. Did it get in your eyes? We should go wash it out if it has.” I don’t move though. Still waiting for something to start working. He’s done wiping at his face, and turns to squint at me...or glare... I’m not really sure which.
“I’m fine. Dude, next time look what you’re grabbing out of your bag. I don’t want to go blind.” he says, picking up his discarded bag. Fucking hell! It didn’t work?! Are you kidding me?!
“I really am sorry. Um...” Think Kitty Sue! “Maybe I could make it up to you? We could grab some coffee?” Shit... do high schoolers do that? “Or whatever. I could use the help with my essay.” He looks me over again, still squint-glaring.
“I don’t think Amira would like that. She’s kind of protective. And by that, I mean she gets jealous. But, I could meet you at the library during free period and help you with the essay.” He says, then turns and walks off. Shit... now I have to fake my way through English and skip PE because that’s his free period. I have like a little over an hour to come up with magic plan B... I have no herbs, and no book. I also have no friends to fall back on. Double shit...