
Chapter Eight



“Please don’t do this! I’m not a witch!” A young girl, maybe fifteen, begs as tears stream down her face. I fight the urge to snap her thin neck. That’s not how one steals a witch’s magic. I look to the blade in my hand, feeling the magic from the last witch slowly draining. Amira had said that magic won’t stay in a host who doesn’t possess the magic initially. It’s such bullshit that I can’t keep it longer. Having the water magic had been a blast. This little girl had wandered into Amira’s domain a couple days ago, and was grabbed by the demon guards. She may not have a lot of magic, or even be aware she has it, but it’s there.

“Sexy! Don’t play with your food.” Amira’s voice sounds from the chair behind me. Essentially her demon name is Cyrana, but I prefer calling her by her human name. I’m the only one allowed to. 

“Technically my dear, I’m playing with your food.” I send a wink at her. Her red eyes crinkle as she smiles. It’s not a normal smile like people would think. Her smile is more of a wolf baring its teeth. I grip the blade, trying not to think about what I’m about to do. Most of my compassion has gone, but sometimes it tries to pop its’ annoying head back in. Consciences are stupid. I don’t even look at the girl’s face as I stab her through the heart. Amira laughs at the girl’s scream, but I barely register it. After killing dozens of witches, very little fazes me. I wait for her to finish screaming. That’s how I know she’s dead. That and the rush of power I get. Amira’s little imp brings over a chalice to collect the blood as I continue to wait. I frown looking at the lifeless body.

“Master looks unhappy.” The imp squeaks, and I have to fight the urge to kick him across the room. He is carrying blood after all. Just as I’m about to use what little water magic I have left to stab the damn imp, I feel the magic from the girl. I don’t even think I should call it magic. There’s barely any. She’s also a water witch, which sucks. I was hoping for fire this round. I like blowing things up.

“We’ll need to find another witch. This one barely registers. Such a waste.” I growl as I sit next to Amira on a separate chair. Fucking witches have become extinct... so frustrating. A shiver finds its way down my back as I watch her drink the blood. She’s had me try it a couple times, but I can’t get past the copper taste.

“Unfortunately, there aren’t any left in the city. At least, none that have access to magic. I would have loved to grab Trinity and her little group.” Amira sneers. Another shiver crawls through me. I hadn’t been the one to kill Trinity Silvers, and I doubt I would have been able to. She was a good person, and always so nice to me. I met the warlock that killed her. Super dick head, but he caught her fair and square. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I didn’t get to witness the funeral. Hallowed ground with nothing but a bunch of good witches doesn’t quite agree with demons or those of us who have pledged ourselves to one. Her parents on the other hand had kept me juiced for months. It was fantastic!

“Her friends are useless.” I growl, thinking of the demon whore and crack head. Trinity’s death hadn’t settled well with them. My scouts had lost track of Salem a long time ago. I think she left the state, but Amira thinks she’s in hiding. Either way, I’m not getting my hands on her. I lick my lips... she would totally deserve it though. I still have a scar from when she attempted to kill Amira right after Trinity had died. I think it was her way of dying herself, but she had fled once I was able to wound her in return. An eye for an eye and all that jazz. A loud knock has both of us standing, a water sphere at the ready for me, and some weird demon magic surrounding Amira.

“My queen? I have news.” I sigh, dropping the water and falling back into the chair. It’s another of her demon lackeys. His news is probably mundane and I can’t find the energy to give a rat’s ass. Amira simply nods, taking a seat as well. “A witch came into the city this morning. We’ve lost her, but we believe she is still within the barrier.” That perks me up. Oh what luck I have sometimes.

“You didn’t catch her the moment she crossed into the city?” Amira asks, her eyes glowing. Oh man, she is pissed! This is awesome! I love watching her dismember things.

“She wasn’t projecting, so we almost missed it. We caught her magic up north, and again in the city center, but lost it after that. A few demons at the club thought they saw her too, but she was with a human and they were... occupied.” I roll my eyes. Blah blah blah! I wish she would just kill him.

“No excuse!” She yells before raising her hand. The lackey screams once before he is torn to shreds with a flick of Amira’s wrist. So fucking cool. I wish I could do that. “Loki!” She yells for the imp. I kind of want to kick him... again. I don’t though. Unfortunately my want to do something cruel battle my still annoying conscience. Sometimes making it hard for me to do the things that Amira does. Like abuse the imp, or tear someone to shreds.

“Yes Mistress?” Loki doesn’t look at her face, he mostly just stands there shaking in fear. So pathetic.

“Find this witch that made it past my barrier, and report back to me. She shouldn’t be too hard to find if she’s an outsider.” Amira just waves her hand and Loki immediately disappears. Again, I’m hoping it’s a fire witch. I love those ones! It’s really too bad that Sophie’s magic is gone because of all the alcohol and sex with demons. I’m sure her magic would have been fun to play with. Amira moves from her chair to my lap, and my arms instantly snake around her waist. Her human body is very skinny, mostly bones. She’ll probably need a new one within the next year since she rarely eats human food to sustain it. She’s crazy light, and it almost makes me long for someone with more... just more.

“You keep frowning like that and you’ll get wrinkles.” She scolds. I raise a brow to her. Her demon magic keeps me from aging, and once I kill enough witches I’ll be able to become a demon too. She must be bored if she’s coming up with stupid shit. Or she wants to fight with me. That always leads to a round of rather brutal sex. Not that I don’t enjoy it, but it does always make me wonder what non-violent sex would be like. Meh... probably boring. After years in her presence, and the presence of other demons, I no longer smell the brimstone and sulfur smell.

“I'll smile once I have magic that lasts longer than a few days. I'm hoping that whoever Loki finds will be worthwhile and not a dead end like the last few witches we have been able to find.” I can hear the grumble in my voice as I think about my future and how if we don't find this witch I'll be powerless in a day. Probably less with how shitty this last witch’s magic is. Amira shifts herself, straddling me, locking her hands behind my head so she can look me in the eyes. Sometimes when she does this I forget things. Like what I had just been doing or saying, or what has been happening for the past week. Other times, like now, she does it because she's horny and her demon half is in need of some sex. I often wonder if her human side ever has a say in what she does, but mostly I can't find the will to care.

She unbuttons my pants, pulling out my cock. It jumps to attention a little too eager for my liking. It’s like the damn thing has a mind of its own. She shimmies out of her pants, having long ago lost any fucks about people seeing her naked. We’ve had sex in public so many times, I’ve lost count. She sits and it’s like I have no control over my body as the sudden need to fuck her hard consumes me. I lift her, slamming her up against the closest wall. She cackles, and I can feel the rage I have coming to the surface. I don’t know why it comes out when I have sex with Amira, or why I want to kill her every time, but it fuels me and makes it that much more satisfying.

“Oh yea! I love it when you get rough!” Amira moans as I pump into her as hard as I can. My hand finds her throat, squeezing. I know I could break her neck and her demon would just fix it, but I don’t. I still can’t fight the damn conscious that keeps me feeling some guilt after I kill so that I can’t become a true demon. Her pussy clamps down on me, making me come. It’s not as relieving as it used to be. It’s more of a chore. Sex has become something we do when her demon needs it, or we get bored. I pull out of her, feeling a need for a shower. She’s smiling, her red eyes looking like a content kitten. A pretty face flashes before my eyes causing me to stumble. What the fuck?

“My lady?” A voice interrupts from the door. Amira looks up, a hiss on her lips. She walks to her pants, staring down one of the guards. I watch as he tries to compose his words in a way that won’t get him flayed alive. “We have brought you the one you asked for.” He shoves a skinny kid into the room. No, not kid. Dude must be around my age, but he’s skin and bones. Shaking like a leaf, the man’s gray eyes look up from under shaggy brown hair. I can feel the shock written on my face.

“Dominic?” I don’t know why I voice the name of the man in front of me, but I just can’t seem to comprehend why Amira would want him here. He has no more magic, having become a drug addict right out of high school. As a matter of fact, it looks like he’s still using.

“Yes, I had the guards hunt him down after that random witch was sensed in his area.” Amira says, and her voice causes Dominic to shake more. This time it’s from fear. Usually I would thrive on it, but seeing my old friend here, in this shape makes me...feel. I should leave.

“ witch! What witch? I don’t see a witch.” Dominic is jittery and babbling. Amira walks over to him, making him shake more, and I really just want to hug the guy.

“Now now my adorable little human.” I’m sure she’s trying to sound soothing, but honestly, it’s creepy. “We didn’t say you saw one. I just want to know if maybe one happened to be around you.” She pulls something out of her back pocket. Dominic’s eyes widen like a puppy seeing a toy.

“Maybe. There are people around here and there and everywhere. Some are in the street, some in my house.” He’s babbling, but the last statement he freezes, like he just fucked up. Amira smiles.

“In your house? Like who?” She asks, dangling the little bag. Must be drugs.

“No... no... you didn’t hear that. Not my house. My house is my house. No one in my house.” His eyes are darting around the room like he wants to escape. Shit... he knows something. Even I can tell, and I’m not half as intuitive as Amira. She stops dangling the bag, and I can feel the room drop a few degrees. This happens when she’s mad.

“Do you want your blood to become the new paint on my walls? Because lying to me is how that happens.” I’m pretty sure Dominic can’t shake any harder at this point. An odd need to protect my one time friend overwhelms me and has me grabbing Amira’s arm. I flinch feeling my skin burn from the contact. I forget that her body basically catches on fire when she’s pissed.

“Why not just keep a close eye on him.” I whisper. Dominic is more concerned with finding an exit than what I’m saying. “If someone did visit him, they’re likely to return.” I can feel the prickle of tears stinging the back of my eyes from the pain in my hand. I can’t show weakness to her though. I’m no weakling. Her skin cools, and she turns her gaze back to the nervous form of Dominic. She throws the baggy at Dominic, and I can honestly say I’m surprised when he catches it.

“Take him back to his home.” She says the word with such disdain. I’ve never been to his house, but I have a feeling it’s not as nice as it should be. Dominic opens the baggy, sniffing the contents before licking his fingers to test the flavor. The guard grabs Dominic by the upper arm, hauling him out of the room.

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I HAVEN’T ACTUALLY been to hell like Amira, but I tell you what... her weekly trips down there are something I look forward to more and more. I rub my sternum above what’s left of my blackened heart. When she’s gone, it’s the only time everyone seems to relax. It’s the only time my mind is clear. I run a hand through my hair thinking about Dominic.

“Andras!” I hate being this irritable. I blame the lack of magic in my body. That last witch’s magic has already dissipated. The large demon enters the room, doing a quick look around for Amira I’m sure.

“You called my Lord.” I frown at that too. I don’t like the fancy titles.

“You were one of the men tasked with returning Dominic to his home, correct?” The demon simply nods, not even looking me in the eyes. “I need you to take me there. Right now.” I respond, heading for the exit, not even bothering to look behind me. I know he’s following just as he should. Amira is scary, and has rightfully scared the hell out of these demons. She may have to go answer to the Devil himself, but all of these guys answer to her. Before I can even blink, I’m standing outside a rundown building. Like most of the buildings in the city these days.

“Third floor, 313 my Lord.” I glare at the guard and the disdain in his voice. Probably from having to address me as a Lord and not just some human. Being the consort to a powerful demon has its advantages. I walk as carefully as possible around all the garbage, broken glass, and used needles. Man, Dominic has really gone downhill. Once at his door, I knock. He’s probably blitzed out of his mind. I try the handle which jiggles, but he must have other locks in place. Good! I do enjoy destroying property, and seeing how dilapidated this building is, one good kick should remove the door.

“The fuck?!” Dominic’s voice comes from the corner after I have effectively kicked in the crappy door. The sound alerting the demon I had brought with me. I’m pretty sure the sound caused Dominic to at least jump, if not piss himself. It’s hard to tell with the shape he’s in and the smells coming from the room. “Why are you here? Leave me alone! No one’s here. My house!” He’s still tripping. He’s also hugging a tattered looking book very close to his chest. Guess that means I should look at it. I stalk over to him, he cowers further into his corner. What a wimp. Maybe I should have let Amira kill him. I rip the book out of his hands, smirking at his feeble attempts to get it back. The scrawny ex-witch actually tries to glare at me. I can feel a chuckle escape as I backhand him. Man... hitting something feels good. Maybe that’s why I’ve been cranky lately. I just needed to kick something. I thumb through the book, ignoring Dominic. It’s an old book of spells. Not just that, it’s a diary too. I walk back over to Dominic, holding him up by his gross shirt.

“Where did you get this?” I growl, making sure he sees the book as well as my face. “It was Trinity’s, which means it should have been buried with her.” I drop Dominic to the floor, going back to the book. There’s weird occurrences in here that just don’t make sense. Accounts of me and Kitty that just didn’t happen. The talk of some kind of past that never happened. Things that I was apparently part of, but I don’t remember. I can feel my face heat in my anger. I had a feeling that Amira was using her demon powers on me, but this is proof. I glare down at Dominic again.

“No... no! You can’t take her book. It’s hers.” Domini is whimpering in his corner. I scoff. Seriously... I remember him having much more of a backbone in high school. As I walk toward the door I can hear the sound of branches. As I look behind me, Dominic is on his feet, a small house plant growing like crazy toward me and the book. The fuck? “It’s not yours!” Dominic’s face shows pure rage as the now large tree comes at me, swinging its’ branches as if they are arms. When the hell did he get his magic back?!

“Andras! Get us out of here!” I yell, ducking and dodging the fucking tree. A larger branch catches me in the stomach, hurtling me out the door and across the hall. Andras grabs my arm, and the next moment we are back in Amira’s throne room. I look around, still holding the book. Andras looks shaken. I don’t think the demon has ever been that close to magic before. The evil inside me wants to go back and snuff it from Dominic, but my head is spinning with too many questions.

“My lord?” Andras’s voice is confused. “How should we proceed?” He asks, clearly not caring about the fact that I am a mere human compared to him. I shove the book in my back pocket. I’ll have to find a way to hide it from Amira until I can figure out what the actual fuck is going on.

“I’ll let Amira know that his magic has come back. Seeing as that last pathetic excuse for a witch’s magic has already left from my body, I won’t be any help. She’ll have to grab him and bring him here.” I say, feeling the scowl on my face again. Man I’m so pissed. Dominic played us. He’s been sobering up so he can access his magic again.

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“SO THE EARTH NERD TRIED to pull a fast one?” Amira is oddly calm for once. I absently wonder if her talk with the big guy down stairs has something to do with it. I’m still pretty pissed off, but I figure, the best way to get revenge will be to steal his magic.

“I should have let you kill him when he was here.” I growl. She cackles in response. I’m glad she finds the situation amusing...

“Now now dearest! This is fantastic news! It means he is definitely up to something, and when you do get to kill him, you’ll have some nice earth magic for a while!” I smile as she saunters over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She always sees the evil bright side. My hands slip around her waist, pulling her toward me, my dick getting hard at the thought of more magic.

“When will I get to kill him? You know I get itchy without some kind of magic.” My hands find their way to her ass, easily lifting her into my arms. This human body of hers is getting thinner by the day. I frown.

“I have a few minions watching him, including Loki. Once we get a bead on what he’s doing, he’s all yours.” She smiles that creepy smile of hers. It’s not a happy smile because I’m pretty sure her human face can’t do that anymore, but I understand the gesture.

“Have you found a new human host? This body is getting a little fragile...” I say. I could go for a bit more meat on her bones too. Fucking a skeleton isn’t exactly fun... her red eyes crease into an angry frown. She hates when I bring up her human body.

“Yes... I found a girl, but she’s a bit strung out on heroin at the moment. My minions have her in the basement until she’s sober. I don’t want to be in a body that may die if she can’t get over her addiction.” She growls, pulling out of my arms. I set her on her feet, following her to the dungeon as she usually calls it. There’s a small person in the corner of one of the barred rooms. Black hair, skinny because of the drug use, but still meatier than Amira’s current host.

“She’s not so bad looking. Her body will be stronger than the one you’re using at least.” I shrug, looking back to Amira. She looks frustrated.

“I like this one’s magic.” She whines. I understand that.

“Then you should have taken better care of it.” I retort. I’m probably the one being alive that can talk to her this way without her killing me. She sneers at me, I can see the gears turning in her head. 

“I could do a spell that transfers her nutrition into this body...” She starts, and I’m wondering why the hell she just didn’t do that before. “Then I wouldn’t have to switch.”

“Yes, you should do that.” I growl. She really pisses me off sometimes. “You should have fucking done that months ago.”

“Calm the fuck down asshole! I’ve had other things to do besides make sure this body was attractive enough for some stupid human.” She yells back. Man, I wish I had something to blast the bitch with. Fire, or water, or something. Instead, I turn on my heel and walk out of there. I really am not in the mood to deal with her shit. She’ll either get her host body healthy, or it’ll die and she’ll be SOL. Not my fucking problem.
