The 45 regions of the Greek world are those listed in the Inventory, although names of regions have in in some cases been anglicized: thus Sicily for Sikelia. Region numbers are assigned according to order of regions in the Inventory. Regions are located by number on map 1. Numbers of the poleis within each region are per the Inventory. For each region, I estimate a total population, list the number of known (i.e., listed in the Inventory) poleis in the region, and calculate the size and fame of an average polis of the region.
Each region’s population is calculated as follows: Multiply poleis of known size by estimated population per size category (see table 2.1). Add known poleis of unknown size according to the formula used to generate table 2.1. Estimate the total number of unknown-size poleis of each size category (the standard size of a polis of unknown size calculated at (0.3 × 1,000) + (0.53 × 3,500) + (0.114 × 7,000) + (0.04 × 17,000) + (0.14 × 35,000) = 4,125). Add 6 unlocated poleis and 64 hypothesized poleis, each assumed to be of the standard size, to reach the hypothetical polis total of 1,100 (per table 2.1). Unlocated and hypothesized poleis are assigned to regions 5, 25, 27, 33, 35, 37, and 39. Total population thereby added = 288,750. Population added to some regions is based on the high average size of known poleis and the large number of unknown poleis (regions 2 and 3), on the basis of literary and/or documentary population figures cited in Hansen 2008 or on other evidence suggesting undercount (regions 4, 7, 10, 11, 18–20, 30, 36, 39, and 40). Total population thereby added = 439,375. Population of region 30 (Inland Thrace) is a guess, since there are no known-size poleis in that region. Population is reduced in region 44 (Cyprus), based on unusual distribution of size 5 poleis. Sum of regional totals = 8,248,500, per table 2.1. “Average Size” (based on 7 size categories in table 2.1) is of known-size poleis only. “Average Fame” (based on the raw data of Inventory text columns rather than the five categories of table 2.2) is of all Inventory poleis.
TABLE I.1 45 Regions of the Greek World: Population, Average Polis Size, and Fame