
While this book was written in the midst of an unimaginable time for all of us, the story lived within me for decades as I covered stories that shook my core and rattled my faith. There are so many people and organizations who lifted me up when the last pages of this book weighed heavily on my heart. On some days, I underestimated how the very nature of this novel would result in sleepless nights. I could not have made it without a dedicated team led by my loyal and inspiring WME book agents, Eve Attermann and Suzanne Gluck, who worked alongside the ever-present superagent Bradley Singer, who partnered with me on my Emmy-winning and Emmy-nominated daytime talk show and now this novel. To my assistant and now dear friend Lizzy Levine, I am honored my son will have someone like you to offer him advice when it’s time for him to find his lane and career. You make me so proud. Thank you for every email “moved to the top” so I would not miss a thing. You know I hate being late, and you made sure I kept my obligations on all fronts.

When I said out loud to the team at William Morrow that I wanted to write a crime series, they greeted the unexpected dream with open minds and unwavering support. Carrie Feron, Executive Editor, SVP, and Asanté Simons, Associate Editor; my publishers Liate Stehlik and Jennifer Hart; my marketing team of Kaitlin Harri and Sam Glatt; my publicity team of Danielle Bartlett and Kelly Rudolph; my production team of Pamela Barricklow, Elizabeth Blaise, and Shelby Peak; and my sales team of Andy LeCount, Christine Edwards, Ronnie Kutys, Mary Beth Thomas, Michael Morris, and Carla Parker: your patience as I taped my show from home after our studio was closed and your ability to sandwich our meetings between teaching my toddler to go from crawling to walking and transitioning from formula to finger food qualifies you for sainthood in my mind.

Thank you to my “other brain,” Shawn Taylor. On days when my own brain would not focus, you kept me steady and the mission clear. Writing this novel on Zoom was not part of the plan, but seeing your pixelated face in that little square daily as I downed my sixth coffee before 10 a.m. are memories I cherish. And we even found time to exchange recipes and tips on raising boys.

Last but never the least, to my dedicated family and friends: thank you for giving me the space and encouragement to think outside the box. You helped me defy the expectations of what is possible. From the first words written to the very last, you were there when I bugged y’all and called and texted all hours of the night to collect your opinions.

To all the reporters who see the human and not the headline, especially those who “cover crime”: I salute you. No one can see or experience what you have and not be impacted. Without tireless souls like you, so many other souls would not be able to rest in peace.