Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
absolution, 89
abuse, drug, 18, 87, 203, 209
acceptance, 32, 135, 151; accepting, 35; unconditional, 43
action, social, 27, 34, 84–85
addiction, to psychedelics, 179
addictions, treatment of, xxvii, 64, 111, 116–118, 140–141, 149–151, 186
adolescence, 173–174
agape, 55, 171
Agrace Hospice and Palliative Care, 133
alcohol, attitudes towards, 198–199, 203
alcohol addiction, xxvii; session reports, 64, 117–118; treatment of, 140–141, 149–151, 167
Alcoholics Anonymous, 125, 150–151
Allah, 41
allegory of the cave, Plato’s, 45–46, 153–154
altered states, non-use of term, 21
Amanita muscaria, 176, 201
amazement, xxi, 53, 82
amoeba metaphor, 61
amphetamines, 150
amygdala, 147
anaconda, visionary, in South American indigenous religions, 87
Andover-Newton Theological School, 31, 129
angels, 79, 85–86, 89, 101
anger, 16, 75, 104, 135
anthropology, xxviii
antidepressive medication, 141, 183
antinomies, 26
anxiety, 29, 35, 47, 132, 188; treatment of, 18, 125
arc of experience, 24, 187
architecture, xxi, 52, 53, 90
archetypes, 15, 79–84, 143, 175
art, 105; Hindu, 80; Renaissance, 85
artistic performance, 12
art therapy, 158
ascension, of Jesus, 94
Asperger’s Syndrome, 140
assumptions, metaphysical, 13–15
astral body, non-use of term, 22
astronomy, 72, 168; Ptolemaic and Copernican, 204–205
atheism, 41
athletic performance, 28
Atman, 43, 44, 58, 170
atoms, 161; in external unity, 67
atonement, 94
attention, focused, 12
attitudes, persisting positive changes, 5–6, 33–34
autism, 140
autogenic training, 167
awakening, xv, xxviii, 34, 49, 51, 151, 172, 173, 195–203
awe, xxi, xxii, 12, 22, 32, 41, 52, 53, 63, 73–74, 79, 92, 106, 124, 151, 153, 156, 168, 171, 195, 205, 212
ayahuasca, 20, 111, 123, 201; exploration of depths, 187; “Garden of Souls,” 50–51; “mansions of the soul” vision, 90–91; “medieval mountainside” vision, 53–54; safety of, 191; as teacher, 54, 87
bad trips, 132
Bannesteriopsis caapi, 163, 201
Baptist Christianity, 81
baqá wa faná, 10
beatific vision, 10, 103
beauty, xxi, 11, 14, 25, 30, 41, 52–54, 64–67, 73–74, 83, 89, 93, 102, 116–118, 151, 156, 164, 168, 212; lack of, 107–108, 197
belonging, 142
Bhakti Yoga, 27, 46, 51
Bible, 27, 42, 89, 91, 94–95, 170, 172–173
biochemistry, 14
bipolar disorder, 95
blessing, 32, 73, 151, 171
blood, symbolism of, 171–172
blood flow, in brain, 14–15, 146
blood gases, 12
blood pressure, 183–184
bodhicitta, 27
bodhisattva, 15, 65, 176
bogeymen, 86
“boomerang” metaphor, 187
born-again Christians, 46
Brahman, 41, 43–45, 58, 170
Brahma Sutra, 42–43
brain, 12–15, 52, 146–147; 5-H2A receptors, blood flow, oxygen content, and “default mode network” in the, 14–15; as reducing valve, 14
Brazil, ayahuasca-using religions in, 163
breath control, 2, 159
bromo-psilocybin, 149
Buddha, 65, 134, 176, 211; as personal lord, 51, 211
Buddhahood, 65
Buddhism, xxviii, 10, 34, 48, 92, 169
Buddhist theology, 15
burning bush, in Exodus, 84, 93
C-39. See psilocybin
caffeine, 18, 203, 209
campfire songs, 43
cancer, xxvii, 48, 130, 132, 141; deciding against experimental treatments, 129–130; neurological metastases, 183; reports of patients, 61–64, 87, 99–101, 104–106, 108–111, 197–198; treatment of psychological distress, 4, 47, 73
cannabis, 18, 192, 209
carbon dioxide, 12
cardiovascular arousal, 183
caring, 34
catharsis, of grief, 132
cave, Plato’s allegory of the, 45–46, 53, 153–154
caveman metaphor, 25
cave paintings, 7
Celestial Buddha Fields, 211
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 3
CEY-19, 30, 32
Chacruna. See Psychotria veridis
chant: Gregorian, 157; Hindu, 156, 175, 190; Tibetan Buddhist, 84, 158, 175
chemistry, 30, 154, 160; of the brain, 12, 14, 149
chesed, 27
chi-body, non-use of term, 22
choice, 33, 51, 114, 123, 173
Christ: archetype, 15, 81, 94, 175; blood and body of, 171–172; vision of, 93–94
Christ consciousness, 41, 49
Christianity, 51, 169–170, 172; early, 85, 113. See also Baptist Christianity; born-again Christians; Episcopal Protestantism; Evangelical Christianity; Pentacostal Christian experiences; Methodist Protestantism; Orthodox Christianity; Protestant Christianity; Quakerism; Roman Catholicism
chromosome damage, of LSD, 180–181
cingulate cortex, 15
civilizations, development of, 50–51
classification, of psychedelics, 203
climate, therapeutic, 188
clusterbusters, 148
cocaine addiction, 150; treatment of, 140
cognition, 51, 122
cognitive categories, 14
cognitive impairment, 33
cognitive-behavioral techniques, 140
collective unconscious, 11, 79–80, 115, 143
“common core” of experiences, 10
communication, 207; with other life forms, 72; with others, 129, 134–135; with words, 24-26
compassion, xxi, 15, 27, 34, 55–56, 74, 89, 93, 123, 197
completeness, degrees of, 12
Concord State Prison, 123, 142–143
conflicts, cultural, 202, 208; psychological, resolution of, 86, 92, 100, 116, 132, 182, 185, 187
confusion, 16, 95
confrontation, 186–187; of demons, 86; of fears, 101
consciousness, core of, 84; definition, 22, 46–47, 78; mystery of, 13–15, 146–147; mystical, 10; unitive, 58–68
constructivism, 10
control: focused, 54; relinquishing of, 16, 60, 64, 107–108, 112, 117–118, 182, 186, 197
Controlled Substances Act, 6
controversy, about psychedelics, 32, 82, 120
conversion, religious: in Evangelical Protestantism, 44, 113–114, 148; experiences of, 43, 123, 168
cosmic consciousness, 10
countertransference, 145
courage, 15, 35, 127, 130–131, 148, 186–187
craziness, 60
creativity, 11, 92, 149; Menlo Park studies, 160–161
creeds, Christian, 27, 171
crucifixion, 15; meaning of, 94
crystalline spheres, 204–206
cultish tendencies, 27–28
cultural lag, 168
cultural change, xxix–xxx, 3
curiosity, 7, 32, 74, 136, 153, 207
CZ-74, 30
dance, of Shiva, 50, 208
dark night of the soul, 34, 171
da’wah, 27
death, 17, 47, 49, 118, 126–136; changing attitudes towards, 132–135; fear of, 48; psychological, 60–61; of Walter Pahnke, 74–76
decision, role of, in Evangelical Protestantism, 173–174
deeply-felt positive mood, 10
default mode network, 15
demons, 79, 85–86, 117–118
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 14
dependence: drug, 150, 179; on others, 108
depression, 18, 47, 105, 125, 130–133, 140–141, 147, 197
determinism, 26, 50–51, 77
devas, 86
devotion, 33, 51, 91, 155, 166, 170
diarrhea, 111
diamond, 45, 89, 102
diet, 12, 84
dimensions, of being, 59
dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 3, 12, 20, 24, 111, 172; endogenous, 161–162
Diplopterys cabrerana, 163
dipropyltryptamine (DPT), 12, 21, 24, 141; experience of cancer patients, 47–48, 99–102, 202; of narcotic addicts, 80–81; and “United Nations” vision, 92
discipline, 119–123, 208
dissolving, 60
diversity, 19; respect for, 43
divine milieu, 13
d-lysergic acid diethylamide. See LSD
DMT. See dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
dogma, 171
Dortmund, bombing of, 202
dosage, 15, 29, 32, 52, 54, 68, 108, 115–116, 140, 149–150, 152, 185, 198
dreams: lucid, 53; Pahnke’s premonition of death in, 76–77
double-blind methodology, 5, 23–24,
doubt, 29–30, 33, 35, 62
dragons, 23, 86, 89
drug abuse, xxix, 18, 87, 203, 209
Drug Act (UK), 165
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 4, 121, 200
drug war, xxix
drugs: meaning of word, 18; varieties of, 18
DPT. See dipropyltryptamine (DPT)
ecstasy, 32–33, 89; extrovertive and introvertive, 59
Ecstasy. See methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
education, xxviii–xxix; with mental health professionals, 81, 147–148; with religious professionals, 28, 81
ego: dissolution of, xxi, 25, 40, 48, 54, 59–61, 65, 67, 170, 189; inflation of, 44–45; limitations of, 196; of therapist, 144
ego-strength, 59, 173, 185
Elusinian mystery religions, 49, 154, 214
elves, 23
emanation theory, 45
emerald, vision of, 101–102
emotion, 15, 39, 60, 64, 183
empathogens, 23
empathy, 144, 148
energy, xxi, 44–46, 51–52, 144, 169, 171, 186, 211; electrical, 48; negative, 111; in physics, 14, 47, 205
enlightenment, 34, 59, 63
entactogens, 23
entelechy, 16, 54, 211
entheogen: definition of, 19; use of term, 20
environment, degradation of, 51, 162
epicycles, 204–205
epilepsy, 183
Episcopal Protestantism, 175
epistemology, 40
essence, 25, 44, 48, 61, 65–66, 174
eternal core of being, 10–11, 45–46, 50, 58, 87, 145
eternal life, 47–48
Eternal Now, 49, 72
Eternal Thou, 99, 102
etheric body, non-use of term, 22
ethical imperatives, 55
ethics, development of, 43, 56, 142
Eucharist, 171
Evangelical Christianity, 44, 113, 173–174
everyday life, appreciation of, 15, 34, 48, 67, 195
evil, 26, 50, 85, 128
evolution, spiritual, 51, 208; of species, 72
excellence, striving towards, 15
existence, xxviii, 50–51, 70, 171, 196; definition, 61
existential intelligence, 152
Exodus, 84, 170
expectations, role of, 5, 11, 35, 127, 135, 198
Experimentelles Katatymes Bilderleben (EkB), 158
external unity, 59, 65–68, 84, 169
eyes, during visions, xxi, 52, 59, 66, 103, 182
faith, 60, 116–117, 174; Christ of, 175
fasting, 12
fear, 16, 85–87, 101, 118, 111, 115, 117–118, 188; of awakening, 163, 200; loss of fear of death, 47–48, 60–61; of joy, 197; of not fearing death, 128; of the unknown, 196
feminine manifestation of the divine, 81
fire, 93
flashbacks, 181–182
fMRI scans, 146–147
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 4, 6–7, 180, 200
Force, the, 42
forgetting, xxi, 33, 109
forgiveness, 43, 89, 135, 142
forms, platonic, 53
fractals, 91
freedom, xxix, 26, 35, 50–51, 72, 76–77, 132; of religion, 28, 177, 208
“fruits for life,” 40, 54–55
GAI. See Guided Affective Imagery (GAI)
Gaia, 212
Ganges River, 134
Garuda, 92
gemstones, 53, 79, 82, 89–90
gender, 26; God in feminine manifestation, 81
genetics, 56, 79, 90, 161, 196; vulnerability to adverse effects, 184–185
gentleness, 65
geometric patterns, xxi, 157, 161
GIM. See Guided Imagery with Music (GIM)
glory, xxi, 40, 85, 156
Gnosticism, 27–28
God: concepts of, 41; in feminine manifestation, 81; names of, 41–42; personal and nonpersonal, 43–44; unity with, 44, 58, 170; variations of meaning, 41
gods and goddesses, 53, 79
gold, 52, 82, 89,
good, 26, 50, 118
Good Friday Experiment, 31, 45–46
grace, 12, 84, 91, 171
gratitude, xxi–xxii, 32, 102, 126, 183, 198
Great Mother, 81, 176
greatness, human, 15
Great Spirit, 41
Greek gods, 176
grief, 43, 55, 101, 202; griefwork, 130–132; somatic expressions of, 132; unresolved, 16, 131–132
grounding, 44, 61, 86, 95, 108, 115, 136, 186, 188
ground of being, xxii, 10–11, 42, 51, 170–171, 211
ground luminosity of pure awareness, 211
guardian deities, 87
guardian figures, as guides, 92
Guided Affective Imagery (GAI), 158–159
Guided Imagery with Music (GIM), 158–159
guides, in psychedelic sessions, 5, 31; qualifications and training, 188–189, 191
guilt, 16, 43, 55, 88, 135, 202
hallucinations, 95; example of, 186; rarity of, 19
hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder (HPPD), 181–182
hallucinogens, term as misnomer, 19
harmaline, 163
harmine, 163
Harvard University, 7, 31–32, 39, 142, 149
headaches, cluster, 148
healing, 143–145
heaven, 40, 49, 51, 53, 59, 64, 71, 86, 89, 91, 134, 171, 211
hell, 86, 89, 142, 171, 211
heritage, religious, 42–43, 169, 174
heroin, 150; comparison with LSD, 18
“Higher Power,” 42
higher reaches of human nature, 17
Hinduism, 10, 43–44, 49, 92, 155, 169–170
historical documents, study of, 12–13, 127
history, 51, 105, 229; perspective on, xxi
Holotropic Breathwork, 158–159
Holy City, 89, 91
Holy Spirit, 169
homecoming, 46, 60
homicide, 128
honesty, 15, 131–132, 181
hospices, 133; possible future use of entheogens in, 47
hospitalization, psychiatric, 77
human greatness, 31
humility, 9, 17, 32, 172, 212
hypomania, 33
Ibogaine, 23
ignorance, 56–57
illumination, 34, 59
imagery, xxi, 35, 53, 90, 158–159; mild mental, 152
imagination, 35
imago dei, 44
immortality, 46–49; personal, 48–49; social, 105
Imperial College, London, 7, 141, 146
indifference, to labels for God, 41–42
indigenous use of psychedelics, xix, 7, 19–20, 95, 145, 162, 179, 181, 183
Indra, 49, 212
ineffability, xxii, 10, 24–26, 32–33, 151; lack of vocabulary to describe, 25, 89; paradox, 26
infinity, 48
inflation, of ego, 44–45
injustice, social, 51, 55
insights, during mystical consciousness, 39, 41
Institutional Review Board (IRB), 4, 200, 209
integration: of personality, 54, 87, 92, 115, 131; of psychedelic experiences, 19, 123–125, 143, 178, 190–191
integrity, 74–75
intensity, 39; degrees of, 27, 64
intention, 124; to confront, 86–87, 187–188
interconnectedness: in India, 57; of people, 43, 49, 108, 145, 212
internal unity, 59–65
interpersonal grounding, 44, 61, 86, 95, 108, 115, 136, 186, 188
interpretation of scripture, 17, 91, 94–95
interrelationships, within consciousness, 63, 161
interspirituality, 42, 175
interviews, follow-up, 190
intuition, of sacredness, 33; as a way of knowing, 40
intuitive knowledge, 10, 33, 39–57, 127
Iran, study of mystics in, 59
irrational behavior, 3, 21, 36, 119, 180
irrational experience, 40, 54
islaah, 27
Islam, xxi, 10, 44, 51, 53, 81, 85, 90, 172, 175
isolation (interpersonal), 47
Israelites, ancient, 84–85, 176
Jainism, 57
Jehovah, 41; as personal lord, 51, 211
Jesus: in biblical interpretation, 94, 176; historical, 175; as personal lord, 51, 211
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 4, 7, 47, 59, 83, 92, 124, 146, 181, 188–189; first psilocybin study, 4–6
journeys, spiritual, 86
joy, 32, 57, 60, 73, 91, 128, 134, 156, 183, 197
Judaism, 10, 51, 85, 172, 174–175
judgment, of God, 41, 127
justice, social, 51, 55, 172
Kali, 50
Karma Yoga, 27
kingdom of God, 51
Koran, 27, 42
Krishna, 51, 170, 202, 211
kykeon, 49, 154, 176
langars, 27
language: in different disciplines, 14; in different religions, 42–43; frontiers of, 25; limitations of, xxii, 24–26, 41, 44, 52, 58–59, 69–70, 89, 128; music as, 155–156; structural problems of, 25–26
La Purga, 111
laughter, 60, 86, 134
laws, drug, xxx, 159, 177, 192, 201, 208
leadership, in wake of mystical consciousness, 33, 84–85
leap of faith, 60
legal status of psychedelics, 177; frontiers of legality, 208–209; in Louisiana, 201; in New Mexico, 192
light, 44, 66, 84, 85, 89–91, 93–94, 128, 136; blue, 89; damaged by, 154; of DNA, 161; white, 74, 91, 118
lila, 51, 169
“lord,” various contexts of word, 51, 170, 211
lore, about psychedelics, 23
lotus, 84; in Buddhist chant, 158; lotus throne, 65
love, xxi, 11, 15, 26, 32, 48, 51–52, 74, 89, 93–94, 116–118, 124, 142, 144–145, 151, 172, 207–208, 211; in relationships, 135; as unconditioned imperative, 55–56
“Love” (Herbert), 62–63
LSA. See lysergic acid amide (LSA)
LSD, xv, 3, 7, 12, 20–21, 24, 143; and Aldous Huxley’s death, 133; author’s first experience, 81–83; Christian experiences and, 80–81, 93–94; comparison with heroin, 18; dosage, 162; experience in Dante’s world, 87–89; experience of cancer patients, 104–106, 197–198; experiences of narcotic addicts, 18, 80, 116–117, 186; external unity experience, 65–66; Hindu experiences and, 80; irrational attitudes toward, 21, 119, 179–181; marketing of, xx; Pahnke’s first experience, 73–74; prolonged reactions, 184–185; sensationalistic publicity, 179; training project, 81; in treatment of alcoholism, 64, 83, 117–118, 140, 167; veils in fireplace experience, 102–103
lysergic acid amide (LSA), 201
magic, 10
malaikah, 86
man, doctrine of, 44
mandalas, 87, 122, 158
Mandy. See methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
manna, 85, 176
“mansions of the soul,” 90–91
mantrams, 35, 84, 157–158, 187
MAO-inhibitors, 163
marijuana, 18, 150, 192, 209
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, 4, 68, 73, 158, 180, 182, 188; training project at, 81
mathematics, 71, 155
matter, mystery of, 13–14, 147, 211
maturation, spiritual, 143
“Mazatec god” experience, 82
McLeodganj, India, 56
MDA. See methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
MDMA. See methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
medicine: broad usage of, 18; psychedelics as, 19
medieval Europe, 23, 53, 92
meditation, 16, 43, 91; research into, 10–11; on rose, 83–84; techniques of, 12
melting, 60
memory, 10, 25–26, 30, 33, 43, 53–54, 72, 116, 131, 143
mental health professionals, study with, xxvii, 80–81
mental illness, visions during, 95
mescaline, xv, 20, 45; historical use of, 7; legality of, 177; safety of, 184
metals, precious, 53, 89
methadone, 150
methamphetamine, 150
Methodist Protestantism, xxi, 44
methlenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 12, 21, 144
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 22–23
methylphenidate (Ritalin), 5
microbiology, xxviii, 72
Millbrook Estate, 120–122
mind, definition of, 22
mind of God, 168
mind–body problem, 147, 211
Molly. See methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
monastic communities, 44
monism, 66
monsters, 86, 88
mood, deeply-felt positive, 10
morning glories, 201
motivational enhancement therapy, 141
Mount Horeb, 84
Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), 23, 148
mushrooms: in cave paintings, 7; legal status of, 181; in religious history, xix, 84, 91, 201; varieties containing psilocybin, 153, 164, 181
mushroom spores, 181
mushroom stone, 82
music, 5, 24, 46, 59, 189–190; body as instrument, 62; choice of, 189–190; Tibetan, 158; unity with, 66–67
mystical consciousness, xxi, 10–11; as delusion or defense mechanism, 45
mysticism: Eastern and Western, 169; study of, 13, 58–59
mysticomimetics, 19
myth, meaning of, 92–93, 212
Nada Brahma, 155
namaste, 57
nameless, the, 42
narcotic addiction, treatment of, xxvii, 80–81, 116–117, 123, 140, 186
Narcotics Anonymous, 125
Nataraja, 46–47
Native American Church, 20, 177
natural childbirth, 12
nature: communion with, 12, 19, 44, 70, intelligence in, 162–164
nausea, 111–112
navigation, principles of, 9
near-death experiences, 136
Negaunee, MI, 199
neo-orthodox theology, 31
Neo-Platonism, 42, 45–46
nervous system, 14, 18, 22, 72, 161, 163
neuroimaging, 141, 146–147
neuroscience, xxviii, 14, 146–147
New Jerusalem, 89
New Mexico, 2005 appeals court ruling, 192
New Testament, 13, 85, 94, 170, 172
New York University, 7, 47, 141, 148
niacin, 31
Nicene Creed, 175
nicotine addiction: attitudes towards, 203; treatment of, 140–141, 150
nicotinic acid, 31
nightmares, 187
nirvana, 10
nitrous oxide, 26, 120
nobility, 15
noetic quality, 32, 39, 65–66, 84, 95, 114
non-drug facilitators of alternate states, 12
non-dual awareness, 42
nonmystical forms of psychedelic experience, 15–16
nonrational experience, 40, 54
norm, deviation from, 21
normality, 21, 70, 185
nothingness, 42
numinous, 42
objectivity and reality, 39
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 122
occult phenomena, 10
ocean, of Brahman, 65
oceanic feeling, 39
Old Testament, 42, 84–85, 91, 172
ololiuqui, 201
“Omega Point,” 51
omniscience, 63
openness,16, 55, 114, 131–132, 136, 148, 186, 198
opera metaphor, 92
original blessing, 171
original sin, 171
Orthodox Christianity, 44
Overeaters Anonymous, 125
oxycontin, 150
oxygen, in brain, 12, 15
pain, 104, 148; changed perception of, 47, 110, 135
painting, abstract, 24
palliative care, possible future use of entheogens in, 47
panentheism, 45
panic, 16, 60, 95, 118
panpsychism, 47
pantheism, 45
paradigm shift, 204–206
paranormal phenomena, 10
parapsychology, 72
paradox, 26, 45–46, 52, 77
paranoia, 16, 29, 95, 107, 148
Paris metaphor, 147–148, 168
passivity, 95
patterns, abstract visionary/geometric, xxi, 15, 52, 63, 161
peace, xxi, 32, 35, 55, 60, 62, 87, 188; world, 43
peak experiences, 16–17
Pentecostal Christian experiences, 46
perceptual transformations, 29, 63; of mushroom stone, 81–83; of music, 66–67; of rose, 65–66; of table leg, 66
perennial philosophy, 10–11
performance: alternative states in artistic, 12, 33; alternative states in athletic, 12
persisting positive changes, 33, 40, 54–55, 124
personal, levels of consciousness, 60, 101–103, 115–116
personality structure, 27, 55
personality theory, openness, 55
personal unconscious, 115
perthes, 108–111
PET Scans, 146
peyote, 19–20, 112, 149; legality, 177; as teacher, 54, 87
phanerothymes, 19
phantastica, 19
philosopher king, 154
philosophy, 14, 69, 153–155; history of, 45; of history, 51
photons, 14
physical distress, meaning in, 108–112
physicists, 147; similarity of perspectives with mystics, 47
physics, 14, 47, 147, frontiers of thought, xxviii, 69, 70, 160, 164, 205
pillars of religious life, 27–28
pineal gland, 161
plant teachers, 163
plant war, xxix, 201
playfulness, 135, 169
playlist, of music, 189–190
poetry, 25, 40, 62–63, 160
portentousness, 79
potency, 12
prasad, 57
prayer, 27, 51; as instinct, 52
precognition, 72; of Pahnke’s death, 70–74
prefrontal cortex, 15
pregnancy, 183
prehension, 67
prejudicial terms, of psychedelics, 21
preparation for psychedelic experiences, 188–189; importance of, 8; lack of, 15–16
presence, 43, 144; of Christ, 44, 81, 85, 93–94
press, sensationalistic, xxix
primary religious experiences, 26–27
prison policy initiative, 142
privacy, of religious experiences, 16–18
progression, 40
prohibition, 198
projection, 82
prophets, 172–173
protection, 87
Protestant Christianity, xxi, 44, 51, 173
protoplasm, purposive qualities of, 42
Psalm 84, 91
psilocin, 14, 30
Psilocybe cubensis, 54, 164
psilocybin, xix–xx, 11, 24, 30, 107, 123, 147; advantages of 21; current religious use, 7, 20, 183–184; derivatives of, 30; first Hopkins psilocybin study, 5–6; in Good Friday Experiment, 31; indigenous use, xix, 20; marketing of, xix; metabolism of, 14–15; in palliative care, 47; reports of cancer patients, 61–65; synthesis of, xix, 20; in treatment of alcohol addiction, 140–141; in treatment of cocaine addiction, 150; in treatment of depression, 141; in treatment of nicotine addiction, 140; in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, 149
psyche, non-use of term, 22
psychedelic: origin of term, xx; definition, xxix
psychedelic experience: nonmystical forms, 15–16; problems in definition, 19–20; varieties of, xxvii, 16
psychedelic research: author’s involvement in, xx–xxii, xxvii; dormant period, 3–4; early history of, xix, 3
psychedelic therapy, 115, 139–143
psychedelics: estimated usage, 7; as medicine, 19; as skeleton keys, 23
psychiatry, biological, 96
psychodelytic therapy, 115
psychodynamic experiences, 16, 104–106
psychodysleptics, 19
psychointegrators, 19
psychology, xxviii
psychology of religion, xxviii, 78
psycholytics, 19
psycholytic therapy, 115
psychonauts, 146
psychosis, 106–108; in early research, xix; screening consideration, 184–185
psychosomatic distress, 108–111, 132
psychotherapy: with alcoholics, 117–118; with cancer patients, 47–48, 61–64, 99–102, 104–106, 108–111; dissolving obstacles, 56, 144; existential/transpersonal, xxviii; with narcotic addicts, 80, 116–117
psychotomimetics, 19
Psychotria veridis, 162
Ptolemaic astronomy, 204–206
pure consciousness event (PCE), 10
“Pure Land,” the, xxii, 42, 211
purgation, 34
purgatory, 51, 127
purity, of substances, xxix, 5, 23, 159, 181
Quakerism, 44
rage, 88
range, of alternative states, 23
real relationship, 145
reality, 73, 128, 153–154, 204; of mystical states, xxi–xxii, 33, 39; ultimate, 10–11, 26, 42, 50, 65
reason, 36, 40
rebirth, 64; psychological, 78
reconciliation, 101, 203
recreational use of psychedelics, xxviii, 87, 185
redemption, 54
reductionism, 13–14
regression, 16, 33, 40
reincarnation, 49, 53, 118, 135–136
relationship, personal, with God, 44, 46, 52
relevance, of God concepts, 41
reliability, 12
religion: definition of, 28; dissatisfaction with institutional forms, 28; place of experience within, 26–28
religious professionals, studies with, xxvii
reparenting, 142
resistance, 152, 197
respect, 95
resurrection, 15, 94
retreat centers, entheogens in, 178, 209
revelation, 15, 172; continuing occurrence of, 172–173
Revelation, Book of, 89
reverence, xxii, 22, 65, 74, 124, 164
revival services, 113–114
Rig Veda, 176
risks, of psychedelic use, 8–9, 87, 159, 165, 179–192
Ritalin. See methylphenidate (Ritalin)
rituals, religious, 12
Roman Catholicism, 44, 103, 171
rose: as archetype, 83–84; external unity with, 65–55; infinite rose garden, 99–101; perceptual transformations by addicts, 83–84
sacredness, 10, 74, 91, 143, 171; definition of term, 22
safety, 21, 44, 61, 68, 87, 192, 203; physiological, 179–184; psychological, 84–191; in religious communities, 191
sainthood, 34
salvation, 171
St. Peter’s Basilica, 175
Salvia divinorum, 23
samadhi, 10, 124
Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company, xix–xx
Sanskrit, 25
Santo Daime, 149–150, 163, 191
Saskatchewan, Canada, LSD research in, 83
scheduling, of drugs, 4, 6, 203
schizophrenia, xxviii, 95–96
science, limitations of, xxi
screening, 188
scriptures: interpretation of, 170; origins of, 173; references to body, 13; to unity, 42
secondary religious experiences, 26–27
seduction, by the divine, 60
seizures, 183
sekhel mufla, 10
self-actualization, 16
self-concept, 142
sensory flooding, 12
sensory isolation, 12
sensory overload, 12
sensory perception, changes in, 16, 29, 66, 128, 152, 157
serotonin, 14
set, psychological, 198
setting, 95, 183, 198
sexuality, 12; changing attitudes toward, xxx, 3, 126, 202
Shakti, 169, 186
shamans,145, 148, 162–164
Shiva, 46–47, 80, 169, 208
Sikh, 175; Golden Temple at Amritsar, 56–57
sin, 171
Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, 105, 203
Sistine Chapel, 41
skiing metaphor, 8–9
sleep deprivation, 12, 84
social change, xxx, 200–202, 207–209
social pressures, 3, 104, 114; independence of, 35
social service, 34
social structures, existing, 34
sociopathic personality disorders, 141–142
soma, 176
somatic discomfort, 16, 29, 108–112
soul, non-use of term, 22
soup kitchens, 27, 56–57
space, 64; transcendence of, 72, 90, 93–94, 117
Space Telescope Institute, at Johns Hopkins University, 205
spirit, non-use of term, 22
spiritual development, interest in, 35
spiritual mountain metaphor, 34, 42, 79, 187
spiritual paths, 42
spirituality, definition of, 15, 28
Spring Grove Hospital Center, 68, 73, 83, 129, 167, 182, 188
stereotypes: of arrogant ego, 59; cultural, 56–57
stress, 12, 29, 84
struggle, 50; in wars, 172
stupidity, 75–76, 185
subjective experience, 40
subtle-body, non-use of term, 22
subject-object dichotomy, 78
substance, in cognition, 72
suffering servant, 34
Sufism, 155
suggestion, role of, 11, 31, 35
suicide, 75, 115–116, 123, 128
supreme being, 48
sutras, 27
sweating, 107
symphony, metaphor of cosmic, 67
taboo, xxix
tabula rasa, 79
Talmud, 27
Tao Tê Ching, 24–25, 121
Taoism, 10, 27
teaching, in alternative states, 86
telescopes, abuse of, 206
Temple of Solomon, 91
tenderness, 32, 73, 89
tension, muscular, 132
Teonanácatyl, 81–83
testing, psychological, 55, 59
tetrahydroharmine, 163
thalamus, 15
Thalidomide tragedies, 180
theological circles, 174–175
theology, xxviii; Buddhist, 15; Christian, 15, 26, 44; Hebrew, 44; Islamic, 44
thinking, 11, 28, 40, 48, 54, 69, 191, 202
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 121, 127
Tibetan chant, 84
time, 15, 26, 51, 61, 131; changes in perception of 40, 72; transcendence of, xxi, 25
tolerance, 17, 56–57, 207
tonglen, 27
Torah, 27, 42, 44, 84
transcendence, 55; transparency to, 145
transcendence of time and space, 10, 47–49, 69–77, 93–94, 117–118, 205, 208
transcendent function, 143
transference, 82, 145
transfiguration, 94, 171
transformation: of environmental perceptions, 65–66, 82–84; of images, 86
transiency, 95
transpersonal, levels of consciousness, 60
transubstantiation, 171
trauma, 16, 125; cultural, 202
tremors, 110
Trinity, 94
trust, 15, 35, 51, 59–61, 95, 100, 107–108, 110–112, 127, 136, 142, 187, 197, 211
tunnels, 136
Turbina corymbosa, 201
Tusko, 179
tzedakah, 27
ultimate reality, 10–11, 26, 42, 50, 65
União do Vegetal (UDV), 163, 191; legality of, 177
United Kingdom, 3
United Nations, 208; treaties, 3
unity, 10, 49, 58, 81, 212; Atman/ Brahman, 43–44, 170; with breast, 40; external, 65–68, 84, 169; internal, 59–65, 169; introvertive/extrovertive, 59, 73; with music, 66–67, 116
University of Göttingen, xix, 166
University of New Mexico, 3, 7, 140–141
University of Zürich, 146–147
universality: of archetypes, 79; of mystical experiences, 17
unpredictability, 16, 198
Upanishads, 27
U.S. Constitution, 28, 177
utopia, 51, 72, 208
validity, of intuitive knowledge, 33, 35, 51, 72, 108, 154
Van Gogh Museum, 196
Varanasi, India, 134
varieties: of psychedelic states, 188, 198; of religious experiences, 43, 123; of volunteers, xxvii–xxviii
Vedantic world view, 45
Vedas, 27, 49
Vietnam War, 3, 202
Vishnu, 80, 176
visions, 21, 78–96; angels and demons, 79, 85–86; of Christ in New Testament, 94; location of, 71–72; in mental illness, 95–96; in religious leadership, 84–85, 124
vocabulary, limitations of, 25, 106
Void, the, 26, 42, 91, 211
vomiting, 111–112
wars, 51, 93, 202, 208
white light, 91, 118; in Pahnke’s LSD experience, 74
wisdom, 27, 41, 54–55, 165
wise old man, 176
wishful thinking, 33
withdrawal, drug, 179
women’s movement, xxx, 3, 49, 202
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 198
words, limitations of, xxii, 24–26
World War II, xxx, 202
worth, of individual persons, 116, 124, 204
wrath of God, 172
wu wei, 10
XTC. See methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
yagé, 163
Yahweh, 41
Yale Divinity School, 166–167
Yale University, 42, 163; philosophy seminar at, 167–168
yoga, 27, 51, 207
Zen Buddhism, 48, 207
Zoroastrianism, 57