A Special Note from Gilda's Club NYC Ambassador, EMMA STONE

 My mom was introduced to the comedy of Gilda Radner in her days on SNL when she was a teen in the 1970s. I was introduced to Gilda's comedy through my mom, and when I was a teen, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Gilda's Club was founded on the same principles as The Wellness Community, the program that helped Gilda herself so much through her experience with cancer – a place to share and laugh and express feelings, whether you or a loved one are facing cancer, in order to heal. With that in mind, the teen program at Gilda's Club provides an amazing outlet and support for teens that have been touched by cancer. These essays are a beautiful insight to the true and honest feelings that come up when you, a parent, or friend are affected by this disease. The teen program at Gilda's Club is so special and valuable, and these essays are brave examples of how important it is to share what's in your heart, in order to help yourself and others going through a similar experience. You are not alone!