The Seven Wonders series is a tale of adventure, sacrifice, and friendship. Of awesome mysteries locked away for centuries. Of prehistoric beasts and burping barefoot giants. Of an ordinary thirteen-year-old kid named Jack McKinley, captured and taken to a hidden place dedicated to the study of … him. You see, Jack is one of only four people who possess unearthly powers—powers that will kill them. To stay alive, these four friends must embark on a dangerous quest for the secrets of a lost civilization. The secrets they find may save them, but at a cost—the destruction of the world.

So what are these journals?

Well, first of all, the Seven Wonders series takes place now, with kids who might be your best friends. But recently, while working on the series, I came across a trove of documents that made my blood race. What do they have to do with this epic? An insane amount. After a high-level meeting in midtown Manhattan, and at some risk of personal danger, I have arranged for them to finally be released as soon as each is translated and ready. The events in these journals occur centuries before the first book in the series, The Colossus Rises. The tales themselves are amazing. But more importantly, those who read them will have the inside track on everyone else. You’ll learn some deep secrets—secrets some people might not want you to know.

A discovery like this is too big to hold back.

The fate of the world is in the balance.