
There are many who made this book possible:

My wife Vidya, for innumerable suggestions along the way and for being a focused and very fussy reviewer. We thought of this book while on a brief visit to Cambodia many years ago. She believed in the idea and believed in me. The rest was mere detail.

My son Sarang, for his inspired suggestions on Sherlock Holmes’ journey through India.

Many friends around the world who encouraged me at every turn. In particular, Herma Caelen and Frauke Hertel from Brussels.

Barbara Peters, the astonishingly professional Editor-in-Chief of Poisoned Pen Press, who held my hand from distant Arizona and made me understand the importance of striving for perfection (though I am still quite some distance away from it!).

Karthika V K and Ajitha G S of Harper Collins India for helping me balance the content. Karthika’s objectivity helped me in so many ways. I realized that writing is easy, while editing is the more difficult skill. Thank you.

Sudarshana Ghosh for constantly encouraging me and for being my unpaid publicist!

Japan, a country I admire, that provided so many motifs that helped develop the theme.

And finally, to Arthur Conan Doyle, for creating a character who will live through the ages and provide endless inspiration to so many.

Vasudev Murthy

Bangalore, India