Table of Dates


Birth of Montezuma


Birth of Cortés

October 1492

Christopher Columbus discovers West Indies

August 1498

Christopher Columbus sights American continent


Cortés arrives in West Indies (Hispaniola) aged nineteen


Cortés goes to Cuba with Velázquez

September 1513

Balboa catches sight of the Pacific

February 1517

Córdoba expedition leaves Cuba

April 1518

Grijalva expedition leaves Cuba

June 1518

Grijalva discovers Mexico

November 1518

Grijalva gets back to Cuba

February 1519

Cortés expedition leaves Cuba

March 1519

Battle at Tabasco

22nd April 1519

Cortés lands in Mexico at site of future Vera Cruz

16th August 1519

Cortés leaves the coast for Mexico City

31st August 1519

Cortés crosses Tlaxcala border

23rd September 1519

Cortés enters Tlaxcala City

13th October 1519

Cortés enters Cholula

1st November 1519

Cortés leaves Cholula for Mexico City

8th November 1519

Cortés enters Mexico City and meets Montezuma

14th November 1519

Montezuma is detained by Cortés

December 1519

Lord Maize Cob’s conspiracy

November 1519 to May 1520

Cortés remains in Mexico City

May 1520

Cortés marches against Narváez

16th May 1520

Alvarado massacres the dancers in Mexico City

29th May 1520

Cortés defeats Narváez at Cempoalan

l0th June 1520

Cortés sets out again for Mexico City

17th June 1520

Cortés arrives at Tetzcuco

24th June 1520

Cortés re-enters Mexico City

26th June 1520

The Mexicans attack Cortés

29th June 1520

Death of Montezuma

30th June 1520

Cortés is driven out of Mexico City

7th July 1520

Battle of Otumba

12th July 1520

Cortés takes refuge in Tlaxcala

July to December 1520

Cortés remains in or near Tlaxcala

28th December 1520

Cortés marches again on Mexico City

January to May 1521

Cortés reduces the towns in the valley of Mexico

20th May 1521

Cortés begins siege operations against Mexico City

23rd June 1521

Defeat of Alvarado on the Tacuba causeway

30th June 1521

Defeat of Cortés and sacrifice of many Spaniards

13th August 1521

Capture of Quauhtemoctzin (Lord Falling Eagle). End of siege

September 1519 to August 1522

Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world

October 1522

Cortés receives letter from Charles V recognizing his conquest

October 1524

Cortés’ expedition to Guatemala and Honduras


Execution of Quauhtemoctzin

March 1528

Cortés goes to Spain

May 1530

Cortés returns to Mexico


Conquest of Peru by Pizarro


Cortés again goes to Spain


Cortés at Algiers

2nd December 1547

Death of Cortés in Spain


Bernal Díaz de Castillo finishes his True History of the Conquest of Mexico


Death of Bernal Díaz de Castillo


Publication of the True History of the Conquest of Mexico