1467 |
Birth of Montezuma |
1485 |
Birth of Cortés |
October 1492 |
Christopher Columbus discovers West Indies |
August 1498 |
Christopher Columbus sights American continent |
1504 |
Cortés arrives in West Indies (Hispaniola) aged nineteen |
1511 |
Cortés goes to Cuba with Velázquez |
September 1513 |
Balboa catches sight of the Pacific |
February 1517 |
Córdoba expedition leaves Cuba |
April 1518 |
Grijalva expedition leaves Cuba |
June 1518 |
Grijalva discovers Mexico |
November 1518 |
Grijalva gets back to Cuba |
February 1519 |
Cortés expedition leaves Cuba |
March 1519 |
Battle at Tabasco |
22nd April 1519 |
Cortés lands in Mexico at site of future Vera Cruz |
16th August 1519 |
Cortés leaves the coast for Mexico City |
31st August 1519 |
Cortés crosses Tlaxcala border |
23rd September 1519 |
Cortés enters Tlaxcala City |
13th October 1519 |
Cortés enters Cholula |
1st November 1519 |
Cortés leaves Cholula for Mexico City |
Cortés enters Mexico City and meets Montezuma |
14th November 1519 |
Montezuma is detained by Cortés |
December 1519 |
Lord Maize Cob’s conspiracy |
November 1519 to May 1520 |
Cortés remains in Mexico City |
May 1520 |
Cortés marches against Narváez |
16th May 1520 |
Alvarado massacres the dancers in Mexico City |
29th May 1520 |
Cortés defeats Narváez at Cempoalan |
l0th June 1520 |
Cortés sets out again for Mexico City |
17th June 1520 |
Cortés arrives at Tetzcuco |
24th June 1520 |
Cortés re-enters Mexico City |
26th June 1520 |
The Mexicans attack Cortés |
29th June 1520 |
Death of Montezuma |
30th June 1520 |
Cortés is driven out of Mexico City |
7th July 1520 |
Battle of Otumba |
12th July 1520 |
Cortés takes refuge in Tlaxcala |
July to December 1520 |
Cortés remains in or near Tlaxcala |
28th December 1520 |
Cortés marches again on Mexico City |
January to May 1521 |
Cortés reduces the towns in the valley of Mexico |
20th May 1521 |
Cortés begins siege operations against Mexico City |
23rd June 1521 |
Defeat of Alvarado on the Tacuba causeway |
30th June 1521 |
Defeat of Cortés and sacrifice of many Spaniards |
13th August 1521 |
Capture of Quauhtemoctzin (Lord Falling Eagle). End of siege |
September 1519 to August 1522 |
Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world |
Cortés receives letter from Charles V recognizing his conquest |
October 1524 |
Cortés’ expedition to Guatemala and Honduras |
Execution of Quauhtemoctzin |
March 1528 |
Cortés goes to Spain |
May 1530 |
Cortés returns to Mexico |
1535 |
Conquest of Peru by Pizarro |
1540 |
Cortés again goes to Spain |
1541 |
Cortés at Algiers |
2nd December 1547 |
Death of Cortés in Spain |
1568 |
Bernal Díaz de Castillo finishes his True History of the Conquest of Mexico |
1581 |
Death of Bernal Díaz de Castillo |
1632 |
Publication of the True History of the Conquest of Mexico |