
  • The NKBA gratefully acknowledges the following peer reviewers of this book:
  • Peter Albanese, CKD, CBD
  • Corey Klassen, CKD, CBD
  • Richard Lensis, CKD, CBD, LEED
  • David Newton, CMKBD
  • Lilley Yee, CMBD, ASID, CID

The author wishes to also recognize several professional colleagues whose contributions made this book possible.

When I published my first book in 1978, Beyond the Basics: Advanced Kitchen Design, I began my acknowledgments by saying, “The creation of this book is the result of the cooperation and contributions of many talented people.” Some 36 years later as I complete this volume, I feel the same sentence is appropriate.

It would not have been possible for me to complete this work without the help of my team; they deserve a special expression of gratitude and recognition. Thank you for helping me write this book and for being my friends.

Cathy Snyder has served as my associate for 25 years. She has transcribed, edited, and proofed every sentence I have ever written over all those years. Additionally, she has managed my office and organized my activities.

Karen Dorion, CKD, has transformed my design concepts into accurate drawings for the past 20 odd years as well. I dream, she creates. From training program diagrams, to project documents Karen has ensured accuracy in my work.

Pete Giorgi, CMKBD, and the Giorgi Kitchens and Designers management team has given me an opportunity to continue to practice as a residential kitchen and bath designer. This work has helped me maintain a real-world practical approach in my writing and teaching endeavors.

One last person I would also like to recognize and thank is Johanna Baars. As the NKBA publications specialist, she has been responsible for managing this massive project from concept to reality. It has been a pleasure to work with such a talented, organized, and pleasant professional.