

Chapter 13


Nova stepped off the bed as she glanced down at the barrel of the Sear-Shot. A scratched cog was carved into the handle. She recalled Clare mentioning that this agent was Gears’ best friend’s son. She’d never met him, since she was rarely fit company for anyone, but now that she was in his presence she felt a little in awe. Too bad she had already made an ass of herself. Leave it to her to meet someone as important as this and then act crazy.

Arrow stepped to her side. He didn’t look like he trusted the agent, but she appreciated that he did as she asked. She didn’t want to quarrel with him in front of the other man. Already she’d done that once, not that that was anything new for them. There was something to be said for staying in the basement of HQ for most of her young life. At least down there she only made a fool of herself in front of a limited amount of people.

Her eyes popped to the stranger.

“What’s your name, Agent?” Nova motioned for Arrow to sit down on the cot, but he remained at her side. She already knew this agent’s name but she decided to make him announce it. She was positive Archer told her Agent Joe had red hair.

Arrow looked like he was about to fall over, but he stubbornly stayed standing. She pointed to the cot. When he shook his head, she stopped herself from launching into why this was all his fault again. He should sit his ass down before he fell over. She held her tongue. No use bringing up that kiss again. Besides, she was partially to blame as well. Joe was in the room because she’d been so focused on not discussing their kiss.

“You both look like hell. Either sit down or leave. You know I’m not going to give you CC.” Arrow smiled but didn’t move. “You as well, Arrow. Sit down or get out.”

His smile fell.

“How come you have CC? Who did you steal the computer from?” The agent did not tell them his name. He wouldn’t sit down either. They both made her want to pull her hair out.

“I didn’t steal CC. I’m delivering the machine to another agent.”

“Who?” Joe’s eyes slanted. He didn’t look like he believed her. Jerk.

“Dan Davis,” Nova retorted. To her surprise, Joe nodded like that made all the sense in the world.

After she’d said the name, the agent sat on the floor with his back to the exit. He stretched his long legs out then crossed his ankles. He was as tall as Arrow but twice as bulky. Joe took up plenty of space in the small room. Arrow finally sank to the cot. Maybe the two of them would call a truce. As far as she could tell, they were both at a draw.

“Dan probably broke his too,” Joe sighed dismally.

“You broke yours?” Nova gasped. “Clare’s going to kill you.” This guy wasn’t coming anywhere near her CC.

“I know.” Joe nodded his agreement.

“Maybe even chopped up into little pieces.” Nova smiled sweetly. “What name should I write on the headstone?”

Joe snorted as she perched on the cot next to Arrow. She set the weapon between them. They waited for the stranger to answer.

“You can put Joe on my coffin.”

Nova smiled as she motioned for Arrow to sit further back on the bed. He scooted back then closed his eyes as he leaned his head on the wall. He looked awful. She should thank him for fighting to protect her. She had to admit Arrow always came through for her.

As she shifted on the cot to sit on one side, she kept an eye on Joe. The bed was uncomfortable where the metal bar was hooked to the wall. She positioned herself more in the middle then set her back against the wall just like Arrow. The mattress felt like foam covering the wood with a thin piece of fabric tacking the material down. When she leaned her head near Arrow, she heard more yelling in the hallway. The train lurched. Joe didn’t get up. He merely adjusted his legs as the train started to move.

“You’re Joseph Rea MacBain Davis.” Nova spoke his name like she was worshiping him. She cleared her throat. She didn’t mean for it to come out like that. Arrow’s eyes popped open then slanted toward her.

“It’s just Joe.” Joe didn’t appear to enjoy her reverence. The train lurched. The train car started to rock with a gentle rhythm as it picked up speed.

“I’ve heard of you.” Nova picked up the gun again and stroked the barrel. “When I worked in Archival Services they told stories about you in H.S.P.C. training. Clare and Archer did too. I’ve even worked on some of your equipment.”

“So, what?” Joe rolled his shoulders. His eyes flipped from Nova to Arrow. “I’ve not heard of you.” He eyed Arrow. “You’re a messenger? Because I know every agent.”

“I don’t work for the H.S.P.C. I’m with Nova. My name’s Arrow.” Arrow met his hard look. She felt tension crackle.

“Arrow is helping me deliver CC to Dan,” she explained quickly. “It’s a task Clare put me on personally. I’m Clare Davis’ personal assistant. And you don’t need to be a jerk.”

Her trying to smooth things between Arrow and Joe was unnecessary. Arrow wouldn’t move unless it looked like Joe was a threat again. Looking at Joe lounging on the floor, she decided she wasn’t worried. She was thankful they weren’t going to get into another physical confrontation. Arrow didn’t look like he was up for it.

“I should’ve guessed.” This time when Joe smiled, it was genuine. “You’re Nutty-Nova. You’re Archer’s crazy sister. The one no one sees.”

Nova frowned, then her eyes dropped. Of course, that’s what they would say about her. She didn’t know why it hurt so much but it did. She took a deep breath. Arrow rubbed the small of her back and she accepted the comfort.

Oblivious to the insult, Joe kept talking.  “I should’ve known there couldn’t be two women with eyes the color of blood.” When she looked up, Joe’s black eyes met hers. “Troy didn’t tell me you were so...” Joe glanced at Arrow then back at her, “hot.”

“Hot?” This agent thought Nutty-Nova was hot? A smile lifted her lips as she smoothed her hair.

“You shouldn’t be kept in a basement at HQ.” Joe’s voice turned into a purr.

“She isn’t Nutty-Nova. Troy’s an ass. And if you keep looking at her like that I’ll wrap my hands back around your neck until I squeeze the life from your body.” A dark scowl blanketed Arrow’s face.

She felt Arrow tense next to her. She wrapped her hand around his arm. Arrow was jealous and it warmed her.

Joe scratched his chin like he was thinking about it. “Wow, I guess I hit a button.”

“Arrow you sound like a jealous boyfriend.” Nova gave an exasperated laugh.

His anger seemed to cool and Arrow smiled at Joe.

“Yea. Shut your face hole, right?”

“What does that mean?” Nova turned to face him. Did he think she was going to fight with him? Nova forgot Joe was in the room as she stared into his eyes. She was going to say something more but her thoughts got jumbled. His eyes were dark and enchanting. When she looked at Arrow, everything outside of the two of them vanished.

“I’m jealous, and you like that I’m jealous. I can tell. I’d love to be your boyfriend if you’re offering me the position.”

Nova chuckled. She was the one who had used the term boyfriend. It was the closest thing she had said so far that referred to them being together in the future. Her hand ran up his arm. What was she thinking?

“You’re not my boyfriend. I didn’t mean it like that,” she murmured. Over and over she tried to remind herself of the list of reasons they couldn’t be together. His eyes stole her list.

“Why not? I could be your boyfriend. You got dumped.” Arrow kept smiling at her.

“Dumped by Troy,” Joe tossed out.

She frowned at Joe. She forgot the man was here.

“Is that what Troy told all the other agents? Did he say he dumped me? I bet they all think I’m pathetic.” Nova didn’t appreciate Joe’s added snippet. She didn’t want pity from anyone. She absolutely didn’t want it from Arrow.

“Troy’s an ass.” Joe’s comment made her smile, but before she spoke again, in one fluid movement, Joe got up from his spot on the floor. “As much as I’d love to sit here and listen to you both fight about whether you’re together or not, I have to get my bag. If I can’t take CC, then I’ll have to get my samples and come back here to use it.”

“What samples?” Nova asked.

“I’ve got some blood samples I want CC to check. It’ll only take twenty minutes. I’ll get my bag. Be right back.” He looked at the door and then at Nova. “Are you going to lock me out?”

“Maybe.” Nova sighed. She should. “Are you going to bring food? Do you want to make a deal with me?”

“I’m not making a bargain with you, Nutty-Nova.” Joe’s sentence was flat.

“Then no.” Nova’s eyes slanted. “You can’t borrow CC. Get lost.”

Arrow grinned happily. Apparently, he didn’t want Joe around. She couldn’t fault that. They did try to strangle each other.

“They say ‘When you get it, you get it.’ So, get lost like she said.” Arrow wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She shook her head.

Joe cocked one eyebrow. “I take it you’re keeping my pistol.”

“I’m keeping it for the inconvenience you caused me.” Nova rubbed her forehead. They could use it on this trip. With a Sear-Shot they wouldn’t be totally defenseless.

“I don’t see it.” Joe nodded. He didn’t appear angry about losing the weapon “I don’t think the name Nutty-Nova fits you at all. You seem on top of it. I think I’ll call you Red.” Joe smoothed some of his hair down. “Okay, Red, I’ll bring back food. You can have my pistol in exchange for the use of CC.”

Nova’s eyes scanned Arrow’s reaction. He shook his head. She rubbed her brow. Was this a good idea? He did break his CC, but he was an agent.

“I’ll use the computer here in front of you,” Joe added.

“I guess we won’t lock you out then.” Nova crossed her arms over her chest. He was Agent Joe.

“Damn.” Arrow didn’t even try to hide his disappointment.

Joe slid the pocket door open then waited for a few people to walk by in the hallway. “Sorry, Arrow, but it looks like your saying didn’t fit after all.” Joe looked smug. That’s how all those agents were. “One other thing...”

“What?” she answered.

“If that kiss in the hall was any indication, I’d say you’re together.” With that parting remark, Joe disappeared into the hallway closing the door behind him. 

Nova looked at Arrow to measure what he thought of the statement. What was she going to say now? They were trapped in this room and she couldn’t escape the conversation.

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Anyway, I’m not going to talk to you about us.” She’d start with offence and see if that would work. “That’s how Joe got into this room. You were so distracted, we could’ve lost CC. We need no distractions. We have to focus.” Nova took out the medical box from inside her backpack then opened the snaps. The lip popped open. She yanked out a plastic tube of Gears’ Goo. Holding the tube with one hand, she spread white cream on her fingers and dabbed at the small cut near his eye.

“I know it was my fault. I’m sorry, angel.” Arrow tipped his head down as she spread more balm along another cut on his arm. His words melted her. Damn it. She hated the way he loved her.

“It was your fault.” She didn’t raise her voice. The topic didn’t matter to her anymore. What was she going to do with her Arrow? She picked up his shirt and tugged the top over his head before setting it next to her. Her hands touched his chest then she pushed on his solid pecs until he dropped flat on the cot. Her head bent as she studied his bruised ribs. “If you hadn’t been so stubborn and if you’d come into the room when I told you to, then...” Her head bent down to study his abs. He was beautiful. She smiled. She told him not to use that term and now she was using it.

“I know.” He inhaled sharply as she poked at his ribs. It wasn’t as bad as she thought. He’d be okay, but sore.

“It was your fault that I kissed you too. You’re sexy, and when your eyes look at me, I forget we just met. I don’t know you.” She produced an ice pack from her bag then slapped the plastic bag on his knee that was swelling up. He winced. Her lips formed a pout. She wasn’t sure why she was on this. She just had to get her head together and explain that chemistry was making a mess of this trip.

“You know me.”

“No one in their right mind falls in love with someone because he has a gorgeous smile. Doing that would make me insane.”

“You know me, angel. I’d do anything for you. I’m sorry I let you down. I should’ve been looking after you. I know that. I told you this morning I’d help you. I promised I’d protect you on the way to find Dan and Dawn. I’m sorry. And you’re not crazy.”

Nova got up off the bed then disappeared into the bathroom. Was this more of her hiding from him? Why was she such a coward when it came to Arrow? She ran his shirt under the cold water then wrung it out. The cool fabric was all she could think of for helping the damage to his body. She came back out holding his shirt.

“Thank you for saying I’m not crazy.” It was amazing that when Arrow said it, he meant it. He was the only person who ever treated her with such respect. The respect was a more powerful aphrodisiac then his gorgeous smile. She folded the shirt carefully then placed the fabric on his ribs.

“That’s cold.”

“It’ll help.” As she leaned over to move the fabric to cover as much of the swollen skin as she could, Arrow caught her hands. Her eyes met his. She wanted to kiss him again. She had opened Pandora’s box. This might be unstoppable and she had no one to blame but herself. She had thought one kiss. One kiss would never be enough.

“Angel,” he breathed.

“I’ve decided.” Her voice softened and her stomach fluttered. “That I’ll forgive you. Next time you’ll have to find a better time to kiss me.” She spoke like it was all logic. She knew he didn’t pick the time or place. She did. He didn’t quarrel with her about it. Actually, a broad handsome smile spread across his face.

Draping her closer to him, he stared at her lips.

“Next time?” He drew her mouth closer using one hand on the back of her neck. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she pressed closer to his body.

The door to the room slid open. Joe advanced into the small space. Nova froze in his arms. 

“Wow, looks to me like you told him you were going down on him. Did you decide on being together?” Joe snickered. Nova wanted to punch him. She should’ve let Arrow strangle him.

“We’re not talking about anything, and we’re not together.” Nova shoved away from Arrow then stood. This wasn’t a good time to talk about this. She’d have to leave it for now.

“Before this trip is over, I might strangle you again, Joe,” Arrow growled.

Nova heaved the black duffle and her backpack under the bed away from the agent. Arrow seemed to accept that the conversation about them was on hold for now. Thank God for that. She finished placing the bags under the bed before she plopped down on the cot again. Arrow moved over to accommodate her. When the floor space cleared, Joe sat in the middle of the tiles.

The agent took a small green bag off his shoulder then unsnapped the top. First, he fished out a paper sack. Joe threw the brown bag up to Nova. She caught the bag out of the air and peered inside. She removed carrots, plump tomatoes, and dried meat.

After handing the meat to Arrow, both of them started to eat while Joe began to open another small green bag. This bag had multiple straps and pockets. As he loosened straps, the bag seemed to grow. Joe knelt over the unrolled fabric. Finally, he unzipped a tiny pocket in the middle. From there he took out what looked like multiple finger-sized tubes. Each one was gray with a white top. She didn’t recognize them.

“I need CC now,” he asked over his shoulder.

Nova got up and scooped up the pistol that was stashed on the cot. She then pulled CC out of the bag on her hip. She crossed the tiny room to sit in front of the exit door. As Nova sat, she set the Sear-Shot in her lap then reluctantly held CC out to Joe. Silently she told him he better not bust hers. For a second, she wouldn’t let the computer go. Joe waited patiently. Once the machine was in his hand, he turned back to the tubes.

Joe opened the first one by unscrewing the white top. Carefully he opened a small door on the back on CC and attached a needle.

Once Joe seemed to have CC to his liking, he spoke. “CC, I want a color analysis for Snow flu. Blood sample one.”

He put the needle into the tube. Only a few minutes passed. She eyed the agent intently.

“Would’ve been nice if Clare told me it could do that,” Nova muttered as she shifted closer and began to study Joe’s actions.

“Blood sample one. Analysis positive,” CC’s mechanical voice declared.

“All that work for nothing,” Joe spat at the bottle. He then began the process all over again. Just as before, CC stated the sample was positive.

A solid two hours later, Joe put the last of his tubes away. So much for twenty minutes. She shook with nerves. Her mantra turned into “Please don’t drop CC.”

Joe was in a foul mood. Every time CC’s mechanical voice stated “positive,” he swore. Stress wrinkled her forehead and she rubbed. When Joe finally handed the computer back to her, her shoulders relaxed.

“Wow, that’s hard work guarding CC with your life, right, Red?” Joe started the elaborate process of closing his bag and putting the tubes away.

“We need CC to tell us where grapes are growing underground.” Nova got up off the floor and headed to the bathroom. She needed a break. To the agent this might be just another piece of equipment, but to her this was their guide. “Besides I wouldn’t want you to break it since you’re good at that,” she added before she disappeared into the little room.