Chapter 4

The sudden thundering sound of full-size hooves made the goblins stop fighting. Shrieking, they ran from the meadow. Maggie raised her head and peeked over the grass. The silver unicorn had returned and was chasing the goblins! Her new friend had saved her.

Maggie was safe. For now, at least.

When Maggie sat up, the little horses flew away. Only the one with the broken wing stayed behind.

Maggie was gentle when she picked up the tiny horse. Frightened, it reared and struck out with its hooves. Maggie cupped her hands around it.

She wished she could fix the broken wing herself. If only she knew how! She couldn’t take the horse home. Her stepmother and stepbrother would only cause it more harm.

“I think I might know of someone who can fix your wing,” she told the tiny horse.

Maggie’s grandmother had told her lots of stories when she was younger. Some had been about a man who took care of magical creatures and lived in a stable just outside the castle walls. His name was Bob the Stableman. Maggie wasn’t ever sure if the stories were true or not—she had been too young to find out on her own. But right now, more than ever, she hoped her grandmother’s tales were true. She was going to take the tiny horse to see Bob.

Maggie looked at the sky. The sun was high overhead, which meant it was lunchtime. Peter would be angry again because she hadn’t followed him to the meadow by the pond. His mother would be furious, too. She would give Maggie’s bed to Peter. Tears pricked Maggie’s eyes when she thought about her bed. She tried not to think of Peter or her stepmother. This tiny horse needed her help.

Although Maggie knew the way to the castle, she had never gone by herself before. Her father had always taken her to the festivals held on the castle grounds. One of her earliest memories was of riding on his shoulders as they approached the gates. Her father was tall and the gates didn’t seem quite so big. Nothing was as scary when her father was around. She missed him very much and wished that he were here now!

Maggie sighed and checked the tiny horse one last time. Then, determined to be brave, she held her head high and started walking.