This story is a work of fiction. Nowhere in the Holy Bible does it describe heaven in the manner and with the detail found in this story. The Bible does not tell us that believers will receive wings or robes to wear nor that we will be able to fly. It does not teach us that after arriving in heaven, we will be assigned a mission to accomplish with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Believers are not certain that we will know our friends and family in heaven, but we can hope for that—or not. From our earthly perspective, we can hope for the descriptions of heaven found in this story, but I encourage you to read God’s Word, accept Christ as your personal Savior, live for Him, and look forward to spending the eternity with our Creator in His heaven.
If you want to know how to become a Christian, the steps to salvation may be found on page 78 in this book. I believe the most difficult loss is that of a child, but if God has called your loved one to heaven early, may your grief be lightened by the word pictures found in this story—a story I believe God gave me to help with loss. I wrote this book after losing eleven friends and loved ones in five years, a few of whom were children. I pray that this story will find its way into the homes and lives of families who have lost children or are grieving for such losses.