The bright lights that illuminated an old university football stadium caught Ryan’s eye. He buzzed by and hovered a moment, observing a large gathering, consisting of mostly young people, sitting in the stands. Ryan recalled Jesus’s instruction to minister where there were large groups of teens. His wings tingled at the thought of this opportunity!
Hundreds of adults held hands and encircled the entire stadium property, assisted by a strong hedge of angels, who encouraged their trust in the Almighty. Ryan flew in closer and heard Christian praise music and singing voices. There were groups of young people and adults huddled together in the chill of the October evening, praying and inviting Jesus into their hearts. Then he realized that this must be Youth Truth.
From the stage, a minister invited any person who wanted to become born again to walk down from the stands and onto the field. Scores of Christian counselors were available to answer any questions they might have about becoming born again through Christ.
Ryan buzzed slowly over the crowd of thousands. As he looked closely, he saw Megan and her friend Roxie. Next he found the guys on Nicholas’s baseball team, all fifteen of them.
“They came! They kept their promise to Nicholas,” he shouted.
He saw Scoot and Hunter and a large crowd of kids wearing black-and-gold jackets or baseball caps with a swimmer icon\. Ryan remembered seeing the black-and-gold-colored uniforms in the basement of Keyota Plains High and knew that this group had to be their Bible club and maybe Scoot’s soccer team. And those wearing the caps had to be Hunter’s swim team.
“Thank You, God, for the power and influence of Your Holy Spirit,” Ryan shouted toward heaven.
With hands lifted together in praise, the Christian leaders on the stage called out for a prompting of God’s Holy Spirit on everyone present. They invited those who wanted to believe in Christ and become born-again believers to walk out onto the field and raise their hands.
Through the evening’s message, the praise-and-worship music, and prayer, the seed of salvation had been planted. Now they asked God’s spirit to cultivate it. Each teen would have to look within and decide whether he or she would stand for or reject the invitation to know God personally.
Ryan was empowered again. With all his might, he soared straight up toward heaven at a rate of speed known only to him and the Almighty. The tips of his wings burned to a refined shade of blue, and streaked across the clear night sky. Ryan was about to take Angela up on her offer to accompany him on this mission.
“Angela, come now and bring balcony dwellers with you,” he shouted.
Angela and many balcony dwellers who had been watching the youth event that evening jumped over the balcony and blazed toward the stadium.
The youths who had stood jam-packed in the stands only moments before looked like they had turned to liquid as they poured out of the stands and onto the field. Every square foot of the field, from goal post to goal post, quickly filled up with young people who wanted to meet the Savior and become born again. The night air was filled with raised hands, and the whole turf was covered. Not one blade of grass was visible from where God watched.
While the holies infiltrated the sky, the local barometric pressure rose sharply as the leaders called out for an anointing of the Holy Spirit. Although no clouds were in sight, the crowd of thousands saw a bolt of blue lightning streak across the sky, followed by a fine mist that fell on every head present. The anointing of the Holy Spirit had just taken place, and thousands of youths surrendered their lives and accepted Christ as their Savior.
Each teenager there, in one way or another, had spent his or her life searching for truth, honesty, and a reason to live. That night they met Jesus. That night they found hope. That night they were given someone to live for. That night they received a new life—of all places, in an old football stadium at a secular university.
Prayers to God had been answered, and praise to God was given. Ryan and the balcony dwellers were called back to heaven to join in the celebration. Thousands of tears of joy were shed as heaven rejoiced and praised the Almighty. There were dancing and cheering at the balcony. A celebration feast was held in the Great Hall. And at the landing of heaven, St. Peter opened the Book of Life and made a long entry of names. Through the blood of Christ, heaven’s population continued to grow.