The First Wisdom


Modern theory tells us that the universe began several billion years ago with a cosmic explosion from an infinitesimal point of nothingness. In the process, all forms of space, time, matter, and energy were created simultaneously—literally from nothing. This is called the theory of the Big Bang.

Although this theory is enormously popular, it amounts to little more than a modern creation myth. There is no doubt that it can be used to explain many circumstances that are otherwise unexplainable, but its starting premise is flawed logically. The dictates of pure reason tell us that something cannot be created from nothing. In order for the universe to be created, it must have been made from something, though modern science is mute as to what that mysterious something might have been. If we assume the Big Bang is a starting premise, the subsequent explanation of creation can be expressed logically, though it is rooted in an unexplained miracle.


The ancients avoided this trap by suggesting that the universe was created by God, or the field of pure consciousness.

This field is eternal: It existed prior to creation; it exists now, during creation; and it will continue to exist after creation. Prior to creation, however, the field was dormant, as if it were in a state of deep sleep; it was covered by a veil of pure ignorance. At that time, the layers of consciousness, universal gods, or universal vacuum states were all present, but they were “asleep”—that is, nonactive.

The Vedic seers held that the creation of the universe is cyclic, that the universal gods, like all living beings, experience cycles of waking and sleeping. When the gods sleep, creation is dissolved, and when they wake up, creation is initiated. Moreover, they held that these cosmic cycles of waking and sleeping, or creation and dissolution, span hundreds of trillions rather than a few billion years. For them, these cycles are governed by the force of time, which manifests the will of God, the Supreme Being.

When we as human beings begin to wake from the state of deep sleep, we experience an intermediate state during which we are neither fully asleep nor fully awake. It is a dreamlike state filled with forms of virtual reality, which respond to our slightest intentions and present our ideas in living color. The seers held that when the universal gods begin to wake, they experience a similar cosmic dreaming state characterized by virtual forms of reality. This is where the ancient theory of creation begins.

As in modern theory, the ancients held that the creation of the universe starts from a single point—but this was not viewed as a point of nothingness. Instead, it was seen as a point value of consciousness viewed as the seat of the first semiawakened soul, which was destined to become the Creator of the universe: When the Creator was first born from the cosmic womb, or the field of pure ignorance, he was in a cosmic dreaming state and was therefore semiawakened. He did not experience the empirical forms of reality that we associate with the waking state; rather, he experienced the virtual forms of reality that we associate with the dreaming state.

In the beginning, this cosmic dream was formless. It involved the cognition of the universal fields of transcendental sound and transcendental light associated with the first matched pair of layers located immediately above and below the half measure. Prior to this initial cognition, these fields were dormant, hidden by the veil of pure ignorance so that they were reduced to abstract fields of silent darkness. It was only when the Creator emerged from the cosmic womb, and then took his first step on the divine ladder, that the veil of ignorance was removed and the universal fields of light and sound shone forth in an instantaneous flash of pure intuition.

In the first hymn of the tenth mandala of the Rig Veda,1 this initial emergence of light from the darkness was compared to a great fire: “The great fire at the beginning of the dawn has emerged, and issuing forth from the darkness has come with radiance.” The hymn goes on to tell us that this great fire “filled all dwellings with shining light.” These are none other than the dwelling places of the imperishable souls that constitute collectively the metaphysical Logos. They correspond to the crystallographic cells of the transcendental superlattice, each of which serves as the abode for an imperishable point value of consciousness.

The hymn further explains that this great fire was the “embryo of heaven and earth.” It represents the first virtual form of the universe conceived within the cosmic womb on the scale of the first matched pair of layers immediately above and below the half measure. It was not insentient; it was personified as Agni (fire), the first ministrant priest, who is described as “all-knowing”2 and is cognizant of the path of the fathers that leads to the gods.3 This personified conscious fire represents the first virtual embodiment of the Creator at the dawn of creation.

As we have seen, this first virtual form of creation embraced initially the first two layers above and below the half measure. The layer below, which represents the luminous body of the Creator, was dominated by transcendental light and filled with local analytic power, and the layer above, which represents the Creator’s sonic soul, was dominated by transcendental sound and filled with nonlocal synthetic power. The first virtual embodiment of the Creator involved the union of his luminous body and his sonic soul, the first matched pair of layers in the cosmic spectrum.

The emergence of the great fire at the dawn of creation was the first virtual Big Bang and marked the onset of the virtual creation (shuddha srishti) wherein the universal layers, universal gods, or universal vacuum states, would become enlivened progressively as the awareness of the Creator simultaneously ascended and descended through them in sequence. It was only after the Creator had ascended to his own divine station that the virtual creation began to be transformed into the real creation. Only then did the virtual particles and waves begin their transformation into the real particles and waves from which was fashioned the empirical universe.

The real creation followed in the footsteps of the virtual creation. It started from the beginning, on the scale of the first matched pair of layers immediately above and below the half measure.


The ancient theory outlined above suggests that the oldest form of real light in the universe was created on the wavelength scale of the first layer below the half measure. Real light means observable light—the type of light that can be detected empirically.

The universal rule of thumb can be used to estimate this scale as 2 × 10-1 centimeters, or approximately 2 millimeters. This amounts to a deductive prediction rooted in ancient principles and related to the oldest form of universal light that can be detected empirically. Is there any evidence, however, that this prediction holds true?

It turns out that there is. Electromagnetic waves with a wavelength that is roughly two millimeters lie within the microwave frequency band. Unlike visible radiation, microwave radiation is not visible to the human eye; therefore, the waves are hidden from direct human perception—but they are not hidden to electromagnetic instruments.

According to the history of science, microwaves were first discovered during the first half of the twentieth century and were employed for practical use beginning around the time of World War II. Since then, microwaves have become a part of our daily lives; we use them to cook our food and talk on our cell phones. Toward the middle of the twentieth century, when microwave antennas were first developed, scientists began to point them at the starry heavens, and therefore made a remarkable discovery: They found that the universe is pervaded by a uniform, homogenous, isotropic radiation field characterized by microwaves. This became known as the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR).

Oddly, the CMBR has no known empirical point source; it is not emitted by the stars or galaxies or any of the charged particles floating in space. It appears to be a fundamental feature of the cosmological vacuum itself. Its origin was initially a mystery. Theorists eventually concluded that it represents the leftover remnants of the big bang, the hypothetical event that, billions of years ago, created everything from nothing in a huge cosmic explosion. Consequently, the CMBR is considered currently to be the oldest form of real light in the universe. This is consistent with the ancient theory, which suggests that the oldest form of real light in the universe should lie in the microwave frequency band. Yet the prediction derived from the basis of ancient principles is quite specific, predicting that the CMBR should have a characteristic wavelength of about 2 millimeters—the characteristic scale of the first layer below the half measure. Here, we can learn if this prediction holds true.

The CMBR is known to have a blackbody spectrum, which consists of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths and frequencies, but the intensity of the blackbody radiation can be plotted out in the form of a spectral intensity curve as a function of wavelength. In each such spectrum there will be a maximum in the curve that corresponds to a particular wavelength, which characterizes the spectrum.

We know that the maximum of the spectral intensity curve for the CMBR occurs at a wavelength scale of 1.86 millimeters. The prediction derived on the basis of ancient theory is 2 millimeters, which agrees with the empirical facts to within a factor of 1. This suggests that we are dealing with a highly scientific system that is capable of making accurate empirical predictions.

No doubt, the ancient system is couched in religious-spiritual terms—but we can see that when it is interpreted properly, it has predictive power. So far we have seen that it can be used to predict accurately the scale of superunification as well as the characteristic wavelength scale of the oldest form of light in the universe. Are these just coincidences, or are we dealing with a genuine spiritual science, which was known to the ancients thousands of years before the first modern scientist was born?


Now let us turn our attention to the first universal sound: According to our interpretation of the ancient science, it should be characterized by longitudinal sound waves that have a wavelength on the scale of the first layer above the half measure—that is, 1 digit, or approximately 2 centimeters.

We should understand, however, that the first universal sound does not represent a sound wave in air or any other physical medium. Instead, it represents a sound wave in consciousness, which propagates nonlocally at the speed of thought, rather than locally at the speed of sound. This means that it will be undetectable by any empirical means—which presents a serious problem: How can the prediction be evaluated empirically?

The ancients provided the answer. According to the Vedic seers, the first universal sound represents the first shruti—the first sound that was “heard” by the Creator at the beginning of creation. More specifically, it represents the smallest wavelength of transcendental sound that can be heard by the divine ear—the ear of pure consciousness.

To evaluate the wavelength of this sound, the ancients used a fundamental anthropomorphic principle. The Bible tells us that humans were created in the image of the Creator, and similar anthropomorphic principles can be found in virtually all of the ancient traditions. In this instance, they suggest that the smallest wavelength of transcendental sound that can be heard by the divine ear should correspond to the smallest wavelength of physical sound that can be heard by the human ear. Although a wavelength of transcendental sound cannot be measured practically, it can be measured in principle by drawing upon the correspondence between the human ear and the divine ear. This leads to the prediction that the finest physical sound that can be heard by the human ear should have a wavelength on the order of 1 digit. We can evaluate this empirically.

Modern acoustics tell us that the highest frequency that can be heard by the average adult human ear is roughly 16,000–20,000 Hertz (cycles per second). At 70 degrees Fahrenheit, which we may take as the ideal temperature for human life on earth, the speed of sound in the ambient air at sea level is 344 meters per second. The highest frequency that can be heard by the adult human ear will therefore have a characteristic wavelength that is roughly 1.72–2.15 centimeters. The average of this range is 1.94 centimeters. One digit is estimated to be approximately 2 centimeters, which means that the highest frequency of sound that can be heard by the adult human ear has a wavelength that is more or less equal to 1 digit—as predicted on the basis of ancient principles. Is this, however, just another coincidence?

To calculate the smallest wavelength of audible sound that can be heard by the human ear, we must know the speed of sound in air. Yet there is no archaeological or textual evidence to suggest that the ancients knew this figure. Nevertheless, it appears that they knew, directly and intuitively, that the smallest wavelength of physical sound that can be heard by the human ear corresponds to the smallest wavelength of transcendental sound that can be heard by the divine ear. According to the ancient “system of measured arrangement” that wavelength is on the order of 1 digit.

We can demonstrate the validity of this prediction with respect to the human ear, but not to the divine ear. If, however, we accept the principles of the ancient science as authoritative, then the two sounds should correspond.


If the finest audible sound that can be heard by both the human ear and the divine ear has a characteristic wavelength of roughly 1 digit, then this implies that any sonic impulse with a wavelength smaller than that will be experienced as silence, rather than a sound.

This silence is characteristic of the half measure, which represents the scale of the field of silent darkness that serves as the boundary between heaven and earth and which, from the system of matched pairs, is about 1 centimeter. On the scale of the half measure, all perceptible forms of light and sound are transcended. When awareness becomes established on this scale, the field of pure consciousness is experienced as a field of silent darkness. It is only when awareness takes its first step on the divine ladder, by ascending to the first layer above and descending to the first layer below that the universal sound becomes heard and the universal light becomes seen.

The Vedic seers used an acoustic analogy to describe the silence of the half measure. The Upanishads, the Vedic texts that specifically deal with the eternal self, tell us that it corresponds to the silence that arises when the tones of a struck bell fade away. According to modern acoustics, the final audible tones of a struck bell are manifested by the highest harmonics of the bell, which have the smallest audible wavelengths. Because the half measure is roughly ½ digit (approximately 1 centimeter), it transcends the smallest wavelength that can be heard by the human ear. As a result, when the smallest audible tones of the struck bell fade, the awareness is led to the silence of the half measure.

This principle was employed in ancient meditation practices and is used in the practice of Transcendental Meditation. According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who has popularized this ancient practice in modern times, it involves following a mental sound to its source in silence—that is, initiating a particular sonic formula (mantra) on the level of the mind and then allowing that sound to fade away into silence. Doing this leads the awareness to the scale of the half measure, to the field of silent darkness that serves as the boundary between heaven and earth, to the midpoint between the infinite and infinitesimal. On that scale, all perceptible impulses of the mind are transcended. Therefore, it is experienced as a state of no thought. The field of silent darkness may be filled with sonic and luminous impulses, but they are imperceptible and are thereby hidden from view.

It is only when that state becomes established permanently and the soul takes its first step on the divine ladder, ascending to the first layer above and descending to the first layer below simultaneously, that the universal light and sound of consciousness become cognized. This results in the soul cognizing the same universal fields of transcendental light and sound experienced by the Creator at the dawn of creation. At this point, it becomes reborn as an enlightened, universal soul.


The utility of a scientific theory lies in its practical applications, and the ancient science was no different in this regard—but the practical applications of the ancient science were rooted in a completely different paradigm than those of modern science.

Whereas the material technologies of modern science are designed to engineer the local laws of nature, the spiritual technologies of the ancient science were designed primarily to engineer the nonlocal laws of nature. These technologies involved the practice of sacred rituals. As we have learned, the ancients required that the dimensions of their sacred altars, temples, arks, and pyramids be measured using an integral number of digits. Although these were material constructions, they were designed for spiritual purposes and were typically associated with ritual practices involving specific actions of the body accompanied by the recitation of specific sacred sounds to invoke the gods.

Human speech involves the production of sound waves in air, which impinge upon the human ear and are then “heard” by the mind. As we have discussed, the smallest impulse of audible sound that can be heard by both the human and divine mind has a wavelength of roughly 1 digit. The fact that sacred constructions were measured purposefully in terms of an integral number of digits implies that they were designed to “resonate” with the smallest wavelength of physical speech that can be heard by the human mind as well as the smallest wavelength of divine speech that can be heard by the divine mind.

This wavelength scale represents the sonic foundation of heaven and the quantum of divine speech on the basis of which all higher (larger) forms of divine speech are measured. Because the higher wavelengths of divine speech are related harmonically to the quantum of that speech, sound waves that are roughly 1 digit are capable of resonating throughout the entire upper half of the spectrum—which the ancients viewed as heaven. By invoking the digit in their expressions of sacred speech and in their sacred constructions, the ancients sought to invoke heaven on earth. They sought to attune their own physical bodies as well as the body of the sacred altar with that of Logos.

In ancient times the performance of such sacred rituals was deemed essential to uphold on earth the balance of human life, both individual and collective. In addition, such rituals were deemed essential to upholding the balance in nature so that the rains would come on time, the crops would fructify, and so forth. This balance was seen as a blessing of the gods, who ultimately control all things in the universe by means of the adrishta—the unseen sonic influence that manifests the will of the gods or God. In order to obtain this blessing, the ancients believed in the importance of worshipping the gods by reciting sacred sounds and performing sacred rituals using carefully measured instruments, materials, and altars, which were designed to resonate with the fundamental mode of the adrishta—that is, their measurements were based roughly on 1 digit.

Such rituals were designed to establish a harmony between heaven and earth; so that the unseen influence of the gods in heaven could be manifested on earth in a beneficial, harmonious way. Unfortunately, over the course of time, the science that inspired these ancient rituals originally was lost, and as a result, they became ineffectual. In the earliest cultures on earth, however, such rituals served as an important practical application of the ancient spiritual science: They were designed to engineer the field of pure consciousness for the benefit of humankind on earth.

When the ancient spiritual science was lost and the reasoning for the rituals was reduced to religious platitudes and dogma, the effectiveness of its practical application was also lost. As a result, the harmony between the gods in heaven and human beings on earth began to erode. The gods departed, leaving humankind to its own devices, for better or worse. Rather than relying upon spiritual technologies to engineer the nonlocal and unseen forces of nature, human beings then began to rely upon physical technologies to engineer the local and observable forces of nature. This has had its benefits: by developing material technologies on the basis of physical science, our physical lives have become more comfortable and convenient. Yet in the absence of any real spiritual technologies based upon a genuine spiritual science, our spiritual lives have suffered greatly; we have forgotten completely the gods, and the notion that the human soul is immortal or might hope to become immortal is now looked upon as a delusion, which no sensible person would take seriously. Even though our physical lives have become better, our spiritual lives have become worse.

The ideal state would be to have both physical technologies and spiritual technologies in our lives. There is no reason to abandon physical science or its material technologies—but physical science must be supplemented with a complementary spiritual science and its technologies. In this way, we could have our cake and eat it too; we could engineer both the local and nonlocal forces of nature for our benefit. Whether or not this will come to pass remains to be seen. The signs indicate that it will, but whether we will follow those signs is another matter.