The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was made. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature on your e-book reader.


                    4    reference to article on red and blue America: Thomas Edsall, Washington Post, April 2003.

                    6    “He definitely has this . . . ,”: Robert Gibbs discussion with author, December 2006.

                    7    “He’s always wanted . . . ,”: Valerie Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.

                    9    “Hours before he gave . . . ,”: Clarence Page interview, The Chris Matthews Show, NBC News, October 2006.

                  10    “It’s like nothing . . . ,”: Julian Green interview with author, January 2007.

                  10    “We originally scheduled . . . ,”: John Lynch at Manchester, New Hampshire, fund-raiser, December 2006.

                  10    “I can’t, for example, walk . . . ,”: Barack Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                  10    “For us . . . he hasn’t . . . ,”: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                  11    “It’s like you are carrying . . . ,”: David Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

                  11    “David always worries . . . ,”: Axelrod confidante in discussion with author, January 2007.

                  11    “Let us transform . . . ,”: Obama at a presidential announcement in Springfield, Illinois, January 2007.

                  13    “People don’t come . . . ,”: Bruce Reed quoted in “Destiny’s Child” article by Ben Wallace-Wells, Rolling Stone, February 2007.


                  17    “After all, you don’t . . . ,”: Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (New York: Random House, 1995).

                  18    “I wrote four hundred . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, January 2004.

                  19    “When my tears . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  20    “There’s still a great deal . . . ,”: Michelle Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                  23    “New-fangled gadgets . . . ,”: Madelyn Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  23    “International law . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  24    “His mother was . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  24    “It’s always hard to talk . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

                  24    “Everything that is good . . . ,”: Obama during Mom’s Rising event in Washington, D.C., September 2006.

                  24    “I think sometimes . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  25    “It was this desire . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  25    “She was extremely brilliant . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  25    “I remember one time . . . ,”: Maya Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

                  26    “Her feet never . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  26    “vaguely liberal,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  26    “It wasn’t at all . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

                  27    “With her friends . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

                  27    “She was not exactly . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  28    “I assume . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng discussion with author, October 2004.

                  29    “I am a little dubious . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  29    “the first large wave . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  30    “What my father became . . . ,”: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                  30    Obama speech reference: University of Nairobi in Nairobi, Kenya, August 2006.

                  31    “A lot of grandiose . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.


                  32    “Hawaii was heaven . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

                  33    “I learned how to eat . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  33    “I think [Indonesia] . . . ,”: Obama interview on Fresh Air, National Public Radio, August 2004.

                  33    “Men take advantage . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  33    “The world was violent . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  34    “To be black . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  36    “We never suffered . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  37    “Hawaii is such . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng discussion with author, October 2004.

                  39    “My father’s absence . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2003.

                  40    “Every man is trying . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2003.

                  41    “He wasn’t this . . . ,”: Keith Kakugawa, Nightline, ABC News, April 2007.

                  42    “He was just . . . ,”: Bobby Titcomb interview with author, August 2004.

                  42    “You know, in Hawaii . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  43    “I suppose I provided . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, August 2004.

                  43    “I was trying . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  44    “Some of the problems . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  45    “Hey, don’t touch the ’fro!”: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, August 2004.

                  45    “On the basketball . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  45    “I used to know . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, August 2004.

                  45    “dabbled in drugs . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                  46    “This was really . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, August 2004.

                  46    “Just call me Barry . . . ,”: Eric Kusunoki interview with author, August 2004.

                  47    “I recall his sincere . . . ,”: Chris McLachlin interview with author, August 2004.

                  48    “I got into a fight . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  48    “There’s still something . . . ,”: Julian Green discussion with author, October 2004.

                  48    “He would have been . . . ,”: Arne Duncan interview with author, January 2006.

                  49    “I recall that . . . ,”: Suzanne Maurer interview with author, October 2004.

                  49    “We agreed . . . ,”: Ibid.


                  50    “I’ll admit . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  50    “childhood dream”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  50    “It could seem . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

                  51    “We’re disenfranchised . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  51    “Just an all-around . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, October 2004.

                  51    “Maya’s just . . . ,”: Nora Moreno-Cargie discussion with author, October 2004.

                  52    “I just love . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  54    “Hawaii has ideas . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

                  54    “She just didn’t . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  55    “At best, these . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  56    “They weren’t defined . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  56    “California blacks . . . ,”: Don Terry discussion with author, November 2003.

                  57    “Obama is a . . . ,”: Scott Fornek discussion with author, February 2004.

                  57    “When we ground out . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  57    “I noticed that people . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  58    “The schools . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                  58    “He seemed to have gotten . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                  58    “Moving to the mainland . . . ,”: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

                  58    “Do you mind . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  59    “put down stakes . . . ,”; Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  59    “I had two . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

                  60    “Barack put himself . . . ,”: Green interview with author, November 2004.

                  60    “My philosophy . . . ,”: Roger Boesche interview with author, June 2005.

                  61    “Nietzsche calls . . . ,”: Ibid.

            61–62    “I knew that . . .”, “There were people who . . .”, and “Those two years . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

                  62    “I would imagine myself as . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  63    “Could this be . . . ,”: Jerry Kellman interview with author, March 2006.


            65, 66    “One of the things . . . ,” and “All I had . . . ,”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                  66    Roseland material adapted from “Rich 90s Failed to Lift All,” Chicago Tribune, David Mendell/Darnell Little, August 2002.

                  67    Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky (New York: Random House, 1971).

                  68    “Once I found an issue . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  68    “It wasn’t until . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  69    “The first day . . . ,”: Jeremiah Wright interview with author, November 2006.

                  69    “disaster . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  70    “I’m here to do . . . ,” and “Baby Face,”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                  71    “He was our . . . ,”: Callie Smith interview with author, October 2004.

                  71    “Jerry Kellman is . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

            72–74    “Barack wanted to serve . . . ,” and Kellman material: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                  74    “So I figured . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                  75    “I came to realize . . . ,”: Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (New York: Crown, 2006).

                  76    “Trying to hold . . . ,” and Wright material: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

                  77    “It’s a great book . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                  77    “Faith to him . . . ,”: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

                  78    “slumbering giant . . ,” and continuing quotation: Barack Obama, “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,” Illinois Issues, University of Illinois at Springfield, 1990.


                  80    “Ain’t nothing gonna . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                  82    “Everywhere black people . . . ,”: Ibid.

                  82    “I just can’t . . . ,”: Titcomb interview with author, October 2004.

                  84    “He was mature . . . ,”: Michael Froman interview with author, January 2007.

                  84    Some Harvard material from “In Law School, Obama Found Political Voice,” Jodi Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

                  85    “command centre . . . ,”: “Pinkos and Pistols,” The Economist, April 2002.

            85–86    Laurence Tribe material: Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

                  86    “But you know, once . . . ,”: Cassandra Butts interview with author, December 2006.

                  87    “Diversity is enriching . . . ,”: “The Rudeness of Race,” Chicago Tribune Magazine, February 11, 1996.

                  87    “You know, whether we’re . . . ,”: Butts interview with author, December 2006.

                  88    “Conservatives and libertarians . . . ,”: The Federalist Society mission statement, 1982.

                  89    “was populated by . . . would-be . . . ,”: Brad Berenson quoted in “In Law School,” Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

            90, 91    “Barack always floated. . . ,” and “He did show great . . . ,”: Berenson interview with author, January 2007.

                  91    “On the Law Review . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                  92    “He wanted to be mayor . . . ,”: Butts interview with author, December 2006.


            93, 94    “He sounded too good . . . ,” and “I thought . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, January 2004.

                  95    “this kind of stability”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

            95, 96    “We always felt . . .” and “Dad said . . . ,”: Craig Robinson interview with author, November 2005.

            98, 99    “I call him. . . ,” and “I told him . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, January 2004.

99, 100, 101    “My mom and I . . . ,” “He was tall . . . ,” “Barack’s game . . . ,” and “Barack was like . . . ,”: Robinson interview with author, November 2005.

                101    “Barack treated . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, January 2004.

                102    “If you are biracial . . . ,”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                103    “There are times . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                104    “What I notice . . . ,”: Michelle Obama quoted in “Her Plan Went Awry, But Michelle Obama Doesn’t Mind,” Cassandra West, Chicago Tribune, September 2004.

                104    “You always think . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

                105    “Leave your name . . . ,”: Judson Miner quoted in “Obama Got Start in Civil Rights Practice,” Mike Robinson, Associated Press, February 2007.

                106    “The courts are . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.


                107    “Upon my return . . . ,”: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

        108–110    Alice Palmer material: Sunya Walls, “Alice Palmer Withdraws from Race for Re-election,” Chicago Weekend, Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group, January 1996.

                109    “Since she endorsed . . . ,”: Obama quoted in the “Inc.” column, Chicago Tribune, Judy Hevrdejs and Mike Conklin, December 1995.

                110    “I’ve since discovered . . . ,”: Alice Palmer quoted in “Candidate Not What He Seems, Foes Insist,” Salim Muwakkil, Chicago Sun-Times, February 1996.

        112–113    “The political debate. . . ,” and “Any solution . . . ,”: Obama quoted by Hank De Zutter in the Chicago Reader, December 1995.

                114    “vacuous-to-repressive . . . ,”: Muwakkil, February 1996.

                115    “at the swearing-in . . . ,”: Illinois politico discussion with author, January 2004.

115, 117, 118    “I am thinking . . . ,” “I said . . . ,” “We are driving . . . ,” “He’s not . . . ,” and “It was just a great . . . ,”: Dan Shomon interview with author, January 2005. 119 “Buy him a black . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, January 2004.

                119    “So I asked . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.

                120    “My grandmother . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.


                121    “The fact that . . . ,”: Kirk Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

                122    “It wasn’t like . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.

                122    “The first few years . . . ,”: Rich Miller quoted in “How Obama Learned to Be a Natural,” Edward McClelland,, February 2007.

                123    “He didn’t think . . . ,”: Obama associate interview with author, 2004.

                124    “This sets the standard . . . ,”: Obama quoted in Associated Press, May 1998.

                125    “just give Barack hell . . . ,”: Kimberly Lightford interview with author, March 2007.

                126    “I have been advised . . . ,”: Rickey Hendon interview with author, September 2006.

                127    “Obama is interested . . . ,”: Don Wiener opposition research report, 2004.

                127    “He is idealistic . . . ,”: John Bouman interview with author, September 2004.

                127    “I always found . . . ,”: Joe Birkett discussion with author, October 2006.

                128    “The most important . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, September 2004.

                128    “Members of both . . . ,”: Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

                131    “Barack is viewed . . . ,”: Donne Trotter quoted in “Is Bobby Rush in Trouble?” Ted Kleine, Chicago Reader, March 2000.

                131    “There are whispers . . . ,”: Kleine, March 2000.

                132    “rising star . . . ,”: editorial, Chicago Tribune, March 2000.

                132    “What was interesting . . . ,”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                132    “What’s fascinating . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                132    “What I’ve found . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, January 2004.

                134    “I’ll never forget . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                134    “There was just . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.

                136    “I’m angered, frankly . . . ,”: George Ryan quoted in “Ryan Comes Up Short,” Rick Pearson/Ray Long, Chicago Tribune, December 1999.

                136    “Sen. Barack Obama . . . ,”: editorial, Chicago Tribune, March 2000.

                136    “This vote was . . . ,”: Bobby Rush, quoted in Chicago Tribune, December 1999.

                137    “I cannot sacrifice . . . ,”: Obama in press conference, January 2000.

                137    “Proving the political . . . ,”: David Mendell, “Obama Defends Decision to Miss Anti-Crime Vote,” Chicago Tribune, January 2000.

                138    “Less than halfway . . . ,”: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

        138–139    Congressional debate material: Rush-Obama-Trotter debate video courtesy of WTTW-TV, Chicago.

                139    “Just what’s . . . ,”: Ibid.


                141    “Bobby just ain’t . . . ,” and “It made me realize . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                141    “Barack, you didn’t . . . ,”: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

                142    “In his race . . . ,”: Abner Mikva interview with author, October 2004.

                144    “I was broke . . . ,”: Obama press interviews in Boston, July 2004.

                144    “He is motivated . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.

                145    “I’m sure . . . ,”: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

                146    “There were a range . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

                147    “Emil is driven . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                147    “I am blessed . . . ,”: Emil Jones Jr. discussion with author, February 2004.

                148    “He always talked . . . ,”: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

                149    “I am thinking . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.


                150    “I put Michelle . . . ,” and “Suddenly Adelstein’s . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

                151    “The big issue . . . ,” and “Ultimately . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                152    “So I told Dan . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

        153–154    “Barack says he wants . . . ,” “I guarantee . . . ,” and “So we all said . . . ,”: Marty Nesbitt interview with author, October 2005.

                155    “We had known Barack . . . ,”: Penny Pritzker interview with author, February 2006.

                157    “We were pulling . . . ,”: David Axelrod discussion with author, December 2004.

                157    “If I were you . . . ,”: David Axelrod from author interview with Obama, December 2004.

                158    “There was no way . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

                158    “But the problem was . . . ,”: Obama confidante discussion with author, early 2005.

                158    “She felt that [Obama] . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

                159    “My name should . . . ,”: Obama from author interview with Wright, November 2006.

                160    “He had gone . . . ,”: Wright interview with Manya Brachear of the Chicago Tribune, October 2006.

                161    “I didn’t grow up . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.


                165    “Guys I Never Want . . . ,”: Ed Rollins, Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms (New York: Broadway, 1996).

                165    “I just wanted to go . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with the author, June 2005.

                167    “Dad never shared . . . ,”: David Axelrod, “The Truth about My Father’s Death,” Chicago Tribune, June 2006.

                167    “It was just all about . . . ,”: Axelrod discussion with author, January 2004.

                169    “David was in his glory . . . ,”: lobbyist discussion with author, December 2004.

                170    “He was a meal . . . ,”: Axelrod discussion with author, December 2004.

        170, 171    “I would have made . . . ,” and “You know, I hear . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

                173    “He came in . . . ,” and “When he speaks . . . ,”: Bettylu Saltzman interview with author, April 2005.

                174    “there will be . . . ,” and “I knew that this . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

        176–177    “That’s the speech . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                178    “Bought himself . . . ,”: Obama quoted in “Legislator in Race to Unseat Fitzgerald,” Pearson/Chase, Chicago Tribune, January 2003.

        178–179    “My involvement was . . . ,” and “In a classic way . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.


                180    Jones–Obama conversation: Jones interview with author, January 2007.

                181    “Being in the majority . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

                182    “This Senate thing . . . ,”: Shomon in interview with author, January 2005.

                183    “I’m sure . . . ,”: Axelrod discussion with author, November 2004.

                183    “We were dead . . . ,”: Nate Tamarin interview with author, December 2004.

        184–185    Jim Cauley quotes: Cauley interview with author, December 2004.

                186    “As a politician . . . ,”: Chicago Sun-Times, Laura Washington column, September 2003.

                187    “There is going to be . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, August 2005.

                187    “It’s been mentioned . . . ,”: David Katz discussion with author, June 2005.

                188    “I am not running . . . ,”: Obama at Mars Hill Baptist Church, Chicago, November 2003.

        188–189    “We just assume . . . ,”: Obama at South Suburban Chicago campaign office, January 2004.

                189    “It was the first . . . ,”: Cynthia Miller interview with author, April 2005.

        190–191    “The anger and frustration . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, August 2005.


                193    “Don’t blame Pam . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, November 2003.

                195    “Hey, I’m doing . . . ,”: Obama to passerby in Chicago, November 2003.

199, 200, 202    “Well go ahead . . . ,” “I think politics . . . ,” and “When I see . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2003.

                204    “It worked on two . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2003.

                205    “My moment . . . ,”: Cauley quoted in “Race Against History” by Noam Scheiber in The New Republic, May 2004.


                207    “Barack has taken . . . ,”: Tom Balanoff interview with author, January 2004.

                208    “The legislature . . . ,”: Obama at Senate debate, January 2004.

                210    “Don’t you think . . . ,”: from Illinois political consultant discussion with author, June 2005.

                211    “Noah’s Ark . . . ,”: Mark Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

                211    Hull material adapted from “Hull Proves Money No Object in Bid for Senate,” Mendell, Chicago Tribune, February 2004.

                214    “You know . . . ,”: Axelrod discussion with author, February 2004.

                215    Hull divorce files: public records from Cook County Circuit Court.

                216    “Each day we . . . ,”: Chase discussion with author, March 2004.

                217    “Barack was concerned . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, August 2005.

                217    “I sure hope . . . ,”: Pete Giangreco discussion with author, March 2004.

                217    “Some politicians . . . ,”: “The ‘IT’ Factor,” Chicago Sun-Times, January 2004.

                218    “For god’s sakes . . . ,”: Obama aide discussion with author, January 2004.


                220    “There’s no doubt . . . ,”: David Mendell, “Obama Banks on Credentials, Charisma,” Chicago Tribune, January 2004.

                220    “You have Christina . . . ,”: Matt Hynes discussion with author, January 2004.

        221–222    Chicago Reader reference and Bob Secter quote: Michael Miner, “The Kiss and the Cover-up,” Chicago Reader, March 2004.

                222    “Sounds like . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                223    “the favorite son . . . ,”: Obama at South Suburban Chicago campaign office, January 2004.

                223    “I knew Dan Hynes . . . ,”: Illinois politico discussion with author, August 2005.

                224    “They’re running . . . ,”: Anita Dunn discussion with author, February 2004.

                224    “You know, Chico . . . ,”: Cauley discussion with author, February 2004.

                225    “My father was . . . ,”: Obama in various campaign speeches, 2003–2004.

                226    “It’s getting harder and harder . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

                226    “My general attitude . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

                226    “musicians riffing . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

                227    “I am my . . . ,” and “The arc of . . . ,”: Obama in various campaign speeches, 2003–2004.

                227    “I’m going to be . . . ,”: Paul Simon discussion with author, December 2003.

        228–231    Campaign ads courtesy of David Axelrod.

                230    “Barack is extremely intelligent . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, March 2004.

                231    “man for this time . . . ,”: editorial, Chicago Sun-Times, February 2004.

                231    “proven record of . . . ,”: editorial, Chicago Tribune, February 2004.

                231    “Obama is on fire”: Jason Erkes discussion with author, March 2004.

                231    “We can’t get beat . . . ,”: Secter discussion with author, February 2004.

        233–234    “Mr. Obaaaaama . . . ,” and “Can you believe . . . ,”: unidentified women, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, downtown Chicago, March 2004.

                234    “You just wait . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.


                235    Campaign ads courtesy of Hynes campaign.

                236    “There was nowhere . . . ,”: Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

                236    “Let’s face it . . . ,”: Erkes discussion with author, March 2004.

                237    “He stayed . . . ,”: Dan Hynes, Senate debate, February 2004.

                238    Tribune story reference: Mendell/Chase, “Candidate Without Faults Is a Rarity,” Chicago Tribune, March 2004.

                239    “Hey, this story . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

                240    “He did . . . ,”: Axelrod discussion with author, March 2004.

                240    “We have all . . . ,”: Cauley discussion with author, March 2004.

                241    “I don’t want this . . . ,”: Obama discussion in campaign SUV, March 2004.

                241    “It was a straight arrow . . . ,”: Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

                242    “Ambition has . . . ,”: Shomon discussion with author, June 2005.

                243    “Well, you are . . . ,”: Jarrett conversation recounted to author, May 2005.

                243    “He’s really pretty excited . . . ,”: Michelle Obama quoted in Eric Zorn column, Chicago Tribune, March 2004.

                243    “The most surprising . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, June 2005.

                245    “Truthfully, it feels . . . ,”: Leslie Corbett, quoted in “Obama Enters New Ring,” Chicago Tribune, Mendell/Jon Yates, March 2004.

                245    “When I first . . . ,”: Deborah Landis interview with author, March 2004.

                245    “Tonight surely . . . ,”: Jesse Jackson Sr., at Obama victory party, Chicago, March 2004.

                246    “At its best . . . ,”: Obama victory speech, Chicago, March 2004.


                248    “Barack was . . . ,”: Cauley discussion with author, April 2004.

                249    “markets fail . . . ,”: Obama at various press interviews, April–November 2004.

                249    “Obama figures out . . . ,”: David Wilhelm interview with author, January 2005.

                249    “all I have to say . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

                250    “I don’t think . . . ,”: Obama, and Tribune story reference, “Obama Has Center in Sights,” Chicago Tribune, Mendell, April 2004.

                251    “I didn’t find . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, April 2004.

                251    “It’s impossible . . . ,”: Obama aide interview with author, January 2005.

                252    “Robert stepped . . . ,”: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.

                245    “This is someone . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, April 2005.

                254    “Robert is . . . ,”: former Obama aide discussion with author, October 2006.

                255    “Plain and simple . . . ,”: Cauley interview with author, December 2004.

                255    Obama-Gibbs conversation: Gibbs recounted to author, November 2006.

                256    “I told Barack . . . ,”: Gibbs interview with author, July 2005.

                256    “You know, it would . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

                257    “Absolutely . . . ,”: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.

                257    “Nice having you . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

                258    “He was fine . . . ,”: Peter Coffey interview with author, January 2005.

                259    “You really didn’t . . . ,”: Shomon interview with author, January 2005.

                259    “He knows . . . ,”: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.


                261    “left of Mao Tse-tung . . . ,”: Steve Rauschenberger, quoted in various media, March 2004.

                261    “soft on crime . . . ,”: Kirk Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

                262    “Meet my stalker . . . ,”: Obama speaking to various media, April 2004.

                263    Ryan divorce files: various media reports, June 2004.

                264    “I’ve tried to make . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, June 2004.

                264    “I wanna . . . ,”: Obama conversation with aides, June 2004.

                265    “I don’t think . . . ,”: Gibbs discussion with author, June 2004. 265 “I don’t take any pleasure . . . ,”: Obama at a press conference in Peoria, June 2004.

                265    “Do you think . . . ,”: Radio reporter in questioning Obama, Peoria, June 2004.

                266    “all of us . . . ,”: Obama speaking to reporters, Chicago, June 2004.

                267    “He’s tired . . . ,”: Gibbs discussion with author, June 2004.

                268    “There’s no other . . . ,”: Rahul Sangwan, “Jack Ryan a Conservative Idealist,” The Dartmouth Independent, October 4, 2004.

                269    “Barack just killed . . . ,”: Nate Tamarin interview with author, December 2004.

                269    “We wanted . . . ,”: Cauley discussion with author, January 2007.

                271    “This was not laborious . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2005.


        273–285    Obama’s convention day material: David Mendell, adapted from “Obama Finding Himself Flush with Media Attention,” Chicago Tribune, July 28, 2004.

                274    Tim Russert interview: Meet the Press, NBC News, July 2004.

                275    Oomph quote: Ryan Lizza, “The Natural,” Atlantic Monthly, July 2004.

                275    “Chicagoans have grown . . . ,”: Joe Frolik, “A Newcomer to the Business of Politics Has Seen Enough to Reach Some Conclusions about Restoring Voters’ Trust,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 1996.

                277    More oomph: Scott Fornek, “Is Oomph an Oops for Obama?” Chicago Sun-Times, July 2004.

                277    “Is that good . . . ,”: Obama conversation with author, Boston, July 2004.

                277    “You’re the . . . ,”: Bob Schieffer conversation with Obama, Boston, July 2004.

                278    “Talk to . . . ,”: Obama conversation with Schieffer, Boston, July 2004.

                278    “We brought her . . . ,”: Obama at press conference, Boston, July 2004.

                279    “When am I . . . ,”: Dick Kay conversation with Green, Boston, July 2004.

                279    “I can’t . . . ,”: Obama speech to League of Conservation Voters, Boston, July 2004.

                280    “Even that last try . . . ,”: Practice speech observer conversation with author, July 2006.

        281–284    various DNC speech quotes: Obama, Boston, July 2004.

                283    “Of all . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

                284    “I’m gonna . . . ,”: Obama, as told to author by Katz, June 2005.

                285    “This is a . . . ,”: Jeff Greenfield, as recounted by Axelrod and Gibbs, December 2004.

                285    “When I looked . . . ,”: Green conversation with author, March 2005.

                285    “I was shivering . . . ,”: Chris Matthews, Hardball, July 28, 2004.

                285    “electrified . . . ,”: Wolf Blitzer, CNN coverage, July 28, 2004.

                285    “I guess . . . ,”: Obama, as recounted by Green to author, March 2005.


                286    “I don’t want . . . ,”: Cauley, Obama quote recounted to author, August 2004.

                287    “This was supposed . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

                287    David Mendell, material adapted from “Heady Week Yields to Hard Work,” Chicago Tribune, August 2004.

                287    “I don’t intend . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, August 2004.

                288    “In just a few . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, October 2004.

                288    “Apparently . . . ,”: Obama to audience in Kewanee, Illinois, August 2004.

                288    “This is all . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

                289    “I vote for . . . ,”: David Bramson interview with author, August 2004.

                289    “I’ve learned . . . ,”: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

                290    “I can’t go . . . ,”: Dick Durbin conversation with Obama, August 2004.

                291    “Those little small . . . ,”: Obama to audience in Quincy, Illinois, August 2004.

                291    “We’ve lost . . . ,”: Mike Daly conversation with campaign aides, August 2004.

                292    “When are we . . . ,”: Obama conversation with Michelle Obama, August 2004.

                292    “What’s in . . . ,”: Michelle Obama conversation with Obama, August 2004.

                292    “We’ve finally kind of . . . ,”: campaign aide conversation with author, August 2004.

                293    “This is not . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, August 2004.

                293    “They’re both . . . ,”: campaign aide conversation with author, August 2004.

                293    “This is what . . . ,”: Michelle Obama conversation with author, August 2004.

                294    “It’s embarrassing . . . ,”: Obama conversation with author, August 2004.

        294–295    Smoking anecdote: Tommy Vietor conversation with author, August 2004.

                296    “knock the halo . . . ,”: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

        296–298    Bud Billiken parade material: David Mendell, adapted from “Billiken Crowd Jeers Keyes, Cheers Obama,” Chicago Tribune, August 2004.

                297    “At one point . . . ,”: Mike Signator conversation with author, August 2004.

                298    “Barack Obama has . . . ,”: Liam Ford/David Mendell, “Jesus Wouldn’t Vote for Obama, Keyes Says,” Chicago Tribune, September 2004.

                298    “Barack thinks . . . ,”: Cauley conversation with author, September 2004.

                298    “You know, Barack . . . ,”: Axelrod, recounted by Obama in conversation with author, September 2004.

                298    “What could I . . . ,”: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

                299    “We can’t lose . . . ,”: Axelrod conversation with author, November 2004.

                300    “He hates . . . ,”: Vietor conversation with author, November 2004.

                300    “It was a thing . . . ,”: Chicago political consultant conversation with author, June 2005.

                301    “I can’t believe . . . ,”: Obama, recounted to author by campaign aide, August 2004.

                301    “He is the smartest . . . ,”: Amanda Fuchs conversation with author, November 2004.

                302    “I am not looking . . . ,”: Obama, recounted by Cauley during interview with author, December 2004.


                303    “Congratulations” anecdote: conversation between the Obamas, January 2005.

                304    “I’m not a . . . ,”: Obama conversation with Jesse Jackson Sr., January 2005.

                304    “We are bound . . . ,”: Obama to supporters in Washington, D.C., January 2005.

                306    “If Mike Tackett . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with author, February and March 2005.

                307    “house in order . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2005.

                308    “I’m writing . . . ,”: Obama conversation with author, April 2005.

                308    “Does he . . . ,”: Rahm Emanuel discussion with author, May 2005.

                308    “Barack . . . is tightly . . . ,”: Shomon conversation with author, April 2006.

                310    “There are probably . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                311    “We have enough . . . ,” and “If you want to position . . . ,”: Chris Lu interview with author, December 2006.

                312    “My reticence . . . ,”: Tom Stoppard quoted in Daphne Merkin, “Playing with Ideas,” New York Times Magazine, November 2006.

                313    “It was an important . . . ,”: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

        314–315    Knox College speech quotes: Obama to audience at college, June 2005.

                315    “It’s hard for him . . . ,”: Jon Favreau interview with author, December 2006.

                317    Katrina quotes: Obama on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, ABC News, September 2005.

                318    “From slave ships”: Cornel West quoted in “World: Exiles from a City,” The Observer, September 2005.

                318    “hull of a slave . . . ,” and other Jackson quotes: editorial “Katrina’s Racial Storm,” Chicago Tribune, September 2005.

        318–319    “Every speaker . . . ,” and other Jackson quotes: interview with author, June 2006.

                320    “I think there is . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2005.


                324    “humanly possible . . . ,” and “Kenya will just be . . . ,”: Gibbs discussion with author, March 2005.

                325    “I can’t hang . . . ,”: Obama conversation with official, August 2006.

                326    “But the lawyers . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

                329    “It’s not an issue . . . ,”: Obama at a press conference, South Africa, August 2006.

                330    “It sends this message . . . ,”: Zackie Achmat interview with reporters, August 2006.

                330    “You’re going . . . ,”: Desmond Tutu to Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

                330    “Well, he stayed . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with author, August 2006.

                331    “It was very . . . ,”: David Wheeler interview with author, August 2006.

                332    “He’s a total . . . ,”: filmmaker conversation with author, August 2006.

                333    “It would look . . . ,”: U.S. embassy official to reporters, August 2006.

                335    “You hear a lot . . . ,” and further quotes: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

                336    “That was . . . ,”: Pete Souza conversation with author, August 2006.

                337    “If it wasn’t for . . . ,”: Obama statement outside Hector Pieterson Museum, August 2006.

                337    “You know . . . ,”: Obama conversation with entourage member, August 2006.


                341    “take care of . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with author, Nairobi, August 2006.

                341    “You’ll be . . . ,”: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

                342    “How’s it . . . ,”: Mike Flannery conversation with Gibbs, August 2006.

                343    “Oh . . . I’m like . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with Flannery, August 2006.

                343    “I’m not sure . . . ,”: Gibbs press briefing, August 2006.

        343–344    Embassy scene and quotes from press pool report by Laurie Abraham.

                344    “Chris Wills . . . ,”: Obama to Wills, August 2006.

                345    “People have just . . . ,”: Dennis Onyango interview with author, August 2006.

                346    “This is where . . . ,”: Catherine Oganda interview with author, August 2006.

                346    “If the Americans . . . ,”: John Nyambalo interview with author, August 2006.

                347    “May the innocent victims . . . ,”: Obama speech at embassy site, August 2006.

                348    “Oh my goodness . . . ,”: Michelle Obama conversation with author, August 2006.

                349    “Be careful . . . ,”: Jennifer Barnes conversation with author, August 2006.

                350    “This is intense . . . ,”: Bob Hercules conversation with author, August 2006.

                351    “He is my . . . ,”: Gregory Ochieng interview with author, August 2006.

                351    “Part of my role . . . ,” and subsequent Obama quotes: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

                353    “Where is . . . ,”: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

                353    “When he is not . . . ,”: Abraham, “Mr. Obama Goes to Washington (and Cape Town and Nairobi and . . .),” Elle magazine, December 2006.

                353    “I feel demeaned . . . ,”: filmmaker conversation with author, August 2006.

                354    “Kenya is not my . . . ,”: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.


                356    “Obviously . . . ,”: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

                357    “This is a prelude . . . ,”: filmmaker talking under his breath, August 2006.

                359    “Stop pushing . . . ,”: Obama to a crowd at a hospital, August 2006.

                361    “I haven’t digested . . . ,”: Michelle Obama discussion with reporters, August 2006.

                363    “Hopefully, I can . . . ,”: Obama in a school dedication ceremony, August 2006.

                363    “Does this meet . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with Bill Lambrecht of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 2006.

                364    “As I was driving . . . ,”: Obama speech to Siaya political gathering, August 2006.

                365    “It’s like . . . ,”: Gibbs conversation with author, August 2006.

                367    “This is . . . ,”: Souza under his breath, August 2006.

                367    “Don’t trust . . . ,”: Obama to reporters outside grandmother’s house, August 2006.

                367    “It’s a . . . ,”: military liaison conversation with author, August 2006.

                369    “Hello . . . ,”: Obama to a crowd in Kibera, August 2006.

                370    “Let’s walk . . . ,”: Gibbs to reporters, August 2006.

                371    “Here in Kenya . . . ,”: Obama in a speech at University of Nairobi, August 2006.

                371    “There are people . . . ,”: Onyango interview with author, August 2006.

                372    “Barack figured . . . ,”: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.

                373    “It was a little . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                373    “Barack and I . . . ,”: Michelle Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                374    “My father . . . ,”: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.


                375    “How bad . . . ,”: Tamarin conversation with author, October 2006.

                375    “We definitely . . . ,”: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

                376    “The Democrats should . . . ,”: Maureen Dowd, “What’s Better? His Empty Suit or Her Baggage?” New York Times, March 2006.

                376    “My attitude is . . . ,”: Jacob Weisberg, “Barack Obama: The Path to Power,” Men’s Vogue, September 2006.

                376    “I inhaled . . . ,”: Obama on NBC’s Tonight Show, December 2006.

                376    “People have always . . . ,”: Shomon conversation with author, June 2006.

                377    “There are . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

                377    “I saw John Kennedy . . . ,”: Newton Minow recounted in interview with author, January 2007.

        377–378    Iowa material adapted from “Looking Beyond Obama-mania”: David Mendell, “Is He Ready Yet?” Chicago Tribune, September 2006.

                378    “Oh Oh Oh Obama . . . ,”: David Yepsen, “What Triggers the Buzz Around Obama? It’s Hope,” Des Moines Register, September 2006.

                379    “committee of scribes . . . ,”: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

                379    “There was more . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                379    “He’s not really . . . ,”: Penny Reynolds interview with author, December 2006.

                380    “The combination . . . ,”: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

                380    “If Barack . . . ,”: Butts interview with author, December 2006.

                381    “You keep . . . ,” and subsequent quotes: Michelle Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                382    “I think . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                383    Tony Rezko material: David Jackson/Ray Gibson, “Rezko Owns Vacant Lot Next to Obama’s Home,” Chicago Tribune, November 2006.

                384    “Look, I came . . . ,”: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

                385    “He is in fantastic . . . ,”: Pete Giangreco interview with author, January 2007.

                385    “Freak Show . . . ,”: Mark Halperin/John F. Harris, The Way to Win (New York: Random House, 2006).

                385    “I don’t know . . . ,”: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.