Dramatis Personae (List of Principal Characters)


The Command Staff:

Gaius Julius Caesar: Politician, general and governor.

Aulus Ingenuus: Commander of Caesar’s Praetorian Cohort.

Cita: Chief quartermaster of the army.

Decimus Brutus: Staff officer and favourite of Caesar’s family.

Quintus Atius Varus: Commander of the Cavalry.

Quintus Titurius Sabinus: Senior lieutenant of Caesar.

Quintus Tullius Cicero: Staff officer and brother of the great orator.

Titus Labienus: Senior lieutenant of Caesar.


Seventh Legion:

Publius Licinius Crassus: Legate and son of the triumvir Crassus.

Titus Terrasidius: Senior Tribune.

Publius Tertullus: Junior Tribune.

Gaius Pinarius Rusca: Junior Tribune.


Eighth Legion:

Quintus Balbus: Ageing Legate of the Eighth, close friend of Fronto.

Titus Balventius: Primus pilus & veteran of several terms of service.

Aquilius: Training officer, senior centurion and perfectionist.


Ninth Legion:

Publius Sulpicius Rufus: Young Legate of the Ninth.

Marcus Trebius Gallus: Senior Tribune and veteran soldier.

Grattius: primus pilus, once in sole command of the Ninth.


Tenth Legion:

Marcus Falerius Fronto: Legate and confidante of Caesar.

Gaius Tetricus: Military Tribune, expert in military defences.

Servius Fabricius Carbo: Primus Pilus.

Petrosidius: Chief Signifer of the First cohort.


Eleventh Legion:

Aulus Crispus: Legate, former civil servant in Rome.

Quintus Velanius: Senior Tribune.

Titus Silius: Junior Tribune.

‘Felix’: Primus Pilus, accounted an unlucky man.


Twelfth Legion:

Servius Galba: Legate.

Gaius Volusenus: Junior Tribune.

Publius Sextius Baculus: Primus pilus. A distinguished veteran.


Thirteenth Legion:

Lucius Roscius: Legate and native of Illyricum.

Atenos: Senior centurion and former mercenary.


Fourteenth Legion:

Lucius Munatius Plancus: Legate and former staff officer.

Cantorix: Centurion in the Third cohort.


Other characters:

Faleria the elder: Mother of Fronto and matriarch of the Falerii.

Faleria the younger: sister of Fronto.

Corvinia: Wife of Balbus, legate of the Eighth.

Lucilia: Elder daughter of Balbus.

Balbina: Younger daughter of Balbus.

Galronus: Gaulish officer, commanding auxiliary cavalry under Varus.

Gnaeus Vinicius Priscus: Former primus pilus of the Tenth, assigned camp prefect of the army, convalescing in Rome after serious wounding last year.

Paetus: Former camp prefect, betrayed by Caesar and Clodius. Believed dead, but escaped and at large in Italy.

Publius Clodius Pulcher: Powerful man in Rome, enemy of Caesar and conspirator, responsible for multiple crimes.

Philopater: Clodius’ chief enforcer.

Clodia: Sister of Clodius, a devious and dangerous woman.