I wish to thank for reading this book when in manuscript form:

Rosemary Coleman, artist and Professor Emerita of Literature, Illinois Benedictine University who has always been supportive of my work and whose criticisms and proof reading have been so helpful.

J. Arthur Faber, writer and Professor Emeritus of Literature, Wittenburg University, who also supported my work and whose reading of and comments regarding the manuscript was also so helpful.

Carol Felberbaum, an avid supporter who has continuously and willingly given her time for my writing and commentary.

I thank Bonnie Kaye for her utmost interest in this novel and her important suggestions.

The following two nurses gave me information regarding the RN when this story takes place. I thank them for their unhesitant help and guidance:

Janet Geanoulis, R.N., Lowell (Mass.) General Hospital and her sister Karen Martell, R.N., M.S.N., University of Southern Maine School of Nursing who referred me to her sister Janet.

The following are source materials or places that I consulted:

Digital Journal with special thanks to David Silverberg

Dixon-Kennedy, Mike, Celtic Myth & Legend: An A-Z of People and Places

Green, Miranda, Celtic Godesses: Warriors, Virgins and Mothers

Lawrence, Frieda and Kiowa Ranch: This imagined conversation of a female character is only in part an actual one I had in a lengthy meeting with Frieda Lawrence in Taos, New Mexico. I also did meet Ravalgi, and also had a long talk with Lady Brett who drew a map for me to Kiowa Ranch that now hangs in my office. She met me with a large ancient phonograph sounder held to her ear for hearing better. The talk at the ranch and visit are actual, These meetings were the result of research for my Master’s thesis: The Rananim of D.H. Lawrence: His Pursuit of Utopia in the New World.

Life Magazine from 1950s – use of fashion ads and some information considering the McCarthy Hearings and the Korean and Viet Nam Wars.

McIntosh, Elizabeth P., Women of the OSS: Sisterhood of Spies

Mayo (The) Clinic gave me permission to use from their website the article by Mayo staff on the Placenta previa birth problem. I sincerely thank them for granting use for the idea in a scene in this book.

Portland (The) Press Herald, Portland, Maine for information from the 1950s and 1960s.

Portland (Maine) Public Library where I had help from very cooperative librarians when it came to newspaper readings.

I would be remiss if I did not thank my wife, Arla who has constantly supported and encouraged me and who also read, commented upon, and recommended changes.