We want to thank the following for all their assistance with this project and
seeing it through to publication. First, we thank Sam Goodman and his associates for sharing their experiences and perspectives. Next, we thank Paul Blaum and Bill Roddey for helpful feedback and our.colleagues Emilie Allan, Miles Harer, John Kramer, Emily Erin Steffensmeier, and Renee Hoffman Steffensmeier for carefully reading and commenting on prior drafts of the document. Their comments greatly improved the quality of this book.
We thank Richard Koffler, Thomas Blomberg, Irving Louis Horowitz, Mary Curtis, Karen Ornstein, Michael Paley, and production editor Mai Cota for their thoughtful assistance in bringing this book to publication. We also thank Lee Carpenter and Mike Solic for their careful and helpful editing suggestions.
Finally, we thank “The Two Edwins,” Sutherland and Lemert. We consider them to be the two pre-eminent criminologists of the 20th Century, and we are indebted to their career-long efforts to educate us about the social worlds of crime and deviance.