Masters, it is a condition of mind that is nearly as difficult to master as it is to describe.

Therefore, a right state of mind is essential to the pursuing of RV'do. Developing this right state of mind requires the following, at a minimum:


Elimination of the negative aspects of ego. When it comes to remote viewing expertise, following a doctrine of individual self-interest is highly corrosive to your ultimate goals. An exaggerated sense of self-importance will always be destructive to the higher goal. Self-importance requires that you set escalating levels of excellence. You quickly find that the expectations are impossible to fulfill. Fear of failure becomes your master.


Complete relinquishment of any personal expectation for perfection. You will probably never find perfection in remote viewing. It is just like any of your other senses. Mistakes will be made, filters will sometimes be turned on or off inappropriately, or your perceptive apertures will not be exacting enough. Setting specific or personalized expectations will only complicate matters. It will make it more difficult for you to deal with failure when it occurs, and will increase the number of those failures. You need to understand from the outset that each of us learns in our own way, we learn at our own speed, and success is measured differently for each of us. There is no way to compare yourself against those who have come before you. Nor is it necessary to do so.


Both spiritual as well as philosophic growth will be required. Remote viewing is compatible with strong faith in a higher order, a greater being or energy, and should not be in any way offensive to your religious beliefs.


The word fear in all of its permutations will have to be eliminated from your vocabulary. Fear breeds paranoia, anger, and resentment, and is thoroughly destructive to the remote viewing process. Fear implies a tacit agreement to participate in the root or negative energies that lie at the very basis of its own creation. If you think that you will be harmed, then you will be, and if you think that something is evil then it is. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the generation of fear and the dark side.


Finally, a continued and balanced pursuit of the truth will be required. You must, above all else, sustain your ability to think critically, to ask questions, to maintain a healthy skepticism, and to walk the centerline of acceptable reality. Acceptable reality in this case being a mid-point, somewhere between either perceived extreme. The ease with which one is capable of deluding oneself in this field is legendary. The distance between knowing something to be true, and believing it, can be measured in less than the blink of an eye. One's credibility is as fragile as a powder-blue bird's egg. Once cracked, it is shattered irreparably and forevermore lies somewhere just beyond reach, one more body bag of bones on some media heap.


In building a new house, a lot of attention is paid to the foundation. Great care is focused on the steel reinforced concrete footer upon which the rest of the house will sit. Long before it begins to even look like a house, the solid stone walls, core filled cinder blocks, or formed concrete walls are constructed and then buried beneath tons of earth fill. Even though much of this construction will never be seen again, it is the care and meticulous attention to detail in building the foundation that dictates the longevity, strength, and support inherent within the finished structure.