Glossary of Terms
There are a lot of terms associated with remote viewing that have developed over the years. Keeping track of them is very difficult sometimes. Some of the terms can be misleading, like "Remote Viewing" itself, which implies actually seeing a target when you may not see anything at all. To assist you in understanding, I've included this list of remote viewing terms, which are my own perceptions as to what the different terms means.
I've used the term "hypothetically" many times within this list of definitions of terms. The terms I've used it with are those where there has been an assumption made and truth has not been established regarding that term or definition. In other words, just because one assumes something is true, doesn't make it automatically true.
AESTHETIC IMPACT (AI): A dramatically sudden and spontaneous opening to information about a target.
ANOMALOUS COGNITION (AC): Term used by the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory to define Extra Sensory Perception (ESP).
APPLICATION: A remote viewing application is the production of information through the use of a technique or method that is based on a tested protocol.
ANALYTIC OVERLAY (AOL): A subjective observation of incoming information made by the remote viewer that may or may not be relevant to the actual target or its content.
APERTURE: Viewpoint of the remote viewer that hypothetically indicates a broad to narrow orientation of perception to the target and/or its details.
ASSOCIATIVE REMOTE VIEWING (ARV): Using a targeting methodology which allows the remote viewer to operate one level removed from the actual target, in order to address forced choice type questions (yes/no, go/stop, invest/don't invest, etc.).
ASSUMPTION: A conclusion based on insufficient or incomplete information. Assumptions are nearly always wrong in part or whole.
BLIND TARGETING: Focusing the remote viewer on a target which the remote viewer is totally blind to, and for which there is no front-loading, or other preparation. (Note: this includes anyone else participating in the remote viewing being blind to the target as well, otherwise the remote viewer is not considered to be actually blind to the target).
CENTERED: Point or place of balance within one's thoughts. In a Zen sense, a place of no thought or empty thought.
COLD READING: Direct interaction between a psychic and an individual, where the psychic determines information pertinent to the individual through means other than paranormal (e.g., by reading body reactions—neurolinguistics).
CONCLUSION: A reasoned judgment. Unfortunately, sometimes based on inaccurate or incomplete assumptions.
CONSCIOUS (Mind): A perception or observation that is recognized and experienced. An accepted knowing whether true or not, that anchors us to the material world and experience.
COORDINATE REMOTE VIEWING (CRV): Form of remote viewing used by remote viewers many years ago, which entailed prompting the remote viewer with specific geographic coordinates for a specific target site.
COORDINATE: Any alpha/numeric set used to distinguish the identity of one target from another. (Note: does not necessarily imply geographic location.)
DEBUNKER: Generally a closed minded individual who attacks what they do not understand or fear, usually under the guise of skepticism, or with the intention of proving fraud even when fraud may not exist.
EGO: Organized part of one's consciousness that attempts to control what will be accepted as real, as a result of the interaction between one's perception and what one believes to be reality.
EMOTIONAL IMPACT: A sudden or spontaneous perception of human emotional content pertinent to the target.
FEEDBACK: Correct target responses given to the viewer after the remote viewing session has been terminated and the target will not be revisited.
FREE RESPONSE: Generally refers to data provided by subjects participating in remote viewing or ganzfeld experiments, where the subject's response is not controlled but allowed to occur spontaneously.
GESTALT: An overall or gross perception of a target that may contain a significant sense of what the target is, contain patterns, or other commonalities prevalent within the target, but provides insufficient elements to permit an otherwise greater determination about the target.
IDEOGRAM: A reflexive mark on a paper, hypothetically made as a result of the impingement of a signal line on a person's autonomic nervous system. (Note: This is an essential element of belief or underpinning to the CRV method of Remote Viewing).
MEDITATION: Mental contemplation or reflection with an intended purpose or expected outcome.
METHOD: A method (methodology) is a systematic procedure or mode of inquiry employed by, or proper to, a particular discipline or art. In remote viewing, these are always applied within the framework of a protocol.
MONITOR: Person who assists the viewer in a remote viewing session. The monitor provides the viewer with appropriate targeting material, records remote viewing session information, and assists the viewer in staying within the bounds of protocol. (Note: Monitor is always as blind to the target as the viewer should be.)
NOISE: Various forms of overlay that are perceived as possibly interfering with the information being processed by the remote viewer.
OPERATIONAL RV: This would be a remote viewing directly applied as an application, and otherwise not used for practice, demonstration, or scientific study.
OUTBOUNDER: Person who acts as a target beacon while visiting a target location during a remote viewing session. (Note: This hypothetically gets the remote viewer to focus on the specific target site of interest.)
PERCEPTIONS: Information about the target which the remote viewer acquires that may or may not be correct about the target.
PRECOGNITION: Producing information about a target prior to that information actually existing in time/space (e.g., describing an event before it actually happens).
PROTOCOL: A remote viewing protocol is a detailed plan of a scientific experiment, treatment, or procedure. It is the first step in the design of an application.
PSYCHIC: A person who is sensitive to perceptions or understanding that is not available through ordinary means.
PSYCHIC FUNCTIONING: The collection and production of information without the use of the physical senses.
REMOTE VIEWER: Person who can demonstrate the acquisition of information through the use of remote viewing while operating under appropriate scientific controls.
REMOTE VIEWING: The ability to access and provide accurate information through psychic means, about a person, place, object, or event, that is inaccessible through any normally accepted means, regardless of distance, shielding, or time. (Note: The term was originally coined by researchers at SRI-International in the early 1970s.)
REMOTE VIEWING SESSION (FORMAL): Specific period of time during which an actual remote viewing takes place. Should always have a noted start time, and viewer should be told specifically when that will be ahead of time if possible.
Also has a specific stop time, after which all records are sealed and no one adds any further information to the remote viewing data.
REMOTE VIEWING SESSION (INFORMAL): This can be a practice session or other remote viewing that is totally controlled by the remote viewer in terms of time. While the start/termination time can be open, and up to the viewer, the viewer should have no feedback or knowledge of the target until the session has been formally terminated.
RV'DO: The way of Remote Viewing, or the martial art of Remote Viewing.
SCRYING: Using a reflective or semi-reflective surface to "see" paranormal information. (e.g., looking into a crystal ball, or other smooth surfaced reflective pool.) The person actually doesn't see things there, but it provides a good backdrop for the recognition of mental projections or impressions, by otherwise keeping the normal senses occupied.
SENSE: Any use of a normal faculty such as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching, as a direct result of internal or external stimuli.
SIGNAL: Information hypothetically being transmitted from the target place, object, person, or event somewhere in space/time.
SIGNAL LINE: Hypothetical line of communication that supposedly carries the information received by the remote viewer. The existence and/or origin of a signal line is actually unknown.
SKEPTICISM: A healthy doctrine that states true knowledge or knowledge in any particular area is always going to be uncertain. A skeptic always retains a certain degree of question or doubt.
SUBCONSCIOUS (Mind): Just outside of consciousness. Part of the mind that possesses information the conscious mind is not aware of or awake to. Hypothetically, the subconscious is that part of the mind which holds the information sought by the conscious mind during remote viewing.
TARGET (SITE): The place, person, object, or event, located somewhere specifically within space/time, which the remote viewer is attempting to provide information on.