So what did I do?
I painted Dailan Kifki a lovely train passenger outfit!
Would you like me to describe it to you in every last detail?
Well, standing on tiptoes, and occasionally lifted up by the Fireman, I managed to paint Dailan Kifki an enormous polka-dot tie.
I took a few steps back to examine the effect, and saw that it needed a couple more strokes.
But don’t for a moment think that I did the painting carelessly and in a slapdash way.
No, sir, I did the painting very carefully and very un-slapdashly indeed.
I painted the lapels of his jacket, first one, then the other.
And then, of course, I drew three very big, very round buttons, just like the Fireman’s.
Then, nearly down to his knees (the elephant’s knees, not the Fireman’s), I painted some jacket pockets.
You’ll be wondering now how I drew the trousers?
Very simple: a single vertical, ever-so-straight line right down his legs. I painted the left first, and it came out very nicely.
I began painting the other side, starting from the top. It was coming out as perfectly straight as a ruler, and I was nearly done when… Ker-BLAM!
Something hit me on the head, hard.
I couldn’t even cry for help.
I only managed “Hel…”
And I fainted.
The blow to my head was as calamitous as it was unexpected.
All of a sudden I saw seven hundred and eighty-nine little stars and I flopped down onto the platform of Ituzaingó station. I thought I’d died.