Chapter 9 – Going Above And Beyond Expectations

And now we come to the final part: Going above and beyond expectations.

Living in a container home won’t exactly fulfill all of your dreams. But, it’s a step that will open up doors for you.

One of these doors will be the one leading towards financial freedom.

As soon as your home is done and all of your $7000.00 is gone, you will have started a journey towards financial freedom. You won’t have to worry about huge mortgage issues. If you decide to go off grid you will have saved more money which would have eventually landed in the hands of utilities companies.

This means that all of the money which was supposed to go into all of those common factors other people have to live with will stay with you.

So what are you going to do with all of the extra money you have?

There are many options. You can use it to fund a new business, travel, invest or put it all back into beautifying and improving your container home.

If you chose the latter, you might ask yourself: “What else can I do to improve a container home?”

Well for one, you can make changes to your container home in a way that will change its exterior so as not to look like a regular container home. Or you can expand your home to provide more space.

There are facades people put up to change the external appearance of their container homes. This can rack up additional costs of course but by then you’ll have more than enough to shoulder additional costs.

Some people decorate their exterior with bricks, granite and other material that would emulate any traditional home’s façade. This effectively hides the metal exterior of a normal container home.

You can also simply add another section to your container home to provide more liveable space. This is especially a good idea for couples who are planning on growing their family’s size. It’s actually easy to expand a basic container home as long as planning for expansion has been made during the initial build. So, if you’re building your current container home, try to make sure you give some consideration for future upgrades.

Another thing you can do to your home is: improve what you already have. Upgrading your current facilities like water collection device (if you have one) or your solar panels (if you live off-grid) is a good idea. By basically making your home more power and utilities efficient you’ll become more self sufficient without worrying too much about running out of water and electricity.

And since you already have a container home, why not start a container garden as well! That’s something we can discuss in the future which should really go well with the container theme you’re going for in your lifestyle!

These are just some of the things you can do to improve your container home.

And if you’ve tired of your current container home and you’ve squirreled away enough money, you can just as easily build another one with a larger budget at your disposal.

And what do you do with your old one? You can do whatever you want to do with it. You can decide to sell it or keep it for future use by then you’ll have enough financial freedom to not worry about what happens to it.

So in the end, building a container home today can spell a bright future for you tomorrow!