This book is ideal for small groups to read and discuss in depth. The final pages of this book include a helpful guide for stimulating group exploration of this book’s themes and manifestation methods. Here are twenty-four focus questions to reflect upon after reading this book:
- A basic premise of the book is that there exists a Creator of the universe who permeates everyday consciousness and whose power and guidance can be “tapped into” at will by any of us. Do you agree with this?
- The book’s manifestation technique is based on the merger of psychological and spiritual understandings of human consciousness, where our personal bubble of awareness is able to connect with Universal Mind through entering the Silence and receiving insight and empowerment via the unconscious mind. How do you feel about this possibility?
- Charles Haanel prefers not to talk about God, but rather to use other terms such as “Universal Mind,” “the Divine,” “Creative Source,” and so forth. Do you agree with the spiritual premises of this book, or do they violate some of your religious beliefs?
- The book mentions the PEAR studies, which seem to prove that the human brain does have the power to broadcast its intent and impact on the actual physical world. Did you examine the online evidence of this research? How do you feel about the implications of this study?
- John Selby claims to have integrated cognitive science with spiritual meditative practice in developing the manifestation process taught in this book. Do you feel he succeeded in this merger of science and spirit? Or are the two so different that they cannot be integrated?
- This book leans in the direction of deeper spiritual dimensions of manifestation and human happiness, rather than focusing primarily on the attainment of material wealth. Are you comfortable with this focus on spiritual dimensions of manifestation as being compatible with the practical attainment of material desires? Why or why not?
- Much of the book focuses on teaching a daily meditation practice that touches the depths of both material and spiritual needs and desires. Did you feel the book adequately taught you the manifestation process? Have you been practicing this method daily? What have been your experiences with this process?
- The first part of the process is supposed to help you quiet all the thoughts running through your mind so that you can enter into the Silence. When you focus on your breathing and present-moment experience by using the Focus Phrases, do your thoughts become quiet? What do you think of the whole notion of quieting your mind so that you can listen to your inner voice of wisdom and guidance?
- Charles Haanel insists that your success in manifesting your dreams must be driven not just by thoughts of what you want, but also by your deeper passions and yearnings, by your positive emotions. Do you agree with this? How well have you been able to identify what your core passions and yearnings are?
- The author talks about “shifting into receive mode” during a manifestation session so that you can receive insight, guidance, wisdom, and power to help you manifest your dreams. What do you think of this process? Can you do it yet?
- Charles Haanel says, “What you and I desire, what everyone is seeking, is happiness and harmony.” He urges you to aim toward manifesting these two qualities of consciousness in your life, rather than focusing on material things that you desire. Do you agree with this, or is he being too simplistic?
- In general, were you satisfied with the book’s focus on deeper spiritual aspects of fulfillment in life? After reading the book, are you clear about what you personally need to make you happy? Is happiness really what you want, or are you focused on something else?
- This book insists that you must pay attention to your thoughts at all times and take responsibility for focusing your thoughts in positive directions if you want to manifest a satisfying life situation. Is it true in your experience that your thoughts always precede your actions? Do you feel you can take charge of your thoughts, rather than letting them run wild?
- The Law of Attraction plays an important role in this book’s manifestation process. Science has proven the physical Law of Attraction in atoms and so forth, but do you believe there is a mental and spiritual Law of Attraction as well? If so, do you feel you understand how to work with this Law of Attraction in your own life?
- Another premise of this book is that there is “enough for all” and that abundance is something everyone in the world can experience. Is this just wishful thinking? If everyone in the world practiced this book’s manifestation process regularly, would everyone be able to get what they truly need to be happy in life?
- Charles Haanel and the authors of Tapping the Source have been called heretical because they see human beings as expressions of the Universal Mind, which means they’re putting humans and God on an equal footing, with humans as material manifestations of the Infinite Creator. Do you agree with the authors? Are you actually able to tap into and channel God’s power and wisdom into your personal mind?
- Charles Haanel often stated that he was averse to all religion, and that his manifestation methods were based on science and spiritual insight, not traditional religious beliefs. But much of what he taught—for instance, focusing on giving rather than receiving, and making love the ultimate true power—sounds like the teachings of Jesus. Was he just using new words to express traditional beliefs, or did he bring a genuinely new vision of spiritual life into being?
- The use of Focus Phrases seems to be the driving force of this manifestation process. Did the book adequately teach you what Focus Phrases are and how to use them? Do you find them powerful and effective? Is it true that just by thinking a statement of intent to yourself you can generate movement toward what you want to manifest? Have you yet memorized the seven Focus Phrases that make up this book’s method? What do you think of holding these Focus Phrases in your mind throughout the day?
- Charles Haanel goes against the usual meditation grain when he insists that the solar plexus is the center of the human body and the point where Spirit flows in. Usually we think it’s the heart or the mind, not the solar plexus. The book teaches that breathing is the core factor in awareness and manifestation, and that the solar plexus, which drives our breathing, must therefore be the key to manifestation. Do you agree with this? When you practice the manifestation process, can you focus down to your solar plexus? What do you experience?
- The book talks about the necessity of changing your mental attitudes if you are to change your life for the better. Do you agree with this? Do you feel you can use the methods in this book to change your mental attitudes?
- Power is also talked about, but with a particular Haanel twist that is different from the way most self-help and spiritual books treat it. Charles Haanel teaches that you must first go into the Silence and bring your personal intent into resonance and harmony with the laws of nature and Universal Mind’s wisdom if you are to receive higher power beyond your ego’s manipulations. Does this make sense to you? Do you want to do this in your life?
- The book says that if you stay in conscious contact with your higher primary yearnings, each moment will manifest what you need in order to advance step by step toward your higher goal. Do you like this “higher vision” focus? Is it effective for you in also manifesting practical material abundance as well?
- The book challenges you to use the free online training programs daily and to develop a strong daily habit of pausing to go into the Silence and tap your higher manifestation powers. Do you think you will discipline yourself enough to make this manifestation process a lifelong daily habit?
- You can have the identity of a seeker and move on now to find more books that might hold the answers you’re looking for, or you can see yourself as a tracker, and settle in with this manifestation method as your fulfilling process. Which do you think you will choose?