Everything you ever wanted can be yours. Everything. Not just wealth, health, and material abundance but also true eternal happiness.
How can we know this? How can we offer such assurance? What is the source of our knowledge and confidence that this is true?
This book will reveal these secrets in accessible language with easy-to-follow exercises that have proven to be effective. But where did this information come from? Why should you trust that this book is the true guide to all you have been seeking?
In all areas of your life you must always examine the source. This book is not just the creative output of three successful and widely divergent intellects. Tapping the Source is first and foremost a modern-day presentation of the ideas provided to the world by an extraordinary individual named Charles Haanel.
Charles Haanel lived from 1866 to 1949. During his lifetime, Haanel created a great fortune and dedicated himself to teaching others his secrets of manifestation. Haanel combined the unique skills of being both a practical businessman and a metaphysician interested in esoteric beliefs and esoteric practices. He was one of the first individuals in America to believe in meditation and manifestation through concentrated focus and discipline. Haanel believed in hard work, but he also believed in something more: the ability of each individual to tap into the Divine Source of knowledge and wisdom that permeates the universe. Of the many books Haanel wrote, his most famous and useful, The Master Key System, was published in 1912, almost one hundred years ago. This book went on to influence Ernest Holmes, Napoleon Hill, and many other authors and individuals through to the present day, including the creators of The Secret. Anywhere you go on the Internet, you will see the links between Charles Haanel and The Secret.
The Master Key System, as a book and correspondence course, sold in excess of two hundred thousand copies at a time when America had perhaps only one-tenth the reading population it has today. One of those readers was a gentleman named Napoleon Hill. Hill is famous for his classic work Think and Grow Rich, which has sold tens of millions of copies and is widely regarded as the first and most useful self-help book ever published. He went on to create the Napoleon Hill Institute, which remains robust and active today, still touching the lives of millions of individuals focused on creating material wealth.
Hill wrote a letter in April 1919 in which he gave full credit to Charles Haanel and his Master Key System as the source for his own books and teachings. At this time, Hill had already published the first edition of his book The Law of Success and was also publishing his Golden Rule magazine, both precursors to Think and Grow Rich. In today’s world of self-aggrandizing self-help teachers and gurus, this is a truly gracious letter of recognition:
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I believe in giving credit where it is due; therefore, I believe I ought to inform you that my present success and the success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in The Master Key System. I shall cooperate with you in getting your course into the hands of the many who so greatly need your message.
Cordially and sincerely,
Napoleon Hill
Hill was not just a powerful self-help author. He practiced the principles he learned from Haanel and amassed one of the largest fortunes in America through Golden Rule, consulting agreements with business titan Andrew Carnegie, and the creation of his own publishing empire. Perhaps even more importantly, he focused on philanthropic activities and sharing his knowledge with others. Indeed even his act of acknowledging Haanel can be interpreted as part of the wisdom imparted in the Master Key System itself. The true power of the Law of Attraction and other laws of abundance that are at the center of the Master Key System is about constantly giving to others and acknowledging the role of others in everyday success on every level of our lives.
Many books, such as The Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, have taken an idea here and there from the writings of Napoleon Hill and Charles Haanel, but there has never been a book that goes back to Haanel’s original words and provides the full context of what his principles and laws really are and how to implement them. Part of the reason for this may be that times have changed since his work was first published, and some of the insights provided are no longer as timely. This in fact is not the case. Though his writing may seem dated, his ideas are timeless. There is not a single principle or law in the original Master Key System that is less relevant today than when originally published. The Master Key System is truly a book of timeless wisdom and insight. The modern world has progressed in many areas in one hundred years, however, and one of the areas of such progress has been specifically in how to use meditation and focused concentration to reach alpha states for peak performance. Books have been written, such as Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Zone Tennis by Jay P. Granat, about how to be “in the flow” or “in the zone” and reach maximum physical and mental potential at all times. The Secret hinged on just one of Haanel’s principles, but in fact The Master Key System illustrates that a single principle from the full twenty-four presented is not sufficient for success.
In Tapping the Source, we have gone back to Haanel’s original words and principles and have added specific easy-to-follow exercises that enhance your ability to implement Haanel’s recommendations. In the original Master Key System, Haanel provided a powerful principle, such as focusing on your connection to the source of abundance in the universe, and then told his readers to sit quietly and meditate on that idea. In Tapping the Source, John Selby has developed specific Focus Phrases that mirror Haanel’s instructions so that you have a practical guide that will enable you to more thoroughly and more quickly capture the experience of not just understanding but feeling what it means to be centered and connected to your ultimate and unlimited potential.
We are humbled to serve as your guides to the wonderful wisdom of Charles Haanel. This is a magical book that will change your life—not just in helping you achieve your own material and emotional desires, but also in helping you help others achieve their goals as well. At the heart of Tapping the Source is the awareness that all life is interconnected and that the true secret of happiness is connecting to others and helping them connect to the same Source from which all is manifested. In so doing we all have the potential to live our lives to our fullest potential and to create the conditions for humanity as a collective whole to also reach its highest potential.
As you read Tapping the Source, remember to breathe and enjoy.