
Chapter One


“I’M NOT TAKING NO FOR an answer and that’s that!”

Claire winced and held the phone away; the background noise was deafening, and Zoey was shouting to be heard.

“Listen, I know sports bars aren’t your favourite thing, but you have to get out.”

Claire rolled her eyes. It was a waste of time to fight with her friend when she was in one of her moods. Zoey would just keep calling until she caved. “Oh, all right. I’ll be there in about half an hour.” She disconnected and tossed her cell onto her bed. She knew she’d probably regret giving in, even though her friend was right; she did need to get out. Especially since it was Saturday and she’d spent the day working on a project. That was the downside of being a freelance graphic designer... the work was always there... waiting.

She flicked through the clothes in her closet and grabbed the first thing she saw. A black turtle-neck sweater and black slacks. She changed quickly and looked at herself in the mirrored closet door. “Great,” she muttered aloud. “I look like a piece of licorice.” Her cap of flaming red hair was the only colourful thing about her. “To be more specific” she said, a wry smile on her lips, “a licorice cigar. The kind with the little red sprinkles on the end.” She dressed quickly and left before Zoey called again.

Claire paused at the door to the bar. The sound was almost more than she could stand, but she was here now, plus she’d promised. Zoey and Tony always sat in the same spot, and she fought her way through the crowd. Her friend was there now, seated at one of the many long bar-height tables facing the massive screens. The table was littered with beer jugs, glasses, nacho baskets and the remains of an order of hot wings. She miraculously found a stool on the opposite side of the table and cleared a space. “Where’s Tony?” she asked, looking around.

“Gone to the head.” Zoey had taken to dropping nautical terms into her conversation ever since taking a party cruise in Vancouver harbour a few weeks ago. Claire knew it would pass; it was one of the quirky things she loved about her friend. Zoey lowered her voice a couple of notches. “Listen, I just spotted a guy I want you to meet. He’s hot, hot, hot. We see him in here all the time, and he’s hardly ever with a woman.”

Hardly ever. Yeah, right. Claire knew what that meant. “No thanks, Zo. I’m not interested right now.” When would her friend learn that jocks didn’t interest her? She ordered a white wine spritzer from the server and climbed up on the stool.

“Well too bad, ‘cause he’s on his way over here right now.” Zoey raised a hand. “Hey Kyle, I want you to meet my friend Claire.”

“Well, hello Claire!” He braced an elbow against the bar and gave her his full attention. She’d be willing to take bets that he rehearsed the move at home.

“Hello, Kyle.” She stuck out her hand. He looked down for a moment as though unsure what to do with it. Claire managed to suppress a smile. “Nice to meet you.”

He recovered, and brought her hand to his lips. “The pleasure is all mine.”

She almost groaned aloud at the corny line but was distracted by the arrival of her drink.

“Let me get that,” he offered, reaching for his wallet.

She already had her money out. “Thanks for the offer, but I like to buy my own drinks.”

“Fair enough.” He gestured to her glass. “What are you drinking?”

“It’s a white wine spritzer.”

He made a face. “Nobody drinks those anymore.”

She gave him her sweetest smile. “They do if they have to work tomorrow.”

A roar went up from the crowd and Kyle turned around. “What did I miss?” he asked Zoey over his shoulder.

“Vancouver scored!” Zoey was bouncing up and down, the oversized Canucks shirt flapping at the arms.

Claire watched the delirious crowd as they relived the goal through several replays. All over the province the same scene would be playing bars, in homes, and those unfortunate enough to be working would be covertly listening on the radio. She sometimes wished that she could be more enthusiastic about the great national pastime, but that wasn’t going to happen. Not in this lifetime, anyway.

“You’re not watching!” Kyle’s eyes were lit with excitement. “That was a classic goal.”

“She never watches.” Zoey had settled back down and took a drink from her beer glass.

“You don’t like hockey?” Kyle looked at her as though she’d grown horns. “Why not?”

Claire didn’t really want to explain, but the disbelief in his tone compelled her to speak. “I grew up with hockey. My father is obsessed with the sport and he had my brother on skates as soon as he could stand up. It was all anyone ever talked about in our house, and to be honest I just got to the point where I started to tune out.”

Looking back now, she had to admire her father’s dedication. The early morning practices, the endless purchasing of equipment, the unfailing support. Hockey in her home had been a family affair. She couldn’t begin to count the number of games she’d been to when Cam was just starting out; sitting cold and miserable on the benches in an unheated rink. Fortunately for Cameron, his hard work had paid off and he was now playing in the minor leagues, with realistic hopes of NHL stardom in his future.

She loved her twin; there would always be that unbreakable twin bond, but that didn’t mean she had to be overly enthusiastic about his sport. Her one concession was Cameron’s games. She’d attended every one since he started in the minor leagues, cheering him on along with her parents and his current girlfriend.

The latter was subject to change without notice; it seemed that hockey players had their pick of willing women and her brother was no exception.

“So.....” Kyle was struggling to come up with something to say. His gaze darted around the bar, resting briefly on each of the screens, some of which actually showed sports other than hockey. “Do you like any sports?”

Claire pretended to think. She didn’t want to be difficult, but she had nothing in common with this man. “I like tennis,” she said finally.

That blank look came over his face again and she took pity on him. “I started watching Rafa Nadal when he was seventeen and I’ve followed his career ever since.”

He opened his mouth and she thought he was going to prolong the conversation, but he’d spotted Tony returning to the table and relief flooded his face. “Hey, man!” he said. “You missed a great goal.” They fell into a discussion and Claire turned back to Zoey.

“Why do I bother?” her friend asked, shaking her head. “What’s wrong with this one?”

Claire gave a small shrug. “Nothing. He’s actually quite good looking.”

Zoey leaned across the table even though there was no danger of their conversation being overheard in the cacophony of the bar. “Listen, my friend. You had a bad experience with Harrison, but that’s over now.”

Her friend was right, but it didn’t make the hurt any less. “I’m just not ready, you know?” She met Zoey’s eyes.

“Okay, but promise me you won’t bury yourself in work to the exclusion of everything else. What’s that all about, anyway?”

“I’ve got this crazy idea that I might take some time off and go to Hawaii. I’ve looked online and there are some fantastic places to rent, right on the beach.”

“You’re kidding! You, Claire Collins, actually taking time off? Pull the other one.”

“I’m serious, Zoey.”

“And when were you going to discuss it with me, your best friend?”

“I just started thinking about it. Remember last week when it rained for three days in a row?” She gave a small laugh. “That was enough to make anyone think about sunshine.”

Zoey nodded. “Ain’t that the truth.” She waved a hand. “Ignore me; I’m just jealous that I can’t go with you. Tony’s parents are having a big do for their thirtieth wedding anniversary in May and we’ve promised to go to Toronto.” She groaned. “Not exactly a tropical destination.”

“Never mind, it’ll be fun.” Claire motioned toward Zoey’s engagement ring. “And it’ll be a great way to get to know them before you and Tony get married.”

“Yeah, there is that.” Her eyes took on a faraway look. Claire waited for her to come back from wherever she’d gone.

“Have you ever thought about doing a blog?” Zoey asked, apropos of nothing.

“Like I have so much extra time.” Claire frowned. “Besides, I don’t have anything I want to blog about.” She paused. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s the newspaper. The owner thinks we should have a series of bloggers. Anonymous of course, to keep it interesting.”

Claire snorted. “Anonymous so they can get away with saying outrageous things, is more like it.”

Zoey grinned. “That, too.”

Claire thought for a moment. “It might not be such a bad idea. Those new owners are clever, I’ll give them that. For one thing, they hired you to oversee production; that proves they’re a smart bunch of guys. When you told me about the group of people willing to buy an old web press and start a new, hip newspaper I thought they were crazy. Especially with traditional newspapers closing all over the place.”

Zoey nodded. “They know their market.” She glanced at Kyle, who was still deep in conversation with Tony. “Who knew there were so many people our age who still want to read newspapers?”

“And with their online presence they cover all the bases.” Claire tilted up her glass, surprised to see that it was empty. “If I think of anyone, I’ll let you know, okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” Zoey’s attention was back on the screen behind Claire. When that happened it was a clear signal that it was time to go.

“I’ll call you in a few days, okay?” Claire winced as the sound went up several decibels. “Maybe we can meet for lunch. Somewhere we can hear ourselves think.”

“Okay.” Zoey was tugging at Tony’s shirt, pointing to the screen.

Claire left the bar and stood outside, hesitating. Cab or bus? If she was even going to think about a holiday, she’d better get more serious about conserving cash. Besides, it was only a short run on the bus straight down Robson Street and as fate would have it, the bus was pulling up. She hopped on, and then got off a few minutes later on the corner of Denman and walked the block and a half to her apartment.

A fine mist was falling, but she was lost in thought and scarcely noticed it. Zoey was right, of course. She couldn’t automatically assume that every man she met was going to break her heart. She opened the front door, walked into the generic lobby and pushed the button for the elevator. In those quiet, introspective moments that seemed to come more often these days, she had to admit that she was angry at herself as much as at Harrison. Angry because she’d been completely taken in by his charm, his good looks, and most of all, his ability to spin a picture of the future that she’d bought... hook, line and sinker!

It had been such an old, clichéd situation. Married man in an unhappy marriage. Divorce pending. ‘I love you Babe.’ Everything a girl longed to hear. Only back then, in that first flush of what she’d thought was love, she’d heard what she wanted to hear.

She would have been a lot farther ahead if she’d listened to Zoey. Her uncompromising friend always saw things in black and white. But of course that would have been too easy. The truth was, she hadn’t wanted to push Harrison, in spite of her growing uneasiness. And then one day she’d seen him with his wife, and watched the obvious closeness between them. It had been one of the worst days of her life. Even now, thinking about it, her breath caught in her throat. She wouldn’t be fooled again.

She let herself into her apartment, kicked off her shoes and wandered over to the full length window. It overlooked the harbour, and in the daytime she could see parts of Stanley Park. She raised her eyes to the lights of the North Shore. Off to the left in West Vancouver, her parents were no doubt watching the late news before retiring for the night.

She pulled the drapes and wandered into her office. The rough layout of her latest project was taped to her drafting board; she turned on the light and studied it for a moment. She liked to sketch out her ideas before turning to the computer. She found it easier to adjust her thinking at this point, rather than after she’d put in several hours writing code. She was setting up a major commercial website and wasn’t sure if she liked what she’d done so far, but something told her to leave it alone and tackle it in the morning.