Magnus, my husband, because you are the most loving and patient person I know. You are the father to our children I wished I’d had, the love I wished would have been my first, and the best friend I missed for thirty-five years. Thank you, my love.
My beta readers, who had to endure the crappy first version of this story: Peter Cavanagh, Bryan Kroeger, Jennifer Nissley, and Rita Singer (who even dared to test-read twice).
My editors Sabrina Flynn, Nancy DeMarco, and Susan Uttendorfsky for their praise and their honest critique. Without your help, this thing would be a crappy draft.
My friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, for helping me improve the book’s cover and synopsis. Oh! And for reading my stories and encouraging me to write even more :)
The people at Sniper Central for feedback on Runner’s rifle. Be warned! I’m coming back and bugging you guys some more.
2nd edition: Many thanks to Janis MacDermott and Tom Welch for proof reading this edition. If there are any mistakes - it’s all my fault because I was either to hasty or I thought I knew better.