Chapter Thirty-Eight


The next visit with David was so successful that the twins hated to leave. David not only walked on his own beside Chuckles, but attempted to run a few steps. Hope had kept a small group of children occupied, but she kept an eye on David. The children laughed as they threw a ball and Hope ran to get it. A few times Hope slung her head and threw the ball in the air and then jumped to catch it.

“Bye, Chuckles. See you later.” David sang out. He now knew that this friend would return. He hugged both Hope and Chuckles.

“Look at the dogs,” Tom laughed. “They’re acting like little kids, hanging back and hating to leave.”

A nurse hurried to talk to the twins. “We don’t know how much longer David will be with us. He’s well enough now to be moved. Thanks to you and the dogs he’s much happier.”

That night after dinner, Tom and Tim told their parents about David’s progress and their fears about his adoption. “I wish we could take him,” Tom said. “I want to know who adopts him so that I can tell them to get him a dog and sing with him.” After the twins went to bed, Herb and Irene talked for over an hour about David.

The day was free for the students because it was a teachers’ work day. The gang had planned to meet in City Park and play the girls against the boys in soccer. As Trina ran down one side, Hillary’s dog suddenly took off after her moaning and carrying on. Hope ran beside her, not making a sound, but not taking here eyes off Trina. Tom had a brainstorm.

“Trina. Sit Down.” She looked perplexed at him. “Sit. Down. Now!” She sat and Hope positioned herself across Trina’s legs and kept staring into her face. Millie ran circles around her. Suddenly Trina sunk over and started to twitch. Hope wouldn’t even let the twins near Trina. She growled at all of them if they came near.

Mark was spluttering in his anxiety. “Tom, how in the world did you know to tell her to sit down? How did you know she was going to have a seizure? What’s wrong with Millie and why is Hope so defensive?” Questions came from all the teens.

“Whoa. I can answer only one question at a time. I’ve been thinking about the two times the dogs were with Trina when she had a seizure. Remember? Millie made moaning sounds and ran around her. I think the dogs are picking up nerve stimulus of some kind or maybe there’s a chemical change in her body that they smell. You know there are dogs that can detect cancer by the smell. I’ve been reading about this, but don’t have answers. I can’t explain it, but I want to talk to John.”

As Trina became aware of where she was, she tried to get up. Hope kept pushing her back and wouldn’t let her stand. After a few minutes two of the girls helped Trina up, but Hope stayed beside her.

“I think Hope feels Trina got up too quickly,” Tim smiled.

“Come on, Tim. Let’s get Trina home.” Tom put a supporting arm around her and Hope pranced right by her side.

When the twins were back at their house, Tom called John and told him all that had happened. “How extraordinary. I’d like to see both Millie and Hope and talk to the owner of Millie.”

Hillary and her parents brought Millie to Canine Wonders. Millie ran happily in the fenced-in yard with Hope and a couple of school dogs. Trina and her parents soon followed. The young people told John what had happened all three times when Trina had a seizure and the dogs were near.

“I’d like permission to keep both dogs at the school and give evaluate them. They could be given special training as alert dogs. I’ve never trained an alert dog, but I have friends who can do the job. I’ve learned they’re being used all over the United States.”

“But she’s my dog,” Hillary wailed. “You can’t just take my dog.”

“Of course not,” John soothed her. “I assumed you’d be willing for the dog to have training that would make her useful to someone. Forgive me. I got excited, but don’t intend to force you to give up your dog.”

“Hillary,” Mr. Coramex said firmly, “if your dog can help a person in need, wouldn’t you be proud of her and want to help that person?” She kept her head down with tears running down her cheeks, but said nothing.

The atmosphere grew lighter when Hope ran through a doggie door, but Millie couldn’t make it. Tom walked over and opened the door for Millie to walk through. “Hey, old lady. You’re just too long-legged for that hole.” Millie grinned at him and slapped Tom’s legs with her muscular tail.

“Please, Hillary,” Trina begged. “I don’t know what it is, but your dog seems to know when I’m going to --uh-be sick. Hope is quieter because she’s older, but she’s a big help, too. Daddy will buy you another dog, won’t you, Daddy.”

“You are so selfish, just thinking of yourself.” Hillary almost screamed. “It’s my dog and I’ve had her since she was weaned.”

“Hillary,” her father spoke sharply. “We’re not going to force you to give up your dog. We just felt that you are mature enough to make the choice to help others. Besides, you’d get her back. I am so embarrassed,” he said to the group. “Let’s go home, Hillary, and talk it over.”

The Fullers left thanking everyone for their time and concern.

Mr. Coramex stood at the door. “Thank you for inviting me to hear about the training school. I’m impressed. I’ve heard of service dogs and guide dogs, but I’ve never thought much about them. I’d like to visit again, Mr. Middleton, and learn more about your work.”

“My name is John and you’re welcome to visit at any time.”

“Thank you. My name is Joe, actually Jose. Come on dear,” Mr. Coramex put an arm around his wife and reached a hand to Hillary. He looked at the Jacksons. “It was a pleasure meeting all of you. Thank you.”

“Our pleasure,” Herb smiled and they shook hands.

“I’m intrigued with your dog. I understand that you had a wolf dog at one time. I’d like to hear all about that. Hope shows promise of helping Trina, but Millie is stronger. She could lean on her if necessary. She’s young, but she does show a strong reaction to seizures. She could be a lifesaver.” Hillary hung her head, and, without looking at anyone, ran out to the car.

“What an interesting evening,” Irene said thoughtfully. “Jane Coramex only spoke when I spoke directly to her. Joe is certainly in control in that family. It’s obvious Hillary has been spoiled.”

“Anna will be here in a few days,” Tom reminded them. ‘She has a talent for talking to people who are distressed. Maybe she can get through to Hillary.”

“Gee, family. I’m happy to be home even for a few days. I’ve been homesick, but I’ve never studied so hard in my life. College is sure different, but fun. I love it. My heart still aches when I think of Marshall. Such a sweet, little, loving boy. I’m glad we have Chuckles.”

‘Wait until you meet David,” Tim grinned. “He’s something like Marshall in that he has a lot of guts and so loving and accepting.”

Anna listened carefully when the twins told her of Hillary, Trina and the dogs. “My dear, darling brothers. You shouldn’t be too hard on Hillary. Now be honest. If someone had suggested that you give Galena to them, I know you wouldn’t have been any happier than Hillary is.”

“Yeah, but ---” Tim started

“We would have if she was needed for someone as sick as Trina,” Tom exploded.

“Would you honestly have been willing to loan her to someone else?”

The twins looked solemnly at each other and then at Anna. “Well --- maybe not at first,” Tim spoke softly.

“Promise me you’ll be nice to Hillary and don’t let others be ugly to her. It’s hard enough to be the new kid on the block and make a lot of changes, and then be asked to give up a pet you’ve loved all its life. She hasn’t known any of you long enough to have bonded or developed a loyal friendship. Let her parents handle the situation. Think how you would feel in her place.”

“I guess you’re right,” Tom muttered. Tim nodded

“Now that you’ve settled that, let’s have a family conference,” Herb told them. He and Irene sat on the couch. Anna was in a lounge chair and both boys were on the floor, knees raised and arms clasped around their legs.

“Your mother and I have been discussing David’s situation.”

“David! How so?” Tom was surprised.

“You know that David was in the car when it wrecked and he knows his parents are dead. Thanks to you boys and Chuckles and Hope, he fought through his medical and emotional troubles. You helped pull him out of a depression. The hospital is discharging him tomorrow. Their idea is to send him to a foster home where he doesn’t know anyone and he’ll have another shock in his little life. Too, there may not be anyone willing to adopt him which would mean he’d be in there for at least another twelve years.”

“Dad, are you taking a round about way of telling us that David can come live with us?” Tim was hopeful.

“Give that boy a blue ribbon,” Herb teased. “Yes, we’ve talked it over and talked to the proper authorities. We thought that since he knows you and the dogs, and is comfortable with you, he might adjust better if he lived here for a while.”

“But, Dad,” Anna said with a serious expression. “Won’t it be just as hard on him when he has to leave us to go live with strangers? He’ll be adjusted to living here and it’ll seem to him as if we don’t want him or care about him when he’s handed off.” Anna was almost out of breath in her concern.

Irene smiled and reached to take Herb’s hand. “We’re wondering how you’d feel about us adopting him. It will take time. We’ll have to be investigated and ---”

“Investigated? Us? But everybody knows we’re a good family. We’d love him and be good for him.” Tim argued.

“It’s the law, Tim,” Tom explained with a look of disgust. “Any ole body can have a child, sometimes one they don’t even want, and be abusive. But when someone, out of the love and goodness of their heart, wants to give a good, loving home to a child, they’re investigated and watched and have to prove themselves to jillions of people and __”

“Wind down, Tom. One thing at a time. Do you object to David living with us? He’s six and we’ll need to handle him lovingly but firmly. If we let him go, he might be sent from foster home to foster home until he’s eighteen. Then he’d be turned loose on his own to get along the best he can.”

“No. Never that,” Tom was emphatic. “We grew up with you and look how we turned out.”

Anna burst out laughing. “That might not be much of an endorsement,” she teased. She turned with a graceful swing. “Go for it, parents.”

“Holy cow. A little brother. Not one who torments me and makes life embarrassing,” Tim said softly.

“Yeah a little brother which means you’ll have to clean up your act and not set a bad example for the little guy.” The twins started wrestling on the floor while Hope and Chuckles gleefully joined in.

Irene then told them the rest of the news. “We’ve talked to hospital administration and county social workers. I’ll call tomorrow early and tell them we’ll pick David up when they’re ready to release him. Dad and I are proud of you three, but we didn’t expect anything different. We were sure you’d be willing to take David into your hearts. We’ll make him feel as if he’s truly one of the family.”

The twins stood, high-fived and hugged Anna. “Group hug,” Herb laughed and stood up. “Then everyone to bed.”

Anna and the twins stayed at home while their parents went to get David. They ran out to meet the car as Herb drove in. Chuckles and Hope ran with them feeling the rejoicing. When David stumbled out of the car, Chuckles gave a joyous bark and ran to him.

“Oh, boy. Am I really going to live here? Is Chuckles going to be my dog?” He turned a happy, smiling face to the twins. “Are you really going to be my big brothers?” He jumped up to climb up Tim and reached to Tom so that he was hanging between the twins. They hugged David.

“You sure are going to live here and yes, Chuckles will be your dog. Hope lives here, too. But we have to let them make other people happy when they’re needed. But they’ll never be taken away from you for good.”

Tim turned holding David in his arms. “There’s one more even better surprise. This is your new big sister, and she’s the best sister in the world. David, meet your sister, Anna.”

David sobbed with joy. Anna reached and took them. “I’m the lucky one. I’ve had these two great brothers and now I have a great little brother. Welcome home, David. Why are you crying?” Anna’s tender heart melted.

“My mommy and daddy are dead and there’s no one else. I was afraid nobody wanted me and I’d not have a family again.” Hope looked on with sympathy. Anna turned and ran into the house making David laugh.