223, 239, 250 Welles's relationship with, 168,

170, 214-215 Schneider, Albert, 167 Scorsese, Martin, 169, 200 Scott, Sir Walter, 298 Screen Actors Guild, 319, 445, 478 Screen Writers Guild, 204 Sears, David, 47

Second Hurricane (Copland), 131 Seiderman, Maurice, 424 Sellers, Peter, 467-468, 469 Selwyn Theatre (Chicago, 111.), 166 Selznick, David 0., 241, 257-258,

362 Shadow, The (film), 354, 355 Shadow, The (radio show), 161 Shakespeare, William, 113-114,

197, 491 Everybody's Shakespeare project

and, 57-58, 60, 78, 91,

94-97, 113

history plays of, adapted by

Welles, 35, 146-147,

154-155, 164-168, 447-448 Welles's early education and, 14,

23 see also specific plays Shaw, George Bernard, 61,

148-150 Sheen, Fulton J., 196 Sherman, Hiram "Chubby," 30, 92,

113, 146, 152 Shklovsky, Viktor, 338 Shoemaker's Holiday, The (Dekker),

140, 143-146 Shor, Toots, 165 Sigma Delta Chi, 230 Sinatra, Frank, 294, 481, 482 Skouras, Spyros, 216-217 Sleepy Lagoon murder case,

273-275 Slezak, Walter, 152 Sloane, Everett, 187, 341, 365-366 Smiler with a Knife, The (Blake),

180, 182 Smith, C. Aubrey, 260 Smith, Kate, 287 Smith, Maggie, 456 Spiegel, Sam, 310, 313 Stagecoach, 173

Stallone, Sylvester, 503, 504, 505 Stein, Gertrude, 82, 99, 115 Stell, Aaron, 427 Stevens, Ashton, 37-38, 41,

187-188 Stevens, George, Jr., 482 Stevenson, Robert, 258, 260 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 154,

303 Stewart, Donald Ogden, 285-286 Stewart, Paul, 159, 187, 189, 195 Stockwell, Dean, 445 Stradivari, Antonio, 490


Stranger, The, 310, 313, 314-315, 322, 418 editing of, 311-312,313 linearity of, 311, 419 Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway),

396 Superman III, 506 Swanson, Gloria, 227 Synge, John, 169, 449

Tagore, Rabindranath, 57 Tamiroff, Akim, 391, 423 Tarbox, Hascy, 24, 85, 96-97, 373,

506-507 on Todd Summer Theatre Festival, 73, 75-77 on Welles's directing, 25, 27-28,

36 Tarbox, Joanne Hill, 74, 97 Tarkington, Booth, 8, 222, 243 Tartars, The, 457-458 Tasca di Cuto, Prince Alessandro,

457-458, 461-462, 465, 499,

507 Taylor, Elizabeth, 259-260 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 139, 147 Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 100 Temple, Shirley, 168, 171 Ten Million Ghosts (Kingsley), 113,

116 Terrail, Patrick, 450-451 Texas Centennial Exposition (1936),

109 Theatre Edouard VI (Paris, France),

374-376 Theatre Education League, 100 Theatre Guild (New York, N.Y.),

164-165 Third Free World Dinner, 281 Third Man, The, 362-363, 380,

445 This Is My Best, 303

Thomas, Edna, 102

Thomson, Polly, 291

Thomson, Virgil, 82, 87, 99, 105,

132, 136, 389 Thorpe, Richard, 458 Three Caballeros, The, 272 Three Cheers for the Boys, 384 Time, 149-150, 163, 213, 215,

316 Time Runs (Welles), 373-378

Kitt's audition for, 375-376

opening night of, 377-378 Times (London), 398 Tip on a Dea(^ Jockey, 413 'Tis Pity She's a Whore (Ford), 88 Todd, Mike, 324, 328 Todd, Richard Kimble, 20 Todd School for Boys, 2, 19, 51-52

Welles as student at, 20-26, 27-30, 35-37 Todd Summer Theatre Festival, 71-77, 155, 399

boy-girl romances at, 74-75

productions of, 76—77

rampant homosexuality at, 72-74

rivalries at, 75-76 Toland, Gregg, 186, 194, 195, 199 Tomorrow Is Forever, 299, 303, 309 Tom Sawyer (Twain), 91 Tonight and Every Night, 289 Too Much Johnson (Gillette), 154,

155, 167, 174 Touch of Evil, 312, 413-430, 435

casting of, 419-420

critical acclaim for, 435, 439-440

Dietrich's performance in, 422-423, 430, 481

director chosen for, 413—414, 418-419

editing of, 425-429, 432-433

insert shots for, 429-430


Touch of Evil (cont.) long takes in, 424-425 opening scene of, 424-425 Psycho compared to, 422,

424-425 screenings of, 427-429 script rewritten for, 418, 419,

421-422 shooting of, 420-425 Welles injured during, 423-424 Tracy, Spencer, 420 Trauner, Alexander, 353 Travis, Victor, 311 Treasury Department, U.S., 287 Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm, 43 Trial, The, 459-460 Trilby (du Maurier), 76, 100, 399 Truman, Harry, 291, 301 Turgenev, Ivan, 322 Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 219 Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 52,

95, 456 Twentieth Century (Hecht and Mac-Arthur), 412 Twentieth Century (television show),

412 20th Century-Fox, 257-258,

260-261, 309 Tyler, George, 57 Tynan, Kenneth, 383-384, 400

United Nations, 281, 304

United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO), 304

Universal Studios, 413, 420-421, 423 Welles's conflicts with, 419,

427-429, 431-433 Welles's contract with, 418-419

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 204

Unthinking Lobster, The (Welles),

373-374 USO, 267-268 Utah Centennial Festival, 344, 346

Valley Forge (Anderson), 82 Valli, Alida, 363 Van Dyke, Woody, 169-170 Van Home, Harriet, 412-413 Vargas, Getulio Dornelles, 238,

246-247 Variety, 109, 448 Vasquez, Pete, 274-275 Veiller, Anthony, 311 Venice Film Festival, 359, 460 Venice Theatre (New York, N.Y.),

136-137, 513 Verne, Jules, 313, 321 Vidor, King, 169, 224 Vigo, Jean, 175 Vogel, Virgil, 426-427 Volpone (Jonson), 403, 404 von Sternberg, Joseph, 268 von Stroheim, Erich, 434

Wagner, Robert, 133 Wallace, Henry, 291, 292, 303 War and Peace, 272-273 Warner, Jack, 207 Warner Brothers, 121, 144 "War of the Worlds, The" (radio

show), 159-161, 284, 288,

421 War of the Worlds, The (Welles),

159-161 Warrick, Ruth, 188-190, 192, 193 Watts, Richard, Jr., 164 Wayne, John, 347, 508 Way to Santiago, The (Calder-

Marshall), 219 Weaver, Dennis, 422 Webb, Clifton, 308


Webster, John, 147 Weissberger, Anna, 143 Weissberger, Arnold, 135, 215 contracts negotiated by,

153-154, 162, 169, 202, 204 as financial manager, 170-171,

177-178, 181-182 as legal adviser, 208-211 Weissberger, Augusta, 135, 143,

153, 168 Wei Tao Ming, 281 Welles, Beatrice (daughter), 404,

460, 465, 472, 480 Welles, Beatrice Ives (mother), 222 artistic aspirations of, 7-8 Bernstein's relationship with, 9-10, 11-12, 15,85,438 childhood of, 6-7 death of, 15, 407-408, 437-438 Dick's separation from, 12-13,

31 health of, 9-10, 14-15 musical career of, 12, 13 Welles, Christopher (daughter), 95, 148, 172, 181, 234, 347 acting aspirations of, 334, 346 financial support of, 289-290 Welles's Hong Kong trip with, 445-446 Welles, Mary, 7, 33-34 Welles, Mildred (sister-in-law), 235 Welles, (George) Orson:

adult manner of, 24, 25, 28-30,

38 ambitions of, 199-200, 275,

293, 315-317 on ''anonymous multitude,"

388-389 attempted shooting of, 247-248 on biography writing, 2—4, 409 blackmailing of, 313-314

Broadway acting debut of, 79, 80

as bullfighter, 60, 302-303

camp style of, 122

in Cap d'Antibes, 356, 358, 381

on chicken stealing, 351-352

childhood of, 8, 10-17

as child prodigy, 13-14, 16-17,

33 cinematic art of, 175, 196-197,

199,311,315,426,440,475 cinematic experiments of, 345,

475 critical praise for, 37-38, 46,

48-49 critics' effect on, 327, 359 cuckolding of, 361 custody battle for, 16, 18-20,

26,31 dieting of, 187, 258 as drama coach, 51-52 drugs used by, 350, 451, 502 drunken revels of, 248-249, 288,

314 early sexual experiences of, 14,

15, 17, 18-19, 28-29, 59 eating habits of, 143, 222-223,

313, 395, 451-452 ego of, 93, 98, 223, 360 energy of, 103, 113, 116, 143,

187, 194, 377, 392-393 erotic exploits of, 247-248, 263,

295-296, 352 European period of, 370, 388 extramarital affairs of, 122-123,

151-152, 305, 313 extravagance of, 168—169, 170,

186-187, 213, 246, 345, 367,

394, 395, 416 false noses used by, 350, 353,

401, 424 film styhzation of, 173-174, 199,



Welles, (George) Orson (cont.) film textbook written for, 173 gentlemanliness of, 189-192,

482 in Germany, 378-381 as goodwill ambassador,

230-232, 235, 253-254 hate mail sent to, 215, 330 health of, 14, 22, 38-39, 77,

153, 214, 284-287, 293-294,

307, 335, 355, 405-406, 411,

423-424, 502, 509 identity search of, 387-388 intellectualism of, 173, 276, 283,

441 interviewing of, 63-69,

126-129, 409 inventiveness of, 140, 229 in Ireland, 39-48, 384-385,

447-449 Italian exile of, 436-437 jealousy of, 360-361, 377, 379,

440 as joumaHst, 298-299, 300-302,

304-305, 306, 307 Judas theory of, 244-245 Las Vegas act of, 412 lawsuits against, 162-163, 289,

372, 394 in London, 382-384, 396, 398,

400, 455-457, 495 madness of, 432-435, 443,

493-494, 504 marionette theater of, 27-28,

210 media manipulated by, 162, 270,

330-331, 475 Mexican vacations of, 301-302,

322, 334 in Morocco, 58-60, 370-371 on mother's death, 407-408 as movie actor, 121, 155-156,

195, 257-258, 299, 354, 369,

440-443, 445, 446-447,

457-458, 466 as movie director, 156, 195,

227-228, 241, 257, 309-313,

337, 349, 354, 415-417,

420-422, 461, 483-484 as opera director, 131-137 perversity of, 351-352, 360-361 pets of, 495-498 on plastic surgery, 452-454 as playwright, 52-57, 80, 85-87,

89, 90-91, 146-147, 324 political activities of, 88,

130-132, 140, 141, 212, 231,

254-255, 273-277, 279,

281-284, 287-288, 290-294,

307,311,329-330 political broadcasts by, 329-330 political filmmaking by, 311 on pornography, 29, 293-294,

387 pranks played by, 124-125,

126-129, 152, 224, 259, 260,

299, 355, 356, 362 public persona of, 493-494 as radio actor, 92-93, 98, 103,

111, 120-121, 159-161, 176,

178, 224, 230, 303, 305, 382 as radio director, 121, 224, 230,

254-255, 286, 287-288, 300,

309 red-baiting of, 213-214, 215,

282-283, 384-385 in Rio, 237-239, 246-251 romances of, 74-75, 78-79,

189-192, 206-207, 212-213,

360-362, 363, 369, 371-372 in Rome, 350-354 as screenwriter, 174—175, 182,

185-186, 202-203, 224, 311,

419, 421


self-confidence of, 10-11, 14, 23,

41, 45, 360, 392-393 sophomoric behavior of, 70-71 as stage actor, 11, 25-26, 30,

35-36, 37-38, 40, 45, 61,

109-110, 116, 141,326 as stage director, 25-26, 45,

71-77,98-106, 107-110,

111-117, 118-120, 140,

145-146, 285-286, 324, 379,

398-399, 455-457 as teenager, 28-36, 37-49,

50-69, 71-80 as television actor, 389, 396,

412-413, 470 television commercials of,

488-493 television interests of, 389-390,

402, 439, 469-470 temper of, 391-392, 442-445,

446 theatrical presence of, 22-23,

25, 30, 400, 440 truthfulness of, 409-410 vaudeville acts of, 166-168,

224 vaudeville friends of, 18-19 weight problem of, 227, 258,

423-424, 449, 450-454 wives of, see Hayworth, Rita;

Lederer, Virginia Nicolson;

Mori, Paola womanizing by, 247, 256, 296,

360 women attracted by, 380-381,

409-410 on women's lingerie, 207-208 as writer, 57-58, 60, 78, 92,

111,283-284,387 on younger moviemakers,


Welles, Rebecca (daughter), 298,

323, 356, 365 Welles, Richard Head ''Dick" (father), 2-3, 7-11, 18-20, 112,

222 Beatrice's separation from,

12-13, 31 death of, 32-34, 463 disappointments of, 5-6 drinking problem of, 12, 16, 26,

30-32, 464 health of, 30-31, 85 Hortense Hill's opinion of,

31-32, 33, 463 Welles's travels with, 15, 24,

30-31 Welles, Richard Ives (brother), 8,

13, 19, 54, 163, 234-235 Welles, Virginia Nicolson (first

wife), see Lederer, Virginia

Nicolson Wells, H. G., 159-161 Where Is Parsifal?, 506, 510 Wilde, Oscar, 57, 152, 335, 378 Wilder, Billy, 339 Wilder, Thornton, 60-61, 70 Williams, Big Boy, 173 Williams, Charles, 470 Wilson, Richard, 66, 349, 372 Wiman, Dwight Deere, 56 Windsor Theatre (New York, N.Y.),

146 Wings over Europe, 25-26 Wise, Robert, 194, 235, 236,

239 Magnificent Ambersons recut

by, 240-242, 243, 245, 252 Wood, Natalie, 481 Woodard, Isaac, Jr., 329-331 Woollcott, Alexander, 61, 70, 91 Working with Welles, 501 Worklight Theatre, 144


World War II, 231, 255, 400

Hollywood affected by, 176, 239,

246 movies about, 471-472

Wray, Fay, 215

Wright, Richard, 212, 213, 215

Wuthering Heights, 186

Wyler, WilHam, 170

Yalta Conference (1945), 303 Yates, Herbert J., 347-348 Young, Loretta, 314-315

Young, Robert, 490

Zaca, 334, 439

Zanuck, Darryl, 207, 356, 358, 438, 440 It's All True and, 261-262 Welles's loans from, 371, 381. 434

Zanuck, Richard, 440, 444

Ziegfeld, Florenz, 264

Zinnemann, Fred, 170

Zugsmith, Albert, 413


(Continued from front flap)

friendship with Marlene Dietrich, the discovery of the young Eartha Kitt, and much, much more.

Barbara Leaming has built on two years of in-depth, uninhibited interviews with Welles and hours of painstaking research in archives and among Welles's contemporaries, in constructing this book. And what a story it is: We follow Welles from his childhood as a cosseted prodigy to his glory days in New York and Hollywood, and through the years of European exile— the mounting debts, the international marriages, the later films and plays (including a disastrous attempt to direct Laurence Olivier in Rhinoceros), the unfinished projects—to his mysterious life today. Throughout, Welles's own voice— fijnny, witty, generous, outrageous— persistently punctuates Barbara Leaming's perceptive narrative; the combination is an unalloyed delight.


Barbara Leaming is a professor of theater and film at Hunter College, New York, and is the author of numerous books and articles on film. She lives in New York City.

Jacket design by Paul Gamareilo

Jacket photograph courtesy Billy Rose Theatre Collection,

The New York Public Library at Lincoln Center, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden




VIKING PENGUIN INC. 40 West 23rd Street New York, N.Y. 10010 Printed in U.S.A.
