Thank you to all of my friends and family. I couldn’t have written this book without your love and support.
An extra huge thank-you to the following people:
• Melanie Gettier, for inspiring me to write about a girl who sees the future;
• Everyone in Eric Goodman’s Advanced Novel workshop at the University of Iowa;
• Laura Oliver, for encouraging me to keep writing;
• My early readers: Carl Helmetag, Hannah McDonald, and Mollie McDonald;
• Shaun Bevins, editor extraordinaire;
• Patsy Helmetag, who read every single draft of Future Flash. I have pages of notes from our phone calls, which would typically begin with me crying, “I’m stuck! Help!” Thank you for steering me through the rough patches;
• Elizabeth Prentiss Rao, who made the connection that made this book possible;
• Shannon Hassan, for seeing the potential in this story and taking the time to get it where it needed to be;
• My wonderful agent, Sarah Warner, at Warner Literary Group;
• Julie Matysik at Sky Pony Press, for your enthusiasm for this story;
• Everyone at Skyhorse Publishing for taking this manuscript and making it into a beautiful book;
• The Lago Mar ladies, whose stories have kept me laughing for over twenty years;
• My daughters’ book clubs in Boulder, and all of the kids’ book clubs around the world. Thank you for inspiring young readers to talk about books;
• My favorite readers, Eevee, Lucy, and Noni; and
• Toby, for always believing in me.