
The marriage of Lynet Carnbrea and Sir Gareth, Lot’s Son took place in the great hall of Cambryn. It was the queen who gave the lady in wedlock, and Lionel who stood sentry for Sir Gareth as none of his brothers were there. Father Lucius spoke the mass in the chapel. The Lady Laurel looked on, some said lost in thought, other, more bitter tongues said in jealousy.

But what there was to be jealous of, most could not be sure. As a wedding gift, Queen Guinevere gave the whole of Cambryn over to the line of Carnbrea, and as the eldest of that line, in that stroke, Laurel became queen.

It was noted that Sir Lancelot stood silently at the back of the gathering, and some thought it was strange that he did not stand beside the man who until the day before had been his squire. Some said there had been a quarrel between the two, but none at that time was ready to say aloud what might have been the cause.

If any saw the black raven that sat in the branches of the hazel tree outside, looking in at the ceremony and celebration, none remarked on it.

The End