We would like to dedicate this book to a very important woman who has influenced the world of quilting in untold ways, but whose name is unfamiliar to today’s new quilters.
To Barbara Johannah, one of the earliest innovators of strip piecing and a passel of other fantastic ideas that we take for granted today—continuous-curve machine quilting, the use of mirrors for design, sheet method half-square triangles…the list goes on. Thank you for your inspiration and ideas.
We would also like to dedicate this book to all the thousands of Harriet’s students who have influenced her desire to be the very best teacher she could be during the past 32 years. We hope the passion for quilting runs as deep in them as it does in us.
A special thanks to everyone at C&T Publishing for giving us the opportunity to build a true study program through this series of books that brings us back to the very basics (and beyond) of great quiltmaking skills.
Sincere thanks to SewEzi for providing us with one of their wonderful portable tables and to Dream World, makers of Sew Steady tables, for providing us with a sewing table.
A big thank-you to Harriet’s Treadle Arts for providing all the fabric, thread, and batting we could possibly use. Shopping after hours is such a joy! Also to our employees—Linda, Cindy, TJ, Georganne, Shar, and Kari—who kept the store going strong so we could stay home to write and sew for endless hours.
The authors take full responsibility for the contents of this book, including the technical accuracy of the information. Please direct any questions to