
AA        anti-aircraft guns
ABC        Admiral Andrew B. Cunningham
ACAS        Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACNS (H)        Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Home)
ADC        Air Defence Committee
ADGB        Air Defence of Great Britain
AI        Airborne Interception
AMSO        Air Member for Supply and Organisation, Air Council
AMT        Air Member for Training, Air Council
AOC        area officer commanding (RAF)
APS        Assistant Private Secretary
A/S        anti-submarine
BBC        British Broadcasting Corporation
BBK        Papers of Lord Beaverbrook, held in Parliamentary Archives, House of Lords, London
BEF        British Expeditionary Force
BL        British Library
CAS        Chief of Staff, Air Ministry
CH        Chain Home
CHL        Chain Home Low
CIGS        Chief of Imperial General Staff, War Office
C-in-C        commander-in-chief
CMG        Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George
DCAS        Deputy Chief of Air Staff
DFC        Distinguished Flying Cross
DFM        Distinguished Flying Medal
DNAD        Director of Naval Air Division
DNI        Director of Naval Intelligence
DOD (H)        Director of Operations Division (Home), Royal Navy
D of P        Director of Plans
DOR        Director of Operational Requirements, RAF
DPS        Director of Personal Services
DSD        Director of Staff Duties
DSO        Distinguished Service Order
GCB        Grand Cross in the Order of the Bath
GPO        General Post Office
HAC        high-angle control (naval anti-aircraft gunnery)
HMSO        His Majesty’s Stationery Office
HQ        headquarters
HTT        Papers of Sir Henry Tizard, Imperial War Museum, London
IFF        Identification of Friend and Foe
IWM        Imperial War Museum
IWM EDS        Imperial War Museum, Enemy Documents Section
KCB        Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath
LAC        low-angle control (naval anti-aircraft gunnery)
LH        Papers of Captain Basil Liddell Hart, Liddell
         Hart Centre for Military Archives, London
MoD        Ministry of Defence
MoD NID        Ministry of Defence, Naval Historical Branch, Papers of Naval Intelligence Division
MoI        Ministry of Information
MP        member of Parliament
NCO        non-commissioned officer(s)
NID        Naval Intelligence Division
OIC        Operational Intelligence Centre
OKH        Oberkommando des Heeres (Supreme Command of the Army)
OKW        Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces)
OTU        operational training unit (RAF)
PA        Parliamentary Archives, House of Lords, London
par        paragraph
PC        Panzerdurchsclags Cylindrisch (armor-piercing bomb)
PM        prime minister
RAF        Royal Air Force
RDF        Radio Direction Finding (Radar)
RN        Royal Navy
ROC        Royal Observer Corps
ROSK        Papers of Captain Stephen Roskill, Churchill Archives, Cambridge
R/T        radio/telephone communication
SAP        semi-armor-piercing
SC        Sprengbombe Cylindrisch (general-purpose bomb)
SD        Sprengbombe Dickwandig (semi-armor-piercing bomb)
SFTS        Service Flying Training School(s)
S of S        Secretary of State
SRS        Stanmore Research Section
TNA ADM        Admiralty service and operational records, held at the National Archives, Kew, United Kingdom
TNA AIR        Air Ministry service and operational records, held at the National Archives
TNA CAB        War Cabinet and Cabinets, Minutes and Papers,
         1905–67, held at the National Archives
TNA FO        Foreign Office, Files of Correspondence, 1906–66, held at the National Archives
TNA INF        Ministry of Information, Files of Correspondence, 1936–50, held at the National Archives
TNA PREM        Prime Minister’s Office, Files of Correspondence and Papers, 1916–42, held at the National Archives
TNA STAT        Stationery Office, Files of Correspondence, 1871–1966, held at the National Archives
USAAF        United States Army Air Forces
VC        Victoria Cross
VCAS        Vice Chief of Air Staff
VCNS        Vice Chief of Naval Staff
VCNS (H)        Vice Chief of Naval Staff (Home)
VHF        very high frequency
WAC        Written Archives Centre (BBC)
W/T        wireless telegraphy