1716 Apples Road
Chapin, IL 62628
(800) 588-3854 Orders
(217) 245-7589 Customer service
(217) 245-7844 Fax
Burpee Gardens
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991-0001
(800) 888-1447 Orders
(800) 487-5530 Fax
Cook’s Garden
P.O. Box 5010
Hodges, SC 29653-5010
(800) 457-9703 Orders and customer service
(800) 457-9705 Fax
Daffodil Mart
30 Irene Street
Torrington, CT 06790
(800) ALL-BULB (255-2852) Orders
(800) 420-2852 Fax
Dutch Gardens
P.O. Box 200
Adelphia, NJ 07710-0200
(800) 818-3861 Orders
(800) 775-2852 Customer service
(732) 780-7720 Fax
Edible Landscaping
P.O. Box 77
Afton, VA 22920-0077
(800) 524-4156 Orders
(804) 361-9134 Customer service
(804) 361-1916 Fax
Ferry-Morse Seeds
P.O. Box 488
Fulton, KY 42041-0488
(800) 283-3400 Orders
(800) 283-6400 Customer service
(800) 283-2700 Fax
990 Tetherow Road
Williams, OR 97544-9599
(541) 846-6963
Gardens Alive!
5100 Schenley Place
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-8650 Orders
(812) 537-8651 Customer service
(812) 537-5108 Fax
Goodwin Creek Gardens
P.O. Box 83
Williams, OR 97544
(800) 846-7359 Orders
(541) 846-7357 Customer service and fax
Gourmet Gardener
8650 College Boulevard
Overland Park, KS 66210-1806
(913) 345-0490 Orders
(913) 451-2443 Fax
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
110 Capital Street
Yankton, SD 57079
(605) 665-1930 Orders
(605) 665-1671 Customer service
(605) 665-9718 Fax
Heirloom Old Garden Roses
24062 Riverside Drive N.E.
(503) 538-1576 Orders
(503) 538-5902 Fax
Catalog $5
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
415 North Burnett
Shenandoah, IA 51602-0001
(605) 665-9391 Orders
(605) 665-4491 Customer service
(605) 665-2601 Fax
High Country Gardens
2902 Rufina Street
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2929
(800) 925-9387 Orders
(505) 925-9387 Customer service
(800) 925-0095 or
(505) 438-9552 Fax
Perennial plants
Irish Eyes with a Hint of Garlic
P.O. Box 307
Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 925-6025 Orders and customer service
(509) 925-9238 Fax
Handles inquiries by mail only
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
1 Foss Hill Road
RR1 Box 2580
Albion, ME 04910-9731
(207) 437-4395 Orders
(207) 437-9294 Customer service
(800) 437-4290 or
(207) 437-2165 Fax
K. Van Bourgondien & Sons
P.O. Box 1000
Babylon, NY 11702-9004
(800) 552-9996 Orders
(800) 552-9916 Customer service
(516) 669-1228 Fax
Kids in Bloom
P.O. Box 344
Zionsville, IN 46077
(317) 636-3977 Orders
(317) 916-9033 Fax
Chemical-free seeds grown by kids. Profits benefit children.
Seed Guardian Project for educators and parents
Liberty Seed Company
P.O. Box 806
461 Robinson Drive S.E.
New Philadelphia, OH
(800) 541-6022 Orders
(330) 364-1611 Customer service
(330) 364-6415 Fax
Lilypons Water Gardens
6800 Lilypons Road
Buckeystown, MD 21717-0010
(800) 365-5459 Orders and customer service
(800) 879-5459 Fax
Logee’s Greenhouses
141 North Street
Danielson, CT 06239
(860) 774-8038 Orders
(888) 774-9932 Fax
McClure & Zimmerman
P.O. Box 368
108 West Winnebago
Friesland, WI 53935-0368
(800) 883-6998 Orders
(800) 692-5864 Fax
Milaeger’s Garden
4838 Douglas Avenue
Racine, WI 53402-2498
(800) 669-9956 Orders and customer service
(414) 639-1855 Fax
Mail-order via Internet only—no catalog
Mountain Valley Growers
38325 Pepperweed Road
Squaw Valley, CA 93675
(209) 338-2775 Orders
(209) 338-0075 Fax
Plants only
526 N. 4th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 622-5561 Orders and customer service
(520) 622-5591 Fax
Natural Gardening Company
217 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
(707) 766-9303 Orders and customer service
(707) 766-9747 Fax
(415) 456-5060 Store
Nichols Garden Nursery
1190 N. Pacific Highway N.E.
Albany, OR 97321-4580
(541) 928-9280 Orders and customer service
(800) 231-5306 or
(541) 967-8406 Fax
Nor East Miniature Roses, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Rowley, MA 01969-0607
(800) 426-6485 Orders
(978) 948-7964 Customer service
(978) 948-5487 Fax
Old House Gardens
536 West Third Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4957
(734) 995-1486 Orders
(734) 995-1687 Fax
Heirloom bulbs from 1200s to 1940s
One Green World
28696 South Cramer Road
Molalla, OR 97038-8576
(503) 651-3005 Orders
(800) 418-9983 Fax
Park’s Countryside Gardens
1 Parkton Avenue
Greenwood, SC 29647-0001
(800) 845-3369 Orders
(864) 223-8555 Customer service
(800) 275-9941 Fax
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
P.O. Box 2209
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 272-4769 Orders
(530) 272-4794 Fax
Everything organic, beneficial insects
Pinetree Garden Seeds
P.O. Box 300
New Gloucester, ME 04260
(207) 926-3400 Orders
(888) 52-SEEDS Fax
Redwood City Seed Co.
P.O. Box 361
Redwood City, CA 94064
(650) 325-7333 Orders
(650) 325-4056 Fax
Richters Herbs
357 Highway 47
Goodwood, Ontario, Canada LOC1A0
(905) 640-6677 Orders
(905) 640-6641 Fax
Seed Savers Exchange
3076 North Winn Road
Decorah, IA 52101
(319) 382-5990 Orders
Seeds Blum
HC 33 Idaho City Stage
Boise, ID 83706-9725
(800) 528-3658 Orders
(800) 742-1423 Customer service
(208) 338-5658 Fax
Seeds of Change
P.O. Box 15700
Santa Fe, NM 87506-5700
(888) 762-7333 Orders
(888) 329-4762 Fax
Certified organic
Select Seeds
180 Stickney Road
Union, CT 06076-4617
(860) 684-9310 Orders
(800) 653-3304 Fax
Shepherd’s Garden Seeds
30 Irene Street
Torrington, CT 06790-6658
(860) 482-3638 Orders
(860) 482-0532 Fax
Sonoma Antique Apple Nursery
4395 Westside Road
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 433-6420 Orders
(707) 433-6479 Fax
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
P.O. Box 170
Earlysville, VA 22936
(804) 973-4703 Orders
(804) 973-8717 Fax
Catalog $2
Stokes Seeds, Inc.
P.O. Box 548
Buffalo, NY 14240-0548
(800) 396-9238 Orders
(888) 834-3334 Fax
Territorial Seed Company
P.O. Box 157
Cottage Grove, OR 97424-0061
(541) 942-9547 Orders and customer service
(888) 657-3131 Fax
Thompson & Morgan
P.O. Box 1308
Jackson, NJ 08527-0308
(800) 274-7333 Orders and customer service
(888) 466-4769 Fax
Tomato Growers Supply Company
P.O. Box 2237
Fort Myers, FL 33902
(941) 768-1119 Orders and customer service
(941) 768-3476 Fax
Wayside Gardens
1 Garden Lane
Hodges, SC 29695-0001
(800) 845-1124 Orders
(800) 457-9712 Fax
William Tricker, Inc.
7125 Tanglewood Drive
Independence, OH 44131
(800) 524-3492 Orders
(216) 524-3491 Customer service
(216) 524-6688 Fax
Water gardens
Wood Prairie Farm Maine
Potato Catalog
49 Kinney Road
Bridgewater, ME 04735
(800) 829-9765 Orders
(207) 429-9765 Customer service
(800) 300-6494 Fax
Certified organic
Cape Cod Worm Farm
30 Center Avenue
Buzzard’s Bay, MA 02532
(508) 759-5664 Customer service and fax
Flowerfield Enterprises
10332 Shaver Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49024-6744
(616) 327-0108
(616) 327-7009 Fax
Flowerfield offers worms, books, and a fabulous recycled plastic bin for worm composting.
Worm Digest
P.O. Box 544
Eugene, OR 97440-0544
(541) 485-0456 Customer service and Fax
Worm Digest is a project of Edible City Resource Center, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Supplies, books, and a quarterly newsletter $12/yr.
American Community Gardening Association
100 North 20th Street
5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1495
(215) 988-8785
(215) 988-8810
American Horticultural Society
7931 East Boulevard Drive
Alexandria, VA 22308-1300
(800) 777-7931
Arizona Biological Control, Inc. (Arbico, Inc.)
P.O. Box 4247
Tucson, AZ 85738-1247
(800) 767-2847
(520) 825-9785 Customer service
(520) 825-2038 Fax
Bat Conservation International
P.O. Box 162603
Austin, TX 78716-2603
(800) 538-BATS (2287)
(512) 327-9721 Customer service
(512) 327-9724 Fax
Butterfly Gardeners’ Quarterly
P.O. Box 30931
Seattle, WA 98103
No calls, please
Butterfly newsletter $10/yr.
Gardener’s Supply Company
128 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT 05401-2850
(800) 863-1700
(800) 551-6712 Fax
Gardens for Growing People
P.O. Box 630
Point Reyes, CA 94956
(415) 663-9433
(415) 663-9410 Fax
Let’s Get Growing
1900 Commercial Way
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(800) 408-1868
(831) 476-1427 Fax
Life Lab Science Program
National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
(212) 979-3000
(212) 979-3188 Fax
National Gardening Association
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 863-1308
(802) 863-5962 Fax
National Wildlife Federation
8925 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA 22184
(800) 822-9919
(703) 790-4000 Customer service
(703) 790-4040 Fax
Backyard Habitat Program
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1555
Ventura CA 93002
(800) 248-2847
(805) 643-5407 Customer service
(805) 643-6267 Fax
Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Inc.
P.O. Box 23576
Milwaukee, WI 53223-0576
(500) FOR-WILD (367-9453)
(920) 730-3986 Customer service
(920) 730-8654 Fax
Xerces Society
4828 Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, OR 97215-3252
(503) 232-6639
(503) 233-6794 Fax