Two weeks later in Washington, D.C. President Peter Bryce and his Chief of Staff Guy Lang were talking in the Oval Office. President Bryce was a Republican from Oregon. He was a Former Governor of Oregon and a Former Congressmen from the same state. Guy Lang was a long- time political loyalist of Bryce.
“Mr. President, I want to talk you about the Secret Intelligence Operation,” Guy said.
“Come on in, Guy,” President Bryce replied.
“Thank you Mr. President,” Guy Lang said.
“Our surveillance of the Stone Tower and the rest of the Consortium finally paid off. The Secret Column in our government had them under surveillance for years. The Stone Tower and the rest of the Consortium were trying to set up a private collectivist estate which is essentially a quasi-world government,” President Bryce said.
“What exactly is the Secret Column?” Guy asked the President.
“I am sorry we had to keep you out of the loop on most of the operation. It was top secret and inherited from the previous administration. The Secret Column is a secret group of people within our government that gathered intelligence on the Consortium and captured them. They are a group of people within the CIA and Military Intelligence. They also have loyalists within France and around the world. We had the Consortium on tape admitting that they were behind the Murder of Senator Brookingham. I think it is safe to assume they were behind the Attempted Assassination of Senator Mace due to his Committee. We are still in the process of going through the details of years of surveillance,” President Bryce replied with confidence.
“What about that guy Jack Pace in the tabloids?” Guy Lang asked the President.
“The Stone Tower and the Consortium killed him too according to our operation. These ruthless fucking pricks were into just about everything,” President Bryce stated.
“The whole scenario is stunning and shocking,” Guy replied.
“The surveillance is sketchy and busted up. There are large gaps of time when the Secret Column could not get anything on them. That is why they found out about the Assassination of Senator Brookingham after the fact. Finding the Consortium was a major problem. Finding their meeting location was also an issue. We wanted to get them in one fell swoop. There was a lot we had to consider here. Some fucking asshole that was part of the Consortium actually owned the Duke Hotel. That is how they were able to set up the whole Assassination Plot against Brookingham,” President Bryce said.
“How does the Wolcott Commission fit into all of this?” Guy asked.
“The Secret Column and I believe that the Commission was compromised by the Consortium. Look at the lame report and conclusion that they came up with. The tapes suggest that the FBI may have been infiltrated by the Stone Tower and the rest of the Consortium. You do not need to infiltrate an entire agency to have some control over it. The Consortium may have also had some sort of link to global terrorism,” President Bryce said.
“Where are the conspirators being held?” Guy asks.
“In our secret underground installation in Idaho. They are being held there and questioned about their knowledge of the plot,” President Bryce replied.
“Oh, that one,” Guy said.
“Where did the Stone Tower and the Consortium originate from?” Guy asked the President.
“We do not know exactly, but we do know some things from our information. The five secret societies the Council of the Sword, the Omega Circle, Cutlasses and Daggers, Stone Tower, and Scribe and Rook all originated in the French or German middle and upper classes about five hundred years ago. This Consortium of Secret Societies is sometimes referred to as the Unbroken Chain of Control. The Scribe and Rook and the Stone Tower are the most powerful groups, with the Stone Tower having the most power. It is rumored that the Stone Tower may have started in Western Poland and was later absorbed into these other possibly German secret societies in the 1700’s. The regions of Western Poland were originally part of Germany and border Germany on the east.
These groups were always into financial control. Numerous high end banking families reside in these groups. They want to control the global market place and have other sinister agendas. They influence global events to make money. They like wars because it depopulates and creates the balance of power that they want. They substantially control the financial media and the news. They think they have carte blanche dominion to control the U.S. and the world economy. They just about control the Global Bank.
They think they can get control over the world once the globe is busted up into controllable economic regions. They want to merge nations and currencies. This will eventually lead to a world government. Numerous global entities will be used as part of this agenda. They want ground wars in Syria and Iran to get dominion over the oil. The Consortium is also concerned that China will get too big to control. Therefore, some of them want to merge the U.S. with China, so they can control it better.
These people are more like control freaks than real capitalists. They dumped the American economy to get control. They partially controlled the financial collapses of the past. Some of them want to build up China’s economy, ‘milk it’, and then dump it like they did with the U.S. economy. It is a series of political dominoes and economic spasms. They want to move quickly to one world currency.
The Consortium runs fronts for genetics research, vaccines, and big pharmaceuticals that will try to restrain the global population. They might be involved in the World Gun Control Movement and the Global Peace Movement. They finance wars where they can to make money. This group also wants monopolies controlling the U.S. economy like right-wing fascism. They truly love the crony capitalist model of economics.
They want to move us toward a world government in the long term. They also want classes on world government in the public schools and manipulations in the school text books. The Stone Tower and the Consortium want to create global regional governments and break the back of individual countries’ nationalism. They were getting close to their end game, until we stopped them. The regional governments could have been used to set up a world government.
Part of their end game was to have total control over the U.S. economy and the global economy. This is essentially a neo-feudalist model through globalization. They want to create financial slaves. The use of mind control was being studied by them along with globalist propaganda. The Consortium plants globalist propaganda into the media to brainwash the younger element of our society. It is all about stability and control in their minds.
The Consortium was a threat to America’s sovereignty and a threat to world peace. The Consortium tried to infiltrate the governments of other nations. Thank God for us that we had loyalists in other nations to help us. A real Viking does not leave any meat on the bone. These people had to be stopped for the world’s future,” President Bryce explained.
“Why exactly did the Consortium want to kill Senator Brookingham?” Guy asked.
“It appears that the Senator supported an agenda, that they did not want. He was a huge threat to their financial interests and to their international agenda. According to the surveillance the Consortium wanted to kill him, because he wanted to introduce legislation to have credit scores run by the Federal Government. This idea would have completely changed the way credit scores are calculated and hurt their financial profits. This would have taken away a lot of power from the financiers of the country. Thus, the Federal Government would have controlled how the scores are used, and it would have been more stringently regulated. The financial industry usually makes higher profit margins off lower credit scores.
Senator Brookingham also wanted to more stringently regulate the oil industry. I do not know if he actually wanted to nationalize it, but he wanted to create a new form of regulation on them. He also wanted to abolish hedge funds due to their economic risks in a global sense. Senator Brookingham wanted to make private student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. He was a huge threat to the entire debt profiting system.
Even though Brookingham was a domestic liberal he was not a global liberal. He was a huge supporter of the American Republic idea. He was a huge supporter of American sovereignty. His record reflected it. He truly believed in the idea that America was a Republic not a Global Empire. I do not know if he knew about the Stone Tower and the Consortium, but he was against globalization. Therefore, he was against their idea of world government. The Consortium may have had plans to assassinate other American politicians and public officials. We do not know yet. They like people that go along with their agendas.
The surveillance suggests that they probably shot him in the head and made it look like a suicide. The suicide note was planted. We may learn more about how they set it up later on down the line. Once they are tried in American Courts or the Hague more information will come out.
Senator Brookingham was very skeptical of the financial industry in the United States. He was killed, because he was against financial deregulation and globalization. I served in the House for a few years. I did not know him real well, but he was a good man. He brought up a lot of great points, even though I did not always agree with him. He was a true Patriot. I feel bad for his Wife and family,” President Bryce stated.
“I did not realize that Senator Brookingham was such a threat to their order. It is sad and pathetic that this happened,” Guy said.
“I am just glad that the Operation was successful,” President Bryce said.
“What ever happened with that CIA agent that was found dead?” Guy asked.
“The CIA revealed to me that she was killed by international drug traffickers. The CIA told my Administration that she turned rogue and got into the global narcotics trade. There was simply more money in that. The CIA is still in the process of investigating that case. It was totally unconnected to the Consortium and the Murder of Senator Brookingham,” President Bryce said.
“That is shocking. I guess people can lead double lives,” Guy said.
Then President Bryce walked on the Presidential Seal on the Oval Office carpeting and over to the liquor cabinet. He poured himself and Guy Lang a scotch. He walked back over to the couch like a Greek Aristocrat and handed Guy the drink.
“The Stone Tower wanted to destroy a world it did not make. They think they can solve all of the world’s problems, but they are dealing with impossibilities. Nobody is smart enough to solve all of the world’s problems. There will probably always be poverty and mayhem in the world unfortunately. They are living in a little kid’s view of life fantasy land. They view the world as pawns on a board game. It is a lot more complicated than that. The Consortium thinks that the world can be controlled as easy as it is to crush a cockroach walking across a white rug. It is simply not reality,” President Bryce said.
“How exactly are these people going to be tried?” Guy asked.
“The Americans that were part of the Consortium will be tried in our Federal Courts for treason and many other things. The people that were citizens of other nations will be tried in the International Court of Justice at the Hague. If the Hague does not agree to try them, then they will be tried here. I will not hand them over, so they will go free. The American members of the Consortium may have also violated an obscure Federal Law that deals with these kinds of scenarios. It bans American politicians from meeting with foreign governments in secret. It may apply here.
One example of this is Amanda Abbot of the Wall Street Times. She was captured in our raid of the mansion. She apparently sold out to them. She was in Scribe and Rook. Abbot was trying to mislead people in the media according to our operation,” President Bryce said.
“She was in this too!! That is crazy. I used to read her columns in the Times. What a traitorous bitch. She is a real life Benedict Arnold. Or should I say Benedict Amanda?” Guy said.
“Yeah this is organized insanity,” President Bryce said.
“Is there any real possibility that some of the conspirators are still out there?” Guy asked.
“Our operatives have told us that some members of the Consortium may still be wandering around in Europe, Africa, or Australia. They are lower level figures in the organization. They will probably turn up and be captured. They usually do,” President Bryce said.
“How are we going to handle all this in the media?” Guy asked.
“We have already leaked a little to the American media. We will let little bits and pieces get out so the country can handle it. We are going to tell the media that a terrorist group bent on world domination killed Senator Brookingham and tried to assassinate Senator Mace. They are basically terrorists, since they want to set up a world government. The media will eventually get all the truth excluding the material that might be too sensitive.
I am also going to talk to Senator Mace and Senator Treadwell again. Senator Mace has recovered well. We are going to hand over some information eventually, so they can come up with a conclusion to their Committee. Lindenhurst was controlled by the Stone Tower. We are in the process of getting in touch with the authorities in Maine on this issue. Lindenhurst is probably a fruitcake by now. I believe he was brainwashed by the Consortium into trying to assassinate Senator Mace. I have also told both Senators about Lindenhurst’s nexus to the Stone Tower and rest of the Consortium. We learned about Lindenhurst through the operation’s tapes,” President Bryce said.
The President and Guy Lang continued to talk about the Consortium and the media for a while. Guy was shocked by a lot of it. The President continued to talk with him in a calm and cool voice.
A week later President Bryce held a Press Conference explaining to the media why the Consortium assassinated Senator Brookingham. The President told the media that he was assassinated because of his political and economic beliefs. President Bryce also stated that Senator Brookingham was a strong nationalist and supported financial reform. Those issues really scared the Consortium and the Stone Tower. The President told the media that the Consortium and the Stone Tower were a terrorist group bent on world domination by the creation of a world government. Bryce also told them that more details would be coming in the future. The reporters were in disbelief and shocked by this turn of events. President Bryce’s polling numbers skyrocketed due to this development. He was viewed as a “conquering hero” by the media and the general public. The President did not talk very much about the Secret Operation to destroy the Consortium. He did not disclose the existence of the Secret Column within the U.S. Government.
The next day Ethan saw about the Press Conference on the news. He obviously knew about a lot of the plot, but he was shocked at the lengths that the Stone Tower and the rest of the Consortium would go to in regards to ruling the world. He was still scared that the Marble Foundation might figure out where he was. He also did not know if some of the conspirators were still out there. Ethan also thought that if anyone or anything in the U.S. Government was behind it that he could be in danger. He knew he had to talk to Natalie Brookingham to obtain his check, and then he might disappear for a while.
The day after that Ethan decided to go and see Natalie. He drove across town. When he came up to the Roman fountain on the Brookingham Estate; he thought about the rise and fall of numerous Ancient Empires over the centuries. Ethan McQue hoped that the Stone Tower and the Consortium had fallen as well. He parked his automobile and got out of it. He walked up to the house and was let in by the Butler Henry. Henry led him into the Den where Natalie Brookingham was sitting. Ethan did not have the heart to tell Natalie about Senator Brookingham’s affair with the elusive Jen Phillips.
“Hello Ethan,” Natalie said.
“Hello, Mrs. Brookingham. I have a lot to tell you in regards to the news reports,” Ethan said.
“I was very saddened about what I heard. I am glad the government captured them for what they did to Calvin,” Natalie said.
“They killed your Husband, because he was for American nationalism and against a lot of their economic interests. I know that they were into just about everything. There might be some of these Consortium members that might still be out there. I may leave the country for a while. They are an old line group that wants to make regional governments into a world government. They just about have dominion over the Global Bank,” Ethan said.
“I hope they got all of them,” Natalie said.
“Some of them might still be after me,” Ethan said.
“Maybe you should go to the government,” Natalie said.
“I might later on. I know more that they do not in regards to a certain entity. I saw their files and have them in a safe. I am going to make copies and probably leave the country. I am giving a copy to you, in case I do not survive this. Here it is,” Ethan said as he handed her a copy of his Report on the Consortium and the Marble Foundation.
“I will get you your check for your services, so you can leave,” Natalie said.
Natalie Brookingham walked over to a mahogany desk and pulled out the check. She handed it to Ethan. She thanked him, and they hugged each other.
“Read the Report. I will get back in contact with you when I can,” Ethan said.
Ethan then left the Brookingham Estate. He got into his car and drove back to his apartment. He was thinking about where he would go, as he drove home.
A few days later unbeknownst to anyone Jen Phillips was getting off of a bus in Morocco. She walked under the hot desert sun, thinking about where she would go next. She had on red sunglasses and a head scarf. She thought a lot about going to the neighboring country of Algeria. As Jen Phillips walked from the bus, she disappeared into the sea of people on the Moroccan streets.
The next day Ethan McQue drove with the files from New York City up through the Montreal Corridor and deep into Quebec. The safe in Ethan’s apartment was empty. Ethan had plans to fly to Australia after a period of time. Ethan thought to himself that truth was usually stranger than fiction, and things aren’t always what they seem.
One year later the captured members of the Consortium were tried. The American members were tried in U.S. Federal Courts. They were found guilty of treason and numerous other crimes. The foreign members were tried in the Hague and found guilty of many crimes against humanity. The convicted members are imprisoned in the U.S. and abroad.
Richard James Lindenhurst was tried in a U.S. Federal Court in Maine. He was found not guilty of attempted murder by reason of insanity. He was placed in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of his life.
President Bryce is working with Senators Mace and Treadwell to finish the Inquiry into the Death of Senator Brookingham. He is also working with them in order to start a new investigation into the Members of the Wolcott Commission. The other three Senators on the Senate Select Committee are still on the Committee. There is a new sense of optimism in Washington, D.C. Numerous lower level figures within the Stone Tower and the rest of the Consortium are still free. Their whereabouts on the globe are unknown. The United States is making many efforts to bring these people to justice.