Jago switched the motorcycle to the electric silent mode and rode slowly along the track without lights. He stopped some twenty metres away on a slight curve covered by low hanging trees. Bringing his MP5SD to the ready position, Jago advanced towards the rear of the vehicle. He could make out one person in the driver’s seat and guessed that at least one other would be close by. He lowered himself to bent knee and scanned the area. He rose, moved position and studied the area again, this time catching sight of two men crouched beside some large tree trunks bordering the cottage perimeter. The light of the other vehicle was now clear, and its engine was running. Jago could see three figures walking around the outside of the cottage, one of which was trying to peer into the windows. He held off to see what their next move would be and he didn't have long to wait. One of the three men started kicking the cottage’s front door while another was poised, weapon at the ready to enter. The other remained at the side of the house but in the headlights of the car. They made a considerable noise kicking the door, and this was Jago’s chance. He crept up to within six metres of the pair.
“Here fellas, over here.”
They turned, weapons in hand, and Jago fired two quick bursts. The men slumped to the ground and Jago relieved them of their weapons before dragging them into the bushes where he bound and gagged them. They weren’t dead, but significantly incapacitated. They were still working on kicking the door open, and the noise masked Jago’s approach to the lone driver. Fortunately for Jago, the driver had his door window down and open, an invitation for Jago to stick his weapon in the man’s face.
“Don’t move.”
The man froze.
“Put your hands on the dashboard and keep them where I can see them.”
Jago opened the door.
“Get out, and on your knees and facing the gate. Hands on your head.”
The man slowly complied.
Jago handed the man some PlastiCuffs from behind, placing them near his hand.
“Put these on. And be quick about it.”
The man hesitated and Jago knew that, if he was going to try and strike, this would be the moment. The man grasped the PlastiCuffs and pretended to put them on his wrist, then turned with a roll on the floor towards Jago’s feet. Jago had anticipated the move, sidestepped and swiftly kicked the man in the side of the torso.
Jago whispered to the man, “Don’t mess me around or I’ll put a bullet in you. Now get it on.”
The man tried one last time to evade being cuffed and Jago pulled the trigger. The first bullet hit the man’s body armour at close range and the second bullet seared all the way through his upper arm. His cry of pain was drowned by his companions kicking the door. Jago quickly tied, gagged and searched the man, leaving him lying behind the wheels of the car. He trod and smashed the man’s mobile phone and half expected a radio. There wasn’t one. Taking the car keys, Jago threw them into the dark and dense woodland.
Jago entered the gate to the property and walked along the edge of the tree line, providing him with a dark backdrop. Two of the men were now in the house. He knew that it was only a matter of minutes before they realised that Kim wasn’t there. They would then start searching more widely. Jago skirted the property and waited in the shadows at the rear beside the escape track. He could see the angled car and its driver and the man at the side of the building from this position. Mark’s car and the Aston remained in the driveway, so the men would deduce that they could have only left via the track at the rear. They would be along soon. He changed his magazine.
Hearing some shouting in the otherwise quiet night, Jago expected the pair from the house to come running around the corner into his field of fire. They did, and the other man simultaneously arrived at the track. Jago took out the front two, and the third ducked back under the cover of the house. Jago fired a couple of shots to pin him down and then turned his attention to the car and its driver. He fired three short bursts into the car; being at an angle provided an opportunity to take out a wheel. The driver scrambled into the back of the car and exited a rear offside door.
Jago waited and changed his position to the opposite side of the path. He couldn’t see anyone. The only way that the two could escape now would be on foot. Jago ran to the side of the building with the now redundant car. The driver was in the process of closing the boot and picking up a weapon as Jago spotted him.
“I’d put it down if I were you. Know went to quit, and you’ll live longer. But it’s your choice.”
The driver stilled himself and dropped the weapon.
“Move slowly to the side of the house facing me.”
The man complied.
“Lay down and place your hands behind your back.”
As the man started to lower himself, his companion came into view, aiming his weapon at Jago. Jago rolled and fired twice, bringing the man down. When Jago looked up, the driver was already on the ground as instructed.
Jago cuffed him and asked, “How long have you worked for Greenslade then?”
“Who?” came the nervous response.
“Listen, what is it with you people? I haven’t got time to play around. Just answer the question.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Jago fired a round into the man’s calf muscle.
“Answer the question!”
“Six months, I’ve been with Greenslade six months.”
“So not too long then. Where will I find the old man? Airport, or seaport?”
“We were told to bring the girl to his hotel.”
“And the others?”
“Take care of them.”
“You mean kill them?”
The man writhed in pain. “If you like, they’re only words.”
“How are you supposed to let them know that you’ve got the girl?”
“We’re to call them to tell them that we’re on our way with the package, no more than that.”
“Then call them now.”
The man looked away, and Jago pushed the barrel of his pistol against the other healthy calf.
“Okay, okay, I’ll call them!”
“Who is them, specifically?”
“Greenslade has two of his most trusted bodyguards with him at all times.”
Jago thought the comment interesting as he remembered his visit to Greenslade and there wasn’t a bodyguard to be seen. He stored the information away.
The man started to call on his mobile phone, and Jago instructed, “Put the call on the speaker.”
“John, this is Kevin. We’re on our way back with the package.”
“What’s your ETA?”
“Let’s see, it’s 2105, we should be back by 2230.”
“Okay, see you then.”
The phone line went dead, and Jago took the mobile from Kevin and pocketed it.
“You’ve been cooperative Kevin. Thank you. I apologise for the gag. But I’m sure that you’ll understand.”
Jago made to leave the scene and called Dom. “Dom, all is well here. Why don’t you return and collect the Aston and take Mark and Kim to the Ranch? I’m off to see Greenslade. Don’t tell Kim though, and keep her out of earshot at the Ranch.”
“Will do, Boss.”