Jay Makes His Move
Jay Lincoln already liked Harvey. The man certainly knew how to dress, even if it was a little much for a sports bar. The suit was a great cut, tailored to fit his broad shoulders and tapered waist. The older man’s hair was a mixture of steel gray and slate. He had an angular face, slightly square, and almost heart—shaped lips with the upper just a tad broader than the lower. The color of his deep-set eyes were so light blue, they almost glowed in the dim light of the bar. Jay had thought the man was cute in his tipsy holiday picture, but in person, Harvey looked like the love child of Johnny Depp, Anderson Cooper, and Hugh Jackman all rolled into one hot man.
Shit, he was fucking dreamy.
It was hard to concentrate on what Harvey was saying when all Jay could do was think about was how it would feel to fuck that pretty mouth. He was tired of immature guys who only wanted sex and nothing else, so the X—rated thoughts made him feel like a hypocrite. When Todd, who worked as a bouncer at the bar, hit on him in front of Harvey, he’d wanted to punch the blond kid in the face.
He hated being called Julian. He’d always gone by Jay since he was little. The only reason Todd had known his first name was because he’d rifled through Jay’s wallet after they’d fucked in the storage closet a couple of weeks ago. Todd was nice enough, but emotionally unavailable.
He wanted more. His sex life had been a revolving door—never taking time to get to know the guys he shared his body with. He wanted a relationship with substance. And the first opportunity he had to meet a man who might fit the bill, what was he doing? The same thing he always did.
Jay forced himself to stop fantasizing and pay attention. “What do you do for a living?”
“I’m an orthopedic surgeon.”
If his cock hadn’t already been pressing against the seam of his jeans, finding out Harvey was a surgeon would have done it. There was something so sexy and rock star—like about surgeons. Not just doctors. They were doctors who cut people open and put them back together for a living. The stress of having someone’s life in his hands would have killed Jay. Harvey had to have balls of steel. Balls of steel that Jay wanted to lick and nibble and…Distractions! “That sounds really interesting.”
“It can be. Some surgeries can take eight to ten hours. It’s a young man’s game.”
“You’re not old,” Jay insisted.
“You should see me with my clothes off,” Harvey joked.
Jay didn’t laugh. “I’d like to.”
Harvey stiffened, and Jay immediately regretted coming on so strong. After all, he was the one who’d said he was looking for more than a one off. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. At least not out loud.”
It took a second, but Harvey laughed. It was rich and warm and vibrant. When he stopped laughing, he leaned forward, his blue eyes gazing directly into Jay’s soul. “I’d really like to kiss you.”
The unexpected request made Jay’s stomach flutter. “I’d like that very much.”
Harvey stood from his side of the booth and scooted in on Jay’s side. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” Jay said, a little breathlessly.
Harvey placed his hand on Jay’s face, caressing his cheekbone with his thumb. “Your eyes are amazing. I’ve never seen anyone with quite the same color.”
Jay replied by leaning in, pressing his lips to Harvey’s for a brief, but tender kiss. The older man’s lips were supple, but dry. Very nice. No sloppy kissing there. He smiled, appreciating the hungry desire in his date’s expression. He slid one hand inside Harvey’s jacket, copping a feel of his toned abs. “You have a great body.”
Harvey responded by running the back of his hand down the front of Jay’s shirt.
Jay trembled. The intimacy of Harvey’s touch—light, seductive, and teasing, even over the thin fabric of his shirt—made Jay’s heart race. What they were doing—this slow play—was so much sexier than the chaotic, frenzied rush he usually experienced with his horny hook ups. This wasn’t random, though, was it? It was a date. Scheduled and arranged. Two people taking time out of their busy lives to make a connection.
“Wow, this is intense,” Jay whispered as he leaned in and licked Harvey’s lower lip.
This time, Harvey trembled. His tongue snaked out to taste the bit of saliva Jay left behind.
Damn! Jay wondered what that sweet mouth and tongue could do in a private setting.
Did Harvey have a hairy chest? God, he hoped so. He’d be disappointed if he found out the silver fox waxed or shaved.
Harvey’s cheeks were rough with a five o’clock shadow. Jay brushed his lips against the coarse texture. Harvey smelled like spice and vanilla. Jay drew a long pull of the scent through his nose. “Fuck, you smell so good.” He kissed Harvey chastely, but firmly.
“You’re amazing.” Harvey leaned back and put a small space between then. “Why did you do this tonight? You know, with me. It’s obvious you don’t have any problems finding a date.”
He answered Harvey’s question honestly. “Yeah. I won’t lie about it. But I’m fucking lonely. I don’t want to keep living that way.”
“Yes, but you could have a relationship with someone your own age, or younger even. Not someone over a decade older than you. Not my old ass.”
“Man, you don’t have a fucking clue how incredibly hot you are, do you? Harvey, you’re not a consolation prize. You are a first place catch.” Jay watched Harvey’s face color. “You keep blushing like that and I’m going to fall in love with you.”
Harvey stiffened again. Jay laughed.
“Don’t mess with me,” Harvey said.
“I’m only teasing, but that’s not to say it couldn’t happen.” Quickly, he leaned toward Harvey again and tugged his lower lip between his teeth in a quick nip. “I could totally eat you up.”
“Oh, shit,” Harvey muttered and pulled away. He pointed to a large, muscular, dark-haired man who’d just walked into the bar. “That’s my friend, Mark.”
A brown-haired guy, slightly shorter and less broad, followed closely behind. They were both attractive, Jay thought. Harvey had said Mark was his ex—boyfriend. The man looked like he worked out to obsession. Was that the kind of guy Harvey went for? Jay was thin, certainly not overweight, but he couldn’t compete with that kind of brawn and muscle.