Chapter 3

Harvey’s Ex is a Dick

Mark was being a complete dick! Why would he show up at the bar with Brian, his boyfriend, in tow? Harvey had made it clear to him earlier in the day that he had no intention of celebrating his birthday with him. Since their break—up, Harvey had only been with one other guy, and it had been awkward and miserable. After the event, he’d thrown himself into work, taking more “on call” shifts, even when he’d maxed hours for the week.

He knew Mark still cared and worried about him, but he could get really crappy when it came to dolling out his opinion. Mark called it playing “Devil’s advocate.” Harvey called it the epitome of douche baggery. He didn’t even want to think about what Jay thought at this point. He hadn’t had this kind of chemistry with anyone in a very long time. Not since Mark.

He could smell the bourbon on Mark’s breath. His friend had started early on the drinking, something he rarely did. A drunk Mark was an unpredictable Mark. He didn’t want his craziness to spoil his date. Not when it was starting so well. “Look. I know you’re worried about me, but don’t. Jay isn’t a serial killer or anything nutso.”

His stomach fluttered as he remembered how perfectly Jay fit against him when they’d kissed. “I really like him,” he said, following Mark, who was making a bee—line for Jay.

Mark was a gym-freak. Harvey knew from personal experience that his friend had amazing abs, a thickly muscled chest, and thighs and arms to match. He had an incredible body—one he liked showing off. Tonight was no exception. Mark had on a tight black T-shirt with a deep V—neck tucked into his very tight mid—rise jeans. Brian intertwined his fingers with Mark’s. Staking his prior claim.

Mark smiled at Brian and kissed him. He wrapped his free arm around Harvey’s shoulder and steered the three of them toward the booth. Harvey didn’t miss Mark’s ego, but sometimes he missed the easy intimacy they used to share.

He stepped away from him. “Don’t blow this for me, okay? You have Brian, remember.”

“I’ll be nice.” His words held a slight slur. “Promise.” He crossed his heart. “But I’m not leaving until I’ve at least met this Jay of yours. I want to be able to describe him to the cops if they pull your body out of the Missouri River.”

Harvey rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how Brian puts up with you.”

Mark leaned over and whispered in Harvey’s ear. “Well, my friend, unlike you, he’s a very dedicated bottom.”

Harvey smacked Mark’s chest and stepped away from him. “Asshole.”

“Yes, a very willing asshole.”

“You’re insufferable!” The subject touched a nerve with Harvey. Their incompatibility in bed had been part of the reason for the break up. Mark was a total top, and while Harvey didn’t mind a good pounding occasionally, he liked to top just as much. Mark wouldn’t even consider letting Harvey fuck him. It became a huge point of contention between them.

Now he really didn’t want Mark talking to Jay. His ex was in a mood, and he was going to ruin yet another night for Harvey. When Harvey had made the date, Mark had said all kinds of stuff, about why a young guy might want to date someone so much older. A serial killer or looking for a bank, had made the top two on Mark’s list of reasons. Mark had convinced himself that the young man only wanted a sugar daddy.

Was it possible? After all, Jay was thirty—two and still working as a bartender. Yes, it was possible, but Jay hadn’t been faking the attraction between them when they’d kissed.

By the time they’d reached the booth, he’d made up his mind to nip this disaster in the bud. “Jay, this is Mark and Brian. Can Brian hang out for a minute? I need to talk to Mark alone for a minute. Is there some place private we can go?”

Jay looked startled and a bit confused, but he nodded. “You can use the office.”