1995: Barwon Prison diary
8:40 AM.
Strip search. Refuse to turn sox inside out when requested. Stated if so much desired to do it themselves! SPO F, PO B, PO H present. Alleged incident occurring as a result of my response to their attitude and conduct. Officers leave cell, leaving me locked in cell and informed me no exercise.
8:45 AM.
SPO F and Gov M arrive; open cell conduct another strip search, SPO F orders me to visualise and keep my sight focused on outstretched hands while engaging in strip search. I voiced my protest as no such regulations or rules exist of that nature. He threatened to have me charged as a result of my refusal to comply with his ‘visual’ instructions.
8:50 AM.
Strip search completed. Advised to go out in exercise yard while cell searched. In doing so advised SPO G I had requests to be processed and recorded. His reply: ‘I’ll get back to you very shortly.’
9:10 AM.
Let out to use phone. Not able to get in contact with solicitor.
9:15 AM.
Let out to go back to exercise. Notice SPO F in possession of legal folders removed from my cell, in company of PO H. I confronted F on why he had removed items.
He replied, ‘They’re John Lindrea’s and not yours.’
I said that he lent them to me to hold the vast volumes of paperwork I hold.
He said, ‘Bad luck, you can’t have them.’
I said, ‘You’re kidding.’ He had also removed 1 pkt of gum and quantity of rice – opened bag.
I had not been informed of this.
9:20 AM.
Notified officer whilst in yard I desperately needed to go to the toilet and informed him I had weak bladder!
9:45 AM.
Again asked what the delay was. No reply from officer so I relieved myself on the spot. To my surprise SPO F was present during whole episode and informed me I was to be charged as a result of my actions of relieving myself. I stated I had given adequate warning and could no longer suppress nature’s demands and he was a party to such outcomes.
10:20 AM.
Notify need to use phone at 10.30. Important call required at this time by expecting party at receiving end.
10:30 AM.
Again informed SPO G I had requests to be submitted. Reply ‘Soon.’
10:40 AM.
Finally given access to phone room.
10:50 AM.
Finish phone and informed to go directly back into cell, that my exercise period had been reduced by Gov M. F instructed me of this, yet it was not the case, but done so he could avoid coming back ten minutes later to let me out of exercise yard to cell: ‘avoid unnecessary movements to him’.
11:00 AM.
Requested to G per requests which we had done and registered in senior’s request book – done from my cell doorway.
11:50 AM.
Meals arrive in unit [not the cell, but a small section around which a number of solitary cells are clustered, Chris’ being one].
Meals issued cold.
12:05 PM.
Notified and advised staff via intercom of the state of meals. Response: ‘Bad luck.’
I suggested there was a microwave available to reheat meals.
Reply ‘No: that’s the way they arrived; that’s the way you get ’em.’
I then stated via intercom that the microwave was present for just such occasions.
Female officer then buzzed off from intercom.
12:30 PM.
Via intercom enquired as to when I would receive access to typewriter. Female officer replied, ‘When staff become available.’
I stressed it was an urgent and important matter to complete and forward on, and why do I have to face working my case at the staff’s convenience?
Buzzed off once again no reply.
1:20 PM.
Via intercom asked once again for typewriter.
1:40 PM.
Cell door opens and handed typewriter.
1:41 PM.
Via intercom notified staff the ribbon had been removed and not able to use it as a result. Informed SPO G of such. ‘Highly unusual ribbon removed as was okay the other day,’ was his reply. Yeah, right. Funny that, isn’t it, give me it finally – in the end rendered useless.
1:50 PM.
Notified Gov M of the act of missing ribbon from typewriter. Suggested would have arrangements for a replacement ribbon.
3:32 PM.
Meals arrive in unit.
3:56 PM.
Meals delivered yet microwaved beforehand to reheat.
3:56 PM.
Requested plastic tea spoon in order to consume Weet-Bix, as mine was removed from cell earlier in the day. F responsible and states not allowed.
I said, ‘Bullshit, who said so?’
He replied, ‘You have two hours to consume breakfast once issued, then return spoon.’
I told him I ate cereal at night during the evening when I became hungry – which he was well aware of – and nobody’s removed spoon before, yet he leaves plastic bowl intact!
4:50 PM.
Buzz up via intercom PO C ask for Panadol and plastic spoon. ‘No probs.’ Receive soon afterwards.
Requests conducted, consisted of: phone balance check, typewriter, canteen account printout – never received previous day!
11:40 AM.
Buzzed up and asked when would we receive newspaper, which are delivered each morning. Reply: ‘not yet arrived,’ highly unlikely event as are delivered on a daily basis with no delays.
11:45 AM.
Meals issued, I then proceed to produce faeces on newspaper and inform them this is a symbol of the times. When is all this shit going to stop? Placed newspaper in centre of dayroom area in unit.
12:30 PM.
SPO G comes to cell and orders me to clean up and remove newspaper – if not be removed to unit 4 as a result: LOP, or loss of privileges unit.
2:30 PM.
Gov S speaks to me on what’s the problem. I advise him of certain officers inciting and provoking incidents – F – and the current atmosphere and attitudes shall in. It’s only fitting to represent a symbol of the times in the unit as a monument.
Once again advised to clean up or go to unit 4.
I refused.
EMU [Emergency Management Unit] officers arrived. Handcuffed, hobbles, removed to LOP [Loss of Privileges] section – unit 4.
3:30 PM.
Receive meal and limited writing material and reading items.
Request to SPO G consists of: clothing, food items, legal papers and documents in cell and typewriter, legal call.
Soon afterwards SPO G and PO L deliver meagre rations and clothing, court documents. I noticed missing canteen items as I had packed up the day before anticipating the movement to unit 4.
He said, ‘I’ll see you later.’
1:20 PM.
Buzz up and enquire into the missing canteen item, being Weet-Bix, advised he would speak to me later about it.
2:20 PM.
Buzzed up and pursued into what’s going on with canteen items being denied me? Advised G would see me later about it.
3:05 PM.
Let out of cell for legal call and indicated I wanted to see G about being denied access to canteen items, Weet-Bix and cereals issued to me!
3:30 PM.
Finish phone call, in process of returning to cell, notice G in Chief’s office and proceed in this direction. Met by him in doorway where I confront him on why I am not allowed Weet-Bix, as I had previously purchased these items while in unit the week prior and I am not on any regime where it states I’m not allowed such items. I said I starve at night, I have very little in my possession due to the restrictions on items available and limits placed on money spent. These were the only items of canteen in my cell apart from some chocolates.
He said, ‘You’re issued cereals in the morning.’
I said, ‘Yes, but what has that got to do with my canteen purchases?’
He said, ‘I let you have your chocolates.’
I said, ‘How kind of you. Where does it say you can’t?’ I then said that the chocolates do not satisfy or quell the hunger at night like the Weet-Bix do.
His reply was that it was his decision due to his belief and it was designed to slow down my bowel movements.
I stated: ‘What’s next, deny me my meals? I shit every day as it is and this bullshit would not affect it.’
He said, ‘Enough’s enough. Bad luck.’
I then spat the dummy – ‘spit’.
I was then placed back in cell with handcuffs still intact.
3:44 PM.
Buzzed up to see when or if handcuffs to be removed. Reply Gov has been advised and will get back to you.
4 PM.
Gov M arrives, informed me that I am no longer able to make legal calls or use typewriter and I’ll be charged as a result of my actions against SPO G.
9:45 AM.
Gov K arrives to cell. Informs me of the procedures of handcuffs during exercise and shower periods.
I stated: ‘You got to be joking.’
Gov K said, ‘I am not – I am serious.’
I then brought up my legal position and I relied upon access to my solicitor via phone and required access to typewriter in preparing documents for defence and a private prosecution against certain parties and this decision of terminating access to solicitor and typewriter is unjust and illegal in my circumstances, interfering in communicating and receiving advice and instructions on various matters currently at hand.
His reply was: ‘Bad luck and no calls – nothing.’
10 AM.
Exercising in cuffs – one hour period.
11:02 AM.
Shower in cuffs. Finish shower.
11:10 AM.
Reverse procedure.
11:40 AM.
Meals arrive in unit.
11:42 AM.
Meals issued.
3:14 PM.
Meals arrive in unit.
3:20 PM.
Meals issued.