Achtung!: Attention!
Achtung, Lagerarzt!: Attention, the camp doctor!
Alles aufstehen!: Everyone, get up!
Alte Kamp-Insassen: Dutch-German term used at Westerbork for senior inmates
Alter Häftling: Senior prisoner, a prisoner who has been an inmate for a long time
Ältester: Literally, elder. A term used in combination with an area specification to indicate the senior or head prisoner in a camp, block, or room
Ambulanz: Outpatients
Appel vorbei: Roll call over
Arbeit macht frei: Work sets you free
Arbeit macht frei… Krematorium drei!: Work sets you free… Crematorium Three!
Arbeitslager: Labor camp
Arztvormelder, antreten!: Those presenting to the doctor, line up!
Aufgehen!: Broken or corrupted German: March!
Aufnahme: Admissions
Aufseherin: Female overseer
Bademeister: Washroom supervisor
Bauhof: Building yard
Bekleidungskammer: Warehouse for prisoner clothing
Berufsverbrecher: Professional criminal
Bewegung: Movement
Bewegung, Bewegung, los, Eile!: Movement, movement, go, hurry!
Birkenallee: Birch Avenue
Block: Word used for the main buildings housing prisoners at Auschwitz and other German camps
Blockältester: Block senior, a prisoner in charge of a block
Blockführerstube: The guardhouse of the SS block overseer
Blockschonung: Block rest, permission to remain in barracks and rest, granted to those unfit to work but not sick enough for hospital
Blöd: Stupid
Blöde: The stupid ones
Blöde Holländer: Stupid Dutchman
Blöde Sauen: Stupid pigs (literally, sows)
Blödes Schwein: Stupid pig
Bunker: The Auschwitz camp jail in the cellar of Block 11
Canada: Nickname for the section of Auschwitz where the warehouses were located
Dalej!: Polish: Go on!
Davai, bystro!: Russian: Come on, faster!
DAW: Short for Deutsche Ausrüstungswerkstatte, the German Equipping Workshops
Der Zug ist schon da: The train has already come
Die Juden sind unser Unglück: The Jews are our misfortune
Distrikt Krakau: District of Krakow
Du Dreckhund: You filthy dog
Du Drecksau: You filthy pig
Du Idiot: You idiot
Effektenkammer: Warehouse for items taken from prisoners on their arrival
Eile: Hurry
Eintritt verboten: No entry
Ein vogel: Literally, a bird, but here meaning a peculiarity or strange habit
Es lebe Polen!: Poland forever!
Faulgas: Marsh gas, also name of a Kommando working on a marsh gas plant
FKL: Short for Frauenkonzentrationslager, women’s concentration camp
Flying Column: Dutch: Vliegende Kolonne. In Westerbork a group of prisoners who had to carry out special tasks that needed to be done quickly
Frauenkonzentrationslager: Women’s concentration camp
Frech: Impudent or cheeky
Gespritzt: Injected
Häftling: Prisoner
Häftling 27903 mit 15 Häftlingen zur Strassenbau: Prisoner 27903 with fifteen prisoners for roadworks
Häftlingskrankenbau: Prisoners’ hospital
Häftlingsnummer: Prisoner number
Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt: Ear, nose, and throat doctor
Halt: Stop
Halt’s Maul: Shut up
Halte dich sauber: Keep clean
Hau ruck!: Pull!
Heilkräutertee: Herbal tea
Herrgott Sakrament, verflucht noch mal: God almighty, damn it
Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn, Herr Gott Sakrament, du verfluchter Idiot: For God’s sake, Christ Almighty, you cursed idiot
Hitler verrecke!: Death to Hitler!
Hygienisch-bakteriologischen Untersuchungsstelle der Waffen-SS und Polizei Südost: Hygienic-Bacteriological Research Center of the Waffen SS and Police, South East
Interne Abteilung: Internal Department
Judenblut spritzt vom Messer: Jewish blood is dripping from the knives
Kapo: A prisoner who oversaw other prisoners in work details
Kesselkommando: Kettle-carrying detail
Kolkhoz: A collective farm
Kommandantur: Camp commandant’s office
Kommando: A work detail or squad
Kommandoführer: SS overseer of a work detail
Krakauer Zeitung: A Krakow newspaper
Krankenbau: Hospital (in Auschwitz, the Krankenbau was spread out over several blocks)
KZ: Short for Konzentrationslager, concentration camp
Lager: Camp, also used as an administrative unit for subdivisions within a larger camp
Lagerältester: Camp senior, the camp’s head prisoner. As the term Lager—camp—was also used for subdivisions within Auschwitz and Birkenau, there was more than one Lagerältester
Lagerarzt: Camp doctor (an SS medical officer) As the term Lager—camp—was also used for subdivisions within Auschwitz and Birkenau, there was more than one Lagerarzt
Lagerfriseur: Camp barber
Lagerführer: SS officer in charge of the camp
Lagerstrasse: Camp street
Lagersuppe: Camp soup
Le professeur hollandais: French: The Dutch professor
Los!: Go!
Los, Schweinehunde!: German: Move it, you swine! (Literally, pig-dogs)
Mussulman: Muslim, camp slang for a prisoner in an extreme state of physical and mental exhaustion
Nebellager: Short for Nacht und Nebellager, camps where prisoners were held and executed in secret
No Pasarán: Spanish: They shall not pass, Republican rallying cry in the Spanish Civil War
Oberscharführer: SS rank: senior squad leader
Obersturmführer: SS rank: senior assault leader
Operationssaal: Operating theater
Oscha: Short for Oberscharführer, senior squad leader
Pfleger: Nurse, used to designate a general assistant’s job held by prisoners in the camp hospitals. Not all Pfleger had medical qualifications and most of their duties were non-medical
Pflegerstube: Nurses’ room
Prämienschein: Bonus token
Prominent (noun): A privileged prisoner
Rapportführer: SS officer in charge of roll calls
Rassenschande: Racial outrage, a violation of Nazi laws prohibiting sexual contact between “races”
Rein: Clean
Reinlichkeit ist der Weg zur Gesundheit: Cleanliness is the path to health
Reservepfleger: Reserve nurse: a prisoner who has been approved as a Pfleger but is waiting to be appointed to a block
Röntgenraum: X-ray room
Rotspanier: Spanish Reds, term for Germans who fought for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War
Rottenführer: SS rank: section leader
Sanitäter: Orderly
Sanitätslager der Waffen-SS: Waffen SS Medical Supply Center
Sauberkeit ist der halbe Weg zur Gesundheit: Cleanliness is halfway to health
Scharführer: SS rank: squad leader
Scheisse, Arzt: Shit, Doctor
Scheissmeister: Latrine supervisor
Schnell! Los! Tempo!: Quick! Go! Fast!
Schreibstube: Office
Schulungslager: Training camp
Schutzhäftling: Prisoner in protective custody
SDG: Short for Sanitätsdienstgrad, SS medical orderly
Selection: Camp term for the selection of prisoners for extermination
Sonderkommando: Special detail, prisoners who worked in the gas chambers and crematoria
SS-Krankenrevier: SS hospital
SS-Revier: Short for SS-Krankenrevier, SS hospital
SS Sonderdienst: A Nazi paramilitary formation in occupied Poland
SS-Standortverwaltung Süd-Ost: SS Local Administration South East
Standgericht: Military court
Standortarzt: Doctor for the SS garrison
Stehbunker: Standing bunker
Stój: Polish: Stop
Strafkommando: Punishment detail
Stubenältester: A prisoner in charge of a room
Sturmbannführer: SS rank: assault unit leader
Sturmmann: SS rank: storm trooper
Transport: The deportation or movement of a group of Jews or other prisoners
Très charmant: French: very charming
Übermensch: A superman, used here ironically to indicate a Nazi fantasy of the superior Aryan
Überstellung Strafkommando Birkenau: Transfer to the Birkenau punishment detail
Unterscharführer: SS rank: junior squad leader
V = Victoria: V = Victory
Vergesse nicht deine Seife: Don’t forget your soap
WA: Short for Dutch: Weerbaarheidsafdeling, the paramilitary wing of the NSB, the Dutch National Socialist party
Was ist hier los, ihr Dreckhuren!: What’s going on here, you filthy whores!
Wiener Blut: Viennese spirit
Wir fahren gegen Engeland: We are sailing against England
Zigeunerlager: Gypsy camp, part of Birkenau concentration camp
Zivilarbeiter: Civilian worker
Zum Befehl: At your command
Zwischen Nacht und Nebel: Literally, between night and fog