Heartfelt thanks to the following, who helped shaped this book:
Debra Fryd, without whom this novel would never have existed. It was Debra who said to me in an email that Irving Thalberg had a remarkable life and someone should write a novel about him. As soon as I read that, my imagination took flight.
My editor: Jennifer McIntyre for her keen eye, unfailing humor, and the willingness to debate every last letter and comma placement.
My cover designer: Alisha at Damonza for taking my horribly amateurish pencil sketch and turning it into a wow of a cover.
Darryl Rooney for his help with the Jean Harlow aspects of this novel.
My beta readers: Vince Hans, David Fox, Beth Riches, Steven Adkins and Gene Strange for their invaluable time, insight, feedback and advice in shaping this novel.
My Proof Readers Extraordinaire with the best eagle eyes in the biz: Bob Molinari and Susan Perkins and Leigh Carter