Chapter Nine

Cassidy asked, “Who was that?”

My ex-boyfriend.” I turned to him and said, “I’m going to run after him, but please don’t read into that. It’s not like those scenes you always see in romantic movies. I just really need to find out what’s going on.”

Is he the irrationally jealous type? If so, I’m going with you to make sure you’re okay.”

He’s not, and I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

Cassidy muttered, “Alright.” Then he moved around to the far side of the corral, which gave him a clear view of everything happening down below in the courtyard.

Meanwhile, I turned off the music and hurried after Colt. He’d reached the driveway and was clutching the strap of his backpack as he started the long march back to town. Beck intercepted me and asked, “Is everything okay?”

It will be after I catch up to my friend and figure out what’s happening.”

I broke into a run, and when I caught up to Colt a minute later, I asked, “What are you doing?”

Catching the next ferry off this island.”

But you must have traveled all this way for a reason.”

He stopped walking and turned to me. “I wanted to apologize for the things I said to you at your going-away party. Not that it’s any excuse, but I was drunk, and I feel awful about the way I acted. I thought our friendship would be over unless I came here to tell you how sorry I am. Even though we’ve had some problems, you’re still my best friend, Eli, and I don’t want to lose you. But this was a mistake.”


I thought I’d moved on, but seeing you with that other guy, dancing to a song that’s all about finally finding love…never mind. Just go back to your boyfriend and forget I was here.”

He started down the gravel driveway again, and I fell into step with him. “Come on, Colt. Quit running away and come back to the hotel with me.”

I’m sorry. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I feel like I’m barely holding it together, and I’d never forgive myself if I lost it in front of your new boyfriend.”

I glanced up the hill. Cassidy was in the corral with Blue, obviously keeping an eye on what was happening. I gave him a little wave, which hopefully conveyed the message that everything was alright.

Then I caught the sleeve of Colt’s dark blue hoodie and came to a stop, and he turned to look at me. His shoulders slumped, and he said, “Shit, Eli, I’m so fucking sorry.”

It’s alright.”

No it isn’t. I’ve made a mess of everything. Not just our friendship, but my entire life.”

Why do you think that?”

Because everyone is moving forward but me. Just look at you. In the past few months, you graduated from college and found a job, a boyfriend, and a place to live. Meanwhile, my brother Chance is becoming a famous photographer, and Finn, well, he hasn’t really changed, but he doesn’t need to because he’s happy and in love.

Then there’s me. I barely made it through high school, I’m mooching off my brother and his husband because I’ll never be able to afford an apartment in San Francisco, I dropped out of junior college, and I have a dead-end job at a fast food restaurant.” He exhaled slowly and muttered, “I don’t even know why I’m talking about this.”

Because you’re unhappy, and because you know I care about you and am always willing to listen.”

Colt looked weary as he said, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know where I’m sleeping tonight.”

Right here,” I told him, as I gestured at the ranch. “Beck will give you a room. He says family stays free, and you’re my family, Colt, so you always have a place here.”

You don’t have to be so nice to me. I was an asshole Friday night, and I had no right to talk to you like that, especially in front of your friends.”

It’s already forgiven. Now come on, let’s go back to the hotel.”

After a pause, Colt started to head back toward the courtyard with me. He seemed so defeated, and that was depressing. “I can see why you moved here,” he said, as he glanced at his surroundings. “I mean, besides the gorgeous guy you were dancing with. This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. It looks like a movie set with all the palm trees and that amazing view.”

That’s exactly what I thought.” On impulse, I added, “You know, the ranch is hiring. You should talk to Beck, the guy who greeted you when you arrived. He runs this place for his uncle.”

Colt asked, “Are you saying I should get a job here?”

Absolutely. You just got done listing everything that’s wrong with your life. A new job and a new place to live would fix at least some of what’s bothering you.”

He stopped walking and considered that for a few moments. Then he turned to me and said, “I’d love to work someplace like this. There’s only one problem with that idea, Elijah. Well, two of them, actually.”

What are they?”

Well, first of all, I’m not qualified for most jobs. But more importantly, you really don’t want me dragging you down while you’re building a new life for yourself.”

I said, “I’d love it if you moved to Catalina, Colt. You’re still my best friend, and you always will be. As far as being unqualified, Beck was willing to let me learn on the job, and I bet he’d do the same for you.”

Wouldn’t it be weird for you to have your ex-boyfriend hanging around while you’re starting a new relationship?”

Not necessarily. Would it be weird for you?”

He thought about that, then said, “Yeah, it would, but I know for a fact I need to get over it. This is crazy, though. Isn’t it? I show up to apologize, and next thing you know, we’re talking about me getting a job here.”

We’d reached the curb that separated the turn-around at the end of the driveway from the courtyard, and we sat down on it side-by-side. “Maybe a little,” I said. “But what’s wrong with that? Also, you came here to save our friendship. Thank you for doing that, by the way. What better way to save it than by spending time together?”

It’s ironic, isn’t it? Up until two days ago you were right there, in the bedroom next to mine, and we never talked. Not like this, anyway. I guess I took you for granted, and I was still carrying around some resentment over our breakup, which wasn’t fair to you.

When I found out you were moving away, everything changed. I began to realize how much I was about to lose, and for some reason, the fact that you were leaving made me angry. That’s why I lashed out at you during the party. It’s ridiculous, I know. One minute I’m shoving you away, the next I’m trying to pull you back, which basically means I’m a total nut job.”

No you’re not.”

Colt grinned at me and bumped my shoulder with his. “Thank you for always sticking up for me, even when I don’t deserve it.” He looked around, and after a pause, he said, “This place really is amazing.”

It is, and I think you’ll be happy here. Plus, it’s not like you have to commit to spending the rest of your life on Catalina. Maybe it’ll just be a summer job, while you figure some stuff out and possibly think about going back to school.”

I could tell Colt was fighting an eye roll, and he said, “Not everyone is meant for college. I tried, remember?”

I know, and I don’t mean to keep pushing. I just think you weren’t ready at eighteen, but maybe you will be later.”

He did what he always did when I mentioned him going back to school and changed the subject. “Maybe. So, I’m going to call Chance and see what he thinks about the idea of me trying to get a job here.”

He pulled his phone from his pocket and put it on speaker, and his older brother answered on the third ring with, “Hey Colt! Did you make it to Catalina, and did you get a chance to talk to Eli?”

Yeah, I’m here with him right now.” Chance and I exchanged greetings, and then Colt said, “So, I want your opinion on something. I might apply for a summer job at the ranch where Eli’s working. What do you think about that?”

I’ll miss you, but I think it’s a good idea. Elijah said they’re about to start hiring, and you already have a friend there.”

I’ll miss you too, Chance. You know what, though? It’ll mean you and Finn will finally have some time for just the two of you,” Colt said. “You guys took Eli and me in when you first started dating, so you’ve barely had a moment of privacy over the last four years.”

It was wonderful having you and Eli here with us,” Chance said. “Finn and I love you both, and it goes without saying that we’ll always be a family, no matter where you’re living.”

Okay, seriously, don’t make me cry,” Colt told his brother. “I need to go apply for a job, and the guy who manages the ranch probably already thinks I’m a drama queen.”


I’ll tell you later. Can I call you back in a bit? I want to do this before I lose my nerve.”

After his brother wished him luck and they ended the call, Colt turned to me and said, “Last chance to tell me you really don’t want me here. Please be honest.”

I absolutely want you here.”

Alright. Then here goes nothing.”

Beck met us halfway as we crossed the courtyard. I introduced them before saying, “My friend is looking for a job. He’s a hard worker, and he has customer service experience.”

Colt added, “Eli means I’m qualified to ask if you want fries with that. But I’m willing to learn, and I’ll take any job that’s available. I don’t even care what it is.”

Beck smiled at him and said, “Let’s go have a drink and talk about some of the jobs I need to fill. If you’re as flexible as you say you are and with Elijah recommending you, I’m sure we can figure out a place for you here at the ranch.”

I’ll leave you to it,” I said. “Come find me afterwards, Colt.”

As the two of them headed into the dining room, I returned to the stable. A pair of brown horses had joined Blue in the corral. Cassidy was saddling one of them, but he stopped what he was doing and asked, “What was that about?”

Colt came here to apologize for the things he said to me at my party.”

Really? He came all this way just for that?”

He’s pretty lost right now. I think he actually came here because our friendship is one of the only constants in his life, and he was afraid of losing it.”

Cassidy asked, “So, where is he now?”

Talking to Beck about a job.”


I nodded. “Colt needs to make a change. He feels like his whole life has stalled out.”

While I can appreciate the need to start over, why here? Why not get a job in L.A.? Or literally anyplace else but the ranch?”

Honestly? Because he’s scared of being alone. He’d never admit that, but he is. If he gets a job here, then he’ll be with family.”

Meaning you,” he said.

Exactly. I get that this must be weird for you. But like I said, he really is just a friend.”

I know that. But I wonder if he knows it too, given the way he reacted when he saw us together.”

He’s just having a hard time moving on.”

A crease appeared between Cassidy’s dark brows. “Well, then he should definitely get a job at the same place where his ex-boyfriend lives and works.”

I know how it sounds, but this really is the right call.” We both stood there awkwardly for a few moments, and then I said, “I’ll let you get back to work. Talk to you later, okay?”

He nodded before turning to the horses. As I headed down the hill, he led the brown pair out of the corral. By the time I reached the courtyard, he’d climbed into the saddle and was riding at a slow but steady pace toward the island’s interior, while leading the second horse.

Beck and Colt were deep in conversation in the dining room, and Gianni and Zan still hadn’t reappeared, which left Vee and his parakeet in the courtyard. Vee was leaning back with one sandaled foot on the tabletop. He held a drink in one hand and a phone in the other, and he was saying, “Dude, seriously, it’s just a squirrel. Do you have some peanuts or something? If so, put them in front of the fireplace, and I bet you anything it’ll come out of the chimney to get them. Squirrels love nuts. That’s the one thing we have in common.”

He winked at me as I sat down across from him and listened for a moment, and then he said, “The nut thing is going to work. Trust me. Just be ready to block off the fireplace, so it doesn’t run right back into the chimney.” Vee listened again, then said, “Yes, I know the squirrel will then be in your house, but one problem at a time, okay? You called me because you needed to get it out of your chimney. We’ll tackle getting it out of your house next.” After yet another pause, he said, “Okay, good luck. Call me back and let me know how it goes.” He disconnected the call and said, “Hello, cute blond person whose name I forgot.”

Elijah. How long are you planning to keep fielding calls for the exterminator?”

As long as it takes. It’s the best job I’ve ever had. I never realized being an exterminator is mostly problem-solving, which I’m awesome at.”

Actually, I’m pretty sure it mostly involves killing stuff.”

Vee wrinkled his nose, while the parakeet walked across the closed laptop. “That part of the job gets a big no thank you. But just watch, that last guy is going to call me back and be totally grateful when my plan for squirrel extraction works perfectly.”

Although it’ll still be in his house.”


So, what do you do when you’re not helping strangers with various infestations?”

Mostly, I’ve just been traveling for the last two or three years, but Clementine and I are getting tired of our nomadic lifestyle. Aren’t we, Clem?” The bird kicked over a tiny, plastic cup of water, and Vee said, “Dude, again?” The bird picked up the cup and started parading around with it. “Okay, fine, use it as a toy. I’ll make you another water bowl.” He looked around, then picked up a water bottle and filled its lid, which he placed on the table. The bird dropped the first container, then rushed over to the lid, dumped out the water, and started carrying that around instead. Vee chuckled and transferred a small handful of birdseed from his pocket to the tabletop before leaning back in his chair again.

I asked, “So, does that mean you’re planning to stick around for a while?”

I think so. It seems like Beck could use a hand around here. Besides, I’m currently a bit light on funds, so the only other alternative is going home to my family in New Jersey for a while. That’s about as much fun as getting my balls waxed.”

You and your family don’t get along?”

We do overall, but there are some things we disagree on. At the top of the list is the fact that they keep trying to introduce me to Indian women and are pressuring me to get married, even though I came out to them when I was fifteen. It’s like, what part of ‘no go cuz homo’ don’t they understand?”

Probably all of it?”

I know their continuous harping about getting married and going to work in the family business and all that comes from a place of caring and worrying about me, but enough already. I was the first of their kids to be born in the U.S. In fact, my name literally translates to ‘a new beginning’. Why don’t they get that I might have different ideas than they do about how to live my life, given the fact that I grew up in a totally different culture?” Vee physically shook himself and exclaimed, “Shit, I got all deep on you for a minute there! Sorry, bro. So tell me about you, but mostly about that really hot guy that showed up a few minutes ago.”

That’s Colt. He might be getting a job here as we speak.”

Nice! Is he gay?”


And single?”

He is. We used to date, but now we’re just friends,” I said.

So if I were to like, totally throw myself at him, you’d be okay with that, right? It seems like you’re getting your groove on with that supple young stable boy, so Colt’s fair game, yeah?”


Possibly not the word I was looking for. Also, dude, you’ve got a weird theme going on.”

I do?” It was tough to follow Vee’s constantly zigzagging train of thought, but it was entertaining, too.

Your ex is named Colt, and your current flame is a horse guy.”

I grinned and said, “The name of one and the occupation of the other is just an odd coincidence.”

Or is it?”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it is.”

Also, I hope you don’t think I’m slutty for wanting to throw myself at your ex. I am, but I hope you don’t think that.” The phone on the tabletop rang just then, and he answered with, “Seahorse Ranch, how may I direct your call?” He’d seamlessly replaced his normal tone with one that was pure easy-listening radio DJ. After a moment, his regular cadence was back as he said, “Wasp nests are nothing to mess around with, lady. Unless you want to. I can’t in good conscience tell you to place a trash can underneath the nest, hit it with a tennis racket, and then slam the lid down when it falls into the can, because that’d be irresponsible. It’s what I’d do, but I’m not going to tell you to do that.”

He was still on the wasp call when Colt and Beck joined us a few minutes later. Fortunately, the strategy had evolved to spraying the nest from a distance with an organic wasp spray consisting primarily of peppermint oil, so I didn’t feel the need to intervene. Beck handed me a can of soda and set another on the table in front of Vee before taking a seat in the shade, and I asked, “How’d it go?”

Colt looked happy as he announced, “I got a job! My title is ‘Colt of all trades’, which basically means I’m going to help out wherever needed, whether it’s running errands, taking reservations, weeding the flowerbeds, you name it. I start tomorrow. Beck’s even giving me a room of my own.” He held up a key, then added, “I’m going to head up there and drop off my backpack. I’m also going to call Chance back, and then I need to call my boss at the fast food restaurant. I feel bad about quitting on short notice, even though I know it’ll take him all of two seconds to replace me.”

When he went back into the main building, Beck said, “That’s what you wanted to happen, right?”

It was. Thanks for giving him a job. I think this is the perfect place for Colt.”

Okay, good. I for one really wouldn’t want to live and work with any of my exes, so I wish you luck, especially because I noticed the way he reacted to seeing you and Cassidy together. That’s why I put him in the main building, as opposed to the one you’re staying in, because I thought you and my ranch hand might want some privacy.”

That was good thinking.”

Speaking of our young horse whisperer,” Beck said, “is he cool with the sudden arrival of your ex-slash-bestie?”

I think I’d characterize his response as less than enthusiastic.” I glanced at the hillside, even though Cassidy and the two horses were long gone.

I sincerely hope this doesn’t drive you guys apart. For the very first time in the three years I’ve known him, I have a glimmer of hope that he might actually let someone in.”

The last thing I want is to let anything come between us.” To head off the worry that was starting to gnaw at me, I changed the subject with, “Out of curiosity, has your ad in the paper resulted in any calls? The exterminator’s ad seems to be drumming up a ton of business.”

No, and I can’t understand why,” Beck said, as he reached for his laptop. “I made it myself, but I thought it looked pretty professional.”

He handed me his computer. On the screen was a completely generic-looking straight couple holding cocktails, awkwardly collaged with a photo of a horse. The caption read, ‘Visit Seahorse Ranch, Catalina Island,’ and below that was some contact information. I asked Beck, “Who are these people?”

No idea. It was a stock photo.”

Didn’t you have any pictures of the ranch itself?”

Just shitty ones that I took,” he said. “I thought they’d be too amateurish.”

One of my family members is a professional photographer. I think you should hire him to take some pictures of this place for your ads and the updated website.”

Is he expensive?”

I’m sure he’ll cut you a deal,” I told him. “In fact, if you fly him and his husband down here for a long weekend and pay him a stipend, I guarantee he’ll produce the best pictures you’ve ever seen of this place. He also happens to be Colt’s big brother. I bet he’ll want to come for a visit anyway and bring Colt some of his things, so this would work out all around.”

Done,” Beck said. “Could you call him for me and set something up?”

I told him I would. Just then, Vee ended the wasp call and chimed in, “Also, what’s up with the hetero couple, bro? You’re gay, your uncle is gay, most of your friends are gay, and you keep hiring gay people. Sense a theme? I’m not saying you should try to turn this place into Fire Island West, although yes please! But maybe advertise the fact that this place is gay-friendly. Scratch that. Advertise that it’s LGBTQ friendly. We welcome the whole damn rainbow! Not like we’re going to turn down straight people, but let’s let our community know this is a safe place for them.”

You’re right,” Beck said, as I handed his computer back to him. “Also, there was a lot of ‘we’ in those sentences. Have you hired yourself as my assistant?”

Assistant? No. I hired myself as your chief purveyor of good ideas. You can pay me in a room, food, and booze if you want.” The parakeet let out an ear-piercing squawk, and Vee added, “Plus birdseed. The good kind, with lots of sunflower seeds.”

You’re hired. Just don’t hit on the staff.”

Vee said, “The new guy doesn’t start ‘til tomorrow. Can I hit on him until then?”

Definitely not.”

Wait, isn’t Blondie McCuteness dating Hottie McHorse Wrangler? Allowing some staff to fraternize but not others is a double standard.”

Damn right it is,” Beck told him. “It’s based on knowing you for years and watching all the drama you’ve stirred up after sleeping with pretty much everyone.”

Vee clicked his tongue. “Oh honey, you’re so naïve,” he said, as he reached for the ringing phone. “There was no sleeping involved.”


I spent all afternoon with Colt, Beck, and Vee, while Cassidy took one set of horses after another out for some exercise. Later on, when my friends invited me to go into town with them, I turned down their invitation. Instead, I found myself loitering outside my building, with Gerald the cat by my side.

The lights were on in Cassidy’s apartment, but I hadn’t seen him since he’d finished his daily routine and gone inside shortly before dusk. We’d had plans to spend the evening reading together in my hammock…although maybe ‘plans’ was a bit of a stretch. I’d just mentioned it the day before and hoped he remembered.

For some reason, I was hesitant to go over there and knock on his door. I kept thinking if he wanted to see me, he’d be the one to come over. He’d obviously been upset about Colt’s arrival, and maybe he was upset with me too, for encouraging my friend to apply for a job at the ranch.

But then his door opened, and Cassidy stepped outside. He didn’t notice me at first, and he seemed lost in thought as he made his way on a not particularly well-worn path that cut across the center of the property. In fact, he didn’t see me until he was almost right on top of me, and when I said hello, it startled him. That in turn made the cat run away.

He asked, “Why are you standing out here, Elijah?”

I was trying to decide if I should go over and knock on your door.”

He looked perplexed. “Why was that a tough decision?”

I thought you might be upset because of the whole Colt thing, so maybe you wouldn’t want to see me.”

I don’t know what to think about any of that, but I wasn’t planning to avoid you while I figured it out.” He was carrying a paperback, and when he held it up, I noticed it was the copy of Catcher in the Rye I’d given him. “Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought we’d planned on reading in your hammock tonight.”

We did.”

I took his hand and led him inside. On the way through my apartment, I grabbed a book and turned on the patio light before stepping out the back door. Then we curled up in the hammock with a blanket and started to read.

But being so close to Cassidy was more than a little distracting. I rested my head on his chest and slipped my hand under the hem of his long-sleeved T-shirt, so I could lightly caress his stomach. When I looked up at him, he kissed me, tentatively at first. But when I parted my lips for him, he deepened the kiss.

Both of us started to get turned on, but we put on the brakes almost simultaneously. Even though I was wildly attracted to him, I wasn’t ready for this to turn sexual just yet. Neither of us were. That took a hell of a lot of trust, and this was still so new.

It took some effort to calm down again, but we both went back to our books. About an hour later, he stifled a yawn, and I said, “Spend the night here, Cassidy.” We both knew I was just talking about sleeping in the same bed, nothing more.

He tilted his head to look at me and grinned a little as he said, “If we do that, we’ll be two nights for two since you moved in. It’s becoming a habit.”

I smiled at him and said, “Good.”

He considered that for a beat, then climbed out of the hammock as he murmured, “Alright. I’m going to go change, but I’ll be back soon.”

Just like the night before, I got ready for bed while he was gone, and he returned wearing sweats and placed the baby monitors on the nightstand. We curled up face-to-face, and he caressed my cheek. But then he pulled his hand back and asked, “Does that bother you?”

Being touched? Definitely not.”

Not that.” He turned his hand palm-up between us and said, “I meant the way my callused hands must feel against your soft skin.”

I took his hand in mine and ran my thumb over his palm. “You’re the hardest working man I’ve ever met, Cassidy. You spend each day from sun up to sundown making sure every one of those horses gets the very best care you can possibly provide. Your dedication to those animals is one of the things I love about you, and your hands are a testament to that devotion.” I kissed a rough spot on his palm and said, “So, no. I don’t mind your calluses. In fact, I like them because of all they represent.”

It’s stunning that you see that much in a callus.”

That’s one of the hallmarks of a true introvert,” I said, as I held his hand against my chest. “We’re great observers. I’ve always watched the world around me, far more than I’ve participated in it. Although lately, there’s been a bit of a shift. I mean, here I am, with you in my new home, and tomorrow, I start my new job. That’s pretty good for someone who’s used to sitting on the sidelines.”

I’m glad I’m a part of this new beginning.”

Me too.”

After a pause, he admitted quietly, “I was really upset when Colt showed up today.”

Why is that?”

You and I are just starting out, and I feel like I can’t compete with the history you two share.”

I said, “You don’t have to compete with him. I already made my choice.”

It’s still intimidating.”

I wish there was something I could say to put your mind at ease.”

You can’t,” he said, “because I’m being irrational.” I must have looked surprised, because he added, “I’m painfully self-aware, especially when I’m being an idiot.”

You’re pretty hard on yourself, too.”

I know.”

His face was just inches from mine, and we watched each other for a while. I picked up a strand of his hair and began twirling it around my fingers, and he smiled at me and said, “It’s nice to serve a purpose in your life, even if it’s just as your fidget spinner.”

I smiled too and said, “Please don’t ever cut your hair. I regret cutting mine, partly because I can’t do this anymore.”

Never? Not even when it’s dragging behind me?”

Okay, maybe then you can cut it.”

He leaned in and kissed me, and then he said, “Do you know how many minutes a day I think about doing that?”

How many?”

All of them.”

I said, “You’re a pretty romantic guy, Cassidy Juric.”

If I ever say or do anything romantic, it’s by accident. I don’t have a clue what you’re supposed to say to someone you’re dating. I don’t even know what you’re supposed to say to people in general.”

And yet, you’re doing a pretty amazing job. I love the fact that you’re so candid.”

He frowned a little and said, “Candid is a nice word for saying stuff other people know to shut up about, right?”

Not necessarily.” His eyelids began to droop, and I said softly, “You should get some sleep.”

But it’s still early.”

I stroked his hair and said, “Not when you work from dawn to dusk.”

He lost the battle to stay awake about a minute later. I covered him with a warm blanket and turned off most of the lights, except for the small lamp on my nightstand. Then I retrieved my paperback, propped myself up against the headboard, and began to read. But again, my attention kept drifting to the beautiful man at my side.

As I watched him, a crease appeared between his brows. A minute later, he started to toss and turn, as some sort of nightmare gripped him. When he became more agitated, I reached for him to wake him up. But in the next instant, he sat up with a cry of raw anguish.

He looked around, disoriented. When he turned to me, his eyes reflected pure terror. I asked, “Are you alright?”

It seemed to take him a moment to recognize me. Even after he did, he pushed aside the blanket and blurted, “I have to go.” He grabbed his shoes and rushed from the room, and I was left alone, wondering what the hell had happened in his past to fill his dreams with such powerful demons.