Selective Bibliography
Cited in addition to books are newspaper and magazine articles quoted more than once within the text. Other sources are listed only in the Notes. Each entry is preceded by the abbreviation used to identify it within the Notes.
Arce. Arce, Hector. Gary Cooper: An Intimate Biography. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1979.
Arthur(a). Arthur, William B. “Grace Kelly’s Life As a Princess.” Look, February 5, 1957.
Arthur(b).—. “Princess Grace Turns Forty.” Look, December 16, 1969.
Bacon. Bacon, Doris Klein. “The Yuppie Prince.” Ladies’ Home Journal, April 1985.
Bennetts. Bennetts, Leslie. “Climbing the Tower to See the Princess.” Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin, March 31, 1974.
Birmingham. Birmingham, Stephen. “The Fairy-tale 25 Years Later.” McCall’s, March 1981.
Bradford. Bradford, Sarah. Princess Grace. New York: Stein and Day, 1984.
Britten. Britten, Ruth. “ ‘Please God, Don’t Let My Father See Me Cry.’” Photoplay, September i960.
Buckley. Buckley, Christopher. “H.S.H. Prince Albert of Monaco.” Interview, January 1986.
Calistro. Calistro, Paddy. “Stephanie.” Los Angeles Times, April 11, 1986.
Carlson. Carlson, Peter. “Living with the Memories.” People, November 15, 1982.
Carpozi. Carpozi, George. Clark Gable. New York: Pyramid Books, 1961.
Curtis. Curtis, Olga. “Princess Grace Hoping for Boy Heir to Throne.” New York Joumal-Atnerican, September 11, 1957.
David. David, Lester. “Even a Prince Needs Privacy.” This Week, January 13. 1957.
De Dubrovay. De Dubrovay, Diane. “Monaco’s Reigning Beauty.” McCall’s, September 1986.
de Vilallonga. de Vilallonga, Jose Luis. “Interview with Princess Grace.” London Star, October 30, 1979.
Diliberto. Diliberto, Gioia. “A New Beginning for Monaco’s Princess.” People, June 25, 1985.
Duka. Duka, John. “Desperately Seeking Stephanie.” Vanity Fair, July 1985.
Ellis. Ellis, Jennifer. “Around the Clock with Grace and Rainier.” American Weekly, June 30, 1957.
Englund. Englund, Steven. Grace of Monaco. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1984.
Fisher. Fisher, Graham, and Heather Fisher. “The Prince and I.” Ladies’ Home Journal, October 1961.
Gaither. Gaither, Gant. Princess of Monaco. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1957.
Galante(a). Galante, Pierre. “The Day Grace Kelly Met Prince Rainier.” Good Housekeeping, May 1983.
Galante(b).—. “The Inside Story of How It All Began.” Look, April 11, 1961.
Garceau. Garceau, Jean with Inez Coche. Dear Mr. Gable: The Biography of Clark Gable. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1961.
Gam. Gam, Rita. “That Special Grace.” McCall’s, January 1983.
Grace. Princess Grace with Gwen Robyns. My Book of Flowers. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1980.
Granger. Granger, Stewart. Sparks Fly Upward. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1981.
Hall. Hall, Anthea. “Gracing the Occasion.” London Daily Telegraph, June 11, 1978.
Hart-Davis. Hart-Davis, Phyllida. Grace: The Story of a Princess. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982.
Higham. Higham, Charles. Ava: A Life Story. New York: Delacorte Press, 1974.
Hudson. Hudson, Rock and Sara Davidson. Rock Hudson: His Story. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1986.
Kahn. Kahn, R. T. “Amazing Grace.” Ladies’ Home Journal, September 1982.
Kelly. Kelly, Mrs. John B., as told to Richard Gehman. “My Daughter Grace Kelly.” Los Angeles Examiner, January 15-24, 1956.
Klemesrud. Klemesrud, Judy. “Princess Grace Makes a Movie—But It’s No Comeback.” New York Times, December 18, 1977.
Korrey. Korrey, Edward M. “The Monte Carlo Story.” Look, May i, 1956.
Levin. Levin, Robert. “Why Grace Kelly Became a Princess.” Redbook, February 1957.
Lewis Lewis, Arthur H. Those Philadelphia Kellys. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1977.
Martin(a). Martin, Pete. “The Luckiest Girl in Hollywood.” Saturday Evening Post, October 30, 1954.
Martin(b). Martin, John. “Grace Kelly’s Secret Child-Bearing Test.” Inside Story, October 1956.
Marx. Marx, Linda. “Grace Kelly of Philadelphia.” People, September 5 and 12, 1983.
Match. Paris Match. “Twenty Years of Happiness.” March 13, 1976.
McCarthy. McCarthy, Joe. “The Genteel Miss Kelly.” Cosmopolitan, April 1955.
McManus. McManus, Margaret. “Why Princess Grace Won’t Look Back.” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, July 23, 1971.
Morley. Morley, Sheridan. The Other Side of the Moon: The Life of David Niven. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
Newman. Newman, Robert. Princess Grace Kelly. Derby, Conn.: Monarch Books, 1962.
Parsons. Parsons, Louella. “Grace Kelly.” Los Angeles Examiner, May 23-25, 1954.
Parton. Parton, Margaret. “What Makes Grace Kelly Different?” Ladies’ Home Journal, March 1956.
People. Ward, Penny, and Kevin Dowling. “By Grimaldi Out of Kelly, Caroline Is Royalty’s Most Spirited Thoroughbred.” People, August 30, 1975.
Pepper. Pepper, Curtis Bill. “Princess Grace’s Problems As a Mother.” McCall’s, December 1974.
Playboy. Playboy, “Interview: Princess Grace.” January 1966.
Reynolds. Reynolds, Lisa. “Ooh La La.” Motion Picture, September 1955.
Richardson. Richardson, Don. “Kelly”: An unpublished manuscript.
Robyns(a). Robyns, Gwen. Princess Grace. New York: David McKay & Co., 1982.
Robyns(b).—. “Grace: Her First Love.” Ladies’ Home Journal, Septem
ber 1983.
Rose. Rose, Helen. ‘Just Make Them Beautiful.” Santa Monica, Calif.: Dennis-Landman Publishers, 1976.
Santora. Santora, Phil. “A Prince for the Girl Who Has Everything.” New York Daily News, January 8-13, 1956.
Schary. Schary, Dore. Heyday. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1979.
Schulberg. Schulberg, Budd. “The Other Princess Grace.” Ladies’ Home Journal, May 1977.
Scullin. Scullin, George. “The Girl Who Dares To.” Motion Picture, March 1955.
Sinden. Sinden, Donald. A Touch of the Memoirs. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982.
Spoto. Spoto, Donald. The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1983.
Stolley. Stolley, Richard B. “The Legacy of Princess Grace.” Life, March 1983.
Taves. Taves, Isabelle. “The Seven Graces.” McCall’s, January 1955.
Thomas. Thomas, Bob. Golden Boy: The Untold Story of William Holden. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1983.
Time. Time. “The Girl in White Gloves.” January 31, 1955.
Tivey-Faucon. Tivey-Faucon, Madge. “Inside the Palace with Princess Grace.” Cosmopolitan, March 1964.
Truffaut. Truffaut, Francois. Hitchcock/Truffaut. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1967.
Zolotow. Zolotow, Maurice. “Grace of Monaco.” Cosmopolitan, December 1961.