FIBUA Village Eastmere


Lat = 52 degrees, 32.3 minutes North

Long = 0 degrees, 47.3 minutes East

Tuesday 13th December 1988

Fifteen forty four hours GMT

The air was reeking with smoke mixed with the odour of cordite that you could taste as it drifted across the village, the sounds of controlled burst of automatic fire mingled in with these smells.

Lieutenant Colonel Max Storm code name eagle three and Major General Mick Strayker code name eagle two, were watching their Operational Strike Command (OSC), teams engaged in exercises designed for fighting in built up urban areas (FIBUA) at the newly built urban warfare mock up at Eastmere village.

Urban warfare is combat conducted in urban areas such as towns and cities. It is very different from combat in the open at both the operational and tactical level.

Additional complicating factors arise in urban warfare

that include the indigenous civilian population, some of these civilians may be difficult to distinguish from enemy.

Also the complexity of the environment, which makes

tactics more complex, as this environment, will become

three-dimensional, creating limited fields of view and fire because of buildings.

Enhanced concealment and cover for the enemy, below ground infrastructures, along with the ease of placement of booby-traps and sniper positions.

Eastmere Village itself comprises of twenty-two purpose built houses, within the village confines there were a lot of natural features including, wooded areas and undulating terrain along with quite a lot of manmade features like, trench systems, large and small impact craters, tanks and armoured personal carriers.

The OSC had been formed earlier this year after Strayker had approached the Prime Minister with a highly confidential report titled to unleash a force.

Their sphere of activity was to conduct short duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions to inflict maximum damage and harm on designated personnel and materials, and where necessary rescuing our fellow compatriots when they fell into harm’s way, their remit was worldwide.

The bottom line is any terrorist organization that threatenes the safety of the British Isles, peoples,

assets or its colonies will be hunted down and dealt with

no courts and no juries.

A group was assembled consisting of the heads of MI5, the

Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the heads of the three armed services, code name Everest.

The OSC had already been deployed on three missions this year, culminating in the elimination of a rogue terrorist and his followers.

The unit had taken some losses from these missions in battles on the streets of the country’s capital London.

New men had been inducted from top military units to replace the losses; they had completed their arduous training and were now working alongside their comrades at this newly commissioned FIBUA village, honing their urban warfare skills.

Strayker lowered his binoculars; “the men are proving themselves well against their opponents Max.”

“The Para’s are giving them a hard time sir, but are no match for the OSC teams.”

“It was a good idea from the head of the armed forces to allow us to try out this new establishment before it goes live in the New Year, it will prove a valuable resource Max.”

Max looked down at his watch, fifteen forty-six hours and it was already becoming dark, “time to call it a day sir.”

Strayker spoke into his radio Comm.’s, “all units, seize fire and stand down.”

The resonance of gunfire immediately stopped.

Strayker spoke again, “all OSC teams RV at helicopter pads two and three, Para units helicopter pads one, and four, may I take this opportunity to thank you all and wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, out.”

On the helicopter pads were four Chinook helicopters their twin rotors powering up, the OSC teams and Parachute units were boarding the birds, and five minutes later, all four helicopters were airborne heading west.

Max and Strayker were standing by their respective vehicles, Strayker’s dark blue 3.6 litre Jaguar Sovereign and Max’s Meteor metallic grey Porsche 911.

“Max; I have made the decision to reallocate each team with a number from one to six, rather than the colour code system we are currently using.”

“Any particular reason for that sir?”

“I just feel it fits in better with the way we operate Max.”

“Also; due to our recent losses I have reallocated the units Eagle call signs, Yours and mine will remain the same, Roy Smith is now eagle four, Colin Bishop eagle five, Vas Dembo eagle six, Manny Gall eagle seven and

Rob Flynn eagle eight.

“That’s fine with me sir, Flynn he is one of the new men I can see why you choose him,” replied Max.

“He was at the end of his time with the SAS, and his experience will be a benefit to us Max.”

“He is one hell of a decorated soldier, Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) Military Medal (MM) and a Distinguished Service Order (DSO), replied Max.

“Yes an extraordinary career,” replied Strayker.

Strayker continued, “Have you anything planned over Christmas Max?”

“We are going to the Maldives sir.”

“I take it; the we means Miss Nelson.”

“That’s correct sir; I hope you have no objections?”

“She’s a rare find Max; it has not gone unnoticed that the two of you have been seeing each other over the past

few months.”

“She’s certainly that and more sir.”

Strayker smiled, “Just remember Max she’s government property.”

“Ruth will be in good hands sir.”

“I have no doubt of that Max, enjoy your time together.”

“Thank you sir; what are your plans for the festive period?”

“I have a brother in New York; he and his family have invited me over, I have not seen them for five years, my flights next Wednesday.”

Both men bid each other goodbye and went their respective ways.