Recommended Reading List

Joanne Anderton, “High Density”, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #53

------ “The Bone Chime Song”, Light Touch Paper Stand Clear

Daniel Baker, “At The Crossroads”, Aurealis #51

Alan Baxter, “Cephalopoda Obsessia”, Bloodstones

------ “Crossroads and Carousels”, The Red Penny Papers

------ “Fear is the Sin”, From Stage Door Shadows

------ and Felicity Dowker, “Burning, Always Burning”, Damnation and Dames,

Eddy Burger, “Domestic Berserker”, Dark Edifice 3

Jenny Blackford, “The Sacrifice”, Aurealis #47

James Bradley, “Beauty’s Sister”, Penguin

Isobelle Carmody, “The Wolf Prince”, Metro Winds

------ “Metro Winds”, Metro Winds

Jay Caselberg, “Blind Pig”, Damnation and Dames

Steve Cameron, “If You Give This Girl a Ride”, Cover of Darkness 11

David Conyers and Brian M. Sammons, “The R’lyeh Singularity”, Cthulhu Unbound 3.

Terry Dowling , “Mariners’ Round”, Postscripts 28/29: Exotic Gothic 4

------ “The Way the Red Clown Hunts You”, Subterranean, Winter 2012

Thoraiya Dyer, “The Second Card Of The Major Arcana”, Apex

------ “Faet’s Fire”, Light Touch Paper, Stand Clear

------ “Surviving Film”, Bloodstones

Jacob Edwards, “Salt & Pepper”, Polluto 9¾: Witchfinders Vs The Evil Red

Marina Finlayson, “The Family Business”, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #55

Joanna Galbraith, “The Keeper’s Heart”, The Coloured Lens #3

Michelle Goldsmith, “The Hound of Henry Hortinger”, Pandemonium: Stories of the Smoke

“The Skin of the World”, Stephanie Gunn, Bloodstones

------ “Ghosts”, Epilogue

Lisa L. Hannett, Angela Slatter, “The Red Wedding”, Midnight and Moonshine

------ “Warp And Weft”, Midnight and Moonshine

------ “Prohibition Blues”, Damnation and Dames

Richard Harland, “A Mother’s Love”, Bloodstones

Narrelle M. Harris, “Thrall”, Showtime

Robert Hood, “Escena de un Asesinato”, Postscripts 28/29: Exotic Gothic 4

------ “Walking the Dead Beat”, Damnation and Dames

“First They Came . . .”, Deborah Kalin, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #55

Pete Kempshall, “Dead Inside”, Bloodstones

------ “Sound and Fury”, Damnation and Dames

Margo Lanagan, “Isles Of The Sun”, Cracklescape

------ “Titty Anne and the Very, Very Hairy Man”, Meanjin, Volume 71, Number 4.

------ “Significant Dust”, Cracklescape

------ “Bajazzle”, Cracklescape

S. G. Larner, “Duck Creek Road”, Bloody Parchment: Hidden Things, Lost Things and other stories

Martin Livings, “Birthday Suit”, Living with the Dead

------ “The Ar-Dub”, Living with the Dead

Tracie McBride, “Drive, She Said”, Lovecraft eZine 14

Andrew J. McKiernan, “They Don’t Know That We Know What They Know”, Midnight Echo 8

------ “The Final Degustation of Doctor Ernest Blenheim”, Midnight Echo 7

Kelly Matsuura, “Hours on the Voodoo Clock”, Free Flash Fiction

Nicole Murphy, “Euryale”, Bloodstones

Jason Nahrung, “The Mornington Ride”, Epilogue

------ “Breaking the Wire”, Aurealis #47

Ian Nichols, “In the Dark”, Apex Magazine 37

Shauna O’Meara, “Blood Lillies”, Midnight Echo 8

Christopher Sequeria, “The Adventure of the Lost Specialist”, Sherlock Holmes: The Crossovers Casebook

Helen Stubbs, “Sayuri’s Revenge”, Tales From the Bell Club

Anna Tambour, “King Wolf”, A Season in Carcosa

Kaaron Warren, “The Pickwick Syndrome”, Stories Of The Smoke

------ “Sky”, Through Splintered Walls

------ “Creek”, Through Splintered Walls

------ “The Lighthouse Keepers’ Club”, Postscripts 28/29: Exotic Gothic 4


Australian & New Zealand Fantasy & Horror Awards

The Australian SF “Ditmar” Awards

Best Novel

Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin)


Bitter Greens, Kate Forsyth (Random House Australia)

Suited (The Veiled Worlds 2), Jo Anderton (Angry Robot)

Salvage, Jason Nahrung (Twelfth Planet Press)

Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott (Xoum)

The Corpse-Rat King, Lee Battersby (Angry Robot)

Best Novella or Novelette:

“Sky”, Kaaron Warren (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)


“Flight 404”, Simon Petrie, Flight 404/The Hunt for Red Leicester (Peggy Bright)

“Significant Dust”, Margo Lanagan, Cracklescape (Twelfth Planet)

Best Short Story

“The Wisdom of Ants”, Thoraiya Dyer (Clarkesworld 75)


“Sanaa’s Army”, Joanne Anderton, in Bloodstones (Ticonderoga)

“The Bone Chime Song”, Joanne Anderton, in Light Touch Paper Stand Clear (Peggy Bright)

“Oracle’s Tower”, Faith Mudge, in To Spin a Darker Stair (FableCroft)

Best Collected Work

Through Splintered Walls, Kaaron Warren (Twelfth Planet)


Cracklescape, Margo Lanagan (Twelfth Planet)

Epilogue, Tehani Wessely, ed. (FableCroft)

Light Touch Paper Stand Clear, Edwina Harvey and Simon Petrie, eds. (Peggy Bright)

Midnight and Moonshine, Lisa L. Hannett and Angela Slatter (Ticonderoga)

The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, eds. (Ticonderoga)

Best Artwork

Cover art, Kathleen Jennings, Midnight and Moonshine (Ticonderoga)


Cover art, Nick Stathopoulos, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 56 (ASIM)

Illustrations, Adam Browne, Pyrotechnicon (Coeur de Lion)

Cover art and illustrations, Kathleen Jennings, To Spin a Darker Stair (FableCroft)

Cover art, Les Petersen, Light Touch Paper Stand Clear (Peggy Bright)

Best New Talent

David McDonald


Faith Mudge

Steve Cameron

Stacey Larner

Aurealis Awards

Fantasy Novel

Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin)


Bitter Greens, Kate Forsyth (Random House Australia)

Stormdancer, Jay Kristoff (Tor UK)

Flame of Sevenwaters, Juliet Marillier (Pan Macmillan Australia)

Winter Be My Shield, Jo Spurrier (Harper Voyager)

Fantasy Short Story

“Bajazzle”, Margo Lanagan (Cracklescape, Twelfth Planet)


“Sanaa’s Army”, Joanne Anderton (Bloodstones, Ticonderoga)

“The Stone Witch”, Isobelle Carmody (Under My Hat, Random House)

“First They Came”, Deborah Kalin (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 55)

“The Isles of the Sun”, Margo Lanagan (Cracklescape, Twelfth Planet)

Best Horror Novel

Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott (Xoum)


Bloody Waters, Jason Franks (Possible Press)

Blood and Dust, Jason Nahrung (Xoum)

Salvage, Jason Nahrung (Twelfth Planet)

Best Horror Short Story

“Sky”, Kaaron Warren (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)


“Sanaa’s Army”, Joanne Anderton (Bloodstones, Ticonderoga)

“Elyora”, Jodi Cleghorn (Review of Australian Fiction)

“To Wish Upon a Clockwork Heart”, Felicity Dowker (Bread and Circuses, Ticonderoga)

“Escena de un Asesinato”, Robert Hood (Postscripts 28/29: Exotic Gothic 4)

Best Collection

That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote, K.J. Bishop (self-published)


Metro Winds, Isobelle Carmody (Allen & Unwin)

Midnight and Moonshine, Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter (Ticonderoga)

Living With the Dead, Martin Livings (Dark Prints)

Through Splintered Walls, Kaaron Warren (Twelfth Planet)

Best Anthology

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 6, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Night Shade)


The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, eds. (Ticonderoga)

Bloodstones, Amanda Pillar, ed. (Ticonderoga)

Under My Hat, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Random House)

Edge of Infinity, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Solaris)

Best Children’s Fiction (told primarily through words)

Brotherband: The Hunters, John Flanagan (Random House Australia)


Princess Betony and the Unicorn, Pamela Freeman (Walker)

The Silver Door, Emily Rodda (Scholastic)

Irina the Wolf Queen, Leah Swann (Xoum)

Best Children’s Fiction (told primarily through pictures)

Little Elephants, Graeme Base (author and illustrator) (Viking Penguin)


The Boy Who Grew Into a Tree, Gary Crew (author) & Ross Watkins (illustrator) (Penguin Group Australia)

In the Beech Forest, Gary Crew (author) & Den Scheer (illustrator) (Ford Street)

Inside the World of Tom Roberts, Mark Wilson (author and illustrator) (Lothian Children’s Books)

Young Adult Short Story

“The Wisdom of the Ants”, Thoraiya Dyer (Clarkesworld 12/12)


“Stilled Lifes x 11”, Justin D’Ath (Trust Me Too)

“Rats”, Jack Heath (Trust Me Too)

“The Statues of Melbourne”, Jack Nicholls (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 56)

“The Worry Man”, Adrienne Tam (self-published)

Best Young Adult Novel

Dead, Actually, Kaz Delaney (Allen & Unwin)

Sea Hearts, Margo Lanaga (Allen & Unwin)


And All The Stars, Andrea K. Host (self-published)

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, Amberlin Kwaymullina (Walker)

Into That Forest, Louis Nowra (Allen & Unwin)

Best Illustrated Book/Graphic Novel

Blue, Pat Grant (author and illustrator) (Top Shelf Comix)


It Shines and Shakes and Laughs, Tim Molloy (author and illustrator) (Milk Shadow)

Changing Ways #2, Justin Randall (author and illustrator) (Gestalt)

Best Science Fiction Short Story

“Significant Dust”, Margo Lanagan (Cracklescape)


“Visitors”, James Bradley (Review of Australian Fiction)

“Beyond Winter’s Shadow”, Greg Mellor (Wild Chrome)

“The Trouble with Memes”, Greg Mellor (Wild Chrome)

“The Lighthouse Keepers’ Club”, Kaaron Warren (Exotic Gothic 4)

Best Science Fiction Novel

The Rook, Daniel O’Malley (Harper Collins)


Suited, Jo Anderton (Angry Robot)

The Last City, Nina D’Aleo (Momentum)

And All The Stars, Andrea K. Host (self-published)

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, Ambelin Kwaymullina (Walker)

A Confusion of Princes, Garth Nix (Allen & Unwin)

Peter McNamara Convenors’ Award

Kate Eltham

Australian Shadows Awards


Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott (Xoum)


Blood and Dust, Jason Nahrung (Xoum)

The Corpse-Rat King, Lee Battersby (Angry Robot)

Long Fiction

“Sky”, Kaaron Warren (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)


“Critique”, Daniel I. Russell (Ishtar, Gilgamesh)

“Escena de un Asesinato”, Robert Hood (Exotic Gothic 4)


Through Splintered Walls, Kaaron Warren (Twelfth Planet)


Bread and Circuses, Felicity Dowker (Ticonderoga)

Living With the Dead, Martin Livings (Dark Prints)

Edited Publication

Surviving The End, Craig Bezant, ed. (Dark Prints)


The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2011, Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene eds. (Ticonderoga)

Cthulhu Unbound 3, David Conyers, Brian M. Sammons, eds. (Permuted)

Short Fiction

“Birthday Suit”, Martin Livings (Living With The Dead, Dark Prints)


“To Wish Upon a Clockwork Heart”, Felicity Dowker (Bread and Circuses, Ticonderoga)

“Pigroot Flat”, Jason Fischer (Midnight Echo 8, AHWA)

“They Don’t Know That We Know What They Know”, Andrew J. McKiernan (Midnight Echo 8, AHWA)

“Creek”, Kaaron Warren (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)

“Mountain” (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)

“Road” (Through Splintered Walls, Twelfth Planet)

“A Monstrous Touch”, Marty Young (Dangers Untold, Alliteration Ink)

Sir Julius Vogel Awards

Best Novel

Queen of Iron Years, Lyn McConchie and Sharman Horwood (Kite Hil Publishing)


Dead Radiance T.G. Ayer (Evolved)

Growing Disenchantments, K.D. Berry (Bluewood)

Empire State, Adam Christopher (Angry Robot)

Tropic of Skorpeo, Michael Morrissey (Steam Press)

Don’t Be A Hero, Chris Strange (Cheeky Minion)

best youth novel

The Prince of Soul and the Lighthouse, Frederik Brounéus (Steam Press)


Red Rocks, Rachael King (Random House NZ)

Guardians of the Shimmer: Dream Time, Garth Lawless (Ocean)

Shadowfell, Juliet Marillier (Pan Macmillan Australia)

The Enchanted Flute, James Norcliffe (Random House)

Wizard’s Guide to Wellington, A.J. Ponder (Coombe House)

Best Novella / Novelette

“Flight 404”, Simon Petrie (Flight 404/The Hunt for Red Leicester, Peggy Bright)


“Fire, Escape”, M. Darusha Wehm (self published)

“The Hunt for Red Leicester”, Simon Petrie (Flight 404/The Hunt for Red Leicester, Peggy Bright)

Best Short Story

“Hope is the thing with feathers”, Lee Murray (Royal Society of New Zealand)


“Dying for the Record”, A.J. Ponder (Arc/The Tomorrow Paper)

“Paint By Numbers”, Dan Rabarts (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 56)

“Wearing the Star Cloak”, Dan Rabarts (Wilywriters)

“Better Phones”, Grant Stone (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 56)

Best Collected Work

Mansfield with Monsters, Matt and Debbie Cowens, eds. (Steam Press)


I got his blood on me, Lawrence Patchett (VUP)

Avenir Eclectia, Grace Bridges (Splashdown)

Steam Pressed Shorts, Matt and Debbie Cowens (self published)

best professional artwork

Cover art, Les Petersen, Light Touch Paper Stand Clear (Peggy Bright)


Cover art, Matt Cowens, Steam Pressed Shorts (self published)

Best Professional Production/Publication

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Chronicles--Art and Design, Daniel Falconer (WetaNZ)


Triumph: Unnecessarily Violent Tales of Science Adventure for the Simple and Unfortunate, Greg Broadmore (WetaNZ)

The Comic Strip Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who in Comics: 1964–1979 , Paul Scones (Telos)

Best dramatic presentation

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, Fran Walsh, Guillermo del Toro, screenplay (New Line, MGM, Wingnut)


The Almighty Johnsons Series 2, Simon Bennett, prod. James Griffin and Rachel Lang, creators (South Pacific)