
Here, then, are some policies, and some attitudes, that must be readjusted and readjudicated as the swelling numbers of unmarried American women move forward into the world:

• Stronger equal pay protections. This is perhaps the heart of what independent women require economically: the guarantee that their labor will not be discounted, in part because of leftover attitudes that they are not breadwinners, or that they are, by dint of their gender, likely to be supported by husbands.

• A higher federally mandated minimum wage. This is a benefit that would accrue to women and men, but from which women would especially profit, since they make up two-thirds of all minimum wage workers. A higher minimum wage would help to alleviate the burdens of poverty on America’s hardest and least well-remunerated workers, bettering the lives of independent women, and also their potential romantic partners, friends, and family members with whom they are likely to live and perhaps raise families.

• We need a national healthcare system that encourages all women, across classes, to better monitor and care for their reproductive systems. We also need to have a system that covers reproductive intervention, so that those women who want to have babies on their own, or who wait until they are older—whether because they are waiting for a partner, saving money, or doing other things besides parenting with the first decades of their adult lives—are able to avail themselves of the best medical technologies to support parenthood, whether they are married or single, and regardless of their income.

• Additionally, mandating that insurance companies cover IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures would cut down on some of the medical complications of assisted pregnancies, since prohibitive costs would become less of a determinative factor for women choosing the (often dangerous) option of implanting multiple embryos.

• We need to create more housing for single people, perhaps offering housing subsidies (and then, attendant tax breaks) for those single-dwelling Americans who choose to live in small spaces that work better for them and are better for the environment. This will also require reform of the many state and local provisions that make it difficult for unrelated adults to legally cohabit, since communal living is likely to be an ever more frequent option for unpartnered Americans.

• We need government-subsidized or fully funded day care programs that allow more families of every structure to thrive, and that create well-paying jobs for childcare workers.

• Government must mandate and subsidize paid family leave for women and men who have new children or who need to take time off to care for ailing parents or family members. These policies would support families of every shape and, if mandated for all new parents, go a long way toward erasing stigmas associated with full-time fatherhood, creating the possibility of more equal domestic arrangements for women and men, partnered or single.

• We need universal paid sick day compensation, regardless of gender, circumstance, or profession. Women who live independently or within family units must be able to take sick days to care for themselves or others without fear of losing their livelihoods.

• We should increase, rather than continue to decrease, welfare benefits for all Americans, acknowledging that government assistance has always been fundamental to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America, that stronger economic foundations help create the conditions in which families, and partnerships, may be better able to flourish.

• We need a system of economically supported leave time for Americans, regardless of whether they have children or parents to care for, so that they might care for themselves. And so that emotional, physical, and mental health benefits of leisure and time away from work do not accrue only to those who have traditional families.

• We must protect reproductive rights, access to birth control, and sex education, so that women do not get herded into dependency relationships due to unplanned pregnancies. To that end, we must eradicate the Hyde Amendment, which prevents poor women from exercising their right to obtain legal abortions. We must afford women in every economic bracket as much control as possible over when, if, and under what circumstances they have children.

• We need to support alternate family structures, including cohabiting friends, people who live on their own and in clusters, people who parent with partners and without. We need to adjust our eyes to a new normal that includes personal and familial configurations that do not look anything like the hetero married units of our past.

• There must be adjustments in the American attitude toward work, leisure, and compensation. We are increasingly a land of free people, who at various times in our lives enjoy companionship and care, and, at other times, do not. We must not continue to function as if every worker has a wife caring for his home and his children for free, or as if every wife has a worker on whose paychecks she must depend. We need shorter workdays, and more space cleared for social, emotional, psychological, and familial thriving.