Regardless of what reality TV would have you believe, preppers aren’t paranoid people rushing around gathering food in underground bunkers and spouting conspiracy theories. Most are real-world people just like you, who simply want to be prepared to survive any emergency that may arise. These emergencies include natural disasters such as hurricanes or blizzards, as well as global emergencies such as economic collapse or war. For that matter, what if you simply lose your job and don’t have grocery money? If you have food stored away, your family won’t go hungry during those lean weeks.

Stocking enough food in advance is practical, too. When news of an emergency such as a hurricane or blizzard is announced, people rush to the store and clean the shelves. If you’re at work or otherwise unable to get to the store, there may be nothing left by the time you get there. If you stock up in advance, you don’t have to worry about any of that, because you’re already prepared.

There are several different ways to build an emergency food supply, including buying canned and dry goods, canning your own food, and dehydrating products. This book will teach you how to stock your pantry using a combination of these methods.


Why Create Home-Prepped Food?

Home canning and dehydrating are great ways to build an emergency food supply with a minimal investment. The best part is that you can prepare your own delicious, nutritious recipes instead of relying on tasteless, chemical-laden, commercially canned foods. It’s also significantly cheaper to can your own foods, after the initial equipment investment.

Two huge advantages to making your own food include the fact that you’ll know every single ingredient that goes into your recipes, and although most commercial products have a two-year marked shelf life, your products will retain their edibility and nutritional value for many years. As a matter of fact, there are documented cases of people eating food 100 years after it was canned. Although certainly not recommended, it goes to show that if you do it right, your food will last.

A Quick Start to Prepping

The following short checklist is to get you thinking about your emergency-preparedness plan. While the focus of this book is preparing stores of food for emergencies, this list will help you with your overall planning. At the back of the book, also see a checklist for a bug-out bag. Bug-out bags, discussed in more detail in Chapter 1, contain small amounts of food and supplies for quick get-aways.


These basic points will help you start building your emergency food supply. The next section focuses on different food-preservation methods and how to properly use each. You’ll also find some great recipes to get you started.